Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 296 Waiting For You

Chapter 296 Waiting For You

Early the next morning, when Murphy woke up, he found that Lei Sen had left, leaving only an electronic note on the table.

Mo Fei patted his head. Yesterday, because he got his breath back, he got carried away for a while, but he didn't go to sleep until four o'clock in the morning after practicing Qi. No wonder he didn't hear Lei Sen going out in the morning.

After clearing the words on the electronic note, Mo Fei looked at the prepared breakfast and sat down at the dining table.

For some reason, looking at the rich breakfast, Murphy lost his appetite for the first time.

Lei Sen had already left the headquarters by car at this time, because he still had to go to the mountains to get his mecha.

Although the scheduled time with Shao Qing was earlier yesterday, Lei Sen left home earlier than the scheduled time.

In fact, it was also because Lei Sen didn't know how to face Murphy, so he ran out after leaving an electronic note while Murphy was asleep, and ran around the sea base for a few times before going to the headquarters.

Regarding what happened last night, Lei Sen had an indescribable feeling in his heart, both confused and a little excited.However, Lei Sen had never experienced such a complicated feeling in his life for more than [-] years. He didn't know how to deal with it for a while, so he just ran away and went out without disturbing Murphy early in the morning.

Parking the car on the outskirts of the mountain, Leisen went into the cave alone to find his mecha. After finding the mecha, Leisen activated the Silver Wing and followed the cave to the place where the car was parked before.

The person who was going to the star base with Lei Sen climbed into the carrying cabin of Silver Wing, and then Silver Wing flew into the sky and headed towards the star base.

These days when Lei Sen went to work, Murphy was not idle, and took some small tasks at the task receiving place.Although he took over the special task before, Mo Fei still felt that he should save it and do it together after Lei Sen came back.

Because it was a small task, Murphy completed it very smoothly by himself, and his life returned to the pattern he used to have when he was at the star base, doing tasks during the day, practicing Qi at home at night, and resting on time.Because he could finally resume Qi training, Murphy's life was quite fulfilling.

Besides, Lei Sen flew that person from the sea base to the vicinity of the star base. After the person contacted the person who responded to him, he chose a meeting place.

Afterwards, the person who came to meet him left some food, water, and quilts for Leisen, and took the person away.

Lei Sen spent two days outside alone, but fortunately, he was not cold inside the mech, and he would not be hungry with the leftover food.However, because it was very close to the star base and the signal was good, Lei Sen contacted Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu heard that Lei Sen was nearby, so he drove to see Lei Sen.It's a pity that when they arrived, they found that Murphy didn't come back together, but they still brought some news: They checked the data in all the monitoring in the star base, and found that the information of the day was deleted for a while, and that time happened to be It was when Murphy left the research institute. That is to say, because the records have been deleted now, although Murphy can't be proved innocent, it can't be completely confirmed that Murphy did it.

The most important point, according to the deduction, if Murphy did it, then deleting it would be detrimental to Murphy. Besides, it is impossible for Murphy to have access to the monitoring records. This alone cannot be used to identify Murphy. It was a capital offense, but Xiao Minyu asked them to wait for his further investigation for safety reasons.

This is good news, and Lei Sen was very happy to hear it, but Xiao Minyu also brought a bad news: that is, Lei Sen will be severely punished by the battle command. Although the specific charges have not yet been issued, the punishment is certain thing.

Lei Sen has been in the team for so many years and is very aware of the rules and regulations, so he was already prepared for this matter, and he didn't feel any surprises.

After a brief meeting, Xiao Minyu told the two to keep a low profile so as not to be noticed by the people of Star Base, and then left.

In the early morning of the third day, those people drove back again. From the face of that person, Lei Sen felt that the mission seemed to be going well.Those people moved the main items to be carried into the carrying compartment, and the rest of the items would be escorted back by another person.

Three days later, Leisen finally returned to the sea base, but he didn't know how many days he would go when he went out, so when Leisen came back, Murphy was still doing missions outside.

Although he had only been away for three days, Leisen felt like coming home when he returned to the place where he and Murphy shared.

Taking a look at the dishes that were not moving much in the refrigerator, Lei Sen rolled up his sleeves and prepared dinner.

After Mo Fei handed in the task, he walked home. When he got to the door and opened it, he heard a little noise coming from inside.

Murphy's first reaction was: Is there a thief?However, the security measures in the base are good, unless it is a person with special abilities, but such a person would come to secretly live in the area.

While Murphy was in a daze, the electronic door key in his hand was habitually placed in front of the reader on the door, and the door opened with two beeps.

Lei Sen who was inside also heard the sound of the door, put down the plate in his hand, and turned to look at the gate.

As the door opened little by little, Mo Fei saw a familiar face looking back at the gate, and the smell of fragrant vegetables wafted from the room.

"Lei Sen, you're back!" Mo Fei burst into a smile on her face, and now she realized that although she was alone after her parents left, she was not used to being alone, and she still hoped to be accompanied by others of.

"Well, I'm back." When Lei Sen said this, his heart was warm: "Go wash up and eat!"

Murphy responded, threw the backpack into his room, and rushed into the bathroom to wash his hands and face.

While the two were eating, Lei Sen told Mo Fei about the situation at the star base these days, and also conveyed Xiao Minyu's words to Murphy. Of course, he didn't mention that he would be punished.

"Really? That's great. That means there's still some eyebrows. I hope it can be resolved quickly so that I don't have to hide and hide." Hearing that Xiao Minyu found these evidences, Mo Fei was naturally happy. Do you live under someone else's name at night?
Lei Sen asked about Murphy's recent situation at the sea base, and Murphy talked about some small tasks that he has been doing these days.

"Didn't Shao Qing come to pick you up and live at his house?" Lei Sen asked with some doubts, and he had mentioned it to Shao Qing before leaving.

"He came on the first day, and I said it's really no problem to drive him away, and I don't know what time I will come back when I go out to do tasks every day. If I come back late, should I let Shao Qing's parents wait for me? ? So I said no."

"So that's how it is. By the way, have you finished that mission?" Lei Sen asked again, naturally referring to the mission before Typhoon Murphy came.

"No, when you come back and go together, it's a task for two people to take on together, so I won't do it for you." Murphy replied pettyly.

Lei Sen didn't say anything, just smiled and put another chopsticks of food into Murphy's bowl: "Hurry up and eat, we will go to that task tomorrow."

"Okay, no problem." Mo Fei smiled and lowered his head, buried his head in his mouth and ate seriously without speaking.

After the two of them finished their meal, they agreed on the departure time tomorrow, and Murphy asked Lei Sen to take a shower and rest first, while he washed the dishes before going to take a shower.After Murphy returned to the room, wondering if there was another person in the room, he always felt a lot more at ease, even though that person just stayed quietly next door.

Because he was going out early tomorrow morning, Murphy only practiced a round of Qi before lying down and going to sleep.In the past two days, she replaced all the talismans that were about to expire. Fortunately, after regaining her breath, the levels of various talismans did not decrease.

As soon as dawn dawned, Mo Fei rubbed his eyes, his ears keenly caught the soft noise outside, it seemed that Lei Sen had woken up.

Mo Fei got up and tidied up, changed his clothes and went out. Sure enough, Lei Sen was already making breakfast.

After washing up and eating breakfast quietly, the two of them packed up their things and went out.

After the two got into the car, Murphy drove the car and looked at Lei Sen: "Is your mech back in the mountain?"

"No, because Shao Qing knew that I brought the mecha here, and it might be used in the future, so I hid it in a location not far from the base." Lei Sen looked at Murphy and replied.

Unexpectedly, Mo Fei frowned: "Well, although I trust Shao Qing, I don't think it's appropriate. Anyway, I need to use mechas when I go out on missions today. Why don't we bring it up and let's find a place to put it on our own. "

Murphy's suggestion was not unreasonable, and Lei Sen nodded in agreement, and then the car drove towards the second residential area of ​​the sea base. After leaving the second residential area, the innermost city gate, the original fifth city gate, now The sixth gate of the city.

The car went all the way out of the four city gates, and when it reached the outer floor, when the original first city gate was opened, many people outside were busy on the city wall. It seemed that they were repairing the city gate with the materials that Lei Sen and the others brought back yesterday. .

It's just that a section of the city gate is being repaired for the time being, so the city gate is blocked, and vehicles preparing to leave the base to do missions have already lined up at the gate.

Mo Fei parked the car at the end of the queue, because the city gate had been repaired early in the morning. As long as the city gate was repaired, the work of repairing the city wall would not affect his peers, so he could leave after waiting a little longer.

Mo Fei sat bored in the cab and played the game Shao Qing gave him last time, while Lei Sen closed his eyes in the co-pilot and rested his mind.

Just as Murphy was about to pass the barrier, there was the sound of a car starting up ahead. It seemed that the city gate had been repaired.Murphy quickly turned off the game in his hand, stuffed the game console into his pocket, and then started the car to follow the car in front of him.

Seeing that there were still five or six cars ahead, it was Murphy's turn to pass, but with a loud bang, there was a cloud of dust flying in front, and there were screams.

Because there was a taller car in front of him and he couldn't see the outside situation, he had to stop the car and walk down from the cab to look into the distance.And some drivers in front also jumped out of the car because they couldn't see what was going on in front of them.

After the dust cleared away, Mo Fei couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the scene in front of him.

 The weather is getting colder and colder, I can't bear the warm blanket

(End of this chapter)

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