Chapter 298
After speaking, Murphy stretched out his hand and pushed Lei Sen out of the conference room. After saying goodbye to Kang Chenghui and the others, Shao Qing drove the two of them back.

Shao Qing didn't leave right away. After following Lei Sen and Murphy upstairs, Shao Qing closed the door behind him.

"Lei Sen, Fei Fei, you two come into the room with me." Shao Qing said, walking into the inner room.

Murphy and Leisen looked at each other and walked in.

After several people entered the room, Shao Qing told the two people about the current situation with a serious face.

It turned out that the person brought back by Lei Sen accused Lei Sen of being responsible. After all, the people who handed over to him were also personnel from the sea base. They would return to the base in a few days, so that person did not believe that the personnel from the sea base would What kind of manipulation, but there are so many instruments in Leisen's carrying compartment, there may be something that destroys the material, so that person asked the sea base to thoroughly investigate Leisen's mecha.

"Then why did you call Lei Sen over?" Murphy had already heard what Shao Qing meant, and it seemed that the people at the sea base were not as clear as she thought.

"The only ones at the sea base who know about this matter are those here today. My father and I naturally support you, but the deputy commander-in-chief Shi Xingchang expressed his distrust of Lei Sen, and the commander-in-chief Kang did not express his position, but he acquiesced in the thorough investigation of the mechs. Yes." Shao Qing replied.

"I see. It seems that Commander Kang still believes in Lei Sen." Murphy said this out of the blue, making both Lei Sen and Shao Qing confused.

Commander Kang obviously acquiesced in this matter, but why did Commander Kang trust Lei Sen instead?Shao Qing didn't understand and asked. As for Mo Fei, judging from the previous events, Shao Qing couldn't treat Mur Fei's words indifferently.

"It's actually very simple. What Commander Kang wants is not the truth about Lei Sen, because just like what he just analyzed, these things are obvious, and you can know the result without thinking about it. But his purpose is not here, it should be I want to know something about mechs." Mo Fei had a smile on his face, but the smile was cold.

Hearing what Mo Fei said, Shao Qing broke out in a cold sweat. In the past, it would have been a serious crime to study combat mechs without permission.But in this last days, whoever has a higher combat ability will be able to survive better, so Mo Fei's analysis of Shao Qing feels very reasonable.

Seeing Shao Qing's expression, Mo Fei knew that Shao Qing believed his words, so he continued: "So don't worry too much about Lei Sen's affairs, he will be fine, but you, if you are arranged to do this, you'd better not accept it, Whoever refuses to believe in Lei Sen, let him go."

"I remember what you said, but even so, we have to be prepared. We can deal with any unexpected turn of events in Leisen's affairs." Shao Qing now knows his worries. In fact, Murphy had already I just thought of it, and while I once again lamented Murphy's sensitivity, I was still a little uneasy.

"Well, I made a note of it." Murphy only smiled now.

After Shao Qing left, Murphy and Lei Sen said a few more words before returning to their rooms.

Murphy, who returned to the room, was actually not at peace. Although he had been able to judge things calmly in the past, he still made mistakes in judgment. But now Murphy feels that he has more and more potential to be a detective. Could it be because Have you been working hard in the last days for a long time, so you have become more vigilant?

In fact, what Mo Fei didn't know was that while practicing Qi to improve her physique, her mind would also become more flexible, which allowed her to notice some small details that were difficult for others to notice.

But Murphy didn't know and wouldn't bother so much, and she still cared about Shao Qing's reminder. Anyway, the other of the two people in the sea base who had been exposed to the materials is now accusing Lei Sen's mecha of being useless. If there is a problem, then it will be an adverse effect on Rayson.

Thinking of this, Murphy came out of the room and went straight to the task reception area of ​​the sea base.

After choosing a simple but remote task, Murphy returned home.

"What did you go out for?" Lei Sen asked when he heard the door knock and saw Murphy coming back from the outside.

"Oh, I went to pick up a small task. I'll do it tomorrow. I'll save the task we took on together until you can take action." After finishing speaking, Murphy seemed to feel that there was still something missing, and continued. Said: "We can't just rely on Shao Qing to live, the rent will be paid next week."

Lei Sen nodded without thinking too much, but his heart was full of apologies. Obviously, men should contribute more, but now he has no way to leave the base.

"Thank you for your hard work. When I can move freely, you will rest at home for a few days."

"That's necessary." Murphy replied with a smile, and went back to the room without further words.

After dinner in the evening, Murphy went back to his room to rest early. After adjusting his breath, Murphy soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, when Murphy woke up energetic, Lei Sen had already prepared breakfast.

"I'll take these for you, try to come back as soon as possible." Lei Sen even packed the whole day's meals for Mo Fei to take with him, and then urged.

"It's really okay. I always do tasks by myself. This kind of small task is easy, but the distance is a bit far, so most people don't want to take it." Murphy replied while eating.

After breakfast and packed up, Murphy went out with the meals prepared by Lei Sen and his own backpack: "If you encounter any problems, please contact Shao Qing, and I will leave this to you." Murphy gave her the The base communicator was handed over to Lei Sen.

"It's useless for me to carry it. You also know that it can't be transmitted over a long distance. Put it away quickly. I will come back at night as much as possible. Don't worry if I don't come back. You know I have a secret weapon." Murphy saw Lei Sen Not quite willing to accept it, he continued.

"Okay, you should be more careful outside." Lei Sen knew that Murphy had a special mecha and felt relieved.

"Let's go, if I don't come back at night, don't wait for me, you cook for yourself."

With that said, Murphy opened the door and walked out.After going downstairs to drive, Murphy drove away from the residential area.

After passing through layers of gates, Murphy came to the place where the collapsed place had been. It had been cleaned up, but the material problem was not resolved. Bricks were piled up on both sides of the road, and the door was still in a damaged state.

Fortunately, the possibility of zombie attacks is very small now, and there is a gate in the outer city, which makes the Haiji people feel at ease. Before the materials are investigated clearly, they can travel here normally.

After Mo Fei swiped his ID card, he was let go. After leaving the sea base, Mo Fei accelerated and drove forward.

The car went all the way, and Murphy quickly drove the car to a fork in the mountainous area.There were no people or vehicles to be seen here. According to his memory, Murphy drove the car into a grass ditch. The grass here was very high. When he drove the car a little deeper, the car was covered by the grass.

After the car was parked, Murphy ran to a higher position to look around. It was very deserted, but it was exactly the position Murphy needed.

Putting all the backpack and food into the storage amulet, Mo Fei dug out a thick down jacket from the storage amulet, put another layer of windproof clothing on it, and finally took out the hat, put on the helmet outside the hat, and put himself Cover tightly.

"Okay, it won't be cold now." Murphy armed himself from head to toe, then activated the flying talisman, stepped hard on his feet, jumped up and flew towards the sky.

So where is Murphy going?This starts from yesterday.

After returning from the headquarters, Morpheus felt that Leisen was very dangerous after thinking about it. Anyway, Leisen came to the sea base from the star base where he stayed well because of himself. She wanted to ensure Leisen's safety, so Murphy Plan to investigate this matter.

In fact, Murphy didn't quite believe that it was done by people from the sea base. Even if it was framed, there was no need to use such an important gate to make a fuss, so Murphy felt that this matter should be investigated from the star base.

But Leisen can't go out now, and Leisen's mech is detained in the jurisdiction of the sea base personnel.If he returns to the star base by car, Murphy estimates that he will not sleep, and it will take a week at the earliest, not including possible accidents on the road, so the fastest way for Murphy to return to the star base is to fly back.

Silver Wing could not be taken away by Murphy, otherwise others would know his plan, so Murphy pretended to accept the mission, and then took advantage of the mission to travel far away, so that even if there was a delay, it could be explained that the mission was far away and the road was far away. Encountered some special circumstances.

Murphy made a plan, and only adjusted his breath last night to allow his body to recover properly, because flying such a long distance today would consume a lot of energy.

Moreover, Murphy was more thoughtful, knowing that if flying quickly from the sky, the short distance would be fine, but flying for a long time would definitely be very cold, so he wore three inner and outer layers.

After everything was ready, Murphy flew straight to the direction of the star base.At this time, it was the first time that Murphy used the driving guidance instrument bought by the father and son at the star base. It was for convenience when he bought it. Afterwards, because he kept driving and had a path detection position in the car, this was always useless. On the contrary, the signal booster was often used by Murphy.

Tying the instrument to his wrist, Murphy relied on the coordinates on it all the way to avoid getting lost in the sky.

If it only takes more than four hours for the Silver Wing to fly from the sea base to the star base, then the speed of Murphy's flight talisman plus the speed talisman will definitely not be slower than this. Except for the occasional need to stop to confirm the position, Murphy basically Without a break, it took less than six hours to rush to the vicinity of the star base in one breath.

Seeing the familiar terrain around him, Murphy kept looking down from the sky.If you fly like this near a crowded place, you may be discovered when you are not sure, so you must find a car as soon as possible to transport yourself.

It's easy to find a car from the sky, but it's not so easy to find a car to start.

It took half a day to start the car, and Murphy drove towards the square of the star base.

 The haze has finally passed, and it feels good to be able to see far away

(End of this chapter)

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