Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 286 The Awkward Leisen

Chapter 286 The Awkward Leisen

Hearing Shao Qing's praise, Murphy posed in a favorable position, and said with a big grin, "Sure, Shao Qing, your vision is getting better and better now, tell me, have you been trained?"

"What training, you ghost girl, okay, let's go!" Shao Qing patted Mo Fei on the head as if habitually, and pushed Mo Fei to the door.

Murphy turned to look at Lei Sen: "Lei Sen, does this look good?"

"Well, it looks good!" Lei Sen nodded and replied dully, but refused to say a few more words.

Mo Fei was in a good mood and didn't care about it. He pulled Leisen's arm: "Let's go, Brother Guyisen! Let's go to the family dinner."

Dragging Lei Sen, Murphy and Shao Qing walked downstairs, and Shao Qing's car was parked at the entrance of the building downstairs.

Murphy went downstairs and let go of Lei Sen's arm, and sat directly in the co-pilot's seat, as if it was hers in the first place.

Lei Sen watched Murphy get into the co-pilot, and for some reason, Lei Sen felt a little uncomfortable from the moment Mo Fei changed from his tracksuit to the lady's outfit that Shao Qing sent later.Now seeing Murphy sitting in the co-pilot seat next to Shao Qing, Lei Sen felt depressed for no reason.

"Sit down, let's go." Shao Qing said cheerfully to Murphy and Lei Sen in the back seat, and then drove towards Shao Qing's house.

Since it was a so-called family banquet in the name of Shao Qing's relatives, Shao Qing's parents, namely the chief executive officer of the sea base Shao Hongyang and his wife, were indispensable.

Shao Hongyang knew Murphy and Leisen. After all, one had made great contributions to the sea base, and the other was a celebrity in the entire Dragon Kingdom. As long as they were high-level people, there was basically no one who didn't know Leisen. It could even be said that as long as they knew The first mecha "Silver Wing" of the Earth Alliance must know Lei Sen, the leader of the Dragon Nation's mecha team who is the best mecha driver.

So Shao Hongyang didn't expect that Lei Sen, the captain of the mecha team, who had always been calm and calm, would have such a passionate side of doing justice.

Although Shao Qing's mother didn't know Lei Sen, she also heard Shao Hongyang say that Lei Sen was great, so she was very polite to Lei Sen.And because I asked Shao Qing to go to the dinner last time and brought Mo Fei back, Shao's mother also met Mo Fei, and because it was the first time her son brought a proactive girl back, Shao's mother also had a deep impression of Murphy .

And at that dinner, it was said that Mo Fei saved Shao Qing from making a fool of himself because of Ye Yonghang, so Mother Shao was very kind to Mo Fei this time.

"You are here. I have heard Shao Qing say about the general situation. In fact, I have no experience in this last world. As long as I am alive, I welcome you very much. If you have anything to do, you can find Shao Qing. If you have any difficulties, you can also Tell me." Shao Hongyang didn't put on any official airs at home, and his tone was like an elder.

Mo Fei smiled slightly at Shao Hongyang: "Thank you, Uncle Shao." Turning to look at Shao Qing's mother: "Aunt Shao, I will disturb you again this time."

"You still call me aunt, shouldn't you call me aunt?" Shao Qing's mother was less picky than last time, and stretched out her hand to hold Mo Fei's hand and said lovingly.

"Uncle, aunt." Murphy was not pretentious. Seeing Shao Qing's mother say this, he quickly shouted at Shao Hongyang and Shao Qing's mother.

"Hey, hey, he's such a good boy. From now on, he will come to the house when he has nothing to do. They are all from his own family. It will be more lively when you come." Shao's mother couldn't help answering.

Hearing Mo Fei call his uncle, Shao Hongyang also smiled from ear to ear. He used to like his daughter, but he gave birth to a son. Seeing Murphy's lively appearance now, Shao Hongyang also smiled rarely.

"Look at this girl's sweet mouth, how good at coaxing people, she coaxed my parents away in such a short time." Shao Qing looked at the happy parents and smiled.

Lei Sen stood behind and looked at the scene in front of him, feeling that he couldn't get into it. It seemed that Shao Qing's parents also liked Murphy very much, Lei Sen thought to himself, but his expression was even more indifferent.

Mo Fei felt that Lei Sen hadn't spoken for a long time. He turned his head to look at Lei Sen, and realized that Lei Sen didn't seem very happy. Murphy reached out and pulled Lei Sen's clothes.

Lei Sen looked at Mo Fei, and seeing Mo Fei winking at him, his face softened a little, and he dealt with Shao Qing's parents.

Murphy thought: Probably Lei Sen usually does missions with mechs, and he is not very good at socializing with these.So one said a few more words to Shao Qing's parents, making them turn their attention to him.

Several people were seated, and the dishes were really rich. Mo Fei even said that he had a good meal today, which made Shao's mother, who was preparing this dinner, even happier.During the banquet, everyone chatted about some things while eating, and the time passed quickly.

By the time Mo Fei remembered to check the time, it was already very late.Although before the apocalypse, ten o'clock was nothing, but in the post-apocalyptic era, when rest is generally earlier, ten o'clock is already sleep time.

"It's late, and we should go back. I'm bothering uncle and aunt today." Before leaving, Murphy still yelled sweetly to Shao Hongyang and his wife.

"Let Shao Qing take you back, and you all go to bed earlier." Shao Hongyang said, and ordered Shao Qing to send Murphy and Lei Sen back to their residence.

"Understood Dad, I will definitely send them back without you saying, okay, let's go." After talking to his father Shao Hongyang, Shao Qing turned around and patted Murphy and Lei Sen: "Let's go, I'll send them off." You go back."

After bidding farewell to Shao Qing's parents, the three left Shao Qing's villa.

Along the way, Shao Qing told some jokes, which made Mo Fei laugh, and soon arrived at the downstairs of the residence.

"Thank you, my dear cousin." Mo Fei smiled and said to Shao Qing with his eyes bent.

"You're welcome, my dear cousin, go to bed now!" Shao Qing said the same to Mo Fei.

"Hahaha, good, good night!" After Mo Fei said goodbye to Shao Qing, he glanced at Lei Sen who had already walked to the door of the building, and Mo Fei quickly chased after him: "Hey, brother, wait for me!"

After entering the room and closing the door, Murphy put away the smile on his face: "Lei Sen, what's the matter with you today? You're absent-minded about everything. Even Commander Shao asked you, but you didn't seem to hear."

"It's nothing, maybe I'm a little tired!"

"Okay, but I have something to say, by the way, give me your satellite communicator." Murphy said and reached out to Leisen.

Lei Sen didn't ask Murphy what he was doing this time, he handed the satellite communicator directly to Murphy, and then entered the room without looking back.

"Weird." Murphy mumbled, turned and walked towards his room.

After entering the room, Murphy changed into a comfortable nightgown first. The clothes Shao Qing brought over this time are quite complete.

Half lying on the bed, Murphy dialed the number.

"Beep beep..." It rang for a long time but no one answered. After hanging up, Mo Fei dialed another number.

"You got the news, Leisen, where are you now? I couldn't get through to your communicator a few days ago, but yesterday I got through and no one answered. You..." Mo Fei just dialed, and there was a message There was an anxious voice.

"Xiao Minyu, you still keep people from talking!" Mo Fei yelled towards the opposite side.

"Ah... Ah... Feifei? Feifei, where are you now? Are you okay?" Xiao Minyu asked Mo Fei when he heard Mo Fei's voice.

"Well, we've arrived at the sea base now, and we've settled down. We had to stay in the isolation room because we changed identities, so of course we couldn't get your call." Murphy replied in a steady voice.

"It turns out that I went to the sea base, so it's good to be safe."

Afterwards, Xiao Minyu told Mo Fei about the current situation. Although Xiao Minyu was given time to investigate, but until the result was out, it was better not to show up for the sake of Mo Fei, otherwise Mo Fei might still have to live in the detention room.

"Feifei, take care of yourself over there, and I'll call you back after I investigate clearly." Xiao Minyu assured Mo Fei in the communicator.

"I'm really fine. This place is pretty good. If the investigation doesn't work out, I'll live here. Hehe..." Mo Fei jokingly said to Xiao Minyu on the communicator.

"No!" Xiao Minyu seemed to be emotional all of a sudden: "Believe me, Feifei, I will definitely investigate the real beast, and you must come back! Otherwise, I will go to the sea base to bring you back."

"Hahaha, okay, I'm just kidding, so let's do this first, don't worry, you may be prone to loopholes, why don't you observe it, maybe the other party will relax their vigilance to reveal the loopholes!" Murphy reminded.

"Ok, I know."

"Then I'm going to bed, good night."

"Good night, Feifei."

After talking with Xiao Minyu, Mo Fei felt very good.

In fact, my popularity is still very good. At the star base, Xiao Minyu helped to investigate, and Lei Sen rescued him from the execution site. At the sea base, there is a good friend Shao Qing. Murphy felt that he was really happy.

Glancing at the number he had dialed before, Murphy dialed again, but no one answered as before.

"Strange, why didn't Yixun answer the phone?" Murphy muttered and threw the communicator aside, and the whole person was nestled under the quilt after a while.

Xiao Minyu on the other side put down the communicator and almost jumped up: "Second brother, Feifei is fine, they went to the sea base."

"Understood, I heard when you were talking just now, it's fine, but just like what Murphy said, we are too anxious, and the other party will be more vigilant instead. We might as well relax on the surface and let the The other party thought we had given up, anyway, if they can't find Murphy, there won't be any problem."

"That's fine, but you can't relax all of a sudden, it will arouse people's doubts, and start a little bit tomorrow." After being happy, Xiao Minyu regained his reason, and Man Chengbin's reminder gave him more ideas. Find out who framed Murphy.

It was already night in the office building, but the lights of the research institute were still on, which looked particularly bright in this dark night.

"This formula is still wrong, try again." A woman with a soft voice shouted unceremoniously in the laboratory at this time, a flask fell to the ground, making everyone around dare not make a sound.

"No, why is it still wrong?" The woman's voice was full of doubts, and then she lowered her head and got busy.

(End of this chapter)

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