Chapter 291
Realizing that it was Murphy, Lei Sen stretched out his hand and pulled Murphy up from the ground.

Murphy rubbed his eyes and did not speak. It seemed that his eyes were recovering from the discomfort caused by the sudden light. In fact, Murphy's mind was thinking of an excuse quickly.

Just when Murphy was trying to make an excuse, there was another flash of lightning outside, followed by bursts of thunder.

Murphy's brain seemed to be struck by lightning, and he thought of a good excuse.

Putting down his hand, Mo Fei said: "Lei Sen, can you lower the light tube first? It's uncomfortable to shine on my eyes like this."

Lei Sen acted as he said, but his eyes were still fixed on Murphy: "What's wrong? Is there something going on so late?"

Mo Fei lowered his head and twisted the corner of his clothes: "The inside... Actually, I think there's a zombie head in the refrigerator next door, and there's lightning and thunder outside..." Murphy didn't finish, but the words couldn't be more obvious, Meaning: I am afraid!
Hearing what Mo Fei said, Lei Sen was also relieved: After all, she is still a little girl, no matter how courageous she is, she will always be afraid, and the eyes she looks at Mo Fei become softer.

"Okay, you go back to your room and sleep! I... I will accompany you." Leisen paused for a moment, as if a little embarrassed: "I will go back to the room after you fall asleep."

Although Murphy was a little bit sorry, but the words were spoken, and it was a bit fake to show that he was not afraid now, so Murphy could only nod his head, and the two of them left the room one after the other.

Back in his room, Murphy got into the quilt, and Reiser sat down on the sofa facing Murphy's bed diagonally: "Go to sleep, it's okay, I'll deal with that zombie head tomorrow."

Murphy didn't dare to speak, she was afraid that she might accidentally tell the truth, so she gave a low "um" and buried her head in the quilt.

I don't know if it's because Lei Sen is sitting next to him, so he feels more at ease, but Murphy fell asleep unconsciously.

After waking up, Murphy opened his eyes, only to find that Lei Sen was still in the room.With both heads as pillows, I fell asleep crawling on the armrest of the sofa.

There was a slight noise when Mo Fei got up, and Lei Sen immediately raised his head. Seeing that Murphy was awake, he looked back at the dim light outside the window. Lei Sen smiled at Murphy: "I'm awake, I fell asleep for some reason."

It turned out that he had been guarding in front of his bed all night, and Mo Fei felt a little moved: "I woke up, I'll make breakfast, you go back to your room and sleep for a while."

Lei Sen nodded and stood up, but suddenly seemed to think of something: "Wait, let me get rid of that zombie head first!"

"Don't worry about it, I'm actually not afraid of zombie heads. It's just that the zombie head suddenly appeared in front of me last night, and it was still in an unexpected place, so I was a little scared. I usually go out to kill zombies, but I don't kill them like that."

Seeing that Lei Sen was still standing there, Murphy stretched out his hand and pushed Lei Sen: "Go back to sleep!"

Just as Lei Sen went back to his room and lay down, there was a knock on the door outside.

Mo Fei went to open the door, but saw Shao Qing standing at the door wearing knee-length rain boots.

"Shao Qing, why are you here? Come in quickly." Murphy quickly let Shao Qing in, but this time Shao Qing still did not enter the house: "The meteorological bureau forecast that this typhoon and rainstorm will last for a long time, and there may be Rescue may not be timely when the water level is soaring, I brought some things over, and I can definitely last until the end."

Shao Qing said and put two big bags on the ground.

"I'm taking so many things again, there's no place to put them, and there's no way to keep the fish and shrimp." Murphy looked at the two big pockets with a look of embarrassment.

"Fish and shrimp can be put in the refrigerator, and the rest can be put outside. I try to get vegetables that are easy to preserve this time, and there is a piece of meat. You can also put it in the refrigerator later." Shao Qing said, pointing to a bag, looking It looks like there should be some food that needs to be kept fresh.

Mo Fei glanced at such a big bag of fresh food and had to tell Shao Qing the truth: "Shao Qing, to tell you the truth, we haven't used the refrigerator since we moved in, and there were fish and shrimp in the things you sent yesterday. , That's why I opened the refrigerator, but I found a zombie head inside, and I was thinking about throwing out the refrigerator together today."

"What? Zombie head?" After hearing this, Shao Qing didn't expect such a thing at all, and didn't care about the mud on his feet, so he walked into the house with a few steps.

Mo Fei took Shao Qing to the refrigerator in the kitchen, and pointed to the upper door of the refrigerator: "It's here. I wanted to use it yesterday. I was shocked when I opened it. You should be prepared before opening it."

Shao Qing nodded, and stretched out his hand to open the refrigerator door. The zombie head inside began to move slightly because it smelled human again.

"Still alive?" Shao Qing was already mentally prepared, but looking at the head of a living zombie at such a close distance, his expression was still a little ugly.

"We can't use this refrigerator anymore, so I'm going to throw it away later." Murphy said to Shao Qing from the side.

"It's a good thing you didn't throw it away. The head of this zombie is weird. I'll send someone to move it out and replace it with a new one for you." Shao Qing closed the refrigerator door again as he spoke, and told Mo Fei not to touch the refrigerator, and don't put it in the refrigerator. Zombie head kills.

After Mo Fei responded one by one, Shao Qing left again.

Looking at the mud and water stains on the ground, Mo Fei took out a tool for mopping the floor and pushed the mud and water out of the gate, and then washed it with clean water.

After waiting for less than half an hour, someone brought up a new refrigerator, and the refrigerator with the zombie head was carried away.

The comings and goings also made Lei Sen, who was sleepy, noisy. When he got up and went out of the house, he saw many people moving things outside, and the ground was muddy again.

"This is..." Leisen looked at Murphy, and Murphy pushed Leisen back into the room, you continue to sleep, and I will clean it up before coming out.

After these people left with the refrigerator containing the zombie's head, Murphy mopped the ground again several times, and didn't stop until the ground was clear of mud.Murphy stood at Leisen's door and whispered: "The mopping is over, you can come out if you wake up."

Murphy spoke in a very low voice, just because he was worried that Lei Sen would fall asleep again, and the volume could only be heard when he was awake.

Sure enough, Lei Sen had already got up, and came out when he heard Murphy's voice, and he had already changed his clothes.

"Wash up and we cook, and Shao Qing sent a lot of things. This time it's a new refrigerator, and I haven't even torn the plastic sheet inside. I've wiped it clean. We'll put fresh food in it later." Murphy said He squatted down and sorted things out.

"Let me tidy up for you first." Lei Sen didn't say much, squatting down to pick up the things in his pocket.

It took a long time for the two of them to put away the things. This time, besides the food, there were also some condiments, and Shao Qing had everything in order.

Lei Sen saw that he had cleaned up before going to wash up, while Mo Fei stewed the fish that Shao Qing brought yesterday, because it had been left outside all night, so he was going to eat it first.

It was still raining heavily outside, and the typhoon blew up in the middle of the night, so the strong wind was blowing, and even if the doors and windows were closed, you could still hear the howling sound of wolves outside.

After eating, Murphy leaned against the window. It is said that the weather will continue for a few more days. At this time, the officials of the sea base are the busiest, responsible for the rescue of personnel in the base, because some low-lying areas have accumulated water, It seems that after the typhoon, the sea base will definitely make adjustments to this situation.

Leisen brought a cup of steaming tea to Mo Fei. The tea leaves were sent by Leisen. The planting conditions before the end of the world made the production of tea leaves extremely low, so the most common tea became a luxury. Taste.

"Did Shao Qing send someone to remove the refrigerator?" Lei Sen asked suddenly.

"Well, he said that the zombie's head was weird, and if he wanted to take it back, he even had someone carry it away with the refrigerator, and replaced it with a new one for us." Murphy didn't look at Lei Sen, but replied truthfully.

"It looks dangerous from the outside, I just looked down from the kitchen window and the water seems to have half-flooded the first floor."

"Yeah, so rescue is the busiest time right now."

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a commotion outside the door, followed by screams.

Murphy and Leisen looked at each other, not knowing what happened, they hurried towards the door.

When he came to the door, Murphy put his head on the door and listened. There seemed to be a lot of people shouting and footsteps outside, and they seemed to be running upstairs.

At this time, Mo Fei suddenly heard a strange sound from his door, which was a bit like knocking on the door, but it was different, it seemed to be the sound of scratching the door.

It was much quieter outside now than before, and those screams were getting farther and farther upstairs, it seemed that those people had already gone upstairs.

It's just that the sound of scratching the door didn't stop, but got louder and louder.

Murphy looked at Lei Sen and whispered, "There seems to be something scratching the door outside."

Lei Sen pulled Murphy away, and he obviously heard this strange sound, but because he couldn't see what it was, Lei Sen thought it would be better to let Murphy leave the door first.

The two of them stepped back, as if the farther they were from the door, the quieter the ear-piercing scratching sound.

Seeing this, Murphy and Leisen backed up slightly, even to the door of the kitchen.

It was already far away from the door, and the sound outside finally stopped, which made the two of them relieved, because if it was okay to see it, the more they couldn't see what it was, the more terrifying they felt in their hearts.

It's like watching a horror movie. If the person pretending to be a ghost is there from the beginning to the end, I'm afraid it won't be scary.The scariest thing is that the atmosphere is exaggerated but nothing can be seen, the kind that grabs the heart and destroys it is the scariest.

When the sound finally stopped, Murphy and Leisen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lei Sen, what do you think will be outside?" Although the voice stopped, Murphy still didn't dare to make too much noise, and asked Lei Sen.It wasn't until Mo Fei turned back to look at Lei Sen that he realized that because he was going backwards, his body was basically leaning against Lei Sen's arms at this time.

Mo Fei's face turned red all of a sudden, and he quickly stood up and walked a few steps forward, but unexpectedly bumped into the dining table.

At the moment when the table made the sound of slipping on the ground, the sound of scratching the door outside sounded again, faster and faster like crazy, and the sound became more and more piercing.

 I can't breathe anymore, the air is heavily polluted, and I also want a breathing film like I wrote...

(End of this chapter)

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