Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 284 Departure

Chapter 284 Departure
Lei Sen and Murphy determined the direction, decided to rest for a night, and flew directly towards the sea base the next day.

It's just that it didn't go so well tonight, and there was a wave of zombies and beasts at night.I don't know if it came here from that farm.

But if it is true, I am afraid that the people in the small town I met during the day are probably in danger.

The wave of zombie beasts is almost destructive to others, because even the most common zombie beasts already have the attack power of C1 zombies, not to mention the evolution of zombie beasts is faster than zombies.

Therefore, the generally high-level ink crystals in large bases are basically from zombie beasts. After all, zombies are already very huge monsters when they evolve to C2 zombies.

However, these zombie beasts were nothing more than a nuisance to Lei Sen and Murphy.

Murphy called out the mecha, and Leisen went directly to his mecha platform from the window on the second floor.The two of them swept up the swarming zombies and beasts.

But these zombie beasts are really not ordinary, and fortunately not all of them ran over.

The two of them fought for most of the night before resting. It was not until the next morning that Mo Fei got up to collect the merit points of the zombie beast and Mo Jing.

"Let's get out of here quickly. It looked like there was more than one farm over there. If there are other hordes of zombies coming over, although it won't threaten our lives, it will consume a lot of energy." Lei Sen saw that Murphy was busy going to the farm. Mo Jing said to Mo Fei after putting it away.

Murphy nodded in response, and then the two of them sat on the silver wings and took off again. This time, the goal was clear, and the two of them headed directly towards the sea base.

Flying from the sky to the sea base actually didn't take too much time, but because Leisen's silver wings couldn't go to the sea base so blatantly, so according to Murphy's memory, the two of them went to the sea base first. The mountainous area is the valley where the plane crashed.

"Let's just go here. This is the hole where the zombies gathered and the zombie bats who commanded them were found. This place has been cleaned up. It should be said that it has been blown up. Usually no one will come here, so just hide the mecha. It's all right here." Murphy directed Lei Sen to walk into the cave and said.

"I didn't expect you to be so familiar with the sea base after doing a mission once. I have been to the sea base many times before and I didn't know it." Lei Sen said to Murphy through the internal communication device.

"Hey, no more!" Murphy pretended to be indifferent and smiled. In fact, she was considered to have saved the sea base at the beginning. Not a pushy guy.

After hiding the mecha, Murphy and Leisen came out.

"Oh, I forgot to get a car first." Mo Fei slapped his head and suddenly remembered.

After the previous war, no one came here anymore. Those who are capable think that there are no zombies here, and it is useless to come here. Those who are not capable are afraid that there are other things here, so they dare not come here, so this area has become dead zone.That's why Murphy parked the mecha here with confidence.

It's just that because no one came, there were no usable cars here. When the war ended, those usable cars were all driven away.

"It's okay, we can find the broken ones that are not serious. I have tools to repair them." Lei Sen smiled at Mo Fei, motioned Mo Fei not to worry, and then took out the tools from his backpack.

"By the way, Leisen, do we have to carry some food and put it on the mech? We are not going home when we arrive at the sea base."

Lei Sen nodded after thinking about it, and handed Silver Wing's electronic key to Mo Fei: "Go and pack your things, I'll go find the car."

"Okay." Taking Silver Wing's electronic key, Mo Fei ran in quickly.

It would be best without Leisen, because Murphy didn't know what Leisen had installed, so when he took it out, he said it was put in.Mo Fei put a little in his backpack and some in storage symbols.Although I have a lot of things in my storage talisman, most of the things in Leisen's mecha are those in the official configuration, which are different from what I found outside.

After putting away his things, Mo Fei jumped off the mecha, closed the mecha again, and then ran outside quickly.

Murphy who ran out saw Leisen messing with something in a car, and Murphy put his backpack on the seat: "Is this car good?"

"It's not too bad, the parts are not broken, but some lines are broken, and it can be turned on after connecting this." After Lei Sen finished speaking, he continued to repair. After a while, Lei Sen asked Murphy to hand over the tools twice, The car was repaired.

"Not bad, he can repair cars, it's amazing!" Murphy praised generously.

"It's okay to repair small things. After all, the mecha may sometimes encounter some small damage outside. You must understand it, but if it is really good, it should be like Xiao Minyu." Lei Sen was somewhat praised by Murphy Excuse me.

"The car is ready, let's go!" Mo Fei opened the door and got into the cab.

"You drive?" Lei Sen glanced at Murphy suspiciously.

"Of course I drove it. Do you know the way? I didn't see that the car's navigation is broken!" Mo Fei pointed to the chipped automatic wayfinding navigator and said.

"Really, I didn't pay attention just now." Lei Sen said as he walked to the co-pilot's seat.

The two got into the car, and the car drove from Murphy all the way to the sea base. She had walked this road many times anyway, and she could figure it out even by impression.

After finally getting out of the mountainous area, Mo Fei saw that he was about to enter the coastal road ahead, so he stopped the car.

"Why didn't you leave?" Lei Sen asked Murphy without knowing.

"I'm thinking, how did we get into the sea base, do the people at the sea base know you?" Murphy asked without answering.

Lei Sen nodded: "Many of their combat headquarters and research institutes should know me."

"Yes, there are some people who know me, so if we don't want to be discovered, we need to find a trustworthy person who has a certain position to help us cover up."

"This..." Lei Sen hesitated, where can I find such a person?
"Give me your satellite communicator." Murphy held out his hand to Leisen.

"Do you know someone you can trust?" Although Lei Sen asked, he still handed over the satellite communicator to Murphy.

Murphy smiled mysteriously, and then dialed a number.

At such a short distance, the signal is naturally strong, so basically there is no need to worry about the signal problem.Soon, the satellite communicator was connected.

"Hello, who are you?" A man's voice came through the communicator.

"Shao Qing, it's me." Murphy replied with a smile.

"It's... Feifei? Have you changed the number of the communicator?" Shao Qing said after a pause, probably hearing Murphy's voice, and reconfirmed the number.

"No, it's my friend's, but it's hard to say, are you busy?" Murphy continued to ask.

Shao Qing estimated that Murphy had something to do, and quickly replied: "No, just tell me if you have anything to do!"

Murphy smiled: "If you're not busy, can you go to the base, I'll wait for you on the beach leading to the sea base."

"You, have you come to the sea base? Okay, you wait, I'll go right away." Shao Qing was a little surprised, but he was more sure that there must be something wrong with Murphy.

After hanging up the communicator, Murphy handed the communicator to Lei Sen, then started the car and drove forward again.

After driving to the connected beach, Murphy stopped the car and sat in the car waiting for Shao Qing's arrival.

"Murphy, is the person you just contacted reliable?" Lei Sen couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, if it wasn't him back then, it would have been difficult for me at Haiji Base. He must be reliable." Murphy replied with a smile.

"Then..." Lei Sen wanted to ask something, when he saw a car driving towards the beach in the distance.

The car approached Murphy's car and stopped, and a man jumped out of the car. The man was tall, stable and handsome, not the kind of flashy handsome, but a kind of handsome that made people feel safe.

Lei Sen watched the man get out of the car, and Murphy also walked out of the cab.

"Shao Qing." Murphy happily shouted at Shao Qing, like an old friend who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Tell me, what's wrong with you girl?" Shao Qing seemed to know Mo Fei very well, saw Mo Fei coming, reached out and tapped Mo Fei's head, and asked half-jokingly.

"Hey." Murphy stuck out his tongue: "You're right, this time it's really a disaster, but I didn't provoke it, it was framed. So, I didn't escape from danger, Mr. Shao? , please help!"

Murphy knew that Shao Qing was no longer the leader of the investigation team, because after Ye Yonghang was thoroughly investigated last time, the position of deputy executive officer of the sea base was vacated. Although the chief executive officer was Shao Qing's father, Shao Hongyang, but Looking at the past, there is no more suitable candidate than Shao Qing.

Most of the officials at the sea base agreed that Shao Qing should fill this vacancy, so Kang Chenghui, the commander-in-chief of the sea base, promoted Shao Qing to the deputy executive officer of the sea base regardless of the opinion of Shao Hongyang, the only chief executive of the sea base who voted against it. .

That is to say, apart from commander-in-chief Kang Chenghui, deputy commander-in-chief Shi Xingchang, and Shao Qing's father, chief executive officer Shao Hongyang, the sea base now has Shao Qing's positions.

Hearing what Mo Fei said, Shao Qing hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Only then did Murphy tell Shao Qing about a series of things that happened when he returned to the star base: "Now another friend of mine said that he is still helping me investigate, but now I was robbed, so naturally I can't live blatantly. , so at least you can help me find a way."

After listening to what Mo Fei said, Shao Qing pondered for a moment: "So that's the case, don't worry, I will help you until you prove your innocence, but your identity card and merit points will be useless. And you can't live in my house, it will be easy to expose."

"I know this, so I was thinking, should I get a fake identity first, but I need you to help us make some meritorious deeds to rent a house first." Mo Fei said to Shao Qing bluntly.

"This is necessary. Even if you didn't escape but came here to play, I will do my best to be a landlord! How about it! If you come with me today, I will say that you are distant relatives who have come to join me. After waiting I will pick you up during the observation period."

"Thank you then!"

"You girl, you are becoming more and more polite now, let's go!" Shao Qing waved to Murphy, and the three of them drove two cars towards the sea base.

(End of this chapter)

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