Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 32 Flying Mecha

Chapter 32 Flying Mecha
"Giant salamander, look, look, it's light, I can finally go out, I can finally see the light of day again." Murphy cheered happily incoherently.

The giant salamander at the side stared blankly at Murphy, who was a little out of order.

The height of the hole was almost visible, which made Murphy more confident in being able to go out.

Crouching down, Murphy touched the somewhat slimy body of the giant salamander, but because the giant salamander still had injuries, Murphy didn't use any force.

"Goodbye, giant salamander. Be careful in the future and don't get hit by rocks again." Since he was finally able to go out, Murphy was in a very good mood.

Although he knew that the giant salamander couldn't understand what he said, Murphy still shouted at the giant salamander excitedly.

Hearing Mo Fei's voice, the giant salamander yelled symbolically "Wooooooow" a few more times, as if it really understood it. Then the giant salamander turned its fat body and crawled forward, disappearing after a while up.

Seeing the giant salamander leave, Murphy began to think of a way to get out from here.Now that the hole has been opened, there is no need to find something to dig by yourself, and there is no need to worry about the danger of being buried alive.

Since his position was still some distance away from the top, Murphy looked around, and using the rocks that had just rescued the giant salamander, Murphy moved the rocks over and stacked them layer by layer.

I built up a step of stones and tried it, because the stones are covered with mud, after stacking, they are still relatively firm.

After getting ready, Mo Fei cleaned out the mud and stones in the backpack, then put the empty bottle, gold nuggets, and the remaining two vegetarian breads into the backpack, and then started to go up. climb.

Mo Fei first used the Suying gun to fix it on the side wall, and then, Mo Fei took the Su Ying gun and stepped on the rocks to the top of the pit.

However, Murphy hadn't climbed very high yet, and the ground in the distance shook again, and the soil on the edge of the pit fell down.

The small stones on it fell down and hit Murphy's face. Although there was some stinging pain, it was not a big problem, but because Murphy was tilting his head up, the dust hit Murphy's nose directly, causing Murphy to cough violently. stand up.

Stretching out his hand and fanning the surrounding soil non-stop, Mo Fei lowered his head to clean it up.

After finally recovering, Murphy took out the remaining two torn cloth strips from his clothes and wrapped them around his nose and mouth.

Wrapping cloth strips for himself, Mo Fei thought, his clothes are considered worthless, basically there is no waste, and they are all used for ideas.

After everything was arranged, Mo Fei continued to climb up with the plain gun. In this way, with the cover, he didn't have to worry about other small stone particles and dust sticking to his face.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the entrance of the cave, Murphy pulled out the Suying spear and prepared to stick it to the upper edge of the pit, so that he could prop himself up and turn up.

However, just as Murphy's tasseled gun reached the entrance of the cave, a huge object fell from the sky and fell down along the pothole.

Before Murphy could see what it was, he felt the ground shaking again, and saw that the edge of the pit was gradually expanding.

Mo Fei didn't care about the gossip either, and directly placed the Suying Spear across the entrance of the cave, jumped up, and used the Suying Spear to jump out of the cave.

Murphy, who was still on his feet, was just glad that he finally escaped, and was about to get the Suying gun.There was only a sound of "boom", and a shell shot towards this side.

Murphy heard a loud noise, then looked up, and saw a cannonball flying in his direction in the distance.

With the direction of the Suying gun, Murphy's body quickly shrank down, and as soon as he let go, Murphy hung on the wall against the wall.

The shells exploded around the hole above Murphy according to the trajectory, and mud mixed with debris splashed everywhere.

Fortunately, Mo Fei had covered his mouth and nose with the torn clothes before, so he didn't hurt his face, and Mo Fei's reaction was fairly quick, so he barely escaped.

Looking up, the hole was blown wider, but also because the surrounding soil slid down, a long slope appeared on the edge of the originally straight pit.

This is probably a blessing in disguise, Murphy thought, first put his foot on the edge of the slope, then pulled out the plain tassel gun nailed to the wall, and climbed up the long slope with his whole body.

Crawling up with both hands and feet, the loose soil under the feet is still falling down.

In order to step on it, every time Murphy took a step, he kicked a hole hard on the slope with his feet, so although it was not far up, he climbed very slowly.

After finally coming to the entrance of the cave again, Murphy stretched out his hand with difficulty, and grabbed the edge of the pit with his hand, but a black muzzle was aimed at Murphy.

Mo Fei raised his head, and saw a silver-white mecha. This silver-white armor was silver-white as a whole, and the lines on his body were sky-blue. There was a little bit of white light in the gaps, and there were two thrusters under his feet. The whole armor body is very beautiful.

And, judging from the whole, this mecha should be one of the few flying mechas in the world.

It's just that this beautiful and high-end mech is holding a silver-white gun with the same overall color, but the muzzle of this beautiful silver-white gun is aimed at itself.

Mo Fei raised his head and looked up, at the hinterland of the blue mecha's fuselage, in the brown opaque screen.

Although Murphy has never driven an ordinary mecha, she also knows that the control center of an ordinary mecha is there, and there must be a controller inside, but the controller can see the situation outside from the inside, but the outside cannot see it. people inside.

The controller inside obviously also looked at Murphy carefully. At this time, the cover of the control center in the hinterland of the armor body gradually opened a dialogue window.

"Are you a human or a zombie?"

I probably saw that Murphy was covered in mud. Although his movements did not look like zombies, he was not sure.A man's voice came from the conversation mouth.

Hearing the question, Murphy responded quickly, fearing that the mecha thought he was a zombie and killed him. After all, owning a mecha meant that he was a member of the national mecha team, which meant that he was rescued.

"I'm a human, I'm a living person." Murphy responded quickly.

"Did you see that zombie that fell just now?" The man asked quickly after confirming that Murphy was alive.

"Oh, the one that fell just now was a zombie? I only saw a big thing fall, and I didn't pay attention to the rest. I was trapped underground for many days, and I just climbed up when I saw a light." Murphy Return truthfully.

At this time, she realized the reason why she found the exit, probably because of the battle between the mecha and the zombie, so she broke open a previously blocked exit connected to the ground.

"Are you alone or do you have a base? How did you fall here?"

"I'm from the Cang base. I went out to do missions with my teammates a few days ago. Afterwards, I encountered a lot of zombies. I ran desperately. I didn't expect to fall into a hole. I walked all the way here. Today, I accidentally found a light on it. , I built a staircase with stones and climbed up..."

Murphy recounted his general experience, then looked up at the mech.

"I understand. You wait for me near the rock over there. I'll go down and make sure that the zombie is dead. I'll take you back to Cang Base later."

"Okay, thank you." Murphy quickly agreed, and walked towards the big rock pointed by the mecha with his Suying gun supporting his body.


Murphy had only taken two steps when he was suddenly stopped and turned his head strangely.

"Here's this for you. I'll replenish it a little bit." Then the man slightly opened the hatch behind the mecha, and threw a small bottle of water and a box of instant lunch from inside.

Even Murphy, who had eaten instant bread for many days, didn't shirk, quickly took the meal, thanked the person sitting in the mecha, and then pulled the heating plug.

Pulling out the heating plug, the food quickly became hot. After drinking a saliva to moisten his dry throat, Mo Fei gulped down the food.

After eating and drinking enough, Murphy sat in the shade of the boulder and waited for the mecha before taking him back to the base.

The silver-white mecha that had been down for a long time flew out of the hole again, and the mecha held the head of the zombie that fell down before and threw it on the ground.

After coming up, the mecha stood firm, and the hatch behind the fuselage slowly opened, and a man came out from inside.

The man has neat black hair, the outline of his face is very obvious, his deep and dark eyes are like a deep pool, but his face is very serious, without too much expression.

However, even though there was no expression on this man's face, it still did not affect his handsome nature.Even Gu Huaiyuan, who used to be a court grass, is not half as good as a man, not to mention, Gu Huaiyuan does not have the kind of temperament.

Seeing this man, Murphy froze for a moment, then walked over.

She had seen this man before, the man she had accidentally knocked on the chest in Cang base's research institute last time.Murphy remembered that he seemed to be called Captain Lei, and he seemed to be the captain of the mecha team. No wonder he could have a flying mecha.

"The zombies have been wiped out, and I will send you back to Cang base in a while."

Seeing Murphy approaching, the man thought that Murphy was in a hurry and said.

"It's okay Captain Lei, I'm not in a hurry, thank you for the food just now." While speaking, Mo Fei poked the head of the zombie's head with the tip of the tasseled gun in his hand, and then picked out the Mo Jing from the lost head .

After picking out Mo Jing, Mo Fei tore off the dust-proof clothes on his face, pinched Mo Jing, wiped it clean, and handed it to the man.Murphy felt that if he ate other people's food, he could at least do something within his power.

The man watched Mo Fei swiftly take out the Mo Jing and handed it to him, instead of reaching out to pick it up, he looked at Mo Fei vigilantly.

"How did you know me?"

"I met you once when I was in the research institute. I heard Dean Lin call you Captain Lei." Murphy replied calmly.

The man nodded knowingly: "Since you pried out this black crystal, you can take it. Also, I can't let you in the mecha, you can only stay outside the mecha."

Mo Fei naturally understood that mechas were originally special equipment for the country, and such high-end flying mechas were even rarer, and there would definitely be regulations prohibiting others from entering.

Besides, he got a black crystal for nothing, so Mo Fei naturally didn't complain.

"I understand, but where should I sit?" Murphy nodded, then looked up at the man.

(End of this chapter)

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