Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 282 Jun 1

Chapter 282

Xiao Minyu frantically rushed out at the fastest speed of his speed mutant, then jumped into the car and drove towards the outer base.

Originally, Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, saw Xiao Minyu's sincere request and offered his own guarantee, so he agreed to Xiao Minyu's request to postpone the post-trial.This gave Xiao Minyu a glimmer of hope, but because of time constraints, Xiao Minyu asked Commander Liao Hui to call the executioner.

It's just that after thousands of calculations, I didn't expect that I couldn't get through for some reason.

Commander Liao hurriedly dialed the internal line again, but the personnel in charge of this matter had probably gone to the execution site, so no one answered the phone.

Seeing that he had made several phone calls to no avail, Commander Liao spread his hands helplessly at Xiao Minyu: "Xiao Xiao, maybe it's God's will. Look, I don't know why but I just can't get through!"

"Whether it is God's will or not, Commander Liao, you have already agreed, right!" Xiao Minyu stared at Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, seriously.

"Of course, since I agreed, I didn't go back on my word, not to mention that you have personally vouched for it, and I still trust you." Liao Hui nodded solemnly.

"Then Commander Liao, please give me an order. I will rush to save people now. No matter what the result is, I will thank you."

Commander Liao nodded without delay, quickly made an electronic command, and then handed the command card to Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu took the instruction card, thanked him and ran out, because he was too flustered, he didn't even close the door for Liao Hui.

Fortunately, Liao Hui also knew that Xiao Minyu must be in a hurry and couldn't take care of so much when life was at stake, so he didn't blame him for anything, but just pressed the call bell to let the guards outside close the door for him.

Xiao Minyu rushed downstairs all the way, and then drove towards the execution field of the star base, but seeing the time passing by, the execution field had not yet arrived. When Xiao Minyu was in a hurry, a car suddenly appeared in front of him, and Xiao Minyu dodged Not enough time, suddenly hit another car.

Fortunately, the safety measures of the car were good, Xiao Minyu only felt that he was wrapped in something soft like a sponge.

After the surrounding security gradually disappeared, Xiao Minyu got out of the car with great difficulty.

The other party also got out of the car, because that person was driving in the wrong direction, so that person kept apologizing to Xiao Minyu: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect someone to drive over so fast, are you not injured? I will compensate you for the damage to the car .”

Xiao Minyu didn't have time to worry about these things. He raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and it was only 1 minute away.

Seeing that he was about to pass through this area, Xiao Minyu ran towards the execution field at the speed of the fastest mutant.

Seeing Xiao Minyu leave, the man who was full of apologies and could not stop apologizing had a sinister smile on his face, and then he left the scene without even driving the car.

"The time is up. Now, for the serious crime of endangering the security of the base and disturbing the psychology of the people in the base, Murphy will be sentenced to be shot." A voice sounded, echoing in the empty execution field.

Murphy looked up at the sky, the sky was still so blue, but he had to say goodbye to this safe and dangerous base in the future.

Pushed to the entrance of the execution field by the people who were escorting him, Murphy was still very calm, which made the executive officer take another look at Murphy this time.

Because the execution site is not allowed to enter except for relevant people, there are no onlookers, only officials related to the execution of this mission.

"There is still the last minute. Does the prisoner have anything else to say?" The execution officer was actually a little curious about the severe punishment given to the little girl. The judgment notice he received actually did not constitute a capital crime. What's the inside story!The execution officer thought so.

Murphy shook his head: "There's nothing to explain, and I don't have any relatives or friends here." His tone was extremely cold.

Although Murphy's tone was not good, the execution officials didn't mind. Anyone who was pushed to the execution ground would not be in a good mood!Still, it was odd.

The execution officer glanced at the time and shouted into the loudspeaker: "Time is up, the prisoner will be executed."

Immediately, someone came up to put a blindfold on Mo Fei. At this time, Mo Fei had already been released from the hands of several escorts, only the electronic handcuffs on her hands.The people who came came close to Murphy, and Murphy dodged to avoid the side of the person who was responsible for putting on the blindfold for Murphy.

The man grabbed Murphy's electronic handcuffs, and Murphy was startled. He didn't expect the person wearing the blindfold to be a speed mutant.

However, this does not prevent Murphy from breaking free and pulling his hand down. The huge force made the speed mutant never expect it, because from the data point of view, Murphy is neither a supernatural person nor a mutant, but relying on With good luck and good skills, they got to this day, so when the officials sent people, the people responsible for escorting Murphy were all supernatural beings, and the person who wore the blindfold before the final execution was just a speed mutant.

"Stop her quickly." At this time, the execution officer hurriedly ordered the escort who originally escorted Murphy to shout at the crowd.

The surrounding guards quickly surrounded him.

Just when Mo Fei dodged left and right, seeing that it was difficult to escape, and preparing to activate the flying talisman with the idea of ​​going all out, a loud boom sounded across the sky, and then the huge silver mecha passed the crowd and stopped In front of everyone.

The people on the execution field were stunned for a while by this change, and then the execution officer realized that it was a member of the Mech Team.

"It's from the mecha team. It's probably to prevent accidents. Everyone surrounds them and don't let the prisoner escape." The execution officer showed a slight joy on his face. The presence of the mecha team means that this prisoner has extraordinary abilities. I can't escape.

At this time, the mecha moved, and a hand grabbed Mo Fei below.Then Murphy was picked up, and the huge silver mecha jumped and flew up.

The execution officer didn't expect the development of the matter to be like this, and he watched the silver mecha flying higher and higher with Murphy in a daze.

"Shoot, shoot!" The execution officer who had just reacted yelled angrily, and the surrounding gunshots kept ringing out, which made the people outside who didn't know it terrified.

"No!" The gunshot rang out, and Xiao Minyu, who was holding the pardon token, shouted loudly, seeing that he was about to enter the execution field, if it wasn't for the delay of a few seconds because the people at the door needed to check the pass, Xiao Minyu might have rushed over up.

But at the same time that the pass inspection allowed Xiao Minyu to pass, gunshots rang out in the execution venue.

Xiao Minyu rushed in without even taking his pass in a hurry.It's just that what Xiao Minyu saw after entering the execution field was that many people shot guns at the sky.

The execution officer knew Xiao Minyu, had contact with him before, and hurriedly greeted him: "Mr. Xiao, why are you here?"

"What's going on here?" Xiao Minyu asked in confusion.

The execution officer thought that Xiao Minyu was in charge, and told the whole story with some shame: "Mr. Xiao, this is our negligence of duty, but we really didn't expect that Captain Lei of the Mech Team would help the prisoner escape."

Xiao Minyu waved his hand when he heard this, and stopped the execution officer from continuing: "Murphy is not a prisoner, this is an amnesty order, I just came a little late, I was afraid that there was no hurry, so I let Captain Lei come first Forget it, there are still many doubts about this matter, we have to re-investigate, let’s leave it as it is today, I will contact Lei Sen.”

After receiving Xiao Minyu's amnesty order, the execution officer quickly checked the contents of the amnesty order, and after confirming it, he handed the amnesty order back to Xiao Minyu: "It is indeed the commander-in-chief's message, then I understand, but the execution has been announced today, Everyone at the base already knows..."

"Didn't you just announce the crime and the like, without mentioning the name, just say that the prisoner has been executed, and let the base personnel take warning." Xiao Minyu turned and left the execution field after speaking, finally heaving a sigh of relief in his heart , he has to go back quickly and let Man Chengbin find Lei Sen, otherwise they don't know where they can hide in such a world after they have received the amnesty.

At this time, Murphy was carried by Leisen's silver wings to a distant mountain, because this is the only place where few people usually come.

Gently put Murphy on the top of a mountain, and then Leisen also walked out from the silver wings: "Murphy, are you okay? It's too late to put you in the carrying compartment." After getting down, Leisen looked at Murphy and asked road.

"Why did you come here? Really, I can escape by myself. This is all right. You violated the orders of the upper echelons of the star base. You will definitely be punished when you go back." Murphy glanced at Lei Sen, and she let it go , and then find a small stronghold to hide, anyway, there are so many life-saving skills, but Leisen is different, he is an important person in the base, especially Leisen also opened the world's best mech "Silver Wing" .

Lei Sen smiled at Murphy indifferently: "I also have a problem with the attitude of the base this time, so just treat it as a rebellion."

When Lei Sen said this, Murphy burst out laughing: "He is still rebellious, what an old man. But thank you!"

Only now did Leisen realize that the electronic handcuffs on Murphy's hands had disappeared, and he asked in surprise, "Huh? Feifei, I just wanted to tell you to untie the electronic handcuffs for you, but I didn't expect you to untie them yourself." opened!"

You should know that the electronic handcuffs will be adjusted according to the size of the wrist at the moment of handcuffing, so whether you want to escape because you don’t want to eat later, you can’t break free.

"Hey, of course I have a way to make my wrists fatter." Murphy didn't elaborate, but smiled mysteriously.

Lei Sen didn't ask too much: "But, since we've come out, we can't go back for the time being. Where shall we go?"

Mo Fei looked at the time, it was already past noon, and the two of them had no plans now, Mo Fei thought for a while: "Let's go to the cave from last time first!"

(End of this chapter)

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