Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 288 Before the Typhoon Approaches

Chapter 288 Before the Typhoon Approaches

Originally, Murphy and Lei Sen had accepted a task that seemed simple but highly rewarding. Because they wanted to get the mecha, they decided to set off on the same day.

But before the two of them went out after eating, Shao Qing hurried over.

"Did something happen?" Murphy's first thought was that the zombies were attacking the city again.But after thinking about it, since the nearby zombie lair was blown up, it seems that there has never been a large number of zombies coming over. Although there are still occasional zombies from the surrounding cities, it is not as large as before. Quantity up.

"It is said that there may be a typhoon that will land today. Neither of you are from this side. You must not know. Although it is only a breeze outside now, it will get bigger and bigger in a short time, because the news is that you didn't come a few days ago. I was notified when I was here, so you don't know, if I didn't see Feifei just now saying that you are going to go out to do a mission, I wouldn't have remembered it for a while."

After panting for breath, Shao Qing explained the matter clearly in one breath.

"Typhoon?" As Murphy, who lived on a plain with no mountains or seas before the end of the world, he had never encountered a typhoon.

"Yes, it was cold when you came to the sea base before. Now that the weather is getting warmer, the airflow will interact with each other and there will be typhoon days, accompanied by large-scale rainfall." Shao Qing explained to Murphy road.

"When I received your message, I happened to be arranging the deployment of anti-typhoon, so I hurried over here. The signal is not good on this typhoon day. I checked your message, and it was sent half an hour ago. Hurry up because I'm afraid that you have already set off, but luckily you can catch up." Shao Qing said as if he was relieved.

"So that's the case, I know, let's wait for the typhoon to pass for two days before doing the task!" Mo Fei shrugged, there is no way to do it if there is a typhoon, but he can't earn merit points, so he can only continue wasting Mo Jing .

Shao Qing did not leave after finishing speaking, but asked the two of them: "You two really want to do the painting of the task, but I need your help with a task. I came here thinking of you and remember to take a break. Since you want to Go do the task, why not help me."

"What kind of mission is it?" Originally thought that the mission was wasted, but now that Shao Qing had a mission and needed help, Murphy asked quickly.

Shao Qing habitually reached out and patted Mo Fei's head: "You girl can't sit still, well, you two put your backpacks back and follow me."

Putting the backpack back home, Murphy and Lei Sen followed Shao Qing all the way out.

"Get in the car, I'll tell you on the way." Shao Qing opened the door, and Murphy and Lei Sen also got into the car.

The car started, and Shao Qing opened his mouth.

"Because of the typhoon, a lot of equipment needs to be reinforced, and some equipment needs to be covered to avoid the heavy rain, so every time the typhoon comes, it is busy. The base will also release some such tasks, but some are more secretive. We can only send the relevant personnel of the base to the place. There are just not enough manpower, so you two can follow me to do these things." While Shao Qing was speaking, the car had already driven a long way.

"So that's how it is. It's okay. I can't help you with anything else, so I can do this." Murphy nodded.

The car that followed Shao Qing soon arrived at the place where work was needed, Shao Qing stopped the car, and there were already five or six people busy around, but obviously, facing such a large location, these few people were definitely not enough .

"Deputy Executive Shao is here." A man wearing a hard hat saw Shao Qing, so he slid down the top and greeted Shao Qing.

"Old Cheng, I brought these two people here to help, you arrange for them, I have to go to the third area to have a look." Shao Qing said and pulled Murphy and Lei Sen over, entrusting them to This is the old way.

"Don't worry, I will arrange easier tasks for them." Lao Cheng replied to Shao Qing.

Unexpectedly, Shao Qing smiled: "You don't need to pick simple ones, just follow the normal arrangements."

Before Shao Qing left, he told Murphy to pay attention to safety, and then he left the spot and drove to the No. [-] area he just mentioned to make arrangements.

"What do you call them?" Lao Cheng waited for Shao Qing to leave before turning to Murphy and Lei Sen and asking.

"Master Cheng, my name is Gu Yifei, and he is my brother, Gu Yisen." Murphy replied first.

Old Cheng nodded: "Since Deputy Executive Shao arranged for you to come here to help, he should have more trust in you. After a while, you will put on your hard hat and gloves. As long as you are careful, these jobs are not too difficult." As Lao Cheng spoke, he handed the two men a pair of gloves, and then led them to get two hard hats.

"The instruments on this scaffolding need to be covered. You two climb carefully. The scaffolding is very stable. After this side is finished, then cover the ones next to it. Come to me after the construction." Although Shao Qing said that he could give it to two people Ordinary jobs were arranged, but Lao Cheng still chose some simple jobs for the two of them.

"Okay, Master Cheng, we understand." Murphy looked around at the location pointed by Old Cheng, and agreed. Then Murphy and Lei Sen climbed up the scaffolding.

Murphy's physical fitness is good, and he has the flying talisman and the speed talisman, so this is a piece of cake for Murphy. Even if he doesn't use the talisman, it won't be too much trouble given Murphy's physical condition.And Lei Sen himself is from the team, so his skills are also very agile.

The two climbed up quickly. According to what Lao Cheng said just now, one end of the waterproof cloth was fixed to the wall with a fixed valve, and then the waterproof cloth was covered with the instrument, and then the other end was fixed on the outer wall.

The work is simple, and the only time required is the time for getting up and down the scaffolding and turning over the tarpaulin.

From a distance, Lao Cheng watched Murphy and Lei Sen quickly build one and come down, and then switch to the other side to do the next one. Lao Cheng couldn't help but nodded: It seems that the person introduced by Deputy Executive Officer Shao is really reliable .

Murphy and Lei Sen quickly finished the work assigned to them by Lao Cheng, and the two of them ran towards Lao Cheng's place of work.

"Master Cheng, the two of us have finished building the one over there, what should we do now?" The wind was already much stronger than before, and Murphy raised his head, pressing his hands on his hair and shouting towards Old Cheng above. .

"Wait a minute, I'll make arrangements for you when I'm done here, take a break!" Old Cheng replied to Murphy.

Murphy responded, and then pushed Lei Sen to the side to avoid the wind.

"Sure enough, the typhoon is coming. Fortunately, we didn't go out, otherwise it would be quite troublesome." Murphy pushed Lei Sen to the bottom of the wall and said.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and even the originally stable scaffolding began to shake, making a "click" sound.

Murphy looked up worriedly, and there were still many people busy up there.

"Lei Sen, do you think we should go up and help?" Murphy looked at the busy people above and whispered.

"It's better to follow the command. It's not good if it's not helpful." Lei Sen was still relatively calm, and replied after looking up.

After waiting for a while, Lao Cheng finally got down from above.

Mo Fei took a few steps and ran over: "Master Cheng, are you okay? Do you think there is anything else we need to do?"

Lao Cheng took off his gloves and shook his head at Murphy and Leisen: "Everything else is almost done. I didn't expect you two to finish it so quickly. Even if my people often do it, I'm afraid it's not as fast as you two. Now there is only one The hardest and highest place is quite dangerous, you just need to help support the shelf below, now that the wind is getting stronger, it’s not so easy to stay up there.”

After Lao Cheng finished speaking, he led Murphy and Leisen towards the highest position.

"You guys have supported me below. The more stable I am, the easier it is for me to climb."

Murphy looked up and saw that it was really high up here, and the higher it went, the stronger the wind would be because there was less shelter.

"Master Cheng, why don't we go up, it's enough to cover it, right?" Murphy looked at it and replied.

"It's okay, I'll go, you guys help." After Lao Cheng finished speaking, he put on his gloves again, grabbed the climbing scaffolding and climbed up step by step.

Murphy and Leisen tightly grasped the lower end of the scaffolding, and Lao Cheng climbed up towards it.At this moment, the wind was stronger, and a drop of rain fell on Murphy's cheek. Murphy raised his head to look up, and the light rain began to fall in big drops.

"It's already raining." As soon as Mo Fei finished speaking, Lao Cheng on the top suddenly slipped his foot, as if he had stepped on empty space, holding the upper shelf with one hand, and his feet were constantly looking for places to step on.

At this moment, the tarpaulin that was originally on it was overturned, and Lao Cheng was caught off guard by the tarpaulin.

"Master Cheng..." Murphy shouted, Lei Sen and Murphy found the right position and worked together to catch Lao Cheng.

When Lao Cheng opened his eyes, he found that he didn't feel any pain at all. He stood up and lifted off the tarpaulin covering it, only to see the hands of Murphy and Leisen who were pressing down together.

Old Cheng was shocked, and quickly got up: "Are you two okay?" Anyone with common sense would know that the acceleration of a person's weight falling from a height is much greater than a person's own weight. Come down, don't crush the two children.

Seeing Lao Cheng get up, Mo Fei got up and moved his wrist: "It's okay, it's okay, as long as you are not injured."

Lei Sen also got up from the side, but kept looking at Murphy with strange eyes.

"What's the matter, brother?" Murphy felt that Lei Sen's eyes were a little strange and asked hurriedly.

"It's nothing, let's cover it!" Lei Sen shook his head, quickly changed the subject, and pointed to the tarpaulin above.

Mo Fei nodded, turned to Old Cheng and said, "Master Cheng, take a rest below, let's build it."

Lei Sen has climbed two floors now. "Wait for me!" Murphy yelled and quickly chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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