Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 280 Death Penalty

Chapter 280 Death Penalty
Hearing Zhu Zhu said that he remembered something, Lei Sen cheered up: "Oh? Can you tell me about it? Maybe it will help Murphy."

Zhu Zhu nodded vigorously, and told Lei Sen like a memory: "I once heard Feifei mention that her relatives were not good to her. When Feifei's parents passed away, the relatives left his father behind. All of Feifei's family property was divided up. So I said, these relatives of Feifei must have a bad relationship with Feifei."

Speaking of relatives, a figure suddenly appeared in Lei Sen's mind.Although I and Xiao Minyu went to him last time, it doesn't mean he won't hide it.

After that, Zhu Zhu recalled some things, and there was really nothing to tell Lei Sen, so Lei Sen thanked Zhu Zhu for leaving the place where they lived.

Before leaving, Lei Sen left his name: "My name is Lei Sen. If you have any questions, you can come to me. If you can't enter the star circle, mention me to the gatekeeper, and he will contact me."

Zhu Zhu agreed, and then sent Lei Sen out.

After Lei Sen left for a while, Li Suna and Liang Tang came back, and learned that the mech captain Lei Sen had come, and asked Zhu Zhu many questions.

Li Suna, who has always been keen, guessed that there must be some serious trouble for Murphy, and she couldn't find the person behind the scenes, so she came to ask Murphy if there was anyone with whom she had a bad relationship.

"Nana, do you think Li Jiao did this?" Zhu Zhu looked at Li Suna. She really couldn't figure out who else Mo Fei would offend. A very low-key person, if someone doesn't provoke her, she usually won't take the initiative to do anything.

"I don't know, but we are also in a hurry, we can't help Feifei, we can only pray for her. Okay, don't think about it, get ready to go to bed, tomorrow we have to do the task early in the morning .”

Li Suna, who received the task, hurriedly urged several people to rest.

After getting some news, Lei Sen left the place where Zhu Zhu and the others lived, and he was going to Xiao Minyu's place. After all, Man Chengbin can be regarded as the intelligence officer of the special operations team, and he must have collected more than himself, but Zhu Zhu's side I'm afraid I didn't expect it.

I returned to Xiao Minyu's villa, but I didn't expect Xiao Minyu to be there.

Fortunately, Lei Sen mainly came to find Man Chengbin, and Man Chengbin did not leave the villa.

I told Man Chengbin about my visit to Murphy's friend: "Man Chengbin, you know that my intelligence ability is not as strong as yours, so I still need you to investigate this matter. Before, Xiao Minyu and I The two of them had gone to find this cousin of Murphy, but he couldn't explain clearly at the time, and we didn't find any flaws, but according to what Murphy's friend said, she seemed to have a relationship with Li Jiao except because of Gu Huaiyuan. There is no hostility outside."

Man Chengbin agreed, not only because of Lei Sen's request, but also because of Xiao Minyu's affairs: "Don't worry, I'll leave this matter to me."

The court session resumed in the afternoon, and Murphy woke up from a daze when he heard the sound of the door unlocking.

When the trial resumed, things took another turn when someone reportedly filed an application to testify on Murphy's behalf.

While Murphy was wondering who it would be, Lei Sen appeared in court.Murphy was a little surprised, but because the suspect and witnesses were not allowed to communicate, Murphy did not speak.

Lei Sen glanced at Murphy. From the look of his face, Murphy was fine, but no one would want to stand in the dock.

Going straight to the front, following the judge's oath, the judge began to ask questions.Lei Sen told the judge again what he said to Xiao Minyu.

After all, Lei Sen was the captain of the mecha team, so there was no need to lie for Murphy. What's more, judging from the situation when Silver Wing came back, it was really difficult for Lei Sen to deal with the half-zombie Gao Qing by himself.Although Xiao Minyu misunderstood that Xiao Guo's semi-flying mecha appeared to save him, but Xiao Guo's report was not the case.

Xiao Guo only arrived after the semi-zombie Gao Qing died, and helped Lei Sen bring Silver Wing to the base.

"Lei Sen, captain of the mecha team, do you promise that everything you said is true?" the judge asked again.

"Yes, I promise." Lei Sen replied in a deep voice.

"Okay, we have recorded your testimony and will use it as a reference." The judge nodded and let Leisen leave the courtroom.

Before Lei Sen went out, he took another look at Murphy. Seeing Murphy looking at the judge with a flat face, Lei Sen felt relieved a little. At least Murphy should be able to adjust his mentality and not collapse because of being framed.

Afterwards, because of Rayson's evidence, the discussion became heated again.

It’s just that, by such a coincidence, new evidence inexplicably appeared on Lawyer Zhou’s side: it seemed that he had found the person who started spreading the rumors at first. , At that time, he didn't fully see who said it, because he was passing by, and he heard the girl talking to someone through the satellite communicator. Although the voice was not loud, it happened to be heard by that person.

The man was also very surprised when he heard it. When he wanted to see it, the girl had turned around and only saw her back. She was about 1.6 meters tall, with long hair in a ponytail and a well-proportioned figure.

And that person only talked about it with the closest people afterwards, but somehow it was spread to many people who knew about it.

The witness appeared in court to testify. He seemed to be a very honest and responsible person, and he answered the judge's questions with trepidation in court.If it wasn't for Murphy who was really sure that he didn't do it, he would have thought it was the truth.

Because of the appearance of that witness, the jurors who had favored Murphy because of Rayson's testimony became entangled again.

Murphy sat behind the defendant's desk as if watching a play, it was really wonderful!There are twists and turns along the way, maybe there is something wrong.

It really didn't disappoint Murphy. The witness left, and someone sent some information about Murphy.

Among them, the fact that Murphy obtained a satellite communicator from a guard who died when he went out to investigate because he went to the sea base for a mission was also brought up, and Murphy's usual clothes and height, etc., are completely consistent. The words of the person who testified just now.

"We have checked this witness, and he has nothing to do with Murphy, and he was also suspected of spreading rumors because of his testimony this time. To the point of framing the suspect." Attorney Zhou seemed to have come to a conclusion and concluded.

Anyone who has met me a few times will know what I usually wear, because Murphy himself is not a person who likes to always strive for freshness in clothing styles, and the satellite communicator is not a secret. Many people know it. Anyone who pays attention will find out.

But it also made it more certain that someone wanted to kill himself.

Afterwards, witnesses came one after another. Of course, they all brought testimonies against Murphy.

For example, the relatives of the previous witness cried bitterly in court that they should not tell others these rumors. I really didn’t expect it to be so serious, and swore that the previous witness was usually very honest, so they believed what he said. Yes, after knowing such a big event, I wanted to tell people close to me, but it spread to many people all of a sudden.

Of course, this person was also arrested on the charge of disturbing the law and order, and the judge saw that the situation was getting worse and worse, and it seemed that Lawyer Zhou's people were also very strong, and they kept presenting rebuttal evidence, but Murphy's witness was only Lei Sen. One, and it can only prove that Murphy has nothing to do with the semi-zombie Gao Qing.

With so many strong proofs, the judge finally came to a conclusion: Murphy was sentenced to death for threatening the safety of the star base and disturbing the normal psychology of the people in the base, and executed three days later.

In fact, these crimes are not enough to cause death, but that incident is true. Now that the sentence has been sentenced, how can Murphy be kept alive? What's more, Murphy may know more than this. As for the others, what about the base?

When Murphy's verdict came down, Leisen couldn't believe his ears. How could he be sentenced to death for the crime of disturbing the base people?Leaving the court in a hurry, the first person Lei Sen thought of negotiating was Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu and Man Chengbin also received the notification at this moment, neither of them expected such a result.

"Second brother, what's going on here? Death penalty? How could it be death penalty?" Xiao Minyu was about to explode. He never thought of such a result, although he thought about it if he didn't find stronger evidence to prove that Mo Fei's innocence is nothing more than Murphy's freedom for a few years. When the time comes, he will arrange for someone to take care of Murphy.

However, Xiao Minyu never thought that the final verdict would be: death penalty!
Man Cheng Binrao had planned for the worst, and he never expected such a result, so he froze for a moment and didn't answer.

"No, I'm going to the headquarters." Xiao Minyu stood up abruptly, there were still three days before the execution, and he had to fight for the last chance.

Just when Xiao Minyu stood up, there was the sound of "da da da" footsteps outside, followed by Meng Zhibo's obstruction: "Hey, Lei, why are you forcing your way in? Didn't I say wait for my notification to finish?"

Man Chengbin hurried to open the door, and Lei Sen rushed in with a serious face: "Have you received all the news?"

However, Lei Sen immediately understood that they already knew, after all, Xiao Minyu and Man Chengbin's faces were not very good-looking now.

"Third brother, you go out first, if he doesn't come, I will go to find him." Xiao Minyu waved his hand and asked Meng Zhibo to go out.

After Meng Zhibo went out, Xiao Minyu grabbed Lei Sen by the collar: "Lei Sen, what did you say in court? Why did you have such a result after you went to testify?"

Lei Sen threw Xiao Minyu away at once: "What did I say? You guys helped to write my application. Do you think I will say something that is inconsistent with the application? I am also at a loss about this matter, otherwise I would not Come to discuss with you."

"Old Five, Team Lei, please stop making conflicts. The most important thing now is for us to know why Murphy will be sentenced to death."

Hearing Man Chengbin's mediation, the two of them sat down silently, and it was Lei Sen who spoke first: "Although I don't know the reason, but when I was waiting outside, I saw five or six people enter the courtroom. , maybe it’s what these people said.”

Upon hearing Lei Sen's words, Xiao Minyu stood up without saying a word: "Then what are you waiting for, let's ask!"

(End of this chapter)

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