Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 289 Doubts in the Heart

Chapter 289 Doubts in the Heart
Murphy and Leisen worked together to cover the equipment on the highest floor, and then they slid down quickly.

Seeing the two stretching out their hands, Lao Cheng couldn't help but lament that he was old, had done similar jobs all his life, and yet he had two children to save him.

"Master Cheng, the tallest one is also covered, let's go to hide from the rain!" Mo Fei wiped the rain on his face. Although it wasn't raining heavily at the moment, after being blown for a long time, the water could already be wiped off his face Come.

"Okay, okay, thank you very much today, otherwise my old bones would definitely fall apart." Lao Cheng said to Mo Fei with a smile.

"It's nothing, as long as people are fine, let's go!" The three walked along the edge, and the people who were responsible for covering the tarp in other places also came down one after another and ran into the next building.

After waiting for a while, Lao Cheng checked the number of people, and then led them through the building to an office.

"Give me your ID cards, and I'll go in to get the rewards for this mission." Lao Cheng stopped at one place and asked everyone to wait in the lobby, then asked a few people to ask for ID cards.

Murphy and Lei Sen also took out the ID card and handed it to Lao Cheng, who walked into the house with a stack of ID cards in his hand.

Not long after, Lao Cheng came out again and handed back the ID cards to everyone, and each of them also gave out a box of eggs, but Lao Cheng took two boxes, so he should be rewarded more as a team leader.

The others took the rewards and left, but Lao Cheng called to Murphy and Lei Sen: "Brother and sister Gu, wait a moment."

"Master Cheng, is there anything else?" Murphy turned and looked at Old Cheng.

Lao Cheng handed one of the two boxes of eggs in his hand to Mo Fei: "I have nothing to give you for your hard work today, so don't dislike it."

"Master Cheng, what are you doing, no need, we have two boxes, enough to eat!" Murphy quickly evaded.

"Good boy, if you don't take it, you will look down on my old Cheng. Take it. Although neither of you was hurt, I know how dangerous it is. Don't argue, I usually do tasks, and this is still a lot Yes, not to mention I still have a box, take it!" Lao Cheng stubbornly pushed a box of eggs into Murphy's hands.

Mo Fei stopped arguing and took the egg in his hand: "Okay, thank you Master Cheng, we will accept it."

Lao Cheng nodded with a smile, and walked outside with the egg in his hand in a good mood. The feeling of relief made Murphy a little strange.

Murphy poked Lei Sen next to him with his finger: "Hey, do you feel that something is wrong?"

Originally, Mo Fei didn't expect Lei Sen to answer, but he didn't want to keep his doubts in his heart. Unexpectedly, Lei Sen nodded: "Well, it's a bit wrong, but I'll know when I get back."

Murphy looked at Lei Sen suspiciously. Seeing that Lei Sen stopped talking, Murphy didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, with Lei Sen's character, since he said it, he would know it, and he would definitely say it even if he didn't ask.

After the two of them left the building and reached the door, Mo Fei saw Shao Qing's car parked outside with sharp eyes and couldn't help but speed up and drive out.Lei Sen looked at the back of Murphy running towards Shao Qing, his eyes darkened, and then followed.

I also saw Murphy and Lei Sen outside. Shao Qing opened the car door and held an umbrella, and walked towards the door.

"Thank you for your hard work. I just saw Lao Cheng come down and I think you will come down soon." Shao Qing walked in front of the two, took out an umbrella and handed it to Lei Sen: "Get in the car, I will take you back and return to command department."

After getting in the car, Shao Qing couldn't help but praise the two of them: "Just now, Lao Cheng praised you a lot. It's the first time I've seen Lao Cheng praise people like this. It seems that I brought you right."

"Actually, not at all. It's just a little help. Master Cheng is too polite."

Then Shao Qing asked about the savior that Lao Cheng mentioned, and Murphy told the story.

While speaking, the car had arrived at the downstairs where Murphy lived.

"We're going up, drive carefully." The rain was already heavy at the moment, and it continuously fell on the glass of the car and created water mist, which made the sightline very poor, so after getting off the car, Murphy turned towards Shao Qing reminded.

"Understood, you two too, don't come out if you have nothing to say, this weather will last for at least two or three days." After finishing speaking, Shao Qing suddenly remembered something, and when Mo Fei was about to close the door, he said: "By the way, Fei Fei, you two There must be no food for storage, I will send it to you later, I will definitely come over, but I don’t know how long it will be busy.”

"No need, we still have food for two or three, as long as you do your work." Murphy replied quickly.

"Don't worry about it. I'll definitely come at night. Go up and take a shower and change your clothes, so that you don't catch a cold because of your wetness." Shao Qing decided that the two of them would have at most some kind of instant food, so he decided on it regardless of Mo Fei's refusal. .

"Understood, drive carefully." Murphy closed the car door and ran into the building holding an umbrella.

Went upstairs with Lei Sen, and after entering the room, Lei Sen urged Murphy to take a shower.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Murphy came out, and Lei Sen went into the bathroom with dry clothes.

Murphy went into the room after washing and changing his clothes. After Leisen returned to the room after taking a shower, he came out with another thing after a while.

Knocking on Mo Fei's door, Mo Fei's crisp and clean voice came from inside: "The door is unlocked, come in, what's the matter?"

Lei Sen entered the room with something, and then stretched out a somewhat thick hand to Murphy: "Give me your ID card."

Without hesitation, Murphy handed the ID card to Lei Sen. Lei Sen took the ID card and swiped it on the device in his hand, and then a series of numbers were displayed on the device.

Lei Sen showed the numbers to Murphy, and after reading them, Murphy asked, "What is this?"

"This is the balance of merit points in your identity card."

"You mean the reward for this mission? I didn't expect so much!" Because the two talents have not done anything in the base, so this is obviously the reward for this mission, but it is just a reward, which is too much point.

Lei Sen nodded but shook his head again, and then swiped his card again. Although the number on it was also high, it was much less than Murphy's.

"Huh? Your meritorious service is much higher than the rewards, but why is it so different from mine?" Murphy also felt that something was wrong.

Lei Sen then replied: "I was skeptical just now, the attitude of that old Cheng obviously gave us more than a box of eggs, so I guessed that he should also share his meritorious rewards with The two of us. That's why our meritorious service is so high."

Murphy nodded after listening to Lei Sen's explanation: "So that's the case. However, your meritorious service is justified, and mine is also ridiculously high, right?"

Lei Sen hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth to Mo Fei: "Your reward should be the same as mine. I guess Shao Qing gave you the extra merit points." After saying this, Lei Sen fell silent again. Yes, return Murphy's ID card to her, and leave with the ID card and equipment.

"Everyone says you don't need to take special care of me, this Shao Qing is really too." Mo Fei muttered and then looked up, seeing Lei Sen was about to go out: "Lei Sen, you are really business-like, you just leave after you finish talking, you can't talk God?"

Rebuked by Murphy softly, Lei Sen seemed a little at a loss. He didn't know how to get along with girls. In the past, he talked with Murphy about some things because, many times, especially outside, Murphy's performance was not good. Too much like a girl, sometimes even stronger than him.

"I..." Lei Sen turned around, his face full of embarrassment.

Murphy also saw that Lei Sen was not good at communicating, so he smiled helplessly: "Forget it, I took a nap, and it's rare to take a shower, and it's so pleasant when it's raining outside. On rainy days, when you're sleeping, you can go back to the house too!" "

After speaking, Murphy threw the quilt over his head, leaving Lei Sen standing quietly in the room.

Seeing Murphy's actions, Lei Sen unconsciously smiled, turned and left, and gently closed the door for Murphy.

After Lei Sen left, Murphy sat up.These two days will soon be the day to update the speed talisman, but because the breath has not been brought back, Murphy is worried that it will affect the effect of the talisman, so there are still a few days, and Murphy has not drawn a new talisman.

It seems that I can't go out these few days, so I am looking for a chance to get back my breath.

As for Lei Sen who returned to the room, because he really had nothing to do, he also lay down on the bed, and what he recalled in his mind was the scene of Murphy and himself joining forces to save Lao Cheng.

At that time, the incident happened suddenly, and he and Mo Fei found the right position together. Originally, Lei Sen wanted Mo Fei to escape, fearing that she would be hurt, but because of time constraints, he did not have time to push Mo Fei away, and Lao Cheng fell down. .

But Lei Sen clearly remembered that he didn't actually receive Lao Cheng.

Leisen had a rough estimate of the location where Lao Cheng fell, but because a large piece of tarpaulin also fell at the same time, covering Lao Cheng, Leisen did not calculate the most accurate location.

But Murphy, I don't know if it was a coincidence or because Murphy's judgment was so accurate. In short, it was actually Murphy who caught Lao Cheng in the end.But I only stretched out my hand again when I realized that something heavy had fallen, and I only reached one arm of Lao Cheng.

According to this judgment, when Lao Cheng fell down, Murphy was the only one who really saved Lao Cheng.

Just imagine, such a petite girl can use her arms to catch such a heavy old man who fell from a high place without any damage. Lei Sen can't imagine how powerful it is to be able to support it .

Recalling every time he met Murphy and the mysterious mech, Lei Sen felt that the more he knew about Murphy, the closer he was to Murphy, the more he couldn't see through her.

Lei Sen's mind is now full of Murphy's figure, and a series of questions follow. Lei Sen can't help but whisper softly: "Murphy, what kind of person are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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