Chapter 35
As Murphy crawled forward slowly, the rancid smell in the vents became stronger and stronger.

But in order not to be detained in this place anymore, and not knowing why those people wanted to poison him, Murphy decided to continue to climb forward.

While climbing, Murphy felt something moving around the corner ahead.

Murphy, who was already nervous, grabbed the plain gun and looked forward.

Just when he turned a little to the corner, Murphy heard a "creaking" sound.

Going forward, when Murphy saw the scene at the corner, he couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Not far ahead, a rotting zombie was lying on the ground eating mice.Although the mouse was bitten to bloody flesh, it did not affect Murphy's judgment.

The zombies seemed to have heard the commotion here, and instinctively raised their heads.

Murphy backed away in fright.

It's just that it was too late at this time, the zombie had already found the bigger and fresher food, dropped the mouse in its hand, and crawled towards Murphy's backward direction.

Murphy backed up slowly, but it was too late for her to turn around in such a narrow place.

There was no way, Murphy forced himself to crawl backwards.The zombies behind him quickly chased after him.

Fortunately, Murphy was not that far away from where he came up, and the zombie behind him was an ordinary C zombie, which gave Murphy a little room for maneuver.

If she had encountered a C1, she might have died here by now.

Soon reaching the position of the vent where he escaped before, Murphy jumped down from it.

While rejoicing, the C zombie also followed.

Murphy quickly picked the cover of the vent with the tassel gun, hoping to block the zombies inside.

Although the C zombie doesn't have the ability to think, it is driven by instinct to make it understand that its food is below.

So, although Murphy quickly dragged back the cover of the vent with the tassel gun, zombie C had already stretched out a hand from the gap.

Murphy was helpless, because of the intervention of C's zombie arm, Murphy couldn't close the lid at all.

Putting the Suying gun back, Murphy pointed the tip of the Suying gun at the C zombie.

With a strong stab, the Sutao spear pierced straight into C zombie's body, but due to the blocking of the vent cover, it failed to hurt C zombie's head.

At this time, the C zombie's arms and body are hanging in the gap of the cover, but the head is basically hanging between the walls outside the cover.

After judging the approximate location, Murphy decided to push back the cover of some vents.

Murphy's decision was actually very dangerous.

Because zombie C is above the head at this time, especially now that the cover of the vent is pressed under zombie C's body.

The vent cover won't come off at all without a hard push.

But once the force is too great and the cover is completely opened, the C zombie on it is likely to fall directly on or in front of him, which is too dangerous.

It's just that letting the zombies stay here is not an option.

While Murphy was thinking, the Suying gun in his hand didn't stop, and he opened the top cover and stabbed it in.

Soon, the cover of the air vent was pushed a little, and the Suying gun pierced in at a tricky angle, pointing directly at the zombie's head.

Unfortunately, because Murphy's position was not high enough, the zombie was only stabbed in the head, but did not die completely.

The stimulated zombie stretched out its rotten arm even more frantically, and stretched its sharp fingertips down, trying to grab Murphy.

Mo Fei stood on tiptoe and tried hard to stab the Suying spear upward.

Just as the zombies were gradually moving, there was a knock on the door outside the bathroom.

"Murphy! What are you doing? Open the door quickly."

Surprised, Mo Fei quickly replied, "Wait a minute, I have some diarrhea." As he spoke, Mo Fei supported the plain gun with one hand, and tapped the flushing device on the toilet with the other foot.

Taking advantage of the sound of flushing water to cover it up, Mo Fei quickly stabbed the C zombie, which was completely dead, with a tasseled gun to it, and at the same time, used the hook of the tasseled gun to move the upper cover.

"Hurry up, what are you doing?" someone outside asked impatiently.

"It will be ready soon." Mo Fei replied, throwing the plain gun in his hand behind the door, and then saw that the clothes on his body were dirty, and Mo Fei quickly took them off.

"If you don't open the door again, I will use the key to open it." The patience of the people outside has reached the limit, and they kept urging outside.

"Here we come." Throwing the clothes in the sink, he gently boiled water to wet his hair and wiped it with the clean part of the clothes before wrapping in a towel and opening the door.

It took a long time, but Murphy actually did all these actions in one go, and it didn't take too long.

Opening the door, the people outside frowned: "What are you doing, why have you been taking so long."

"It's like this. I just had some diarrhea after eating, and then I wanted to take a bath, but I didn't expect my stomach to still hurt after half of the bath... That's why I took so long."

Murphy lowered his head and seemed a little embarrassed to reply.

The man looked around, then covered his nose with his hand, it really stinks here.

"Okay, pack up quickly and come out. I'll ask someone to bring over a set of clean clothes later." The man covered his nose and hurried out after speaking.

Murphy waited for the man to leave, and then he let out a long breath: Huh, it's too thrilling.

After he breathed a sigh of relief, Mo Fei realized that the vent was blocked just after the zombie died. The smell here is really stinky now. No wonder that person turned green when he smelled it just now, but fortunately, that Talent does not doubt itself.

Grinning, Mo Fei put on the clothes just now and rearranged the corpses of the zombies. After digging out another smoky crystal, he took a bath carefully, washed the dirty clothes, and then went out wrapped in a bath towel. the bathroom.

Someone outside had already prepared a new set of clothes for Mo Fei, but Mo Fei didn't change right away.

Because, once he went in with his clothes on purpose to change, it was very likely that those people would know that they were being watched.But if he didn't go in and change, Murphy didn't want to change clothes in front of strangers he didn't know, especially if he didn't know whether the person monitoring him was a man or a woman.

Pretending to be very tired, Murphy fell on the bed and fell asleep.

In the monitoring room, the man with the book said to the other with a smile: "The meat from your lunch today belongs to me. If you don't believe me, I say it's all right! Hehe."

"It's nothing but the two of us benefit. If something happens, no one can escape." The man defended unconvinced, really reluctant to part with his little bit of meat.

"Anyway, you lost this meal, remember to pick out the meat and give it to me! I'm going to go to the toilet too, so you watch first." The man reading the book hummed a little tune all the way out of the monitoring room.

When Murphy woke up from a nap, it was already lunch time.

After the food was delivered, the woman who delivered it went out.

This time the food was obviously much better than before. Not only were the dishes bright, but there were also meat and eggs.However, Mo Fei still carefully approached and used the talisman to test it out, but this time she found that there were problems with every dish.

It seemed that those people were determined to kill themselves this time.Murphy sighed inwardly, but he couldn't express it.

Pretending to rub his stomach, Murphy lay down again.

After a while, the woman came to collect the plate, but saw that the food on the plate had not been touched.

"What's the matter, why didn't you eat a bite?" the woman asked curiously.

"I had diarrhea in the morning, and it still hurts, and I can't eat it." Murphy replied with a bitter face.

"That's it, let's eat tonight!"

The woman didn't say much, and walked out with the whole cart of food.

"Huh... Finally got through another meal, as long as you get through dinner, you can go out." Murphy murmured softly as he watched the door close again.

I tried the vents before, but it didn't seem to work. If there were other zombies inside, I might not be able to pass the level as easily as today.

Therefore, no mutations are released, which may be the most reliable method at present.

As for the meals that were pushed away by the whole cart, the woman pushed the dining cart behind the aisle and stopped.

The woman looked at the whole cart of untouched food and said to herself: "These dishes and rice have not been touched. It's too wasteful to throw them away. I might as well take them away. They can also add some food to the evening."

Having said that, the woman found two clean food bags, and poured all the meals that Mo Fei had never eaten into the food bags, and because it was inconvenient to carry the bowl of soup, the woman drank it all in a few mouthfuls.

The woman walked all the way back with the belt containing the food, and soon walked out of the annex building of the research institute to the main building.

After walking not far, the woman felt a little dizzy, and her eyes became more and more blurred.

The woman wanted to stop and rest, but there was no place around to lean on or sit on.

Persevere a little longer and you will reach the main building, the woman thought to herself and walked a few steps forward.But before he took two steps, he staggered and fell to the ground, and the food in his hand was scattered all over the floor.

Since there is a distance between the annex building and the main building, and there are not many people passing by here, the few birds and mice around became a little presumptuous.

Seeing the fragrant food rushing up, he pecked and gnawed the bag, and took out the food inside.


After an unknown amount of time, a strange sound came from his throat facing the woman who fell to the ground.At the same time, he stood up unsteadily in a strange posture.

Just as the woman stood up crookedly again, someone happened to pass by.

The woman lowered her head, clapped her hands, and swayed directly in front of the man.

"What are you going to do?" The man looked at the woman who was going straight towards him, and with a hint of bad premonition inexplicably, he yelled at the woman, trying to stop her from moving forward.


The woman slowly raised her head and let out a loud cry. The voice was the most common and terrifying cry in the last days, and the woman's originally friendly face had now become ferocious and distorted.

"Zombie, no, help, help!"

(End of this chapter)

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