Chapter 299
The car was approaching the star base, but Murphy was not prepared to enter through the main entrance so openly.

Drive around to the back of the star base, of course it is not the usual place where mechas come in and out, but the other side.

The city wall here is the highest floor among the four walls, and there is only one person on duty who is responsible for observing the situation in the distance.

Because this place is very high, not to mention people, even giant zombies above C2 can't climb over it, so Murphy finally chose this city wall as his target.

Murphy parked the car under the other side of the star base, and moved his whole body to the wall where the target was locked.

When he reached the bottom of the highest wall, Murphy quickly flew up against the wall. When he was close to the top of the wall, Murphy stretched out his hand to grab the outer edge of the wall, and poked his head up to see the situation above.

The person on duty above was sitting listlessly in the duty booth. To be honest, there had been no zombie siege incidents for so long in the last days, so being on duty here was actually no different from being lazy.

The officer on duty squinted his eyes halfway, and there was nothing abnormal in the distance when he looked through the binoculars just now, and nothing should happen in such a short period of time.There is still an hour to change shifts, so the on-duty staff quickly squinted for a while, and it will not be so easy when they are on duty below.

Seeing that the man had his eyes closed, Mo Fei thought to himself that it was a good opportunity, activated the speed talisman, and flew over in front of the pavilion.

The officer on duty felt very sensitive. Although he closed his eyes, he felt something passing by quickly and opened them quickly.I just watched for a long time and didn't find anything suspicious.Shaking his head self-deprecatingly: Something would fly by at such a height, probably some bird or the like flew by.

Although those birds don't know where they went after the end of the world, they are rarely seen anyway.But they didn't find anything special, so the staff on duty thought it might be a bird flying by, and picked up the binoculars to look in the distance, and finally squinted their eyes reassuringly.

At this moment, Murphy had already flown along the city wall to a corner, and fell from the edge of the wall. Murphy looked around and ran towards the interior of the star base.

Avoiding people as much as possible, Murphy was unimpeded all the way. After all, after the apocalypse, there are people who can dress up in any way, and Murphy is inconspicuous.

Still turning over the wall, Murphy finally came to the star soul circle.

When he arrived at the Star Soul Circle, Mo Fei simply changed his clothes into the most ordinary ones, because people in the Star Soul Circle wore the most ordinary clothes, so he would attract attention instead.

Just like that, he swaggered into the Star Soul Circle, and Murphy followed the most familiar route to the office area.

However, it is more difficult to enter the office area. Murphy remembers that many places in the office area are monitored. In this way, he may not only be unable to help, but may also be exposed.

Just as he was hesitating, two people suddenly walked out of the office area. The two people were talking while walking. One of them was holding something in his hand. When he came out, he didn't pay attention to his feet. The lid fell off and the contents rolled out in all directions.

The two people squatted down to pick them up, but the things were scattered. One of them hurriedly said something to the guards, and the guards hurriedly picked them up. It seemed that they were more important things.

However, this was a good opportunity for Murphy. He quickly activated the Speed ​​Talisman, and Murphy rushed in like a gust of wind.

After entering the office area, Murphy thought for a while, and planned to meet Lin Yixun first. The last time he contacted her, he couldn't get in touch. Anyway, he should report to Lin Yixun that she is safe and worried about her.

Thinking of this, Murphy dodged and ran in the direction of the research institute.

Just as he was thinking about entering the research institute, when he came to the gate, two men came out, one of whom Murphy knew was Dr. Wan Qiang.As for the other person, Mo Fei squinted his eyes. This person looked familiar, and he seemed to have met him somewhere.

But Murphy didn't intend to be seen by others, so he hid in the corner of the corner.

After the two men came out, Dr. Wan Qiang asked in a very low voice: "There is indeed a problem with the new materials brought over this time. I heard that the entire city gate of the sea base was damaged this time, and people died."

"Is the doctor worried that people from the sea base will come to confront the star base?" Another man asked.

"That's not true. I have an excuse when they come. Besides, it's not a big loss if one or two people die. But I wonder how they can apply those materials so quickly. You can find someone to give me a good job." Investigate and see if there is any special means of transportation at the sea base." Dr. Wan Qiang frowned and said in a low voice, it seems that having special means of transportation is a big deal, and death is just a trivial matter.

Murphy was suspicious of Dr. Wan Qiang because his father's notes were in his hands, but now that he heard these words, he felt that Dr. Wan Qiang was cold-blooded, and according to him, this incident seemed to have something to do with him.

Is it a new material?Sure enough, the whole thing is not that simple.snort!If you want others to know you have to do nothing, it seems that this trip is the right one.Murphy thought to himself, hiding behind and continuing to listen to the conversation between the two.

The voice of Dr. Wan Qiang talking to that man was very low, but Murphy's hiding place was not too far away, not to mention that Murphy's ear strength was unmatched by ordinary people.

But after that, the two of them talked about insignificant things, as if it was just a small thing that was said in passing.

After the two of them walked away, Murphy came out from behind. Dr. Wan Qiang's character was really questionable, but he couldn't do anything about it. After all, there was no evidence, not to mention that he was still his father's classmate.

Murphy turned to the gate of the research institute and walked in, because Murphy activated the speed talisman and tried to avoid people, but no one saw her.

Soon after arriving at Lin Yixun's office, Murphy listened to the movement inside, but there seemed to be no one there.

He reached out and knocked twice, but no one answered, so Murphy simply pushed the door and walked in.

Sure enough, there was no one in the office, so Murphy found a seat and sat down. After all, this is a public area, and someone might come to find Lin Yixun.

After a while, Murphy heard movement outside, and quietly peeped out, only to see Lin Yixun entering the room with a large pile of electronic notebooks, and put these electronic notebooks on the test bench.

Lin Yixun turned around and went into the office in the back room, as if he was looking for something.

When Murphy was about to go out, he suddenly heard Lin Yixun's fiery voice: "Are you trash? You can't do this well? Hurry up and finish the test record and give it to me, before [-] o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest. Do the night shift well, otherwise you can die."

In Murphy's impression, Lin Yixun had always been a gentle girl who looked like a doll. When would she have such a fiery side.Murphy was slightly taken aback, she didn't know Lin Yixun very well.

After Lin Yixun hung up the call, Murphy walked out from his hiding place, went to Lin Yixun's office door and knocked.

"I'm busy, what's the matter?" Lin Yixun replied without raising her head.

"Yixun." Mo Fei said, and shouted at Lin Yixun, who was busy with his work.

Lin Yixun paused in his hands, and quickly raised his head, with a look of surprise on his face: "Feifei, why are you...?" He quickly got up and walked towards Mo Fei, pulling Mo Fei to look him up and down: "Fei Fei, why are you here? ,Are you alright?"

Murphy shook his head: "I'm fine. I called you before, but no one picked up your satellite communicator, so I came back this time to tell you that I'm safe." Seeing Lin Yixun's reddish eye circles, Mo Fei Fei softly comforted: "I'm really fine, you see I'm not fine."

"It's great that you're fine. Where do you live now? I miss you." Lin Yixun's soft voice like a little girl's came back and asked Mo Fei.

Originally, Murphy wanted to tell Lin Yixun that he was at the sea base now, but just imagine, without Silver Wing's pick-up, it would be unbelievable for him to return to the star base from the sea base in such a short time, so he replied: "I It’s in a small village not far away, it’s very clean, and I feel like I’m on vacation living there.”

"So that's how it is." Seeing that Mo Fei really had nothing to do, Lin Yixun happily pulled Mo Fei to sit down: "Have you eaten today? Shall I buy you food?"

"No need, I don't need anything, I just came to see you." Mo Fei smiled and patted Lin Yixun's hand.

"Feifei, I'm so sorry, I didn't know about you and that half-zombie, oh no, it's Gao Qing, you guys know each other, and I'm too careless, I didn't notice the abnormality when you saw Gao Qing that time, I'm sorry Feifei, if Knowing that I must let you do its work earlier, the following things will not happen, and Feifei, I believe that you didn't say that thing, not to mention that you haven't read it since you got the information last time, only I I've seen it, how could it be you who spread the news." Lin Yixun looked at Murphy and couldn't help thinking of the reason why Murphy couldn't return to the base this time.

"It's really okay, just trust me, things will always come to light." Murphy didn't seem to care too much, but then Murphy asked Lin Yixun: "By the way, Yixun, there is something I want to ask you."

"Just ask what it is, I will tell you what I know." Lin Yixun patted his chest and promised.

"I saw Dr. Wan just before I came up."

"What? Then you were not discovered, right?" Lin Yixun asked quickly.

"No, but I heard him talking to another person about new materials, and about collapsed lives. Do you know what's going on?" Murphy asked.

Hearing what Mo Fei said, something flashed in Lin Yixun's eyes, and then he replied to Mo Fei: "Yes, there is indeed such a thing as a new type of material, but that material is still in the experimental stage, and it is not yet available at all. Cannot be used."

(End of this chapter)

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