Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 33 Calculation

Chapter 33 Calculation
Hearing Murphy's question, the man pointed to the legs of the mecha, and quickly replied with a blank expression.

"There is a carrying compartment on the leg of the mecha, you can put it there, I will open half of the gap for you to breathe in a while, just grab it yourself and don't fall."

Murphy responded, and after the man got on the mecha and opened the door of the carrying compartment, Murphy climbed in.

The carrying compartment was not crowded, but the hatch was half opened, revealing a relatively large gap, so Murphy could only squat down halfway to prevent himself from falling due to the bumps.

The mech started quickly, and Murphy soared into the sky surrounded by a soft light, and flew towards the Cang base.

Probably taking into account that Murphy is still in the outer area, the mech doesn't fly too high or too fast.Mo Fei looked at the mecha enviously, and thought to himself, if his mecha could also fly, he wouldn't have to climb up bit by bit when he came up from the ground.

Since the mecha flew directly to Cang Base, it took less than half an hour to reach Cang Base.

Before the mecha landed, a black car drove over beside the dock below.

The mecha stopped, and Murphy moved back and waited for the hatch of the carrying compartment to be fully opened before climbing out.

"Captain Lei, is there something important for you this time?" A man got out of the black car, without looking at Mo Fei, he went straight to Captain Lei.

"I came here to track down a zombie that is about to evolve into C2. This is a sample. I will hand it over to the research institute to see if there is any difference in the evolution process of the zombie. Also, this girl is from your base, so I will drop by brought it here."

The man surnamed Lei explained the person who got off the black car quickly and simply.

"Okay, Captain Lei, we understand." The man took the sample collection box from Captain Lei, and took Murphy with him and left the dock.

Because Murphy's body was so dirty, the man who got out of the black car didn't get in the car, so he had to walk out with Murphy.

After the mission was over, Captain Lei flew into the air again in his silver-white mech.

"Miss, you were from Cangji before?"

Seeing Captain Lei leave, the man looked at Murphy and asked.

"Yes, I lived in Cangji for more than a month." Murphy replied truthfully.

"Then do you still have your ID card?" The man continued to ask

"Yes." Murphy said, took out the ID card from the pocket of his clothes and handed it to the man.Because he was underground before, he was worried about losing his identity card and talisman, so Mo Fei wrapped them up and carried them with him.

After all, the talisman is the foundation of her survival, and the large number of points in the identity card is also the guarantee of her future life, so Mo Fei has been carefully managing it.

The man took Murphy's ID card: "For safety's sake, I'm afraid you still need to be isolated for observation, but we will not re-arrange it in the observation room for newcomers to the base, we will arrange it separately."

Murphy nodded. This kind of treatment is already very good, at least he doesn't have to squeeze into the isolation observation room.

The man brought Murphy to the research institute, first arranged Murphy into a small room in the research institute, and then the man took the sample box that Captain Lei gave him before and went to the laboratory.

Murphy was alone in the room. Although the outside was locked, the facilities inside were complete and very clean, much better than the house in District C where she lived.

Although he had been exhausted for a few days, and just now it was very hard because he was worried about falling in the carrying compartment of the mecha, but he was too dirty, and Mo Fei couldn't sit down.

Just as he was thinking about whether to sit on the ground, the outside door was opened again, and a woman who looked about 30 years old walked in, holding a set of clean women's clothing and a folded square bath towel.

Looking at what the woman who came in was holding, Mo Fei understood that it must be because he was too dirty, so Mo Fei smiled gratefully at the woman.

The woman returned a weird smile to Mo Fei. Although she looked very friendly, her eyes always revealed strange inquiries, and she glanced at Mo Fei from time to time, which made Mo Fei feel a little uncomfortable.

"Murphy, right? This set of clothes may be a bit big, but it's better than the dirty clothes on your body." The woman politely said to Murphy while holding the clothes.

"Thank you very much." Mo Fei didn't take it with his hands, and showed the woman his equally dirty hands that were colorless: "Can you put it on the bed for me, please? I'll wash it later and change it."

The woman nodded understandingly: "Because it's afternoon now, there is no extra food. I will come to deliver the food when it's dinner time."

Mo Fei just finished eating an instant box lunch, and Mo Fei was not hungry. He nodded to the woman, and the woman left and locked the door again.

Murphy was about to take off his dirty clothes and wrapped them in the bath towel in his hand. When he looked up, he found a shiny thing on top of his head.

Murphy calmly grabbed the clean clothes on the bed, then turned and entered the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, Murphy closed the door, threw his clothes on the bathroom shelf, and looked around in the bathroom.

After making sure, Mo Fei found nothing, so he took off his dirty clothes and slid into the bathroom.

Murphy was relieved at this moment.

The thing just now, if I read it correctly, should be a monitor.

Because I live alone, I also installed this kind of thing at home. Murphy is quite clear about this monitor, although this kind of monitor is obviously more advanced.

It's just that Murphy accidentally looked up at the same time it was turned on, otherwise he wouldn't have noticed.

After taking a shower, Murphy changed into clean and fresh clothes before leaving the bathroom.

Originally, Murphy wanted to take advantage of this time to meditate, but now that he knew the monitor above, Murphy drank some water and lay down with his clothes on.

Murphy acted quite naturally, and the people in the monitoring room didn't pay much attention.

"Who is it? Which stinky girl is it?"

In the monitoring room, a beautiful woman with long wavy hair rushed in from the outside in a hurry. Before she could stand still, her voice rang out.

"Commissioner Yin, you're here." The man who brought Mo Fei back before saw the woman and shouted.

"Really Ray brought her back?"

"Yes, Commissioner Yin, Captain Lei sent her here by driving Silver Wing." The man approached the woman with wavy hair obsequiously and said back.

"What? It's still given by silver wings?" The beautiful face of the wavy-haired woman became a little distorted and hideous because of her exclamation.

The woman with wavy hair ran to the front of the monitor angrily.

Glancing at Murphy, who was quietly lying on the bed and squinting on the screen, he burst into high notes again.

"Bah, such a yellow-haired girl can be sent by Lei with silver wings. I want to know what she is capable of."

The woman was a little excited, turned around and was about to go out.I was stopped by that man at once.

"Commissioner Yin, don't get excited, don't get excited, calm down and listen to me."

The woman glared at the man who stopped her and asked, "Could it be that you also turned to that stinky girl?"

"How? How could it be! It's just that Captain Lei sent it here. If there is an accident, I can't explain it later. However, she is currently in isolation. If there is a mutation..."

The man grinned sinisterly.

The woman with wavy hair didn't seem to fully understand and asked: "Are we just waiting for her to mutate? Could it be that you found out that she had a wound on her body before? But these are all bad things. What if she doesn't mutate into a zombie?" ?”

"Commissioner Yin, you are too kind and pure, I mean, can we be unnatural..." The man didn't finish his sentence, but just stopped.He knew that Commissioner Yin should have understood what he meant.

The wavy-haired woman seemed to understand what the man meant, and nodded thoughtfully: "You mean..." Then she gave the man a meaningful look.

"Commissioner Yin, I'm doing this wholeheartedly for you!" The man seemed to have noticed Commissioner Yin's gaze, and hurriedly approached and replied.

"Well, but this matter is still a bit difficult. That thing can't be made just by saying." Commissioner Yin lowered his head thoughtfully and murmured.

"You forgot, recently there is a batch of experimental defective products. It seems that they have not been processed yet, and they are stored in the warehouse behind the yard." The man tried to remind the wavy-haired woman.

The woman known as Commissioner Yin kept nodding, then looked at Murphy on the monitor screen, and walked out of the room wriggling on high heels.

If the screens can look at each other at this time, Murphy can clearly find that this woman is the beautiful woman who knocked on the door and came out chasing Captain Lei.

But now Murphy didn't know all of this, but lay down on the bed leisurely and rested.

Anyway, because of the surveillance, Murphy couldn't practice Qi, but he didn't sleep well in the past few days, and Murphy didn't bother with it. His body felt much more refreshed after taking a bath, and he fell asleep drowsily. up.

In a daze, Murphy felt someone calling him, and then Murphy woke up.Because of being locked up here, there is a sense of solidity.So I don't have any special precautions when I sleep.

Seeing that Mo Fei had woken up, the woman put the dining cart in front of her.

"I brought the food here. After a while, you push the dining car directly to the door over there, and I will collect it."

Murphy got up in a daze, rubbed his eyes, and nodded to the woman.

The woman just went out.

Seeing the woman go out, Murphy looked at his dinner.

These meals are really not good dishes before the end of the world, and they can even be said to be a bit crude, but they are simply heavenly delicacy in the present.

There are two plates and two bowls in total. One plate is fried potato shreds, the other is vegetarian fried cabbage, a bowl of rice, and a bowl of clear soup. There are some shredded seaweed scattered in the clear soup.

After bringing over the steaming clear soup, Mo Fei took a sip, which was still a bit salty.

Mo Fei drank half a bowl of soup, then put it down, picked up the rice bowl again, and put his chopsticks on the vegetables.She picked up a chopstick of potato shreds first, because this is her favorite dish.

Just when the chopsticks picked up the fried potato shreds, the talisman in his arms suddenly moved.

(End of this chapter)

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