Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 287 You look good when you smile

Chapter 287 You look good when you smile

After waking up, Mo Fei moved his body before leaving the room. Outside the room, Lei Sen had already woken up.

Because Lei Sen and Murphy changed their identities after they came to the sea base, both the merit points in the identity card and the hunting recorder were empty.

Although Shao Qing took care of it at the beginning, he couldn't always eat and use other people's food.

After breakfast, Murphy and Leisen decided whether to go to the task reception office to pick up some tasks to do. After all, the two of them didn't just stay at the sea base for a day or two.

"Lei Sen, I have already contacted Xiao Minyu before, and he also agreed that we should settle in the sea base first to avoid the limelight, and we will go back when the investigation on his side is almost done, but you can go back first if you escape this time " Sitting face to face with Lei Sen, Murphy said to Lei Sen.

Lei Sen didn't say to go back, nor did he say that he couldn't go back, so he was a little quiet.After a long while, he replied: "Let's talk about that, let's think about the current livelihood issue first!"

Murphy nodded: "I also thought about it, let's do it this way, since we are in another identity, we will simply take the task, of course, I will also tell Shao Qing that if there are some difficult tasks with rich rewards Help us with the next step, at least the two of us will switch to mechas to perform tasks after we go out, so that we will have an advantage over others."

Lei Sen nodded: "Okay, then let's start today, and go to the task reception area to have a look later, even if you don't accept the task first, you can get acquainted with the situation at the task reception area."

After making up their minds, Lei Sen and Murphy packed up and went out.

Come to the task reception area, which is different from other task reception areas, because the sea base is close to the sea, in addition to ordinary tasks, there are also special tasks for going to sea.

Although Murphy is very interested in this sea-going operation, the reward is not high, but some seafood will be distributed when he returns.

Seeing that Murphy was interested in this task, Lei Sen asked Murphy, "Do you want to do this task?"

Mo Fei shook his head: "The rewards are not high. We need to do some high rewards to earn the most basic living expenses first. This task seems to be long-term. We will go to it later."

Lei Sen nodded. After coming out, Lei Sen discovered that Murphy really made some decisions that were not suitable for her age, and most of them were correct.And because of trust, Lei Sen would unknowingly ask for Murphy's opinion, and he would support what he thought was right.

"Brother, how about that mission?" Murphy suddenly pointed to a mission and shouted at Lei Sen.

Probably still not liking such an identity, it took Leisen a long time to realize that he was calling himself, and looked at Mo Fei's hand, and saw a row of tasks with asterisks on the board: "That is a collection task? But Why is the reward so high?"

Although Lei Sen basically had to go out for missions every three to five times when he was at the star base, and sometimes even had missions arranged every day, but that was basically arranged by the base, and he would not go to the mission receiving place to pick up missions privately, so Lei Sen Sen is relatively unfamiliar with the matching task.

However, Lei Sen has released many missions, and he still has some understanding of the rewards of missions.

Murphy smiled mysteriously: "So this task is definitely not easy, but it may be just what we need." Murphy walked through the crowd towards the window where the task was received.

"Hello, I want to take over the task of No. [-]." Murphy shouted into the window.

The people inside shouted without raising their heads: "Report the name of the team that is doing the task."

"We're not a team, just two people." Murphy replied quickly.

"Two people? Two people want to take this task?" The staff inside came out of the window with a slightly mocking tone.

No matter when, no matter where, there will always be such a contemptuous existence, and there is no need for Murphy to get angry with her. He raised his voice and repeated: "I want to accept the task of No. [-]."

Seeing that Murphy was not annoyed, the female staff inside muttered, "It's really beyond my control." They were already adjusting the records of this task.

Murphy beckoned to Leisen, and Leisen walked over.

The staff member was adjusting the task record just now and didn't see Murphy waving. Now he looked up and saw a tall and handsome handsome guy coming behind Murphy. What task?"

Lei Sen didn't speak, and Murphy blocked the entire window with a sideways step: "The two of us took this task."

The staff member lost the chance to see the handsome guy, rolled his eyelids and said to Mo Fei in an unkind tone, "Bring me your ID card to register, will you accept the mission, or I'll ask you one by one."

Murphy asked Lei Sen for his ID card, and then handed it in together with his own ID card.

After swiping the ID cards of the two people, the female staff member suddenly changed her expression: "So they are brother and sister? No wonder you all think you are so good-looking, but this task is dangerous. It seems that your records are newcomers." The base, haven’t you done the mission before? I still want to remind you, this mission looks simple but it’s not ordinary.”

Murphy looked at the staff member with some amusement. She seemed to be patiently explaining to the two people, but she couldn't help but glance at Lei Sen.

After receiving the identity card and the task acceptance number plate, Mo Fei pulled Lei Sen: "Brother, let's go!"

Lei Sen immediately turned around and left the window where the mission was accepted.

The female staff member supported the table with one hand with an intoxicated face, and looked out with nostalgic eyes.

"Ma'am, I want to take on the task of No. [-]." A man walked to the window and waved his hand in front of the female staff member.

The female staff member was relieved at this moment. When she saw the appearance of the person who received the task, the female staff member looked disgusted: "Oh, it's not easy to see a handsome guy who is seductive, and he was suddenly destroyed by this ugly man." mood.But the work had to be done, and the female staff transferred the task to that person with a cold face.

Murphy and Leisen walked back all the way. Murphy pulled out an area map and followed the directions on the area map to find the location of the mission.

"This one seems to be here, but it doesn't quite look like it." Murphy flipped through the map in his hand over and over in confusion.

Lei Sen couldn't bear to look at it anymore. He took the map from Murphy's hand, then took a rough look at the location of the mission point, and pointed casually: "It's in this area."

Murphy looked along the location Lei Sen pointed out, and then checked the mission location carefully, and it was indeed that location.I couldn't help raising my thumb: "It's so powerful, I found it after only two glances."

"We have been flying outside for many years, not only maps, but also aviation charts, nautical charts, and ice maps. Otherwise, we will not be able to return to places where the magnetic field is unstable or where there is no navigation point!" Lei Sen said. It seemed to be said plainly, but Murphy could hear the hardships in the past.

"Now that the location is determined, I think it's still a bit far away. Should we set off today or tomorrow?" Murphy asked Lei Sen in a negotiating tone.

"It's all right, you decide."

Mo Fei thought about it: "Since we still need to get the mecha, let's go after lunch. Now go back and pack our things."

"Well, I'm fine."

The two of them agreed to leave in the afternoon, and then they wandered to the vegetable market and bought some food with the Mo Jing in their hands.

Back home, Murphy packed his backpack, while Lei Sen was cooking.

Murphy has eaten the meals made by Lei Sen a few times, and his craftsmanship is actually better than his own. Murphy once asked tentatively, and later found out that Lei Sen was an orphan who grew up in an orphanage. When he was five years old, he He was picked up by the official personnel to train, so his life is only study and exercise.

This made Mo Fei a little sad. No matter what, he was still loved by his parents when he was a child. Later, because his parents prepared for him in advance, he never lacked anything materially. Except for the lack of family affection, Murphy was also considered Lived freely.

This is also one of the reasons why Murphy was the first to call Lei Sen "brother" when he switched to the status of brother and sister after coming to the sea base. After all, Lei Sen should never have had a family.

After packing up his things, Murphy sent another message to Shao Qing, telling him that he and Lei Sen were going to do the mission, so Shao Qing should not worry.

Everything has been tidied up, and the lunch at Leisen's side is also ready.

"It's delicious, your skills are almost as good as the chef's." Mo Fei smiled and praised Lei Sen with his eyes bent, reached out to pick up the chopsticks on the table, and took a bite into his mouth.

Seeing that Murphy was eating happily, Lei Sen couldn't help smiling, just in time for Murphy to see: "Lei Sen, you should smile more, you look beautiful when you smile." Murphy said to Lei Sen sincerely.

Unexpectedly, Murphy would suddenly praise himself, Lei Sen was a little at a loss, and responded in a low voice, then turned and went to the kitchen to serve the meal.

The two of them finished their meals quickly, because they had to go to work, and they might not come back at night, so there was nothing left for the two of them, so they ate up all their meals.Fortunately, it is made according to the amount of a meal, otherwise it will definitely last.

Even so, Mo Fei was still full. He stood up and finished washing the dishes: "Let's go! We have to go to the mountain area to get the mecha first." After finishing speaking, Mo Fei handed the packed backpack to Lei Sen. I carried one on my back, and the two of them went downstairs.

Two people opened the door and were about to go downstairs, when a person hurried up from below.

Looking up and seeing Murphy and Leisen, the man stopped and gasped for breath.

"Shao Qing? Why are you here? What's the matter?" Mo Fei glanced at the person who came, it was Shao Qing.Thinking that Shao Qing came as soon as he sent a message saying that he was going out, there must be something special.

"Today, don't go out today." Shao Qing said anxiously to the two before he could catch his breath.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Murphy's first reaction was that the zombies were attacking the city again, so he asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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