Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 323 Major Discovery

Chapter 323 Major Discovery
The edge of Te'an City's urban area was also very dark, but before the mechs of Murphy and Leisen landed, they found someone waving at them.

This is really not welcoming them, because those people were holding homemade earthen guns, and the person who waved was obviously driving two people away.

It was the first time that Murphy met a survivor who didn't welcome the Mech Team, but it's better to do less than to do more. Murphy didn't plan to have to go down, and they didn't have to live here.

Lei Sen and Murphy flew directly to the city center.

Soon, the two of them found a very conspicuous house, which was very solid from the outside, and Lei Sen directly parked the mech on the top floor.

The two people got off the mecha and walked down the top floor of the house.

After waiting, Murphy found the location under the surrounding signs.

It turns out that this is the traffic team of Te'an City.

The two cleaned up some zombies and went down to the middle floor of the building. Because it was early in the morning when the incident happened, there were no other people here except a few on-duty staff, and this place is not suitable for long-term residence, so no other people came to stay here.

"Let's just live here, I think it's not bad." Lei Sen and Murphy checked again separately, and after confirming that the zombies had been cleaned up here, he said to Murphy.

"Okay, let's stay here, anyway, we'll just make do for one night, and we'll go back to the sea base tomorrow." Mo Fei nodded.

The two chose a room for a while, because it was the traffic team, most of the rooms here were desks and chairs, and there was no door, until the two of them walked to the reference room of the traffic team.

There used to be people on duty in this reference room, but the door here was wide open, and they probably escaped later. As for whether they escaped or not, it was not for Murphy and Leisen to verify, anyway, there was no one here.

The door lock of this room is relatively thick, and the walls are also very strong. After thinking about it, the two chose the reference room as the place to rest today.

Lei Sen and Murphy pushed some of the shelves in the reference room to the side to make room for their tent.

After a while, the two moved two rows of shelves.

When moving the third row of shelves, the video data cards on the shelf suddenly "crashed" and scattered on the ground, and a lot of data cards were scattered in the two vacant positions.

"Lei Sen, you push the shelf away, I'll collect these data cards." Murphy squatted down, picked up the empty box containing the data cards that had fallen down on the ground.

Picking up, Murphy suddenly found that the time of the data card was regular, and the positions were all numbered.

Murphy picked up one out of curiosity. When he saw the location on the number, the blood in Murphy's body froze there as if it had been frozen for an instant, and something flashed in Murphy's mind.

Throwing that data card into the empty box, Murphy found a few more data cards around, each with the same position, the difference being the time.

That location, that location, that section of road is a name that Murphy will never forget in his life: Texing North Road, Te'an City.

This is where the accident happened to the parents.

Thinking to himself, Murphy couldn't help but began to search among the scattered data cards, looking for the video of Texing North Road in Te'an City five years ago.

The data cards here are one for each month, but they are all calculated by year. If they are not scattered, you can still count the months. However, the data cards have just been knocked apart, and now we can only collect all the records from five years ago.

Murphy flipped through for a long time, and finally selected all the records of that year from the pile of cards.

After putting the twelve data cards into a box, Murphy packed the remaining scattered cards.

At this time, Lei Sen had been standing behind Murphy for a long time. Just now, when Murphy focused on finding the cards, he was very puzzled. Now that Murphy picked out those cards, he put the rest into the box one by one. Then he knelt down and helped Mo Fei put it together.

Sensing that Lei Sen knelt down to help, Murphy didn't say anything, and the two of them quickly installed the data cards.

"Lei Sen, I..." Murphy opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

"Is there anything in these data cards?" Lei Sen asked directly.

Murphy nodded: "My parents had an accident here back then. I didn't understand it when I was young, and no one asked the traffic team to check the records. I only knew that it was judged as an accident, but when I saw these data cards just now, I thought have a look."

Lei Sen could understand Murphy's mood, but he was a little worried: "Touching is hurt, are you mentally prepared?"

Murphy froze for a moment, lowered his head and hesitated.I have been living alone these years. Although I claimed my parents' corpses at the beginning, but looking back at the original picture, can I really be strong?

However, if you don't watch it yourself, you will definitely regret it later.

Murphy thought for a long time, and finally nodded resolutely: "I have made up my mind, I want to know the situation at that time."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll go to the mech to get the electronic book for reading the data card." Seeing that Murphy had made up his mind, Lei Sen stopped talking about anything else. This matter is Murphy's personal problem, and he can only help I can't decide for Murphy. Since Murphy decided to read it, Lei Sen naturally went to help Murphy get the device for reading the data card.

Mo Fei nodded, holding the box in his hand, his palm was already sweating slightly.

Lei Sen soon came back with the device for reading the data card, and handed the device to Mo Fei: "This is for you, do you want me to watch it with you?"

"Okay." Murphy didn't hesitate at all, and as soon as Lei Sen finished speaking, Murphy quickly agreed.

Lei Sen looked at Murphy, and from this sentence, he could tell that Murphy was really nervous.

"Then I'll put the card." Leisen saw that Murphy was a little nervous, so he took the card box in Murphy's hand, took a random data card from it, and put it into the card reading device.

After reading a card, there was nothing in it, which made Murphy and Leisen feel a little disappointed, but also made Murphy feel a little relieved.

The three data cards in a row were like this, and Murphy's spirit gradually relaxed.

"Feifei, take a break first, and I'll help you watch it. I'll call you when I see pictures." Seeing that Mo Fei stared at the screen intently, and began to blink slightly after three pictures, Lei Sen said carefully.

"It's okay, keep playing it!" Mo Fei rubbed her eyes, she could still hold on at this time.

I don't know if it's good luck or bad luck, I got six cards in a row, and only one has content in it, and it's not that record.

Leisen took another one, peeked at Murphy, and found that Murphy's mental state was completely relaxed now, without the tension just now, so Leisen picked up another one.

Putting this data card into the reading device, Lei Sen took advantage of the opportunity and sat next to Murphy.

In fact, these data cards all have signs, but the signs are not very obvious, but Lei Sen also had contact with it when he was on a mission before, so he knew a little bit about it.

He looked at these data cards just now, and only three had content. Although he was not sure which one Mophy's parents contained, but seeing that Murphy was so nervous, Lei Sen first took four blank ones, and then drew another one. One with content.

But now there were only three data cards, and there were two of them with content, so Leisen chose another one with content, but worried that this one was the one, Leisen purposely sat next to Murphy first.

As a blank image passed, suddenly a light flashed and the content image finally appeared.

Murphy also lifted his spirits and leaned forward slightly.

As the images on the screen got closer, Murphy's breathing gradually became heavier.

The slender fingers were clenched tightly, and the knuckles of the fingers were slightly white.

Leisen has been able to confirm that the car that appeared in the camera is the car of Murphy's parents.

Soon, the car drove past the light and video location, and the faces of the two people in the car could be clearly seen through the light.

Murphy's tears couldn't stop streaming down: those were Mom and Dad, I hadn't seen them for a long time, and now the two of them appeared in front of me like this.

Lei Sen also saw clearly the two people in the car, and he had to say that Murphy did not inherit all the advantages of his parents.

Although Murphy is also very beautiful, with big eyes, slightly curled eyelashes, fair skin, a small nose, and a somewhat stubborn mouth, it is much worse than Murphy's parents, but Murphy's temperament is still cultivated good.

The two people in the car are both in their 30s and less than 40 years old. The men have angular faces and handsome faces.The woman in the co-pilot's seat is gentle and quiet, like water.

It's just that both of them looked anxious, as if something forced them to hurry.

The shot flashed by and quickly left the camera's field of view.

Murphy actually knew that his parents' car was not in the monitoring area when the accident happened.Seeing the faces of his parents, Mo Fei was a little excited. Now that the camera flashed by, Mo Fei sighed in his heart: So what.

"Lei Sen, help me go back, I want to take another look." Mo Fei calmed down and said to Lei Sen.

Lei Sen nodded silently, and reached out to play the playback button.

At this time, another car entered the field of vision of the two people, which was the lens of the surveillance video.

"Wait." Murphy hurriedly stopped Lei Sen from playing back, and he moved to the front of the playing device.

As the car behind got closer, Murphy's face became more and more ugly: Why is it him?What is this person?How could he appear here?

The faces of the people in the car gradually became clear, and Murphy got up and pressed the stop button at once.

Lei Sen also frowned, he knew this person, and this person is now in the star base, how could he appear in the camera?Is it a coincidence?
Seeing Murphy freeze the frame, Lei Sen also turned to look at Murphy.

Mo Fei felt Lei Sen's gaze and turned his head.

The two asked in unison, "Do you know him?"

 Arrived in Suzhou tonight, Suzhou tour tomorrow, meow!
(End of this chapter)

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