Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 324 Track down the suspect

Chapter 324 Track down the suspect

Star base, inside Xiao Minyu's villa.

Yulin took the recovered surveillance video obtained from that man, and waited for Xiao Minyu to come back from get off work in the living room of Xiao Minyu's villa.

It was very late, but Xiao Minyu still didn't show up.

But Yulin didn't plan to hand over the restored copy of the surveillance video to Xiao Minyu today, she just wanted to know where Murphy went.

Although Xiao Minyu said he didn't know, but Yulin knew that Xiao Minyu must know the whereabouts of Murphy.

Yulin knew Xiao Minyu's character very well. If Mo Fei could not be found, then Xiao Minyu would not be in such a hurry to find evidence for Murphy, but would send someone to confirm Murphy's safety first.

"Yu, you're back." Just as Yulin was thinking, seeing Xiao Minyu and the others coming back, she hurriedly greeted them.

"Why haven't you gone back today?" Xiao Minyu asked calmly.

"Yu, I actually want to ask, do you know about Feifei's situation? Will she know immediately if there is news that she has been exonerated?" Yulin asked in a worried tone.

"What? You have news that you have been exonerated?" Xiao Minyu was keenly aware of the point of Yulin's words.

Yulin smiled slightly: "I have some clues, but I still need to ask Feifei for some details." Speaking of this, Yulin sighed: "It's a pity that Feifei didn't know that I was still alive, otherwise she would definitely contact me."

Hearing Yulin said that she has clues, Xiao Minyu grabbed Yulin's wrist: "Are you serious? Is there any news? Great, I will contact Mo Fei tonight to ask how she is doing over there now. "

Xiao Minyu was very happy. If it can be solved, it means that Murphy can come back.

Yulin was even more unhappy, only Murphy could make Xiao Minyu so moved, but Yulin didn't say much, instead savoring the meaning of Xiao Minyu's words carefully.

After thinking for a while, Yulin did not continue to ask: "Then I will go back first, let me know if there is any news."

"Okay, thank you Yulin." Xiao Minyu said sincerely to Yulin, his handsome face was full of seriousness, which made Yulin feel a little crazy.

Man Chengbin on the side looked at Yulin, wondering if it was an illusion, Man Chengbin always felt that Yulin didn't seem to care as much about Murphy as she seemed on the surface.

Sensing other people's gazes, Yulin put away her expression and smiled at Xiao Minyu: "Then I'll go back." She turned and left Xiao Minyu's villa.

After Yulin left the villa, her gaze returned to calm, and she walked towards Bai Sirui's house.

After Yulin left, Man Chengbin patted Xiao Minyu: "Old Wu, I always think this Yulin is a bit strange, you'd better be careful."

Xiao Minyu was only thinking of Murphy coming back soon, but he didn't listen to Man Chengbin's words at all, and walked towards the second floor.

Taking out the satellite communicator, Xiao Minyu dialed Lei Sen's communicator.

At this time, Lei Sen and Murphy were in the database of the traffic team in Te'an City, and the signal here was also not good, so this call was not connected.

Xiao Minyu put down the contactor in disappointment, but his heart gradually cooled down because he couldn't contact Murphy.

"Lei Sen, do you know him?" Murphy repeated when he saw Lei Sen asking himself the same question.

"Yes, this person is..." Before Leisen finished speaking, Murphy interrupted Leisen.

"I know who he is, do you think there is any connection between the two?"

"I can't say that, but do you still remember the time when the accident happened?" Leisen asked a crucial question.

Murphy recalled it carefully: "I don't really remember it. I was relatively young at the time. I just remember it was at night, between two and four in the morning."

Lei Sen frowned: "This time frame is a bit wide! Let's look back." Lei Sen suggested.

The two of them clicked on the screen just now again, and the face of the person in the car following on the screen had been maximized.This person is Dr. Wan Qiang.

"Wait, the driver is Dr. Wan Qiang, do you know the person sitting in the co-pilot?" Murphy asked suddenly.

Lei Sen looked at it and then shook his head: "I've never seen this person before, what's the matter?"

Murphy rolled his eyes half-remembering: "I've seen this person before."

"Oh? Where did you see it?" Lei Sen asked with some doubts.

"I met this person in Yixun's office. It was the time when I sent the mysterious information about the base to Yixun's office. After I received it, rumors spread. This person is very similar to the person who sent the information card, but The car is a bit dark, and the person's body is against the back of the seat, and the face was not clearly photographed, but the body shape and the outline of the face are very similar."

After Murphy replied, Lei Sen had a look of surprise on his face: "What? The person who sent the data card back then?"

Lei Sen suddenly felt that things might not be that simple anymore. Is there really something inside?
As the video continued, Dr. Wan Qiang and the man's car also drove past.An hour later, Dr. Wan Qiang's car appeared in sight again.During this period, no car passed by.

"About an hour, Leisen, where do you think Dr. Wan Qiang will go this hour?" Murphy's face was already serious and a little scary, and he asked in a cold voice, which made Leisen, who was from the mech team on the side, startled. A chilling feeling.

"This is the database of the traffic team. All the vehicles entering and exiting Te'an City will be recorded. Why don't you find out the exit videos of the surrounding roads?" Lei Sen said.If nothing was found, it would be fine for Murphy just to remember his parents, but now it seems that things are not as simple as imagined.

If Dr. Wan Qiang's passing by was accidental, then why did Murphy's matter have anything to do with Dr. Wan Qiang?Let's not talk about whether the person in the co-pilot of Dr. Wan Qiang's car was the one who gave Murphy the data card, but the data card was indeed sent to Lin Yixun's office by Dr. Wan Qiang and said it was used in the meeting the next day.

But why such an important thing was sent to Lin Yixun's office in advance, and why it was put in the office without Lin Yixun's absence? These things can't stand up to scrutiny, but Dr. Wan Qiang is the main person in charge of the Qinglang Project. Who would have thought he would frame an orphan girl?

If it involved other things that Murphy didn't know about at the time, it might make sense.

"Feifei, since we know about this, let's look it up. Let's filter it tonight. I know these code symbols better. I'll filter the approximate location, and then we'll narrow down the scope a little bit."

Murphy nodded. She was in a conflicted mood right now. She hoped to find out the truth, but worried that the truth would be cruel.But now that he saw it, how could Murphy ignore it.

"Check it out, Leisen, help me." Murphy looked at Leisen. She is neither omnipotent nor superhuman, and she also needs help.

"Don't worry, I'll help you find out." Lei Sen didn't have parents himself, but he longed for their love and affection since he was a child. He also wanted to know the truth back then. He wanted to know who his parents were. Sen understood that Murphy was actually contradictory.

But what Lei Sen can be sure of is that if Murphy doesn't investigate, he will regret it for the rest of his life. That's why Lei Sen supports Murphy so firmly. He doesn't want Murphy to live in regret in the future.

The two of them did it right away. Lei Sen first took a rough look at the classification of symbols here, and then showed an image to Mo Fei, asking her to look for it according to the symbol.

The two started a large-scale search among tens of thousands of data cards.

It wasn't until very late that Lei Sen rested under Murphy's urging.

"It's too late, let's go to bed first! We'll look for it tomorrow. It's a big project to have so many here." Mo Fei urged. If it wasn't for Lei Sen, she might have given up. With such a large number of data cards, she doesn't understand code words. If you don't, you can only look around.

"Well, go to sleep!" Lei Sen nodded after looking at the time, and the two got into the tent.

Although Murphy called Lei Sen to rest, he knew in his heart that he should also rest, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter what, and could only toss and turn.

"Feifei, can't you sleep?" Lei Sen couldn't help asking when he heard Murphy turning over.

"Yes." Murphy replied softly.

"Don't worry, you can tune out a few intersections by screening some of them tomorrow. Just find the ones in this time period and watch them. We don't have to watch them all day."

Lei Sen comforted Murphy, and then spoke for a while. Gradually, Murphy's voice in response became smaller and smaller, and then his breathing became more stable.

Hearing that Murphy had fallen asleep, Lei Sen was relieved, and soon fell asleep himself.

But in the star base, there are two insomniacs.

Yulin tossed and turned with the recovered surveillance video about Murphy, Xiao Minyu's reaction today was like a thorn in Yulin's heart.

In another villa, Xiao Minyu couldn't sleep because he couldn't contact Murphy.

"What the hell is Feifei up to? And Lei Sen, what's going on, why can't the contactor be connected? Could something be wrong?" Xiao Minyu asked a series of questions but no one answered them, so he could only think silently .

When Murphy woke up, Lei Sen had already woken up.He even started to rummage through the piles of data cards to find useful data cards for Murphy.

Looking at Lei Sen's busy back, Murphy went to wash up first, and then prepared some food.

"Lei Sen, take a break and eat something."

"You eat first, and it will be fine in a while. I've found almost all of them in a large area, and you can pick them up after a while." Lei Sen wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied.

"Don't be so anxious. Even if you can't find us for a while, you can take these things back to the sea base to check slowly. The rewards of this mission are enough for us to use for a long time." Murphy couldn't show it even if he was anxious. Rayson has been working so hard.

Lei Sen wanted to make an excuse and turned his head in a hurry. The moment their eyes met, something bumped into each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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