Chapter 293

After cleaning up the zombie rats in the water, let the guards slowly search for the remaining ones. If there are any, continue to remove them. Everyone knows how harmful the zombie rats are, so no one dares to take it lightly.

However, Shao Qing's affairs were over. The main purpose of his coming out was to direct the team members to attack. Now there were scattered and some hiding zombie rats left, so Shao Qing had nothing to command.

After arranging the team members, because this group of zombie rats also got into the building where Murphy lived just now, and now there seems to be injured people upstairs in that building, I don't know if they mutated into zombies So Shao Qing took the team members on the big boat and rushed towards the building where Murphy lived.

He ordered his subordinates to go upstairs to clean up the people who had been bitten and mutated into zombies, while Shao Qing knocked on the door of the unit where Murphy and Leisen lived.

"There were zombie rats downstairs just now. Many people in your building were bitten, and some of them mutated into zombies. Let me see if you are all right? Where is Feifei?" Shao Qing asked as soon as he entered the door.

Lei Sen didn't expect Shao Qing to come back, he hesitated a bit: "No, it's okay, you haven't been bitten, have you?"

"I wasn't bitten, but to be honest, I was really startled just now. I didn't expect there to be such a big zombie rat." Shao Qing walked inside as he said that, because he didn't see Murphy and was worried.

"Shao Qing." Lei Sen shouted abruptly.

"What's wrong?" Lei Sen would never call himself suddenly like this, Shao Qing felt more and more that something was wrong, and asked nervously, "Is something wrong with Feifei?"

"No, no, Mo Fei is fine. Just now we saw your boat was almost overturned by that zombie rat king from the window. She was very worried and didn't dare to look at it, so she hid in the house in fright." Lei Sen said. His palms are sweaty all the time, and deceiving people is really not something he can do.

Seeing Lei Sen's guilty expression, Shao Qing felt that something happened to Murphy: "Lei Sen, what happened to Feifei? Don't hide it from me."

When Shao Qing gave a serious blow, Lei Sen felt that he couldn't make it up, but he didn't know what to say. When he was very anxious, Murphy walked out of the room.

Lei Sen looked at Murphy dumbfounded: she, when did she come back?

Regardless of Lei Sen's gaze, Murphy walked towards Shao Qing: "Shao Qing, are you alright? Are you really alright? Did you not get bitten?"

Shao Qing heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Mo Fei coming out of the house unharmed, and then asked, "Fei Fei, are you okay? What are you doing in the house? I was shocked and thought something happened to you."

Only then did Mo Fei show a smile: "It's good that you are fine, I was scared to death just now, I thought..." Mo Fei paused: "I thought you were going to be bitten, and you didn't sleep well last night. I was a little dizzy, and it turned out..."

"Are you dizzy? Do you want me to bring the doctor over to see if you're freezing?" Although Mo Fei didn't finish speaking, Shao Qing had already guessed what Mo Fei meant. He probably went back to his room because he was frightened and felt uncomfortable. , while lamenting that Murphy is still a little girl after all, while feeling warm in his heart, it turns out that Murphy still cares about him.

Lei Sen has not spoken, and his mind is still struggling with how did Murphy come back?
Shao Qing talked to Murphy for a while, and the cleaning personnel upstairs came down to inform Shao Qing, Shao Qing said goodbye to Murphy and Lei Sen, and then left with the team members and returned to the headquarters.

After Shao Qing left, Lei Sen looked at Mo Fei with doubts on his face: "Mur Fei, how did you come back?"

Murphy smiled at Leisen and led Leisen to his bedroom.

The bedroom was full of water stains, and wet clothes were thrown on the floor.

"In fact, when Shao Qing came just now, I happened to be at the entrance of the platform. I heard your voices, and then I put away the mech and climbed up from below. Because my window was not closed for ventilation in the morning, I opened it. I rubbed against the edge of the platform, so my body was wet, I was changing clothes while you were talking, but fortunately my hair was not wet with my hat on, otherwise it would be hard to hide."

Murphy explained to Leisen what he had just come up to.

"So that's the case. I almost told the truth when Shao Qing came here. I really can't lie." Lei Sen breathed a sigh of relief looking at Murphy's appearance.

"Actually, if Shao Qing hadn't asked me to help him send back the corpse of the Zombie Mouse King, I would have been back a long time ago. How could I be in such a mess, but fortunately, he is fine."

Looking at the smile in Mo Fei's eyes, Lei Sen didn't know what kind of emotion came up in his heart, and unconsciously said: "You still care about Shao Qing, and you are not even afraid of revealing your identity."

After saying this, Lei Sen himself was startled, how could he say such a thing?

Murphy didn't think much, and grinned at Lei Sen: "Shao Qing is my good friend after all, and he helped us all come to the sea base. Of course, I will help if I see him in danger! As for the exposed problem , To be honest, I didn't think about it that much at the time, hehe."

Looking at Murphy's smile, Lei Sen was really dumbfounded. She actually passed such a dangerous matter without thinking so much. I really don't know how she hid it so well before.

In fact, what Lei Sen didn't know was that if it wasn't for Shao Qing, Murphy might not have taken the risk of summoning a mecha to rescue him.

The two talked for a while about the situation of the zombie rat. Just in case, the two strengthened the door panel again.

After staying at home like this for five consecutive days, the wind outside finally subsided, and the rain tended to stop gradually.

Mo Fei felt that staying in this continuous rainy season, his whole body was about to grow mushrooms.

"Finally it's almost over, I'm so bored to death." Lying on the window, since the zombie rat incident that day, so many days have passed in a dull manner.

It's not that Murphy hopes for anything else, it's just that the days of seeing the raindrops are really difficult.

Now it’s not like before the end of the world, when it rains, it rains. It’s a big deal to watch TV at home, play computer games and so on. Now, apart from going out for tasks, I just eat and sleep at home.In the first two days, Murphy, who had never seen such a strong wind or such a long-lasting heavy rain, lay in front of the window and still enjoyed it, but he got tired of watching it in the next two days.

It's a pity that Murphy's sneak attack mission was still unsuccessful, so Murphy, who couldn't practice Qi, felt extremely bored.Otherwise, like when Mo Fei was researching new talismans at home, he would be bored for at most half a month, but now there is really nothing to do, so Mo Fei is extremely bored.

"Tuk tuk tuk" Just as Mofeidi sighed countless times, there was a knock on the door outside.

This was the first knock on the door since the end of the zombie rat plague. Before Leisen could react, Murphy jumped up from the bed and ran to open the door with his slippers on.

"Feifei, how have you been these two days?" Shao Qing stood at the door with a smile on his face.

"That's great, Shao Qing, you just showed up. I'm so bored at home recently, come in and tell me about the past few days." Murphy welcomed Shao Qing into the room with great enthusiasm.

"I knew you girl was bored, but you've been very busy recently. Didn't the first city wall collapse and then be refurbished? It was attacked again not long after it was built, so the heavy rain this time has some damage to the wall. Impact, I've been busy with this recently." Shao Qing smiled and took off his raincoat and hung it at the door to explain to Murphy.

"No wonder I always see boats coming and going to the door recently. I thought something was wrong at first, but I don't seem to be rushing when I see people." Murphy suddenly realized.

"The things ahead of today have been arranged, and I will come to you to have a look when I come back." Shao Qing took out an electronic book from his arms and handed it to Mo Fei: "This is for you, there are many games in it, boring You can play around here, although the rain is light now, the Meteorological Bureau sent a notice saying that the rain will stop in the evening, but it will take a few days until the water recedes, and I will arrange personnel to clear the drain in the next few days, so It is estimated that there is still no time to come, this will bring you relief."

Mo Fei took the notebook and smiled with eyes narrowed: "Shao Qing, I think you really treat me like a child, and you even brought me toys."

"You were just a child." Shao Qing rubbed Mo Fei's head fondly.

When he was talking to Murphy, Lei Sen had already come out of the house and stood aside watching the two of them chatting.

After talking to Murphy, Shao Qing looked up at Lei Sen: "Captain Lei, I have something to tell you."

Seeing Shao Qing's serious face, Mo Fei stuck out his tongue and stood up tactfully: "You two chat, I'm going to play games in the house." After speaking, Murphy held the electronic notebook Shao Qing brought to him go to the house.

After Mo Fei entered the room, Lei Sen looked at Shao Qing: "Is there something important to do with me?"

Only then did Shao Qing seriously ask Lei Sen: "Lei Sen, did you come here in a mecha to rescue Mo Fei this time?"

Seeing Shao Qing's eyes, Lei Sen paused for a moment but didn't hide it, and nodded towards Shao Qing: "That's right, the mecha was indeed used to save Mo Fei this time, and after we agreed to come to Haihai Base, we will directly flew over."

It is estimated that everyone in the world who knows about Silver Wing knows that Silver Wing can fly, so there is also nothing to hide, not to mention that Mo Fei trusts Shao Qing very much, so this is not a big secret, after all, you can find out after a little investigation.

Listening to Lei Sen's words, Shao Qing kept nodding: "As expected, you drove the Silver Wing over here." Then Shao Qing said again: "Do you know the mecha from the Sea-Saving Base last time? Is it the star base school?" Someone came to look for you?"

Lei Sen shook his head when he heard this: "It's not a mecha from the star base, and it can't be a military mecha from the looks of it."

These words are not fake at all. Of course, Murphy's mecha is not the mecha of the star base, let alone a military mecha.And that gorgeous appearance, even ordinary people can see that it cannot be used by the government.

"That's strange." Although Shao Qing still had doubts about the mecha, his purpose of coming here was not so. Seeing that Lei Sen didn't hide it from him, he simply said to Lei Sen: "However, let's not talk about this for now. , Leisen, I actually need your help with something."

(End of this chapter)

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