Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 279 Preparing Evidence

Chapter 279 Preparing Evidence
Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen were very anxious when they heard that today was the day when Murphy would be interrogated.

Originally Xiao Minyu wanted to attend the trial, but it was said that it was strictly forbidden to attend the trial, so the two had no choice but to wait for the news.

The time waiting for the news was the hardest. Xiao Minyu kept walking up and down the villa, which made Lei Sen have to stand up and walk to the window instead of looking at him.

"Fifth, the news is out." Man Cheng Bin's voice came before he arrived, and he heard Man Cheng Bin's voice through the door.

Because Lei Sen stood by the window and was closer to the door than Xiao Minyu, he turned around and walked towards the door to meet him.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Minyu was faster, so he simply used the convenience of being a speed mutant to quickly open the door.

Man Chengbin outside seemed to have expected that Xiao Minyu would rush over, so he saw the door opened without forcing it.

"Second, has the trial result come out? What's the situation? Has Feifei been released?" Xiao Minyu's series of questions made Man Chengbin not know how to answer.

Lei Sen, who followed closely, gave Xiao Minyu a hand: "Don't worry, Man Chengbin will definitely not miss anything, let him tell you one by one."

Xiao Minyu felt that he was really a bit reckless, so he stepped aside and let Man Chengbin enter the room.

Man Chengbin also knew that Xiao Minyu was in a hurry, so he didn't pretend to be a secret. After he came in and closed the door, he told all about the snooping.Originally, the situation was favorable to Murphy, but because of the matter of the half-zombie, things fell into a more chaotic situation.

"Although it is true that Murphy is defending herself, there is still a lot of evidence against Murphy, so there is no conclusion yet, unless Murphy can cite some more evidence." Man Chengbin said He told Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu all the news he heard, and then expressed his thoughts.

"Of course I know, but the evidence, what evidence can I find?" Xiao Minyu sat down.

"I can testify to Mo Fei about the semi-zombie." Lei Sen said when Xiao Minyu fell silent.

"You can?" Xiao Minyu and Man Chengbin looked up at Lei Sen together.

"Well, because it wasn't me who killed Gao Qing, but Murphy." Lei Sen thought for a long time, and finally said it out.

"It's Murphy? That's impossible? We were indeed chasing half-zombies together, but there was a ditch behind, and Murphy couldn't get through it at all! Leisen, maybe you are trying to save Murphy, but you still can't lie about this matter. Otherwise, the matter will be more serious." Man Chengbin thought that Lei Sen wanted to say this, so as to clear Murphy of the crime.

"No, what I said is true." Lei Sen thought for a while, Murphy's mecha cannot be revealed, but he can choose another statement.

Seeing that Lei Sen paused for a while, Xiao Minyu hurriedly urged, "Tell me what's going on!"

Lei Sen said this, but he saw that Murphy was running hard down the mountain, and it seemed that he was going to another mountain, so Silver Wing flew over to bring Murphy with him.

Later, Silver Wing was attacked by the semi-zombie Gao Qing because of a malfunction, and Lei Sen rescued himself, but although he was not bad at all, he was neither a supernatural being nor a mutant, so the half-zombie that Murphy helped him kill Gao Qing.

"If it wasn't for Murphy, it would be another matter if my life is still alive." Lei Sen finally concluded.He didn't lie in this sentence. How could Gao Qing, who had mutated into a giant C2 zombie, and Lei Sen, who had lost his mech, be his opponent? It's just that Lei Sen couldn't say that he mutated into a C2 zombie, otherwise it would be true. There is no way to round it.

Xiao Minyu grabbed Lei Sen's arms in surprise: "Great, let's hurry to help testify."

Lei Sen didn't think too much, nodded and was about to follow Xiao Minyu out.

It was still Man Chengbin who was watching from the sidelines, and hurriedly stopped the two of them: "Old Five, Captain Lei, please wait a moment."

"Time is running out, what else is there?" Xiao Minyu looked at Man Chengbin impatiently.

"Have you forgotten what type of defendant Murphy is now?"

After being touched by Man Chengbin, the two of them suddenly came to their senses.

Murphy is not an ordinary suspect now, but a suspect who poses a threat to the security of the base. If he wants to testify, he needs to submit an application first.

"Then submit the application. I'll start writing now. When I'm finished, Man Chengbin will help me check the wording. There should be no loopholes before submitting." Lei Sen knew that he was not as thorough as Man Chengbin, so he simply wrote the application. Decided to stay here and finish writing.

"I also think this is better, second child, go and get a blank record card, we have to get this information done quickly."

The three people here are intensively preparing, while Murphy is currently in the temporary detention room of the court.

Because the chief interrogator was still considering the evidence, and the trial would continue in the afternoon, Murphy did not return to the detention room of the Supervision Section.

Not long after, it was already time for lunch, and a meal was brought in from outside.

Murphy took a look. These things were obviously incomparable to the food delivered in the detention room of the Surveillance Section, but they looked clean.

Picking up something to eat, Mo Fei pushed the plate out.

Finding a corner, Murphy sat sideways, leaned his head against the wall, and narrowed his eyes.I have to go to court in the afternoon, so I naturally need to replenish my energy.

But Murphy, who closed his eyes, couldn't fall asleep at all, and the strangeness of this matter kept circling in his mind.

Who is trying to harm himself?Combining these things can actually find a lot of unreasonable places.

The information card was sent one day in advance, and Lin Yixun only went out for a few minutes, yet it happened to appear at that time.Mo Fei remembered that she kept that person to wait a little longer, and Lin Yixun would be back soon, but that person left on the grounds that he was in a hurry.

Although Lin Yixun told himself before that he might need more branches and leaves of the ginkgo tree to study the matter that the two of them were sorting out, not only did the meeting be held earlier that day, but he was also sent out to do the task earlier.

At the same time, the rumor spread when he left the research institute and the secret laboratory. The timing was too good.

Murphy didn't believe that an ordinary person could do things so comprehensively, even Li Jiao couldn't do it.But it's not an ordinary person... Mo Fei thought for a long time, and it seemed that he had no connection with such a person at all.

The more he analyzed, the more chaotic he became, and Murphy was entangled in a maze by his own thinking.

While Murphy was analyzing the matter by himself and thinking about who would be framing him, Lei Sen had already prepared the testimony report he was going to submit.

"Man Chengbin, I've finished writing it, please read it for me to see if there are any omissions."

Man Chengbin leaned over to Leisen, staring at the screen that Leisen finished writing seriously.

After a while, Man Chengbin pointed out some minor problems, and after Lei Sen clicked to modify them, Man Chengbin nodded: "It's almost there, so we can hand it in."

"Okay, I'll go now." Lei Sen took out the data card from the computer, and then stood up.

"I'll go too." Xiao Minyu also followed when he saw this.

"Fifth, don't go yet, let's think about other people who can help Murphy. If you two go together, then there will be no backup evidence."

"Man Chengbin is still thoughtful, Xiao Minyu, you can stay, I will submit it myself." Lei Sen pressed Xiao Minyu, then turned and walked towards the gate.

Lei Sen submitted the report, and he is not going to find Xiao Minyu for the time being, and he has to think about what else he can do to help Murphy.

Thinking of this, Lei Sen suddenly thought of another group of people. When he returned from his mission to the star base, Murphy seemed to come back with a group of former classmates.

He remembered the general names of those people. Thinking of this, Lei Sen hurriedly dialed the information, and after a while, he dialed out the information of Zhu Zhu and the others.

After finding the place where Zhu Zhu and the others lived, Lei Sen knocked on the door, and it was Zhu Zhu who answered the door.

Opening the door, Zhu Zhu recognized Lei Sen at a glance: "It's the captain of the mech armor! Did you come to see us for something?"

Lei Sen nodded slightly to Zhu Zhu: "I'm here because of Mo Fei's affairs, I want to know something."

"Feifei? We haven't seen Feifei for a long time. How is she doing now?" Zhu Zhu immediately let Leisen into the room when he heard that Leisen came to ask about Murphy.

There was another girl named Zhen Shunli in the room, and Liang Tang and Li Suna said they had gone out to pick up the mission.

Seeing that only two girls were not sitting, Lei Sen stood in the living room and asked Zhu Zhu, "Have you not seen Murphy recently?"

Zhu Zhu shook her head: "No, we haven't seen her since she followed us around the star base and was taken away. There was a tall fair man with glasses who came to ask about Feifei's disappearance. As for the matter, we don’t know whether Feifei was rescued by him later, but I guess not, otherwise it’s impossible for Feifei not to contact us.”

Zhu Zhu was a little worried when he said this: "The mech captain, do you know what's going on with Feifei?"

Lei Sen saw Zhu Zhu's expression and knew that they had never been in touch with Murphy, but what Lei Sen wanted to know was other things, and without answering Zhu Zhu, Lei Sen asked instead: "I heard that you were roommates before the end of the world. Do you know anything about her personal situation?"

"Feifei doesn't talk much. I only know that she has no relatives in her family, only herself. She has always been alone, so she has a little temper." Zhu Zhu replied after thinking for a while.

"Then do you know if she has any enemies?" Lei Sen continued to ask.

"An enemy? Except for that scumbag Gu Huaiyuan, Feifei has never caused anything." Mentioning Gu Huaiyuan, Zhu Zhu was angry again: "At the beginning, everyone in the school knew that Gu Huaiyuan was chasing Feifei. It's really disgusting to cheat on that Li Jiao."

The more Zhu Zhu talked, the more angry she became, and she had obviously deviated from the topic.

"Apart from Gu Huaiyuan and Li Jiao, is there anyone else Murphy has a bad relationship with?" Lei Sen asked, not being led away by Zhu Zhu.

Zhu Zhu thought for a while before blinking: "By the way, I really remembered something when you asked this."

 Today is the last day of November!Looking forward to December!
(End of this chapter)

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