Chapter 290
Mo Fei, who got up from bed at night, could smell the aroma of rice as soon as he opened the door.

Although I didn't buy much food today, I bought a bag of rice, so I still have to eat anyway.

Lei Sen was already standing in the kitchen cooking dinner.

Mo Fei came out and said half-jokingly, "Lei Sen, you must be a model husband in the future."

Hearing what Mo Fei said, even though he knew she was joking, Lei Sen's face still blushed involuntarily.

"Wash your face, and the food will be ready in a while." Lei Sen didn't say anything else and didn't dare to turn his head. He just replied in a deep and magnetic voice.

"Yes, I see." Murphy replied cheerfully, then turned and walked towards the bathroom.

Before the food was ready, there was a knock on the door outside.

Mo Fei hurried to open the door, and it was Shao Qing standing outside the door.Only the hair of Shao Qing's body was not wet, and he carried two large bags in his hands, all of which were made of waterproof cloth.

"It's full of food and daily necessities here. You can take a look and put them away later. My body is wet and my feet are full of mud. I won't go into the house. It's easy to get everywhere." Shao Qing said at the door I'm leaving now.

"Shao Qing..." Before Mo Fei turned around and took the bag, Shao Qing had already finished speaking and went downstairs. Murphy hurriedly chased to the stairs and shouted.

"Okay, you go back, try not to go out recently." After Shao Qing finished speaking, his figure had disappeared at the end of the stairs.

Seeing that Shao Qing had left, Mo Fei opened the window in the corridor and shouted, "Be careful on the road!"

"Understood." After Shao Qing, who heard Murphy's shout downstairs, replied, Murphy heard the sound of the car starting.

Knowing that Shao Qing had left, Mo Fei dragged his shoes back into the house.

"Phew, it's raining so hard that you can't see the distance clearly. It's really cold." Mo Fei rubbed his hands and looked at Lei Sen who had already served the steaming food on the table.

"Drink some soup first to keep warm." Lei Sen was noncommittal, and pushed a bowl of soup to Murphy's eyes.

After eating, Mo Fei urged Lei Sen to rest, cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks by himself, and when he came out again, he saw Lei Sen tidying up the things in the two pockets brought by Shao Qing.

"There are so many things." Only then did Murphy realize that the things had been spread all over the floor, and Lei Sen was sorting them into categories.

"Shao Qing is really kind to you, and thoughtful." Lei Sen said in a flat tone, in fact, even he himself didn't realize that the words actually had a sour taste.

Murphy is also careless, and he laughed when he heard Lei Sen say this: "Yeah! He took care of me when I was in the sea base before. It's ashamed to say that I just took care of him without saying thank you very much." People." Murphy also squatted down and tidied up with Lei Sen.

Lei Sen didn't say anything more, and picked up things silently.

"I'll take these to the platform!" Murphy put some shelf-stable dishes in a box and put them on the platform, while the rest of the non-storable dishes were piled up next to the kitchen and eaten in the next two days These are intolerant.

"There are still fish and shrimp. Murphy, go and connect the refrigerator!" Leisen dug out two more tightly wrapped fish and shrimp from a bag.

Because Murphy and Leisen just moved in, they didn't have anything, so they didn't turn on the refrigerator, so as to save some electricity. Now that they have these fresh foods, they naturally need to connect the refrigerator.

"Okay, let's put it away first, I'll wipe the inside of the refrigerator first." After finishing speaking, Murphy walked towards the refrigerator with a rag.

However, after opening the refrigerator, Murphy suddenly rushed back.

"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" Lei Sen asked suspiciously, looking at Murphy's panicked face.

"Lei, Lei Sen, there are dead bodies in the refrigerator." Murphy's face was a little pale. Although Murphy was very courageous and dared to kill even zombies, he opened the refrigerator so suddenly and found dead bodies inside. It feels more like nausea than horror.

Lei Sen didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. After a few steps, the refrigerator door is now open. Sure enough, he saw a human head in the refrigerator. The most terrifying thing is that the head is only attached to the neck, and the body does not know that it was thrown away. Or something, but the head is still moving.

"It seems that the killed head has mutated into a zombie head, and the brain is not damaged, so it is not completely dead." Lei Sen judged the situation when he saw this.

Whatever the reason, this refrigerator can never store food for two people anymore.

"It's all my fault for being lazy. It would be nice to test it earlier, otherwise Shao Qing can change us a refrigerator." After all, he has been fighting zombies outside for a long time. Being taken aback, it could be considered that Mo Fei was so courageous that he didn't even yell. A timid girl would probably pass out from fright.

After closing the refrigerator door again, Lei Sen reached out to pat Mo Fei on the shoulder to reassure her not to be afraid, but he didn't pat down after he raised his hand.Putting his hands down again, Lei Sen coughed softly: "Go out, don't come in this kitchen for now, luckily the weather is not very hot and it's raining, I'll marinate these fish and eat them tomorrow, and the shrimps still have ice, put them on the platform first All right."

"Yeah." Murphy picked up the bags and walked towards the platform.

The two of them packed the two bags Shao Qing brought before returning to their rooms.

Although he knew that the zombie's head could not come out, but there was a zombie's head sleeping in the refrigerator in the kitchen next door, and Mo Fei always felt a little weird.

After tossing and turning, he couldn't fall asleep, so Mo Fei raised his wrist and turned on the background light, and saw that it was almost twelve o'clock, and most people had already fallen asleep by this time.

Anyway, he couldn't fall asleep, so Murphy sat up and practiced the method of breathing.In fact, Mo Fei was already familiar with this method, but when it came time to apply it, Mo Fei didn't know how to do it.

After reviewing it again, Murphy opened his eyes: By the way, Lei Sen must be asleep at this late hour, why not go now, maybe it can be done soon.

Thinking of this, Murphy was not sleepy in the first place, but now he became more awake.

Putting on his clothes, Murphy tiptoed out of his room.

He tiptoed to the door of Leisen's room, and tentatively twisted Leisen's doorknob.Unexpectedly, the door was not locked, so Murphy carefully twisted it open and pushed the door open a crack.

It wasn't very dark inside, because Leisen didn't draw the curtains. Although it was windy and windy outside, there was a little bit of faint brightness.

Mo Fei poked his head in and saw Lei Sen lying on his side on the bed with the quilt covering his shoulders, his breathing was very steady, he should have slept soundly.

good chance!After thinking about it, Murphy pushed the door open a little more, until he could get in sideways, and then Murphy dodged into Lei Sen's room.

Still walking lightly to Leisen's bedside, Murphy started to get into trouble again.

Lei Sen is now turning sideways towards the wall, and he can't reach it from this side of the bed. If he goes to the other side, he will definitely move to the bed, and maybe Lei Sen will wake up, which would be bad.

While hesitating, Lei Sen suddenly snorted, and Murphy squatted down in fright.

However, Lei Sen didn't want to wake up, but turned over after snorting.

Murphy squatted under the bed, and raised his head when he heard nothing. Leisen's face was facing Murphy.It was only then that Mo Fei realized that the distance between the two of them was very close. It was still so close to sneak into a man's bedroom in the middle of the night. It was the first time for Mo Fei to grow up so big, so his face couldn't help but feel a little hot.

But it was even closer to get back his breath, so Murphy gritted his teeth: Fight hard, in order to get back his own breath, otherwise he won't be able to improve in the future.

Gritting his teeth and heart, Murphy moved his face closer.

Lei Sen's warm breath blew onto Murphy's face, and a strange feeling spread along his face. It was a man's breath. Even though Lei Sen was sleeping soundly, he couldn't let Murphy ignore it. up to this point.

But if he wanted to get back the breath he left behind, he could only bite the bullet, so Murphy moved his face closer.The intense tension made Murphy's heart beat faster, and she even felt that if she got closer, even Lei Sen could hear her heartbeat.

At this time, Lei Sen was not sick and comatose like last time. That time it was a matter of first aid, but the current situation made Murphy hesitate.

Mo Fei didn't have the courage for a long time. Slowly, Mo Fei stood up and put his hands together like knives, thinking that he might as well knock Lei Sen unconscious.

At the same time that Mo Fei raised his hand, a flash of lightning suddenly pierced the dark sky outside. The light of the lightning instantly made the room without the curtains as bright as day, and then the lightning slowly disappeared, and the sound of thunder rolled in , startled the somewhat guilty Murphy.

He took two steps back, and his legs hit the edge of the bedside table.There was a small noise in this silent night, but it was very clearly heard.

Murphy felt that he had stopped breathing. He stabilized his body and looked at the bed. Lei Sen on the bed did not move, so Murphy breathed a sigh of relief.

Slowly approaching the bed again, Murphy approached Lei Sen to make sure he was still asleep. Unexpectedly, he approached Lei Sen, and Lei Sen's eyes suddenly opened.

In the darkness, Murphy only felt that a dark light flashed in Lei Sen's eyes. Scared, Murphy stumbled and sat on the ground.

At this time, Lei Sen jumped up from the bed and grabbed Mo Fei's clothes. At some point, a light tube appeared in his hand. The light tube opened instantly, and the dazzling light made Murphy raise a hand to block it own eyes.

Lei Sen's cold voice came from above: "Who are you?"

Mo Fei didn't know how to explain it for a while, but felt that her eyes were uncomfortably dazzled by the light. After her eyes gradually got used to it, Mo Fei moved her hand away to reveal her face.

When he saw that the person he was holding was Murphy, Lei Sen was surprised and let go of his hand: "Murphy? Why are you? What are you doing in my room in the middle of the night?"

 The pollution is too serious, and there is a gray area everywhere. Although it makes me feel like I am sitting on a cloud, the smell is really terrible.
(End of this chapter)

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