Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 294 Dispatch Leisen

Chapter 294 Dispatch Leisen
Shao Qing and Lei Sen talked for a while. Although the voice was low, Murphy could hear clearly in the room with his improved ear power.

Then Shao Qing came to say goodbye to him before leaving, but Murphy didn't ask Lei Sen what the two of them said.

Seeing that Murphy didn't ask, Lei Sen thought that this matter would take a few days before he could handle it, so he was not in a hurry to tell Murphy, because what Shao Qing meant was that the matter had not been finalized yet, and it was only for the time being. Seek Lei Sen's opinion, and make arrangements if they agree.

Originally, he had been taken care of by Shao Qing since he came here, not to mention he had to stay at the sea base for a while, so Lei Sen confessed and agreed without saying a word.

Two days later, because of the busyness these days and the rear of the base facing the sea cliff, the water receded quickly, and the rest was to clean up the streets.

These tasks were arranged by the base as tasks. Although the rewards were few, the residents of the base who hadn't been out for a long time were very willing to accept this task.

First, you can get out of the base quickly, and second, you can exercise your body well.

When Murphy heard about this task, he took Lei Sen out to pick one up, and was then assigned to clean up an area.

The cleaned silt was piled up together, and then the people at the base sent cleaning vehicles to pull the silt away. With more people and more strength, it took only two days to clean up the sea base.

That night, Shao Qing drove the two of them home for dinner, and the two quickly changed their clothes and followed the car to Shao Qing's house.

After entering the room, the food was already on the table, and it was still early after eating, but Shao Qing had already dragged Lei Sen to his father Shao Hongyang's study.

Shao's mother saw that her husband and son still had business to do, so she took Murphy, who was still eating fruit, to the dressing room.

"Feifei, I wanted to give you a few sets of clothes last time you came here. These are all new, you can pick them out yourself." Mother Shao opened the door of the dressing room, and there were all kinds of casual clothes and dresses inside. , small suits and more.

"Auntie, don't be so polite." Under Shao's mother's strong request, Mo Fei would call her aunt no matter whether he met her outside or at home, so Murphy got used to calling her a few times, not to mention Shao's mother. But he treated her better than her own aunt.

"Silly boy, who is being polite to you? Last time Shao Qing didn't tell me what you lacked, so I prepared a few sets of clothes by myself. I guess they are just for convenience. Come here and pick out some good-looking ones yourself. .”

Seeing Mother Shao's insistence, Murphy smiled and nodded.

The clothes here are really a huge lineup, but many of them are not suitable for wearing outside, so Murphy still chose three sets that are more convenient for action, but they are more satisfactory than the ones Shao Qing brought over.

"Auntie, I'll just take these three sets." Mo Fei held the three sets in his hand and said to Shao's mother.

"There are only three sets. Choose at least ten sets for me, or you won't be allowed to go back tonight." Mother Shao frowned pretending to be angry, and asked Mo Fei to go in and choose some more.

Mo Fei had no choice but to pick another seven sets, and then looked at Mother Shao: "Auntie, I have already picked ten sets, so many, I can't even wear them."

Shao's mother saw Mo Fei obediently picking out ten sets of clothes, and the smile on her face became more and more piled up: "It's okay, these are enough for you to wear for a while." Then, Shao's mother asked Murphy to follow him out .

They asked Mo Fei to try on the selected clothes again. The two of them tossed for a long time. Shao's mother guessed that Shao Hongyang, Shao Qing and Lei Sen had said the same thing, so she took Mo Fei downstairs.

Sure enough, when Mother Shao took Mo Fei downstairs, Shao Qing and Lei Sen were already on the sofa downstairs.

Mo Fei took a few steps, and spread out a pile of clothes in front of Shao Qing: "Look, my aunt insisted that I pick out so many clothes, I'm so embarrassed."

Shao Qing looked at Mo Fei's expression and laughed loudly: "You girl, are you still embarrassed? There are not many sets, and the clothes in my mother's dressing room can hold a fashion fair. She wears them herself. That’s all, there are still some young girls’ clothes.”

Shao Qing laughed and made fun of her mother.

Shao's mother stretched out her hand and patted Shao Qing's head: "Now I'm joking with my mother. I don't know when the world will recover. No one makes clothes. I don't want to keep more of these, of course they are for the future. Daughter-in-law's."

Hearing Shao's mother say that the clothes are reserved for the future daughter-in-law, Lei Sen, who was not involved in the topic, froze.

Mo Fei didn't mind and hugged the clothes tightly with his backhand: "So it's like this. These clothes are for Shao Qing, so I really regret not picking two more." Mother kept laughing.

Shao Qing still treated Mo Fei with that pampering look: "You girl, you were too much just now, so you changed your mind after a while."

Several people laughed and chatted for a while, Lei Sen stood up silently: "It's very late, let's go back first."

It was only then that Shao Qing noticed that Lei Sen's complexion seemed not very good: "Lei Sen, are you feeling unwell? Do you want to call the doctor?"

Lei Sen shook his head: "It's nothing, I'm a little sleepy, maybe it's because of the cleaning tasks these two days!"

In fact, Lei Sen's words were groundless at all. After all, Lei Sen was from a team, so how could he be tired because of such a small task.But Shao Qing didn't say much, and put Murphy's clothes in a bag, and then walked towards the door with the bag.

"Goodbye, aunt, let's go back!" Mo Fei waved at Shao's mother, turned and followed.

Shao Qing sent Murphy and Lei Sen downstairs, and looked at Murphy again: "Feifei, do you want to come to my house for two days?"

"No way, no way, I robbed your future wife's clothes, maybe you will take revenge on me anyway." Mo Fei waved his hand and opened the door and jumped out of the car.

"You girl! Anyway, there are still two days left. Think about it again and tell me if you are willing." Shao Qing waved to Lei Sen and Murphy after speaking, and the car drove back towards home.

Murphy and Lei Sen watched Shao Qing's car drive away before they went upstairs.After entering the room, Murphy asked, "Lei Sen, are you going back to the star base?"

Lei Sen looked at Murphy in surprise: "How do you know?"

"Today you, Shao Qing, and Shao Qing's father went to the study. When you came back, Shao Qing asked me if I wanted to stay at his house for a few days, so I deduced that you should leave, but you can do anything other than Star Base. Where to go, that's how I guess." Murphy replied.

Seeing that Murphy had already guessed it, Lei Sen didn't hide anything from his rhetorical question, and nodded to Murphy, "Yes, I really want to go back to the star base."

"Is that because you are going back, or Shao Qing and the others have some mission to ask you to go back?" Murphy continued to ask flatly.

Lei Sen once again lamented Murphy's sensitivity: "Shao Qing and the others have asked me for something, so I have to go back to the star base."

"But, isn't it dangerous for you to go back to the star base now?" Murphy knew very well that Lei Sen rescued himself. Although Xiao Minyu later said that he had received a pardon, it was still against him and not against Lei Sen. Lei Sen still committed a crime. Although Mo Fei didn't know what the punishment was and knew that it wouldn't be fatal for the crime of mobilizing the national mecha without authorization, it wouldn't be too light.

So Murphy understood that before his charges were cleared, Lei Sen still couldn't go back. Once he was found out, he would be on the cusp of the crisis.

Why didn't Lei Sen understand what Murphy was thinking, but he didn't want to owe Shao Qing favors. Although Murphy actually owed Shao Qing favors, he just incidentally, but for some reason, Lei Sen didn't want to owe any more. Even Lei Sen felt that even if the things he could do were dangerous, he was still willing to help. At least he felt that he could help Mo Fei and return some favors to Shao Qing.

Lei Sen didn't tell Murphy what he was thinking, but replied indifferently: "I will be careful, and I will come back as soon as possible. If you don't feel comfortable living here, go to Shao Qing's house for two days."

"I'm going too." Murphy didn't return to Leisen, but said instead.

"No, even if I go back and get found out, it's just a demerit and a salary deduction. It's too dangerous for you to go back now." Lei Sen immediately rejected Murphy. Although Lei Sen basically listened to Murphy's command, but in He absolutely can't compromise on this matter. He managed to save Mo Fei's life. Now Xiao Minyu hasn't sent a message to indicate that the matter has not been resolved. How can Mo Fei go back to take risks under such circumstances.

"If you don't let me go, I won't let you go back either." Murphy insisted.

"I can't say anything this time. I can't let you take risks. This is a matter of life." Lei Sen said firmly, as if he would never compromise.

Murphy didn't fight any further, but he had already made up his mind.

Seeing that Murphy stopped talking, Lei Sen thought that Murphy had acquiesced, and calmed down: "Okay, let's rest first, I guess you will leave in the morning after tomorrow, and you are willing to stay at the sea base. If you think it's too deserted to go alone I will stay with Shao Qing for a few days, and I will come back as soon as possible."

"Understood, you can tell me what you want to do when you return to the star base this time?" Murphy asked as if compromising.

Leisen hesitated for a moment, thinking that Murphy had finally given up on the idea of ​​traveling together. If he didn't say it now, it might make Mophy suspicious, so Leisen still told Murphy the purpose of this trip.

"In fact, after the typhoon at the sea base, it was discovered that the materials used to repair the wall lacked some reinforcements. These things were produced in an area not far from Beijing, so the materials on the star base are more abundant. It should be seen that although the city walls of the star base are not as many as those of the sea base, they are thicker and stronger because of this material."

Because Murphy himself is not from the area near the star base, so he may not know about it, so he explained it to Murphy more clearly.

Although Mo Fei heard Shao Qing talk about a substance with Lei Sen last time, but because he said the chemical name code, although Murphy knew what the sea base asked Lei Sen to bring to the star base, he didn't know what it was.

"But, even if it's just transportation, won't you be detained after being discovered by the star base?" Murphy asked back after listening to Lei Sen's explanation, but he didn't notice Lei Sen looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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