Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 278 Appearing in Court

Chapter 278 Appearing in Court
Because at this time, it was close to the time when ordinary staff got off work, and there were not too many people in the building.

By the time the people in the office on the second floor found these things, it was already the next morning, and the person who threw the things yesterday had long since disappeared, and even the person who picked them up did not know who was inside the house. What fell or came in from the outside.

The man didn't know what was inside, curiously opened the wrapped things, and then found that these things seemed to be the information about the protagonist of this disturbance.

Thinking who it might be, that person didn't dare to delay, and ran directly to the office of Sun Peng, the executive officer of the star base who was in charge of this data collection, with his things.

Sun Peng, who got the information, sighed, and it took only one day for the matter to become clear.

Judging from this piece of information, the suspicion of the original suspect has become a little more convincing.

Sun Peng tidied up quickly, and then walked to the meeting room with the materials.

On the third day, Murphy was finally arraigned.

It was also on this day that Murphy finally understood what happened outside and why he was locked up in the cell, and the reason why those people told him that Lin Yixun would be implicated, Murphy finally understood up.

The matter has to start with what happened when Murphy was released on bail in the research institute.

That day when Lin Yixun went to get breakfast, Murphy received a data card for Lin Yixun in Lin Yixun's office.

But there is a very confidential matter recorded in that data card, not everyone in the research institute knows about it.

In fact, in order to study the impact of the Sunny Project on the environment and the human body, the people of the Earth Alliance launched a series of research.

Before Lin Yixun went to the sea base, he exchanged methods of enhancing supernatural powers with the personnel of the sea base. In fact, many of them were also obtained from the Earth Alliance Hall.

And this data card records the raw material formula of Qingliang Project's influence on the human body and the method of strengthening supernatural beings.

Although these are confidential, they are not the most important thing. The most important thing is: because they need to be researched, and this formula is not stable. When the personnel go out, some supernatural beings will be taken away for human experiments without anyone noticing.

That is to say, this incident suddenly spread among the base, and even many people have begun to suspect the real reason for the sudden mission death of their teammates.

In fact, not all victims of this matter, such as Yulin, she is the beneficiary in the middle.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was discovered and brought home by Bai Sirui, who was performing that mission, when she was cleaning up the people who were still alive, Yulin might have died.

It's just that Yulin didn't know that she was rescued like this, and Mo Fei didn't know that Yulin was actually still alive.

This matter can be big or small, but people's words are terrifying. Who knows what the original version will become in the end, so the official people immediately suppressed the rumors.

Later, someone found out by following the clues that this data card had been used at the meeting of the research institute, and the person who brought the data card was Dr. Lin Yixun from the research institute.

However, Dr. Lin Yixun participated in this project a long time ago, so he is a complete insider. If he wants to spread it, he will not spread it when the information is stuck in his hands.

So everyone turned their attention to the people around Lin Yixun.

The investigation team quickly discovered Murphy, because Murphy was released on bail, so the investigation team investigated Murphy's previous entry into the detention room by the way.

Although it was concluded that Murphy was arrested innocently last time, this time it was a different matter.

The investigation team found that Lin Yixun was not there when this information card was delivered, but the person in Lin Yixun's office was Murphy.

Another point is that Murphy left the base the next day to go on a mission, and it was also at this time that the information on the data card was circulated, and the timing was very consistent, so the Supervision Section put Murphy back into the detention room.

Later, because that meeting raised a lot of doubts about the matter, a compromise method was adopted, but someone sent some materials anonymously the next day.

These data let the managers infer from the above that Murphy is the person who spread this time.

After listening to the statement of the arraignment court, Murphy finally understood why she did this. She was puzzled in her heart. This incident seemed to be a coincidence, but every step was at the right time. It seemed that she must have been framed.

But Mo Fei thought for a long time. In this star base, she really has no enemies except Li Jiao.But Li Jiao couldn't do this, so who else would it be?
The enemy is now in the dark. After thinking for a long time, Murphy didn't think of anyone else he had offended besides Li Jiao, but he couldn't let others slander him. Murphy stated all the things he had done recently.

But the higher-ups seem to have approved of this matter, and no matter what Murphy said, he would be refuted.

"Okay, Murphy, we know you're definitely not convinced, but after reading these materials, I'm afraid you won't have anything to say!" A man with gold-rimmed eyes and sharp eyes spoke. He is the public prosecutor, Attorney Zhou, After he finished speaking, he looked at the judge: "Judge, I request to show evidence."

After the judge nodded his approval, several documents were sent up.

Lawyer Zhou picked up a copy of it and threw it in front of Murphy: "Take a good look at what this is, now you have nothing to say!"

Murphy looked down, and there were text and video in the electronic materials.

A section of the video shows Lin Yixun taking Murphy to the live sample laboratory, the reaction on Murphy's face when he first saw Gao Qing, and Gao Qing's abnormality afterwards.

Another document recorded the name and house number of the neighborhood where Murphy used to live, as well as Gao Qing's neighborhood and house number.There was also the time when Gao Qing registered and entered the star base on the first day, and the time when Mo Fei returned to the star base.

While showing it to Murphy, Attorney Zhou also took a copy and showed it to everyone on the publicity screen.

When the playback ended, Lawyer Zhou asked in a bad tone, "Murphy, you have nothing to say! You know that half-zombie Gao Qing, right?"

Murphy nodded: "Yes, I do know him. When I returned home to look for things, I found that he was still in the community. Because he was a neighbor, I asked him if he wanted to come to the base together, so we went to Xingxing on the same road. base."

"Just admit it." With a triumphant smile on his face, Lawyer Zhou turned to the judge and said, "Your Honor, now we can infer Murphy's motive for spreading rumors."

Murphy glanced at Attorney Zhou, she wanted to hear how he connected these together.

The judge signaled Attorney Zhou to continue. Attorney Zhou greeted the judge slightly, and then stated the whole story.

"The above is what happened. At the beginning, although the investigation team once suspected the suspect Murphy, because the time, place and opportunity to commit the crime were sufficient, but because they couldn't find the motive, we only made an inference, but now..." Zhou The lawyer held the documents of Murphy and Gao Qing that he had just shown to everyone.

"Now, Murphy has sufficient motives, and even this is something she has planned for a long time."

Lawyer Zhou analyzed that Murphy was the one who brought Gao Qing, the semi-zombie, to the star base, and Gao Qing was caught in the laboratory. Judging from the screen, it was obvious that Murphy didn't know about it.

In this way, Murphy must have hated the star base because of this, so he took revenge.Even, if you think about it at a deeper level, Murphy may have known that Gao Qing was a half-zombie and deliberately brought him back to the star base. In this way, Murphy did not do it purely for revenge, this was a well-planned massacre. Conspiracy, but because of failure lead to hate star base.

Hearing Lawyer Zhou's words, Murphy couldn't help sneering: She really deserves to be a lawyer. She almost believed it when she heard it like this.

"To sum up, on behalf of the base command, I request the judge to charge Murphy with serious threats to the security of the base." Lawyer Zhou finished speaking and looked directly at the judge above.

After Lawyer Zhou finished speaking, Murphy looked at the judge.The judge seemed to be thinking about something at this moment, seeing Murphy looking at him, he said, "Defendant Murphy, what objection do you have to this?"

Mo Fei smiled slightly, and said in a flat tone: "I can only say that I didn't know that Gao Qing became a half-zombie. In fact, I hope he doesn't turn into a zombie and live well. What's more, when I finally hunted down Gao Qing Participate, I even persuaded him to capture him back to the laboratory, but he was pushed and rolled down the mountain, as the personnel of the Special Operations Team and the two mission personnel of the Mecha Squad at that time can testify.”

"Murphy, I'm afraid this is just a cover-up after your incident was revealed?" Attorney Zhou said disapprovingly.

"Prosecutor, please don't interrupt, listen to the defendant." The judge's voice knocked Lawyer Zhou gently.Lawyer Zhou closed his mouth resentfully, but all the evidence he had at this time pointed to Murphy, because no other outsiders had the opportunity to get in touch with the inside story of this matter during this period, only the people who were originally involved, let alone Murphy now And this motive.

Hearing the judge's words, Murphy ignored Lawyer Zhou and continued: "In addition, I didn't have the chance to contact the data card at the beginning. Dr. Lin came back within 5 minutes after the person sent it. If you have time to read the computer, it will take some time just to install the card, turn it on, read and browse, and finally return the card!"

Murphy paused: "Also, I left the star base early in the morning when I went to borrow the digging robot. You should know that, right? The digging robot didn't go out from the main entrance of the base, so how did I spread the word? Judge, I didn't Others can be proved, but you should be able to find the travel monitoring on the digging robot. You can also calculate the distance and digging time for what tasks I go out to do. "

Murphy said nothing else, his eyes fixed on the judge.

Lawyer Zhou also hesitated when he saw this. At this moment, a man ran in and whispered a few words to Lawyer Zhou's side. Lawyer Zhou smiled again.

(End of this chapter)

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