Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 295 Stealing Breath

Chapter 295 Stealing Breath
Probably Murphy himself didn't realize that when he discussed the possibility of Leisen being detained at the star base, the slight dissatisfaction in his tone, as if his belongings might soon be taken away by others. Same with seizure.

Murphy has always been alone, no matter before the end of the world or after the end of the world, even though he has a good relationship with Zhu Zhu and the others, Murphy still did not join their team. manner.

According to the previous situation, Murphy would never stop anyone, because she felt that this was all a person's freedom and a person's own decision, but this time, Murphy just felt uncomfortable.

Although he also felt that he was a little abnormal, Murphy explained: It must be because Lei Sen was forced to dodge because he saved himself this time. Now he can't just watch him go back and be punished, just like he can't just watch him. Shao Qing was injured by the Zombie Mouse King.

"Murphy, I will definitely come back safely, you stay at the sea base."

Probably worried that Murphy still didn't believe it, Lei Sen simply told the whole plan this time.

"I will be arranged to pick up the mech the day after tomorrow. In fact, I am only in charge of transportation. I will take a reliable person to the vicinity of the star base. There will be someone there to pick me up. When the time comes, this person will take a car with the person there. The personnel went back to the star base together, and after contacting them, they pretended to escort the car to leave and then joined me, and I brought the goods and the person back, and the car was hidden."

Seeing that Murphy was silent, Lei Sen continued, "So it's safe for me not to show up at all. You just need to rest assured and wait for me to come back."

Feeling vaguely that his words were a bit ambiguous, Lei Sen coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.

"Oh, I see. Then be careful, don't be found out." After listening to Lei Sen's plan for this operation, Mo Fei finally understood why Shao Qing asked Lei Sen to go out even though he knew that the two escaped. Going back, it turns out that the arrangements have been made over there.

For the next two days, Murphy and Leisen were in a very strange way of getting along. Originally, the two of them chatted speculatively, but they didn't speak more than twenty sentences in the past two days.

Until the noon of the day before the mission, Leisen did not go back to the room directly after eating, but sat at the table and waited for Murphy to clean up the dishes.

"Murphy, I'm leaving tomorrow, are you really not staying at Shao Qing's house?" Lei Sen asked worriedly instead.

"No need, I didn't live alone before, so go back early." Compared with the previous two days, Murphy seemed to be less persistent. Lei Sen let out a long sigh of relief, because Murphy had He didn't talk much, and Lei Sen didn't know what Murphy was planning.

"Then I'm going to pack my things, and then I have to go to the headquarters to find Shao Qing. You can take a rest later. I will prepare dinner early tonight because I have to go to bed early." After finishing speaking, Lei Sen got up and went back to the room.

Seeing Lei Sen return to the room, a light flashed in Murphy's eyes, and then he pushed the table aside and entered the room.

Lei Sen went out in the afternoon, and when he came back, it was already dark, and Murphy had already prepared the meals.

"In order to let you go out without worry tomorrow, eat what I made today." Murphy said after seeing Lei Sen come back, and arranged the dishes.

Lei Sen frowned when he saw this, and looked at Murphy's bandaged fingers: "Is your hand okay?" When Murphy was helping to cook at noon the day before yesterday, he accidentally scratched his hand while scraping fish scales, and there was a lot of blood at that time. The wound healed quickly, but unexpectedly, Mo Fei moved the things in the afternoon and broke the wound again, and the wound became even bigger.Because Mo Fei couldn't mobilize the qi in his body to heal the wound, the wound never healed. Later, Lei Sen went to Shao Qing's to get a medicine box and came back to bandage Mo Fei. That night Shao Qing came to ask about the situation after get off work.

"It's okay, it's just a small wound." Murphy replied indifferently.

"Don't be too pushy."

"Got it, stop nagging, go wash your hands and eat." Mo Fei said, turning to fill the pot with rice.

When the two of them were having dinner, Lei Sen told Murphy again what Shao Qing meant by calling him over today, and also told him to be careful, and not to be discovered by others. Contact the special line, wait until you are nearby and then contact that person.

We chatted while eating, but when we got to the bottom of the bowl, Lei Sen suddenly said that he couldn't eat anymore and he was a little tired and wanted to rest first.

Mo Fei nodded to let him have a good rest, and then quickly finished his meal and cleaned up the dishes.

After a while, Murphy checked the time, then tiptoed to Lei Sen's room.

Gently pushing the door of Leisen's room open, Murphy poked his head and glanced through the door. Seeing that Leisen was breathing evenly, Murphy then slipped in.

"Lei Sen, Lei Sen." Murphy yelled twice, but Lei Sen was still lying on the bed breathing steadily.

A smile appeared on Murphy's face, and he squatted beside Lei Sen's bed.

In fact, Lei Sen didn't sleep. He just found out that Murphy had entered the room, but he didn't know what Murphy was going to do, so he continued to pretend to be asleep, wanting to see what Murphy wanted to do?

Murphy reached out and poked Leisen's arm lightly again, but Leisen still did not move.

"Great!" Murphy finally felt relieved when he saw Leisen sleeping so soundly.

Taking a deep breath, Murphy muttered an obscure word in his heart, and then slowly moved his whole face closer to Lei Sen.

Leisen didn't know because his eyes were closed, but soon he felt a burst of warm breath blowing on his face, and Leisen was so shocked that he didn't know if he should continue to breathe, but at this time his body was like Being immobilized generally cannot move.

Murphy put her face close to Lei Sen's, and she kept repeating in her heart: He's already unconscious, already unconscious.

No matter what, he had to do it himself, Mo Fei closed his eyes, his heart sank, and his rosy and soft lips moved towards Lei Sen's mouth.

Lei Sen, who didn't know what Murphy was going to do, was imprinted by this sudden softness, and his whole mind went blank.Leisen was an orphan since he was a child, and was picked up by the national mecha team. In his life, he was training. Although he later attracted the attention of many women because of his outstanding appearance and the title of the captain of the mecha team, Lei Sen was very interested in this man. Convenience has always been indifferent, and has never really touched any woman.

After Murphy's move, Leisen didn't know how to react, he just felt a little stiff.

Mo Fei didn't notice Lei Sen's reaction at this time, because she was using the method of retrieving the breath to introduce it little by little, so that the breath in Lei Sen's body could return to her body along the position where the two of them communicated.

Murphy hadn't succeeded for so long before, mainly because Lei Sen, as a person who had been trained by the team since childhood, had a particularly sensitive consciousness, so Murphy failed several times.Fortunately, those few days were always cloudy and rainy with thunder and lightning. Murphy used this good excuse to successfully avoid many accidents.

But it’s not going to work like this, if I don’t get my breath back, I can’t continue to practice Qi, and I can’t improve. If I lack this breath for a long time and I can’t practice Qi, will my physique degenerate in all aspects? Fei couldn't guarantee it, so she could only find a way to get her breath back.

It started after Murphy cut his hand that day.

Mo Fei accidentally cut his hand that day. At first, he didn't care, but later found that because he couldn't concentrate on mobilizing the breath in his body, his wound was not easy to heal.From this point of view, the loss of this breath still has a great impact on me.

Thinking of Leisen's rapid recovery after he rescued Leisen last time, Murphy probably had something to do with his breath.

But Mo Fei, who still couldn't think of a way, was distracted while moving things, and the wound was made even bigger. Because the blood kept flowing, Lei Sen hurriedly ran to Shao Qing to get the medicine box to bandage Mo Fei.

It was also because of that medicine box that Murphy later found a powerful sleeping pill in it.

But because of a hand injury, I haven't been able to find a chance for Lei Sen to eat these days. Just now, Lei Sen just went out to work. Mo Fei cooked the rice early, then crushed the powerful sleeping pills, and mixed them evenly with a little bit of rice. .In order to prevent being discovered, Murphy deliberately put the rice mixed with powerful sleeping pills on the bottom, and ordinary rice on top.

Later, Lei Sen said he was tired after eating, and Murphy knew that he had succeeded, so he waited for Lei Sen to sleep soundly before coming in to take his own breath.

But Lei Sen was sober at this time, he was not fascinated by the sleeping pills given by Murphy at all.

You know, Lei Sen is the member of the mecha team, and it is true that he has dealt with the most mechas, but it does not mean that he has not learned the ability to distinguish this skill.Because Leisen joined the team since he was a child, besides the mecha itself, Leisen has also dabbled in other projects, otherwise he would not have sat in his current position at a young age.

When he reached the bottom of the bowl, Lei Sen noticed the difference between the top and bottom.Murphy was just an ordinary girl in the past. Although she was smart, she didn't understand the difference between the let-off rice and the pure rice. She felt that they looked the same, so she felt relieved to give Lei Sen a call. took sleeping pills.

Lei Sen didn't finish the meals, and what he ate went back to the room and vomited it out and threw it out of the window. He knew that Murphy should have no reason to harm him, so he was waiting patiently to see what Murphy wanted to do. what.

What he didn't expect was that Murphy was actually kissing him.Lei Sen doesn't know how to express his current mood. It's very complicated, because you are very confused about what purpose a person has for you, but in the end you find that that person has nothing else to ask for from you except a kiss. For a girl whom I have a crush on, how big of an impact should that be.

Murphy drew the last trace of breath back from Leisen's body, and then left Leisen's mouth.

Standing up, Murphy felt a little embarrassed at this moment, but there was no way to do it. If he wanted to recover by himself, he had to do so.

Putting his hands together, Murphy bowed before Leisen's bed as an apology to Leisen, then turned and left Leisen's room.

After Murphy left, Lei Sen opened his eyes, his heart was beating up and down, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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