Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 31: One Line of Vitality

Chapter 31

It is said to be a small road, but this place is not actually a road. The entrance of the entire small passage is half covered by the mud.

Since there was no light here at all, it was all due to the light from Murphy's light source torch. In order to save power, Murphy turned on the light source torch to the weakest light, so at first Mophy didn't notice that there was a light source here. hole.

If it wasn't for the fact that when I was looking for it that day, I slipped my foot and hit the hole with my body, loosening the surrounding soil a little, I'm afraid I haven't found it until now.

After this path appeared, Murphy searched inside with a flashlight.

The light source torch could have been supported for about a week, but now it has been more than a week, almost half a month.

But fortunately, Murphy still has the mecha, so he uses the mecha lighting most of the time, and the mecha doesn't consume much energy for single lighting.

Murphy only used the light source flashlight when walking this kind of path, and even so, the power of the light source flashlight was obviously insufficient.

Relying on this faint light, Murphy finally found some traces that were artificially excavated and covered up.

The reason why this place was covered up was probably artificially hidden, but because of the long time interval, the surrounding soil had collapsed, so it was knocked away by Murphy when he bumped into it.

Since this channel was previously filled with soil, there are no deep or shallow pits in it except for a lot of silt.

Walking along the corridor, Murphy found some tools inside, and even half of the transportation track.

With the track, there is basically hope. Murphy walked along the transportation track all the way, but he didn't expect the track to be complicated, and he still didn't go out after going around for two days.

It was useless to be anxious, so Murphy had to keep changing tracks and walking forward, marking the ones who passed by to try to find a way out.

At this time, Murphy's body and face were already covered with mud. The mud on his body was dry and wet, wet and dry. water place.

Not to mention the water for washing clothes, even the drinkable water prepared in the backpack, Mo Fei only dared to drink a few sips a day to moisten his throat, but even so, there was not much left.

"What's wrong with these tracks, how they bend, go around and go back again." Murphy muttered impatiently. Now she just wants to go out, drink enough water, and take a breath of fresh air.

Just as Mo Fei was complaining and walking, he suddenly heard a rustling sound.

Holding the Suying gun tightly, Murphy walked forward carefully as much as possible without making a sound.

Just ahead, something seemed to be squirming.

Murphy's first reaction was the bug. Murphy has a very deep memory of that near-miss encounter.However, feeling that there was no such slippery feeling under his feet, Mo Fei bravely groped forward a little bit.

After staying here for so long, Murphy would rather go out and face the zombies than live in this dark underground.

Probably because of the belief that he must move forward, Murphy boldly groped to the place where the rustling sound came out.

However, when Murphy arrived at the place where the voice originated and saw what it was, he was relieved.

When he got to the place where the noise was coming from, Murphy laughed instead.

"Haha, I thought it was a bug, but it turned out to be you! Why are you trapped here?"

Startled by the strange sound and worried about encountering bugs again, Murphy nervously held the Suying gun and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

When they came over, they realized that the sound was not any other monster, but the giant salamander who slept on the stone where Mo Fei was drying his wet clothes all night, thus successfully destroying one of Mo Fei's clothes.

Although Murphy didn't know if it was the same one, but the body length and skin color were very similar.

At this time, the giant salamander seems to be inconvenient to move around.Murphy took a light with the flashlight and found that the limbs of the giant salamander were paddling empty in mid-air, struggling to get away.

I don't know how it got here, and it just happened to collapse, and a grooved stone fell down, just stuck the giant salamander's body.

It seems that it has been struggling for a long time, and the sides of the giant salamander's body have been worn out.

Murphy looked at the giant salamander with a pitiful look, and wanted to help it move the stone away.

It's just that this stone is not small, and Mo Fei can't move it by himself.Moreover, this passage was relatively short, so Murphy couldn't let the mecha out.

After thinking about it, Mo Fei had no choice but to find a stone around and move it over, and then used the plain tassel gun as a lever to pry the stone off the giant salamander's body.

It's just that the stone was too big, so Murphy tried several times without success.

Murphy had no choice but to move a few more big rocks. At this time, the backpack was almost empty of food and drink. Murphy took out the gold nuggets and the remaining little water and put them aside, and put the stones into the backpack.

Hang the backpack on one end of the Suying gun, and then press it down hard.

As the body of the Suying Spear rubbed against the stone, the stone on the giant salamander's body echoed.

The giant salamander was also clever, twisting its body to get out of the slightly pried gap, and then yelled "Wow, wow..." at Mo Fei.

"Huh..." Mo Fei let out a long breath, wiped the sweat from his brow, and then pulled the Suying Spear from the stone.

Before Murphy could stand still, the giant salamander turned around and rushed towards Murphy.

Murphy, who didn't react for a while, was thrown to the ground by the giant salamander. He was about to fight back with the tasseled gun in his hand, but found that the ground was trembling uncontrollably, and a lot of mud fell from where Murphy was standing.

"So you wanted to save me, haha, thank you! We're even."

Murphy hadn't seen a living person for a long time, and this giant salamander was so human, Murphy couldn't help but talk to the giant salamander.

"Wow, wow..." The giant salamander didn't get up, but continued to hit Murphy with its head.

Murphy didn't know what the giant salamander meant, but his stomach, which was already empty, felt uncomfortable, so he stepped back in the direction of the giant salamander.

It wasn't until the giant salamander stopped moving that Murphy put the giant salamander on the ground and got up from the ground by himself.

Looking at the wound on the giant salamander, Mo Fei sighed: "I think this suit of mine was prepared for you, and it was torn by you at the beginning, so I might as well use it to help you bandage it now!"

Murphy was going to take a few steps back to the place just now to pick up the cloth strips, gold nuggets and a fifth bottle of water that were left outside.

But the giant salamander, which was not moving at first, suddenly yelled "Wow wow wow" at Murphy.

While Murphy was puzzled, there was a violent vibration above his head, and Murphy jumped back quickly. Where he was standing in front of him, a large rock hit the ground, forming a deep hole.

Murphy finally understood why the giant salamander always made itself back, because it knew the danger here.

Back to the place where the giant salamander stayed, Murphy bandaged the giant salamander with the clothes that had turned into strips, and stood up again.

Looking up at the top, Mo Fei muttered to himself: "It seems that we can't stay here for too long, we still have to move forward."

But when Murphy looked up, he suddenly saw a flash of light.

However, because the hole was too small, and he turned on the light source flashlight, the light just flashed by, and Mo Fei even thought he was dazzled.

He quickly turned off the light source flashlight. In the darkness, Mo Fei finally confirmed that it was indeed a glimmer of light.

Excited, excited, mixed with a trace of unknown emotion, after staying underground for so long, Murphy finally saw a glimmer of hope.

I can already see the light, which means that I am really not far from the ground. You must know that when I fell, it was a straight hole, but I couldn't see the hole.

Mo Fei picked up the Suying gun at his feet, and just put the Suying gun on the ground when he was bandaging the giant salamander.

After picking it up, Murphy stood a little behind the light, slanting the plain gun to loosen the soil, and behind Murphy, the giant salamander that had been bandaged by Murphy bit Murphy's trousers with its big toothless mouth.

At this moment, Mo Fei saw the hope of escaping, so he ignored it, and poked up the not-so-solid soil with his tassel spear vigorously.


With a loud noise, a large piece of soil mixed with stones fell down.

Murphy was also covered with a lot of soil, some small stones hit his face, and his neck hurt a little.

However, Murphy's body was already dirty. After brushing off the dirt on his body, he looked up hopefully.

However, Murphy was a little disappointed.

The light on the head did not expand, but the original ray of light became smaller because of the large area of ​​collapse.

Murphy sat down on the ground.

Picking up the one-fifth bottle of water next to him, Murphy drank it down in one gulp.

"Let's go, take me to the water first, at least I can have a good drink before washing off." Murphy patted the giant salamander beside him, and then stood up again with the empty bottle.

Mo Fei stood up and started to walk forward, but the front was still dark.

Just when Murphy tried to turn on the light source torch a little brighter, he found that the light source torch could no longer be turned on any brighter.

"It seems that the light source torch has reached its limit." Mo Fei knocked the body of the light source torch with his hand, trying to increase some light.

Unexpectedly, not only did the light source torch not turn on, but it became even more dim.

Mo Fei sighed, it seemed that the light source flashlight was really out of power.Fortunately, there was a giant salamander leading the way, and Murphy no longer counted on the light of the light source torch, and put away the torch, ready to smear and move forward.

Turning off the flashlight can save a little more power, and maybe it can be turned on at critical times.

At this moment, although Murphy couldn't see his surroundings clearly, his hearing became relatively sensitive while his visual sense was extremely weakened.

Murphy heard a sound and felt a rumbling sound as if something fell from above.

Immediately, a light appeared obliquely above Murphy.

A huge boulder fell to the bottom of the pit along with a large amount of soil, just in front of Murphy.The dust covered it made it impossible for Murphy to open his eyes and take a closer look.

It was also fortunate that Mo Fei walked slowly, otherwise he might have been hit by falling rocks.

After the dust gradually thinned down, Mo Fei opened his eyes and looked at the big hole in front of him in surprise, and ran over quickly.

On the top of the cave, Murphy could clearly see the blue sky, white clouds and slightly dazzling light outside through the entrance of the cave...

(End of this chapter)

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