Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 285 Settlement

Chapter 285 Settlement
Following Shao Qing's arrival at the sea base, because of Shao Qing's instructions, although the two of them were waiting for the observation period in the isolation room, the food was plentiful, which made the people in the two isolation rooms next door envious.

After 48 hours like this, Murphy and Leisen walked out of the isolation room full of energy.

Shao Qing was already waiting for two people at the exit.

"How is it? Is the food for these two days okay?" Shao Qing smiled and took the bag from Mo Fei's hand, looking very natural.

"It's not that you told me that our meals are probably the same as those in charge of the management for the past two days, and I don't even want to eat them." Murphy replied with a smile.

Only then did Shao Qing look at the silent Lei Sen: "Captain Lei, right? We met once, but we haven't spoken to each other." As he spoke, Shao Qing stretched out his hand to Lei Sen.

Lei Sen also extended his hand and shook Shao Qing: "I remember Team Leader Shao, and later I heard that you were promoted, but I haven't seen you since then."

"So you two know each other." Murphy asked with a smile seeing the serious appearance of the two.

"I've seen it, but I'm not familiar with it, but I've heard a lot." Shao Qing replied, and then took two people into the car and went straight to the registration office of the base.

When they arrived at the registration office, Shao Qing asked the two of them to get off the car: "I said you are my relatives, brothers and sisters, so why don't you just change your name, my mother's surname is Gu, you two should use Gu as your surname, and then say yes Relatives from my mother's house."

Mo Fei rolled his eyes: "Since the surname has been changed, the first name is fine, so as not to mess up when shouting, I will be called Gu Yifei, and Lei Sen will be called Gu Yisen. What do you think?"

Lei Sen was originally from a team, so he didn't care too much about these things, so he nodded when he heard what Mo Fei said.

"Okay, then I'll help you register. You can come in and fill out some forms later." Shao Qing walked in after speaking.

"Lei Sen, I'll call you Brother when I'm outside, and you can call me Fei Fei." Murphy whispered to Lei Sen, there might be someone nearby, so Murphy spoke in a low voice.

Lei Sen nodded, and the two walked into the registration office one after the other.

The staff in charge of the level greeted the two of them with smiles and led them to a table in the back. After all, they were relatives of the deputy executive, so they couldn't be neglected.

The two successfully received a new ID card and a new hunting recorder.

"You two should live in the residential area first." Shao Qing arranged a place for the two of them.

There are five city gates in Yihai base, oh no, there are six city gates now, because of the last time, the city gate has been extended to the position of the slope.

Relying on the six thick gates, the security of the sea base can be said to be unbreakable unless it falls from the sky.Even the current star base has begun to think about how to strengthen the outer city wall, but without the terrain of the sea base, if it wants to strengthen the outer city wall, it needs to be built on all sides, which will consume a lot of manpower and time.

In addition to the six gates of the sea base, the outermost area is the second residential area, which is also the largest residential area, but the interpersonal relationship is relatively mixed, but the first residential area is different, and the relative flow of people will be much smaller, although it cannot be compared with the inner city. .

However, the two of them were newcomers, and they were able to be assigned to the residential area, it was entirely for Shao Qing's sake.

"With so many thick walls like yours, it would be great to live in the second residential district, let alone the first residential district." Murphy should be said to be very satisfied.

"Who told you that you are my relatives? Okay, let's not talk too much. I will take you to the first residential area and buy some daily necessities." Shao Qing glanced at the backpacks on the two of them, which were probably emergency things , I'm afraid I can't really live.

I went all the way to the trading market to buy some things, and then drove the two of them to the house in the first district of residence.

"This unit is not big. There are two rooms. It's just right for the two of you to live in." Because they are brothers and sisters, they can't live in two houses, so it's not like brother and sister.Shao Qing opened the door and introduced them to the two.

"It's pretty good here. It has everything, and the facilities are complete. It's not bad." Murphy walked around the room, boasting again and again.

"This is for you, please contact me if you have anything to do, because the communicator is always losing signal now. We generally use this connection in the base. But this can't be too far away, and the range is estimated to be only two residential areas. The enhanced version You can go to the city gate." Shao Qing said and threw a corsage-sized communicator to Murphy.

Mo Fei looked at it and pinned the contact on the clothes: "It's pretty good-looking, and it can be used as a decoration when it's not in use in the future."

"Hahaha, then you can use it as a decoration, but don't forget to call me if you have something to do, you should take a rest first, and I will pick you up for dinner at my house in the evening." Shao Qing smiled brightly and said to Mo Fei.

"Forget about eating, it's enough to bother you."

Mo Fei intentionally refused, but Shao Qing immediately dispelled Mo Fei's thoughts: "It's okay if you don't go, you are relatives of my mother's family now, why don't you go to see your aunt? That's fine, I'll pick you up tonight, It’s just a regular meal.”

"Okay, then let's have another meal." Murphy stuck out his tongue mischievously, and then sent Shao Qing away.

"Murphy, you and Shao Qing have such a good relationship!" Lei Sen shouted after Shao Qing left.

"I said brother, shouldn't you get used to calling me Feifei now, otherwise what should you do if you get exposed outside?"

"Uh... Feifei..." Hearing what Murphy said, Lei Sen tried to shout out in embarrassment.

"That's right, I'll get used to shouting a lot, so I won't expose myself. Okay, I'll take a shower first. I should have taken a shower when I came back from the mountains that day, but I went straight to the detention room. Mushrooms almost grew on my body." .” Murphy muttered, turned and walked towards the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Mo Fei changed into underwear, but the underwear can cover up, what about the coat?I came here empty-handed.I also forgot about this just now, and didn't buy some clothes in the trading market, only bought some quilts and the like.

Murphy wrapped up his coat and slipped out, went back to the room and looked through the backpack, it was full of food, Lei Sen would never have thought of bringing you clothes.

There was no way, Murphy put on his coat and called Shao Qing.

"What's the matter, Feifei?" Shao Qing saw the familiar number just after returning to the office. After thinking about it, it was the communicator he had just handed over to Mo Fei, and the smile in his eyes became stronger.

"Shao Qing, I came from over there without bringing any clothes. I forgot about this just now and didn't buy a set first. Bring me a set of clothes when you come at night!" Murphy whispered As he spoke, he seemed a little embarrassed by his confusion.

"So that's what happened. Don't tell me I was going to bring you some clothes. That's all right. You can wait at home. I have a meeting in the afternoon. I think I'll pick you up at five o'clock."

"Well, please!" After saying too much thank you, Mo Fei felt that his skin was getting thicker, so he didn't want to be polite to Shao Qing at all.

Putting on his coat and making the bed, Murphy got into bed and prepared to sleep for a while.

Hearing that there was no movement in the bathroom, Lei Sen also packed his things and came out.Seeing the prints of water shoes in the bathroom all the way into the room, knowing that Mo Fei had already finished washing and returned to the room, so he went to wash and change his clothes.

After changing his clothes, Lei Sen realized that Murphy must have no clothes in the detention room, and he didn't prepare women's clothes when he rescued her.

Thinking of this, Lei Sen turned and went into the room, took out some black crystals from his backpack, and took them out of the room.

Not long after, Leisen came back with a bag and hung it on the doorknob of the room where Murphy lived, and then Leisen turned and entered the room.

Mo Fei woke up and stretched. He slept well this time. Although he ate well in the isolation room, sleeping in the isolation room was not comfortable after all.

After drinking some water, Murphy put on his coat and walked out of the room to go to the toilet. When he opened the door, he saw a bag hanging on the outer floor.

Murphy picked up the bag and looked inside. Inside was a set of clean women's sportswear with packaging on it, which should be new.

Has Shao Qing been here?Murphy looked suspiciously at the living room, but there was no one in the living room.

But there was only one woman in this room, and she was hanging on the doorknob of his own room, so Murphy took it into the room and put it on her body.

The clothes were a little too big, but luckily they were sportswear, it wasn't obvious, it just looked a little loose.

After getting dressed, Murphy came out again when there was a knock on the door.

He raised his hand to look at his watch, it turned out that it was already ten past five, and he actually slept for three hours.

Mo Fei hurried to open the door, and standing outside the door was a smiling Shao Qing.

Shao Qing didn't expect that it was Mo Fei who opened the door, and looked at Mo Fei: "Fei Fei, did you find your clothes?"

Murphy was also a little strange: "Didn't you send this dress? I thought you sent it." Then, Murphy let Shao Qing into the room.

Shao Qing raised a few bags in his hand: "This is the clothes I brought you, but it's okay, girls don't have too many clothes, and you don't live for a day, so it's good to have a few more." Shao Qing finished speaking The big and small bags in the bag were stuffed into Murphy's hands.

When the two were talking, Lei Sen came out of the room and saw Shao Qing bring a bunch of things to Mo Fei, Lei Sen just nodded to Shao Qing.

Shao Qing didn't care either. He had long heard that Captain Lei of the mecha team was a cool person. Shao Qing smiled back at Lei Sen, and then patted Mo Fei on the head: "Girl, put on the clothes in this bag. Anyway, I'm going back to eat today, and you know that my mother is a bit picky."

Of course, Mo Fei had experienced Shao's mother before, nodded, and walked to his room with the bag in his arms.

Seeing Murphy walking into the house, Shao Qing looked at Lei Sen: "Captain Lei seems to be two years older than me, so I'll call you cousin outside." Shao Qing said in an easy-going manner.

"Deputy Commander Shao, I don't dare to be." Lei Sen replied sternly.

Murphy, who just came out of the house after changing his clothes, said loudly to Lei Sen: "Why don't you dare to act, of course you have to act the whole play, do you want to be discovered quickly? If you don't dare to act, just be your cousin gone."

One sentence made Shao Qing laugh.

When Mo Fei appeared in front of the two of them, Lei Sen's expression froze slightly, but Shao Qing gave Mo Fei a thumbs up: "Yes, Fei Fei is so beautiful, I have a good eye!"

(End of this chapter)

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