Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 34 Tips

Chapter 34 Tips
Mo Fei felt that the talisman in his arms seemed abnormal, so he put down his chopsticks and quickly touched it.

But Mo Fei didn't take it out, because there was a monitor on it, and she didn't want others to know her talisman, which was her biggest reliance.She will not reveal her hole cards until she has figured out the situation.

Murphy didn't know what was going on, so she had to pretend that her stomach was uncomfortable, and ran into the bathroom clutching her stomach.

After entering, Mo Fei carefully closed the door and carefully took out the talisman hidden in his arms. There was nothing unusual about the talisman, it was still the same.

Murphy was a little strange, maybe it was because he had nothing else to do in the dark underground these days, so he had been practicing Qi, maybe his own Qi training had improved again.

Seeing that nothing special happened, Mo Fei didn't think much about it. After hiding the talisman again, he went out of the bathroom, sat back in his seat, and continued to eat.

Just as he picked up the rice bowl, Mo Fei picked up some potatoes with his chopsticks.Before putting it in the mouth, the talisman began to appear abnormal again.

Only then did Murphy feel that something was wrong.

He picked up the soup bowl and took another sip. There was nothing unusual about the talisman in his arms. Mo Fei then went to pick up the vegetarian fried cabbage and took a sip. There was also nothing unusual.

Mo Fei extended his chopsticks to the fried potato shreds again.

Another unusual movement of the talisman was felt in his arms.

Mo Fei tried a few more times, and every time he caught fried shredded potatoes, the talisman would change a little bit, but it didn't happen when he caught vegetarian fried cabbage or soup.

Could it be that there is something wrong with this dish?

Murphy didn't show too much pause, but he was a little scared in his heart. If it wasn't for the talisman, he might have become a wandering spirit.

Mo Fei turned his chopsticks towards the cabbage, picked up a piece of stir-fried vegetarian cabbage, put it in his mouth, and chewed a few bites bitterly.

She really knows how to choose vegetables when prescribing medicines. She has to put them in the dishes she relatively likes to eat. The feeling of being unable to eat is too painful!
Thinking of this, she took a few more bites of the cabbage. Murphy, who hated eating cabbage, seemed to vent all his anger on the cabbage.

At this time, the people who were observing Murphy's every move in the monitoring room were a little puzzled by Murphy's actions.

Judging by how many times Mo Fei moved his chopsticks, he seemed a little hesitant. Does he still need to be so hesitant to eat a meal?

Could there be a problem?You know, those who come here for isolation are usually under special circumstances, so the meals will also be treated specially.

Looking at Murphy's food, it can be seen that this girl is not the daughter of a well-known team or an executive's family. After all, the food is really not good.

That being the case, the survivors from the lower levels would definitely not be picky eaters like this.

The people in the monitoring room were thinking about it, while Mo Fei comforted himself while eating.

Forget it, it's this time, she should be glad that she only ordered one dish, otherwise she might be hungry again.

Due to his living habits, Mo Fei always eats quickly.After a while, I will eat almost enough.She simply tidied up and put the bowls and chopsticks at the door.

Not long after, the woman who delivered the food just now came back.

Murphy didn't wonder how she knew she had finished eating, after all, the monitor on her head was always on.

The woman came in and looked at the untouched fried potato shreds, then looked up at Mo Fei, and asked strangely, "Why didn't you eat fried potato shreds?"

In her opinion, at this time, having rice, vegetables and soup is basically a very good treatment.

"It's nothing, I just don't like this dish." Mo Fei said lightly.

Seeing that the woman hadn't left yet, Mo Fei looked up at the woman and asked, "Is there anything else? I want to rest too, please take my things away."

The woman glanced at her and handed Mo Fei's ID card to Mo Fei: "Your ID card has been verified."

Mo Fei thanked her, and the woman left without saying anything else, pushing the trolley with the bowls and chopsticks.

Could it be that the woman went out and locked the door from the outside. The sound of "click" made her inexplicably relieved.

But she didn't dare to make too much movement, after all, there was a monitor on her head!Murphy pretended to rest for a while, then turned and went into the bathroom.

It wasn't until this moment that Murphy was truly relieved.

"Huh! It doesn't feel good to be watched." Mo Fei whispered.

Mo Fei rubbed her forehead, feeling a little confused: Why did those people poison her?Sighing, living in the apocalypse all day is already very hard, and now he ran out from the ground, but he had to beware of other people's poison.

After sorting out her emotions, Murphy took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, she must persevere.

Reaching out to touch the talisman in his arms, Mo Fei showed a faint smile.Since coming to the end of the world, she has lived very hard every day.She didn't know how long she hadn't shown such a smile.

"Thank you, Talisman. Thank you for reminding me."

After finishing speaking, Mo Fei turned around to go out of the bathroom, his hand was already on the door handle.Looking up by chance, she found a one-meter-square vent in the corner of the ceiling of the room.

Looking at the vent, Murphy had an idea.

Putting the talisman in his arms again, he climbed up the cornered wall with both hands.

It's a pity that the wall is very slippery. Murphy tried several times, but failed to climb up. No wonder there was an accidental vent here, which was clearly a place of detention, and it was impossible to climb up here.

Mo Fei looked around, but there was nothing that could be moved around, and his plain tassel gun was also placed in the room, and it would be too weird to go out and enter the bathroom with the plain tassel gun, and I'm afraid it would attract attention.

After searching for a long time, he couldn't find anything that could be used, so Murphy had to return in vain, but he was always thinking about the vent in his heart.

Going back to the room to rest, enough sleep made Murphy wake up very refreshed in the morning.

The base does not provide breakfast, so Murphy took out a piece of instant bread from her dirty backpack, and after eating, she gestured indoors with a plain gun.

"This woman is really full of energy, she is practicing so early." The person in charge of the monitor said to the people beside her.

"Hey, don't care about her, as long as it doesn't cause us any trouble." The other person looked at a book in his hand that he didn't know where to find, and read it with relish.

"Why do you think Xu Jian wants us to stare at this little girl? It doesn't look like some heinous villain?" The person who started to ask questions still hesitated.

"You just like to worry about it. It's not good for you to care so much. Follow Xu Jian's requirements carefully, and maybe you can get a plate of meat to eat at night." When the man who answered spoke, he couldn't help swallowing. It was as if he could already smell the aroma of meat.

The man who started the question felt that the other was right, so he nodded and stopped dwelling on this question.

Besides, after practicing the Suying gun for a while, he suddenly bent down and covered his stomach, and then ran to the bathroom with the Suying gun.

She had already thought about it before, if she wanted to open the vent, she might still need to use the plain gun.But how can we bring the gun in without arousing suspicion?

Murphy thought about it, and finally decided to get up early in the morning to practice the gun. Taking advantage of the sudden toilet, it seemed that it was too late to bring the Suying gun in like that.

That way it doesn't look too obtrusive.

After entering the bathroom, Murphy's heart felt at ease, and he locked the bathroom. Afterwards, Murphy closed the lid of the toilet, stepped on the lid, and hooked a plain gun to the vent in the distance.

Carefully using the tassel gun to hang the vent, Murphy leaned out far.

Murphy nearly slipped off the toilet because he was so focused on opening the vent.After stabilizing his figure, Murphy continued to hook the vent cover with the plain tassel gun.

With a slight movement, the cover of the upper vent was finally pushed open.

Murphy happily poked the cover open little by little with the tip of the gun. Murphy didn't know if there was a sound monitor besides the monitor, so he moved it out as lightly as possible.

The vents are not large, so they are easy to remove after opening.

After removing the cover, a dark hole was exposed. Murphy put away the tasseled gun, and then used the protruding part of the gun to hang on the edge of the vent.

Stretching out his hand and pulling it, it felt quite solid. Mo Fei followed the Suying gun and climbed up the wall with great effort.

When he was approaching the vent, Murphy smelled a musty and rotten smell.

It's obviously a vent, so how could it smell so bad.Murphy couldn't help frowning, and tried to hold his breath.

Originally not high, one of Murphy's hands was already on the edge of the vent, and with one force, the whole person entered the passage.

It's not completely dark inside, because there are some faint lights in various ventilated places, which are obviously connected here.

However, the air vent was very short, and it was impossible to stand up inside, so Mo Fei could only crawl forward on his knees.

While crawling, Murphy felt a gust of wind in front of him, mixed with a stench, which made Murphy feel sick.

But Murphy didn't think much about it, and continued to climb forward.

But when turning a corner, Mo Fei suddenly noticed that something seemed to be crawling in front of him, and he didn't dare to make a sound. Mo Fei stopped quickly, and grabbed the Suying gun behind him.

"It's been a long time, why hasn't that girl come out of the bathroom?" In the monitoring room, the two people were still bored in it just now, and one of them asked.

"It must be a stomachache. What's the hurry?"

"I always feel that something is wrong, should I inform Supervisor Xu to send someone to look at it?"

"I just said that you like to worry about it, and you can go by yourself if you like." The man rolled his eyes at the other person, and then continued to read the book in his hand.

The man stood up, looked around, and finally sat down again.

At this time, Murphy already regretted entering this vent.

(End of this chapter)

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