Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 283 Where to Go

Chapter 283 Where to Go
Leisen also thought of Murphy's proposal.

Because they don't know where to go for the time being, the two plan to find a place to rest before discussing.

Relying on Murphy's understanding of the mountainous terrain, Murphy, who was sitting in the carrying compartment, commanded Leisen's direction, and Silver Wing quickly flew towards the cave where they lived last time.

Because Murphy came out directly from the execution field this time, it was impossible to have a backpack, so many things could not be taken out with the excuse of a backpack.

Fortunately, Lei Sen thought early on that if the two of them came out, they might not be able to go back, at least not for a long time, so Silver Wing's carrying compartment and storage compartment were full of things, and even Murphy sat Two large boxes were placed in the carrying compartment, leaving only a few places for Murphy to sit.

When they arrived at the cave, Lei Sen parked the mecha aside, and then the two of them got into the cave.

The exit here was destroyed by Xiao Guo last time, so there is no need to bow your head and forget to go.

Murphy glanced at Lei Sen: "Lei Sen, actually, I think you should drive the mecha in, it will be easier to move, anyway, the openings have been opened, enough for the height of the mecha." Last time Murphy's mecha was also Came in like this.

"Alright." Lei Sen nodded, walked back and jumped onto the mech briskly.

As the mecha started, Murphy did not go up, but followed the mecha inside.

When we got to the cave inside, it was still the same as it was before they left.

"Great, the things that were left before are still there, and I'm still worried that they won't be enough." Lei Sen had already come in, and after Mo Fei followed in, he smiled and ran towards the huge flat rock.

Lei Sen didn't speak, and took out the communicator from his backpack, he wanted to inform Xiao Minyu of their current situation.

After playing for a while, Lei Sen put the communicator back into his bag: "It seems that there is still no signal in this mountainous area."

Although Mo Fei heard it, and there was a signal booster in her storage amulet, she couldn't take it out: "Even if we contact Xiao Minyu, we still have to figure out where we can go, why don't we let him know after we've settled down, besides, if If there is a signal, he must have contacted us long ago."

Thinking about what Mo Fei said was right, Lei Sen no longer struggled, sat down and took out some food from his bag: "You are hungry, eat something first."

Murphy pushed the food back: "I'm not hungry. I ate a lot in the morning. It's probably the last meal, so the cell boss prepared a lot for me."

Lei Sen didn't question this point, after all, Xiao Minyu once told him that Murphy's life inside would not be too sad.

After resting for a while, Murphy looked at Lei Sen: "I think it's better for us to go to some small strongholds, so that it won't be too noticeable. After all, the news about small strongholds is relatively closed."

Lei Sen nodded, he had no idea where to go, anyway, he came out because of saving Mo Fei.

At this moment, Mo Fei felt a little sorry for Lei Sen: "Lei Sen, I'm so sorry that you can't go back to the star base."

"It's nothing, it's not you who directed me to save you, I really don't think you're the murderer, Xiao Minyu will definitely investigate when we leave, this can be regarded as delaying time, when we go back, the worst is to be punished, it's better than It's better to lose your life." Lei Sen seemed to think it should be taken for granted.

"No matter what, you saved me. Thank you so much." Murphy pretended to cup his hands at Lei Sen and said with a smile.

"Then, you are responsible for finding the dinner materials for tonight! I, who robbed the magic field, need to have a good rest." Lei Sen seemed to have returned to the same Lei Sen who healed in this cave, and turned towards Murphy half-jokingly. Said.

"No problem, wait, I'll go out and look for it, but you also have to go out and find some branches at the entrance of the cave to make a fire."

After the division of labor between the two, Murphy summoned the mecha, and the two ran out of the cave together.The two mechas ran out in neat steps, and a lot of dust fell from the trembling cave.

Lei Sen got out of the mecha outside the cave and picked up combustibles such as branches at the door, while Murphy ran deep into the dense forest.

After losing sight of Lei Sen's position, Murphy put away the mecha, turned on the flying talisman and jumped up, flying to a farther place.

Because the weather became hotter and hotter after the last heavy rain and hail, the leaves of the trees in the dense forest grew densely.

Mo Fei picked a place to go, probably around noon. He didn't see any mushrooms or anything for a long time, but he found some melons. I don't know if someone planted them here before.

Just as he was about to leave, Murphy suddenly found a C1 zombie chasing something.

Murphy looked carefully, only to realize that there was actually a pheasant in front of him.Somehow, this pheasant was discovered by that C1 zombie. When there are no humans, these living creatures are definitely a good choice, so the zombies will not let it go.

Murphy quickly pulled out the energy gun and hit the C1 zombie in the head with one shot. Then he replaced the energy gun with a knife. Murphy flew over quickly and slashed the pheasant's neck with a knife.

Blood gushed out, and Murphy picked up the pheasant with one hand and flew towards the cave.

After Murphy left, the smell of the pheasant's blood attracted many zombies, but they turned around and found no living things, and those zombies wandered away again.

Carrying the pheasant and flying all the way, when it was almost at the entrance of the cave, Mo Fei changed his mecha and ran back.

After running into the cave, Murphy put away the mecha, and then shook the pheasant in front of Lei Sen's eyes: "How about it? How about eating this at night?"

"It's ok, every time I go out, I get something different!" Lei Sen gave Murphy a thumbs up.

"Of course, by the way, you wash and cut these melons, and I'll go and shed the chicken." After finishing speaking, Murphy threw a few melons to Lei Sen, and then walked towards the river with the pheasant.

In the evening, Mo Fei cleaned up the whole chicken, stuffed something into the stomach and roasted it on the fire, and ate it while roasting. After eating, the two of them ate some melons.

"Rest, we will leave early tomorrow morning to find a small stronghold."

After lying down for a while, both of them fell asleep.

In the morning, Lei Sen woke up first, and looked at Murphy who was still sleeping on the other side of the tent. His eyes were gently closed, his eyelashes were slightly curled, and his small nose was like a sleeping baby.Lei Sen didn't want to wake Murphy up, so he moved out gently, but when Murphy slept outside, he was never too heavy. Although Lei Sen was light, Murphy still woke up.

"Lei Sen, is it morning already?" Murphy opened his eyes slightly, and asked in a daze.

"Yeah, go to sleep for a while, I'll cook last night's meal into porridge, and you'll get up again when you're done."

"It's okay, I'll get up too! It's faster to do it together. We have to start early after eating. It's more difficult to find a small base." Mo Fei got up quickly, and then the two got out of the tent.

After washing up and having breakfast, Murphy re-entered Leisen's carrying cabin, and the two of them left the cave and flew towards the sky.

Stopping and stopping along the way, neither of them found any small strongholds. At dusk, Murphy randomly chose a water view room in a villa, and the two of them wiped out the surrounding zombies and lived in.

I ate something, because I had to climb up and down from the mech and walk along the way.Because the mechs are inconvenient to show in front of the people in the small base, the two of them basically went to a place to hide the mechas first, and then went out to find the small base.

This not only wastes a lot of time, but also yields very little, not to mention the small stronghold, I didn't even see a living person today.

In fact, it has been a long time since the end of the world, and because of the continuous evolution of zombies, there are a lot of giant zombies, that is to say, zombies above C2 zombies, which also causes people in small bases to either escape to the big base or be killed Zombies besieged and completely destroyed.

Lei Sen actually knew something about this, because when he went out to test fly the new Silver Wing, he had encountered some small strongholds, and these places were basically unable to be rescued.The team that I met Zhu Zhu and the others last time, if it wasn't for the good terrain and their strong abilities, they would have been wiped out long ago.

And Mo Fei also has a deep understanding, assisting Zhu Zhu and his team in the last attack, if the new Silver Wing hadn't appeared in time, the casualties of that team would have been very heavy, and I don't know if they can support it in the end.

However, in order to survive, Murphy did not give up. After all, there will still be strongholds that still exist.The two had a good night's rest. The next morning, Lei Sen drove the mecha and continued to fly forward. The two found many large cities and also found many small towns. Found a small stronghold.

This small stronghold is really not ordinary small, there are only thirty or forty people in a small town.

However, it was probably because the supplies in the small town were not abundant, and those people were not prepared to expand, but were full of hostility towards the arrival of the two of them.

Murphy felt this, so he finally left that small stronghold.In the last days, no matter what time it is, living is the most important thing, and the most important thing to live is material things.Because Murphy and Leisen flew over, hid the silver wings and then drove over in a broken car, so they both knew what was around this small town.

In addition to a large number of zombies, because it was surrounded by farms before, there were many zombie beasts.Because those people couldn't leave at all, and if they couldn't leave, they could only eat what they had stored. This was one of the important reasons why those people refused to accept Murphy and Leisen.

The two left the small town and found another place to rest.

"This is not the way! There are no signs in the small stronghold, and in order to avoid being harassed by zombies, the small stronghold usually chooses a relatively remote place." Lei Sen analyzed the results of the two today.

"Indeed, but where can we go?" Murphy lowered his head in difficulty.

"Cang base has long been destroyed, and now there are three remaining bases: star base, sea base, and cliff base. Ya base is actually a branch of star base, and the place is very small, so we can't hide there, otherwise Let's go to the sea base?" Lei Sen suggested.

Murphy thought about it in his mind, and finally nodded: "Sea Base, I suddenly thought of something, okay, then let's go to Sea Base!"

(End of this chapter)

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