Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 297 Adulteration

Chapter 297 Adulteration
Lei Sen, who also woke up in a start, didn't open his eyes immediately when he realized that the car was moving. Anyway, it would take some time before he left the base, so Lei Sen was not in a hurry to be vigilant about his surroundings.

But not long after it moved, there was a loud noise, followed by screams of panic, and Leisen obviously felt that Murphy also got out of the cab.

It was only then that Lei Sen opened his eyes.

Looking outside the car, there was nothing special around, but when his eyes fell on Murphy's face, Lei Sen saw the surprise on Murphy's face.

Only then did Leisen open the door of the passenger seat and jumped out of the car.

"Mo... eh... Feifei." Because he was not used to it yet, Lei Sen almost yelled a mistake and quickly corrected him: "What happened?"

Mo Fei didn't notice Lei Sen's wrong way of calling at the moment, but pointed forward: "Look at the city gate."

The completely restored city gate actually collapsed, and the car below was mostly crushed, leaving only the rear of the car exposed, but it was obvious that the car was deformed and twisted, not to mention the people in the car.And the screaming person is the person in the car behind, and should be on the same team as the person in this car.

All I saw was a woman in the car behind crying and trying to move the boulder that fell down, but it was all in vain.

The people on the city wall were also panicked. The city gate that had just been repaired collapsed as a whole. They quickly contacted the person in charge of the base and called a crane to clean the city gate.

The scene was chaotic, and Murphy glanced at Lei Sen: "Get in the car, let's go back first, it seems that we can't do the mission again today."

Lei Sen nodded, and the two drove back.

When the car reached the third city gate, it happened to pass by Shao Qing's car.

Mo Fei hurriedly called to Shao Qing: "Shao Qing."

Hearing it was Murphy's voice, Shao Qing signaled the driver to stop, and got out of the car himself: "Feifei, where are you two from?"

"The two of us were going to go on a mission, but we didn't expect the city gate to collapse. We came back when it was quite chaotic over there," Murphy replied.

"Oh, I also rushed forward when I heard about this incident. How is it? Is it serious?" Shao Qing hurriedly asked when he heard that Murphy and the others had come back from the scene.

"I only saw a car crushed underneath. I guess there is no hope for the people inside, and the entire city gate fell down. I don't know what happened." Murphy replied truthfully.

"Well, you guys go back first, I guess the city gate can't go together today, I'll go and see the specific situation first." Shao Qing told Murphy, and then Shao Qing got in the car and continued to drive to the first city gate.

Murphy and Leisen returned home and had another boring day. Murphy handed the game console to Leisen: "You guys have been training and rarely played it before. This will relieve your boredom."

"No need, you're done playing."

"I have something else. I'm going back to the house. I will remember to make lunch. You can also catch up on sleep." Just now, Mo Fei noticed that Lei Sen was half-closed in the car. Although he didn't move much, he didn't sleep well, so it's good for Mo Fei to come back, at least let Lei Sen have a good sleep.

After returning to his room, Murphy began to practice Qi. He had delayed his Qi training for so long, but he had to make up for it. Since he couldn't go out, he shouldn't waste time.

After a peaceful morning, after Murphy cooked lunch for the two of them, Murphy went back to the room to practice Qi.

It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door, and Murphy heard movement in the house to open the door, and then there seemed to be a lot of footsteps squeezed in.

After restraining his breath, Murphy got up and left the house.

Opening the door, Mo Fei saw many unknown people standing in the hall, only Shao Qing was acquainted with Mo Fei.

"Shao Qing, what's the matter? Did something happen?" Mo Fei asked in a cold tone, and Mo Fei was a little dissatisfied that Shao Qing brought so many strangers in.

Seeing Murphy, Shao Qing walked over helplessly: "Feifei, I have no other choice. We need to take Leisen to understand the situation."

"What's the matter, I have to ask here." Mo Fei didn't understand why Shao Qing suddenly wanted to take Lei Sen away. Could it be that the Mecha's mission was discovered by the Star Base, and the Star Base sent someone?If this is the case, Murphy can't let Shao Qing take him away, which is their responsibility in the first place.

"Feifei, this is not the place to talk. I promise I won't hurt him, but I need to ask him about something." Shao Qing explained to Murphy.

"I'm fine, I'll be back soon." Seeing that Murphy's face was getting darker, Lei Sen quickly said.

"You can go, I'll go with you, let's go!" Seeing Lei Sen speak, Murphy paused and said.

"This..." The people behind Shao Qing seemed to look at Shao Qing unwillingly.

Unexpectedly, Shao Qing nodded: "Okay, let's go together!"

The group left the place where Murphy and Leisen lived and walked downstairs.After getting into the car, the car drove straight towards the headquarters.

After entering the headquarters, Shao Qing took Murphy and Lei Sen upstairs, while the people behind Shao Qing followed behind Lei Sen.

This made Murphy feel very uncomfortable. It felt like being escorted when he was in the star base.But Leisen is not a prisoner, why should he treat him like this.Murphy couldn't help feeling sorry for Lei Sen.

"It's here, let's go in!" Shao Qing walked to the door of a meeting room and stopped. Murphy recognized that meeting room, which was the meeting room he had been to last time.

Shao Qing opened the door, and Murphy walked in first, while Lei Sen followed behind.

The people sitting in the room were nothing more than a few leaders of the sea base. Murphy had met these people when they were doing the plastic drawing business last time.

"Hi, Commander Kang." Murphy took the lead in greeting Kang Chenghui, the Commander-in-Chief of the Sea Base who was sitting in the middle, politely.

Kang Chenghui obviously didn't expect it to be Murphy, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "So it's Xiao Mo, when did you come to the sea base, why don't you come to see me, an old man?"

Mo Fei pursed his lips and smiled slightly: "The status is different this time, I didn't intend to bother you."

After talking with Kang Chenghui, Murphy smiled and nodded at Shao Hongyang.

Although Shao Hongyang didn't know why Murphy followed him, he still motioned for Murphy to take a seat.

After several people sat down, those who followed behind retreated to the door and closed it.

Murphy stopped talking, and sat quietly waiting for the explanation for bringing Lei Sen over this time. She asked Shao Qing along the way, but Shao Qing kept silent, which made Murphy guess for a long time, but he couldn't help it. No guess was made, so Murphy couldn't argue at the moment, but just sat quietly in the back.

That's right, it was at the back, because Murphy was not the first participant, so Shao Qing arranged for him to be at the back.

Seeing that everyone had calmed down, Kang Chenghui, the commander-in-chief of the sea base, nodded towards Lei Sen: "This must be Lei Sen, the captain of the Longguo mecha team. We have met twice before."

"Yes, Commander Kang." Lei Sen replied respectfully.

"I heard from Shao Qing about your matter. You can stay at the sea base until the matter is resolved."

Kang Chenghui's words stunned Murphy behind him for a moment. She originally thought that the reason why Lei Sen was brought here might be because the Star Base came to ask for someone, but it seemed that this was not the case.

After listening to Kang Chenghui's words, Lei Sen replied, "Thank you Commander Kang, but what's going on this time?"

When Murphy saw the topic of the question, he quickly stared at Kang Chenghui seriously.

"Actually, we don't believe Captain Lei did this, but since you brought it back after all, we still need to ask you some detailed questions." Kang Chenghui said to Lei Sen seriously at this moment.

After hearing this, Murphy thought about Leisen's mission and what happened this morning. Murphy finally understood why Leisen was brought here.

It turned out that there was a problem with the materials brought back this time after inspection. There were only a few people who had been in contact with this batch of materials. They were still on the way to escort other items, as well as the person who came back with the mecha this time and the person in charge of transportation. Rayson.

After listening, Lei Sen described in detail everything from leaving the sea base to the vicinity of the star base in the past few days.

"Commander Kang, these are all things. If you still don't believe me, I don't have anything else to say." After finishing speaking, Lei Sen looked at Kang Chenghui and said sincerely.

"Actually, I believe Captain Lei's words. After all, you came here incognito, so it's inconvenient to come forward. Besides, you may have to stay at the sea base for a while, so if you do this, it won't do you any good. , but from the point of view of Captain Lei, you can help us analyze, is there any problem with the person you contacted?"

Murphy nodded. The commander-in-chief of the sea base, Kang Chenghui, was indeed not a fatuous leader. He analyzed the matter thoroughly, so she didn't need to argue any more. So Murphy just continued to sit quietly, pretending to be a transparent person. behind.

Lei Sen was silent, he lowered his head and recalled the abnormal situation among the people he had contacted before.

Kang Chenghui and the others did not rush, but just stared at the expression on Lei Sen's face intently.

Lei Sen thought for a long time and finally shook his head: "I really can't judge. There were only three people I came into contact with at the time, and there was nothing obviously unusual."

Several people present were slightly disappointed, but they still nodded.Kang Chenghui stood up and stretched out his hand towards Lei Sen: "Then let's do this first, but I hope that Captain Lei will not go out these few days, and the matter needs to be investigated again."

The two shook hands, and Lei Sen and Murphy also stood up.

When he was about to go out, Murphy walked behind. When he reached the door, Murphy stopped suddenly, and then pulled Lei Sen's clothes in front of him.

Lei Sen turned around, and Murphy waved to Lei Sen to signal him to bow his head, and then asked in a low voice: "Lei Sen, you stayed there alone this time, did those people say anything to you when they came back later?" ?”

Lei Sen raised his head and thought for a while: "Yes, they said they will return to the sea base as soon as possible, and they will come back soon. But I don't think there is anything special about it."

Murphy squinted, but there was another calculation in his mind, but Murphy didn't say anything: "That's it, then let's go!" Saying that, he pushed Leisen out of the conference room.

(End of this chapter)

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