Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 281 Execution

Chapter 281 Execution
Xiao Minyu really did what he said, and Lei Sen didn't expect that they would enter the detention room of the Supervision Section so easily, but they still couldn't see Murphy.

In the interrogation room, Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu were on the side separated by the glass, while a man with an honest face sat on the dark side.

"What I'm telling is the truth. I've sworn it in court. I really dare not tell lies." The man has been insisting on his own words ever since Xiao Minyu came to ask him.

Lei Sen stretched out his hand to pat Xiao Minyu, it was useless to continue asking like this, from the look on his face, if it wasn't that this person was too good at acting, then he had indeed seen what he said.

Xiao Minyu also understood that he seemed to have nothing to ask, so he followed Lei Sen back with his head downcast.

After leaving the door, Lei Sen got into Xiao Minyu's car. There were only him, Xiao Minyu, and Geng Yunwei who was driving, but they were not people who needed to be avoided. Then Lei Sen said: "From the expression and tone of that person just now Look, you can't tell if it's fake, maybe he really didn't lie."

"Then what do you mean, Feifei is really the prisoner?" Xiao Minyu replied in a bad tone, he didn't know why Lei Sen said such words suddenly.

"I still believe in Murphy's character, but I'm thinking, maybe that person did see such a thing, and the person is indeed as he described, but the girl mentioned by the population may not be Murphy, After all, that person only saw the back of the girl, and it would be difficult to find someone who is the same size as Murphy imagined, but it would be easy to find someone who is about the same size and wear the clothes that Murphy usually wears."

Lei Sen's words were not unreasonable, and it was they who started to dig into the horns and determined that those who testified were lying.

Xiao Minyu now understood Lei Sen's words: "Then what do you mean, let's look for a girl similar to Murphy?"

Lei Sen nodded: "This matter itself is a confidential matter, so the person who does this matter will not find someone who is not at ease to do it for no reason. In fact, we will understand after a little attention. From our investigation Looking at it, the people who know about this matter are still a small circle, but the higher-ups know about it, so it can be seen that the people who originally spread this matter did not intend to make things worse."

"If this is really the case, I'm afraid we still have to investigate from people who know about it." Xiao Minyu was awakened by Lei Sen, and urged Geng Yunwei to drive quickly, and the car sped all the way back to Xiao Minyu's villa.

Three days passed like this, and seeing that tomorrow morning would be the day of Murphy's execution, Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen still got nothing.

"What should I do? It's tomorrow..." Xiao Minyu's eye sockets were slightly sunken. He didn't eat well or sleep well in the past few days. Frame Murphy.

It was already late at night, but Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen were all sitting around on the sofa in Xiao Minyu's villa, and no one mentioned to take a rest.

It was dawn, and Xiao Minyu stood up with a "whoosh": "I will go to the headquarters to intercede now, and delay the time for a while, the second child will look for evidence, and the rest of you will delay it for me as much as possible." time."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Minyu turned around and left the villa. In fact, Man Chengbin was not idle all the time. He was busy continuing to search in the middle of the night. Now that Xiao Minyu ordered him to do so, he didn't dare to waste time. Seeing that there were still a few hours left. It's execution time, how can we not hurry up.

When Lei Sen saw Xiao Minyu going out, he also stood up silently, without saying anything, Lei Sen also walked out of Xiao Minyu's villa.

After leaving the villa, Lei Sen looked up at the still gloomy sky, then turned and walked towards his own house.

After waking up early in the morning, Murphy glanced at the time: Well, there is still more than an hour before his execution time, probably the official people should come early to take him out!
Just thinking about it, someone came outside: "Miss Murphy, are you up?" It was the voice of the cell boss who came in.

"Yes, I'm awake, are you going to take me out?" Murphy's voice was calm.

"It's not time yet. I've prepared breakfast and you can eat it. It's better to go on the road when you're full than hungry." The prison chief's tone couldn't tell whether he was sad or excited, just like saying that Murphy didn't seem to be going to the execution ground, but was going to the execution ground. Like going to work.

"Well, thank you." Murphy did not refuse. Since he came in for the second time, the prison boss has taken care of himself. Although Murphy is also curious if someone has asked him to, even if he doesn't help, the outside No one knew, so Murphy was very grateful to the cell boss.

After a while, the food was brought over. It was said to be breakfast, but it was actually a very hearty meal.

Murphy glanced at the food and wanted to laugh: Is this the so-called last meal?But regardless of whether it was true or not, Mo Fei seriously finished the meal bite by bite.

After eating and drinking enough, Murphy actually has thoughts in his heart, and he is actually not afraid. Even if there is no other way in the end, Murphy will go all out, expose his bottom and escape, and just don’t come back in the future. The consequence is that it may be more difficult to survive in the future, but it is also better than death.

Murphy, who was already mentally prepared, piled up the empty plates and stood up.

After walking around for a while to digest food, someone came to take Murphy to the execution site.

It is said that this execution site is in an empty place outside the base, and even the refugees from the outside will not come here.

After getting into the car, Murphy was sitting with guards in front, back, left, and right, and the escort car was remodeled and very sturdy.

Murphy naturally didn't plan to run away now, she had to wait for the moment when these people were most relaxed, only then could she escape successfully in one fell swoop, because there was absolutely no second time.

At this time, the news of the execution had been broadcast to every corner of the star base. Although no names were named, the charges and verdicts had already been stated, which was probably a warning to other people in the base.

At this time, Xiao Minyu had been waiting for Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, to appear at the headquarters, but for some reason, Liao Hui hadn't arrived.

Xiao Minyu kept calling Geng Yunwei, Meng Zhibo, and Fang Xingping who were looking for the commander-in-chief elsewhere, but the other three also failed to find the commander-in-chief.

Seeing the time passing by every minute and every second, Xiao Minyu was going crazy.Seeing that the execution time was coming soon, Xiao Minyu couldn't wait any longer.Just as he was about to turn around and leave, unexpectedly, Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the Star Base, finally appeared in the corridor not far away, and the person walking with him was Dr. Wan from the research institute.

Xiao Minyu ran over in a few steps, and Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of Chaoxing Base, said hello: "Commander Liao."

Liao Hui raised his head slowly: "It's Xiao Xiao, what's the matter waiting for me at the door of my office so early?" Liao Hui was talking to Dr. Wan at this time, when he saw Xiao Minyu calling him, he looked puzzled .

"Commander Liao, I want to ask you one thing." Although Xiao Minyu wanted to finish speaking in one breath, he stopped and looked at Dr. Wan who was beside him after he finished speaking.

Liao Hui naturally understood the direction of Xiao Minyu's gaze, and nodded towards Xiao Minyu with a smile: "Okay then! You go to the office and wait for me for a few minutes. I still have a little talk with Dr. Wan, and I'll go over after I finish."

Although Xiao Minyu was in a hurry, there was nothing he could do, so he nodded, politely gestured to Dr. Wanqiang, and then turned and entered Liao Hui's office.

Xiao Minyu just went in, and Liao Hui looked at Dr. Wan Qiang again: "Dr. Wan, please leave the rest to you and Dr. Lin. I don't understand the rest, but if you need any funding, you can tell me right away." .”

"Then I would like to thank Commander Liao first. It seems that you still have something to do, so I won't waste your time." Dr. Wan Qiang smiled at Liao Hui, Commander-in-Chief of the Star Base, then said goodbye, and walked straight along the corridor go.

After Liao Hui finished speaking with Wan Qiang, he opened the door and entered his office.

Xiao Minyu, who was in Liao Hui's office, was fidgeting and rubbing his hands. Hearing the sound of the door, Xiao Minyu, who was already sitting unsteadily, stood up all of a sudden, startling Liao Hui who had just entered.

"Xiao Xiao, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Minyu has always been quite steady, why is he so irritable today.Liao Hui thought to himself, closed the door casually, and walked into the house.

"Commander Liao, I have something to ask you." Xiao Minyu eagerly took a few steps forward.

"Don't worry, what's the matter?" Liao Hui sat on his large office chair, and then looked at Xiao Minyu.

"Actually, I'm here to intercede on behalf of Murphy, who is going to be executed today. This matter is very strange, so I want to investigate again, and can I allow some time." Said the purpose of coming.

"Oh?" Liao Hui never expected that Xiao Minyu came to intercede for Mo Fei: "Do you know each other?"

Xiao Minyu nodded, and quickly explained how he and Mo Fei met, and how they came to the Star Base together: "Mo Fei and I are very good friends, even before she was wronged and arrested. She lived in my house for a period of time, and I am very aware of Murphy's character, she would definitely not do this."

"It turns out that there is still this level, but if you know people, face, but not heart, how can you be sure that she is not? Xiao Xiao, we still need to rely on evidence for this kind of thing." Liao Hui said to Xiao Minyu earnestly.

Seeing that Liao Hui did not completely deny it, Xiao Minyu quickly continued: "But this is a name anyway, so I would like to ask you to allow a period of time. I will investigate carefully during this time. If I still cannot give you a satisfactory answer, you It's okay to deal with it again, or let her make up for her mistakes, I can guarantee that this situation will not happen again from Murphy."

Seeing Xiao Minyu's swearing promise, Liao Hui thought for a while: "Then I will give you three months, and within these three months, Murphy will also help the base to do some things, but after three months, if it is still not good for you In the case of Murphy, then I have nothing to do."

Xiao Minyu heard that Liao Hui agreed, and quickly thanked Liao Hui gratefully.

"Commander Liao, thank you very much, but now the time is up, please inform me not to carry out the execution." Xiao Minyu looked at Liao Hui.

Liao Hui glanced at the time, and sure enough, it was less than 5 minutes. He quickly picked up the phone and dialed a number. What neither of them expected was that there was no signal today for some unknown reason.

(End of this chapter)

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