Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 300 Elution

Chapter 300 Elution
Lin Yixun's words echoed over and over in Murphy's mind, and it turned out that things were not that simple.

After Murphy asked Lin Yixun about the new material, Lin Yixun really told Murphy about the new material knowing everything.

It turns out that the star base has always wanted to rebuild a new outer wall. After all, the current outer wall can only be used for initial resistance. If you want to further strengthen the outer wall, you need special materials.

Just like the star base has always hoped that it can build more city walls like the sea base, even if one wall collapses, at least the next layer can be used to buy time.

However, the location of the sea base is suitable for building more city walls, but if the location of the star base is to build a city wall, the materials and manpower required are huge.

This also forced the research institute to find a way to research a material that could replace the original building, that is, a new material made from existing materials.

However, this batch of new materials is regenerated from some waste and is still in the process of experimentation. It is said that many parts are not perfect, so the star base has not been put into use.

"That is to say, the star base is not in use, so how do you say it collapsed?" Murphy remembered Lin Yixun asking this question at the time.

"I guess it collapsed because of something during the experiment." Lin Yixun seemed relieved to hear Murphy's question, and replied flatly.

"The life?" Mo Fei wanted to ask again, but Lin Yixun interrupted Mo Fei: "Fei Fei, you finally came back, let's not talk about it, by the way, there seems to be fried chicken legs in the cafeteria today, you like it too Right, I'll get it, you must wait for me, I'll take you out after eating."

Seeing that Lin Yixun didn't want to talk anymore, Mo Fei nodded: "Okay, after eating fast food for several days, I really miss meat."

"Then it's settled, I'll get it, wait for me." After Lin Yixun finished speaking, he ran out like the wind.

Not long after, Lin Yixun came back with delicious chicken rice, beaming with joy.

"Feifei, eat quickly, you take this chicken leg with you too." Lin Yixun pushed a piece of chicken leg rice to Mo Fei's eyes, and put the chicken leg in his bowl in a grocery bag.

"Eat Yixun, I'm not so short of these things." Murphy pushed back the other packed chicken leg to Lin Yixun.

"Okay, Feifei, I can't help you with anything, do you still bother with me about such a trivial matter?" Lin Yixun purposefully put on a straight face.

Mo Fei smiled and had no choice but to accept the things.

After eating, Mo Fei asked Lin Yixun about her recent situation and whether the staff at the base had troubled her after she returned from a mission last time. After chatting for a while, the lunch break was almost over. There were going to be more, so Murphy bid farewell to Lin Yixun and left the research institute.

There were not so many obstacles to go out. Murphy went out along the road from the research institute to the outside of the star soul circle. When he arrived at the star heart circle, Murphy hesitated for a while and still did not go to Xiao Minyu. After all, Xiao Minyu knew her current situation. It was too weird to suddenly appear in the residence.

Murphy returned to the highest wall, looked around to see if there was anyone, and flew up against the wall.

It's just that the shift has been changed this time, and the changed duty officer this time is more responsible, and his eyes keep looking around in the distance, not sleeping like the previous duty officer.

This was terrible. Seeing that the person on duty was quite responsible, Murphy couldn't help feeling anxious.

Murphy was holding on to the edge of the wall with one hand, and he was hanging on the city wall. Fortunately, this is a relatively remote place, otherwise, he might have been discovered by someone.

Looking at the person on duty in the pavilion, I saw that person waited for a while and picked up the lookout.A smile floated on Murphy's face: It's now.

You must look far away with the binoculars, so Murphy turned on the speed symbol and quickly ran past the person on duty.

By the time the person on duty put down the lookout, the Murphys had already returned to the gate of the city wall where they had put their cars before.

"Goodbye, Star Base." Murphy started the car and gradually moved away towards the mountain.

At this time, in the research institute of the star base, Lin Yixun seemed to have noticed a problem: "Strange, how did Murphy come in from the outside?" You must know that Murphy is wanted now, that is to say, her identity Once the card is swiped, the police will definitely be called, so what did Murphy use to get in?
Thinking of this, Lin Yixun got up and left the office, and ran towards an office in the office area.

When Murphy arrived in the mountainous area, he abandoned the car on the side of the road, put on thick clothes again, and then embarked on the return flight.

It was not until the evening that she arrived near the sea base, picked up the car, and then Mo Fei officially drove to the place where she was going to do the task.

It was still very cold in the wild countryside. Murphy leaned in the car without even taking the quilt, and the thick clothes on his body were very warm.But because he was in the wild, Murphy didn't dare to sleep well.

After a night, Murphy woke up early the next morning and started to do this small task, because it was far away, and Murphy didn't worry about being seen, so he summoned the mecha and quickly completed the task, then drove back directly sea ​​base.

Before noon, Mo Fei handed in the task and bought fresh vegetables and meat and went home. As soon as he entered the house, Lei Sen quickly looked Mo Fei up and down: "You didn't come back last night, so I was worried that something might happen. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Of course it's okay. Here, I bought this. I made a delicious meal for lunch. I didn't expect that because no one has done this task, the reward will be doubled." Mo Fei said with a smile on his face, and then turned to Lei Sen wanted to come over to the satellite communicator, and then plunged into his room.

When she came out again, Murphy asked Lei Sen to wait for her at home, and she went to find Shao Qing.

Because Murphy said to go to Shao Qing, Lei Sen naturally had no reason to stop him. Of course, he was not qualified to stop any of Murphy's decisions, not to mention that it was not a dangerous move.

Murphy came to the headquarters with a satellite communicator and an electronic recorder.

After seeing Shao Qing, Mo Fei asked Shao Qing, "Shao Qing, can you invite Commander Kang and others to the meeting room, I already know the reason for this material problem."

Although Shao Qing didn't know how Murphy knew, Murphy would not joke about such things, so he hurriedly invited the commander of the sea base, Kang Chenghui, and others to the meeting room.

Not long after Murphy waited in the meeting room, Kang Chenghui and others arrived at the venue together.

"Xiao Mo, I heard that you have an idea about this matter?" Kang Chenghui looked at Murphy and said with doubts on his face.

Mo Fei nodded and did not pretend to be a joke, and directly told Kang Chenghui and the others exactly what he heard from Lin Yixun this time.

"This is the truth of the matter, so you really can't blame Lei Sen, and you can't blame another person, because this time the new material can't be distinguished without special processing and analysis. If Commander Kang still doesn't believe it, just Please, the personnel of your research institute break down the material and analyze it carefully!"

Murphy was very sure, and made Kang Chenghui and the others look at each other.

"But Xiao Mo, where did you hear this information?" Kang Chenghui had roughly believed Murphy at this moment, but he couldn't figure out this question.

Murphy took out the satellite communicator: "This is the result of my investigation, but don't ask who it is."

Kang Chenghui nodded: "Okay, I will immediately ask the people in the research institute to do a special decomposition and analyze it. Sure enough, as you said, Xiao Mo, I will cancel Captain Lei's suspicion." The reason why he said this is because Kang Chenghui knew At present, the sample of that material has not been analyzed in the past, and it may really need some special decomposition processing, but he is the leader of a base, and he cannot be dismissed casually without solid evidence.

Murphy also understood that it was the best result for Kang Chenghui to make such a decision.

"Then thank you Commander Kang." Murphy smiled sweetly at Kang Chenghui.

After Murphy left, Kang Chenghui, Shi Xingchang, and Shao Hongyang discussed it again, and then asked someone to notify the staff of the research institute to come, and told the staff of the research institute what Murphy said, and then the staff of the institute With surprise in his eyes, he left the meeting room, returned to the laboratory, and re-analyzed.

On the second day, the analysis results finally came out, and it really was a new type of recycled material, but there were some substances missing in it that prevented the material from functioning.

The person who was assigned to analyze these materials before was also a person who was very enthusiastic about research. He added some inconspicuous things to it in a whimsical way. Unexpectedly, it made the material stronger. A month later, these materials were applied to the On the gate of the sea base, and it is very strong, this time it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise for the sea base.

Of course, these are things to say later. Murphy had notified the personnel at the base at this moment, and when he received a definite notification the next day, Lei Sen was finally cleared of his suspicions.

Lei Sen didn't know why, and suddenly lifted it again. It wasn't until Shao Qinglai said it inadvertently that Lei Sen realized that Murphy had helped him.

The two of them went back to the special task that they had been taking on for a long time but had been delayed by something. This time, they were well prepared, and even Murphy had drawn up a new talisman as a backup. In this way, the two of them left the sea base and headed towards the task site. go.

The location of this mission is about [-] kilometers away from the sea base, and it will take at least two hours to drive by car before the end of the world.

In fact, the task this time is very simple, it is to collect a batch of fishing gear for fishing.

Because the sea base relies on the sea to eat, because the base itself is not particularly large and it is near the sea, there are basically no farms around, and the main meat is seafood, but fishing also requires various fishing supplies, so you have to go nearby It is also a city near the sea to look for.

However, because of the terrain of the area, you can’t walk along the seashore. You have to go through the city to get there. Needless to say, there are zombies along the way. The reason why people want to come.

But Mo Fei didn't intend to just break in like this, and took Lei Sen to the place where his mecha was hiding. After so many days, Lei Sen was grounded, and his mecha had to be taken back to him before he could be at ease. .

According to Lei Sen's command, Murphy drove the car to the place where the mecha was placed, but what the two of them didn't expect was that Lei Sen's mecha was not here.

(End of this chapter)

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