Chapter 330

Murphy and Leisen finally returned to the star base.

Because Lei Sen flew directly into the star base, the two of them even skipped the gate.

When Murphy and Lei Sen came down, there was already a circle of people outside.

Of course, Murphy and Lei Sen were not surprised by this. After all, such a huge mech flew down from the sky, and it would be miraculous if no one saw it.

After the mecha landed, Murphy originally thought that he would be taken away for questioning, or go through some formalities.

But what I didn't expect was that Xiao Minyu was the only one who came to pick up Murphy, and those people took Lei Sen away.

"Feifei, you're back, let's go! Let's go home." Seeing that Mo Fei was safe, Xiao Minyu was naturally relieved.

"Xiao Minyu, why was Lei Sen taken away? What's wrong with him?" Murphy felt faintly that there seemed to be something he didn't know.

"This... how should I put it, after all, Lei Sen used the flying mecha to leave the star base without permission, so he will be punished." Xiao Minyu glanced at Murphy and replied.

"Punishment? Is that serious?"

"I don't know too well, but after all, the Silver Wing is Lei Sen's exclusive mecha, and I guess there will be more material punishment." Although Xiao Minyu was unhappy that Mo Fei cared about Lei Sen so much, he could still be considerate under such circumstances. After all, Lei Sen Sen used the mecha privately to save Murphy.

Hearing what Xiao Minyu said, Mo Fei felt a little relieved, but he was still very worried.

But now everyone is almost gone, and Murphy can only follow Xiao Minyu home.

Back in Xiao Minyu's villa, Murphy was first welcomed by Geng Yunwei, Man Chengbin, Meng Zhibo, and Fang Xingping, especially Man Chengbin. Compared with Yulin, who was a bit eccentric now, Man Chengbin thought Murphy was better.

With the comparison, Man Chengbin regarded Murphy as one of his own, and treated Murphy more cordially than before.

"Murphy, you're back. How's it going outside? Didn't you suffer?" Meng Zhibo, a burly man who had been chatting with Mo Fei before, patted Mo Fei on the shoulder and asked.

Meng Zhibo's hand strength was extraordinary. At first, everyone was worried that they would hurt Mo Fei, but Man Cheng Bin, who was careful, found that Mo Fei didn't even frown, and was still happily talking to Meng Zhibo.

For the first time, Man Chengbin felt that he hadn't seen through Murphy at all, at least not in terms of Murphy's physical fitness and ability.

I talked about the general situation at the sea base, but Murphy chose to talk about it, and Murphy didn't disclose some things that happened in the middle.

Hearing that Mo Fei said that he was doing well in the sea base, Xiao Minyu finally felt relieved, and asked the housekeeper of the villa to tidy up Mo Fei's room first, and then let Mo Fei rest early.

It took a while for everyone to be noisy before Murphy went upstairs.

At this moment, Yulin had already heard the news of Murphy's return, and Yulin was even more dissatisfied with Murphy's return so soon.

But dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, Yulin is not ready to tear herself apart with Mo Fei, and now in Xiao Minyu's heart, Murphy still occupies a large seat.

After taking a shower, Mo Fei changed her clothes. Sitting on the bed, she slowly adjusted her breath.

Mo Fei didn't open his eyes until he felt a little cold in his body.

A few hours passed unknowingly, and when Murphy got up, he began to miss Leisen in his heart.

In the interrogation room of the headquarters, Lei Sen sat on a cold metal stool to accept the investigation from above.

This time, the investigation team recorded in detail where Silver Wing went after leaving the star base and how it was used.

Lei Sen concealed some sensitive matters, and explained most of the other matters in great detail.

After checking the transcript of Lei Sen's confession and proving that there was nothing wrong with it, the investigation team brought Lei Sen temporarily into the special event room.

This is the place where senior members who have not been convicted are detained. Of course, the treatment here is not as bad as the detention room, so Lei Sen followed them into the special activity room without arguing.

Lei Sen was left alone at the moment, and he began to miss Murphy in his mind: he didn't feel it when he was together every day before, but now he felt that something was missing around him when he was separated.

The next day, when Murphy got up, he heard Meng Zhibo mention Leisen's conviction.

"Brother Meng, is Lei Sen's conviction serious?" Murphy, who just came down from upstairs and listened to him with little knowledge, hurriedly asked.

"It's not serious, but Leisen has been busy recently, because there is only one flying mecha, the Silver Wing, and many missions cannot be completed recently. Leisen needs to continue missions to make up for the crime." Meng Zhibo turned to look at Murphy. Only then did he speak back.

Hearing that it was handled in this way, Murphy was relieved, but at the same time, he couldn't help thinking: Sure enough, different people have different fates. If it were someone else, it might not be so easy to talk about.

But Leisen was fine and Murphy was also very happy.

Now that Lei Sen is fine, Murphy's mind is elsewhere. What she is thinking about now is Dr. Wan Qiang.

If the evidence he and Lei Sen found were correct, then the accident of his parents was not so pure, but turned into a murder case.

Thinking of this, Murphy's mind wandered a little too far.

When Xiao Minyu went downstairs, he saw Mo Fei's absent-minded look, thinking that Mo Fei was worried about Lei Sen, Xiao Minyu felt a little uncomfortable.

"Feifei." After adjusting his breathing, Xiao Minyu walked up to Murphy with a big smile on his face to say hello.

"Xiao Minyu, you're up." After being interrupted by Xiao Minyu, Murphy withdrew his indifferent gaze and waved to Xiao Minyu with a smile.

"Well, what are you thinking? Are you not used to it when you come back?" Xiao Minyu asked indistinctly.

"No." Murphy shook his head, and then said, "By the way, thank you very much this time. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back."

Murphy's gratitude to Xiao Minyu has a deep meaning. If she cannot return to the star base, she will not be able to get in touch with Dr. Wan Qiang, and it will be difficult for her to investigate the truth.

But even if he came back, it would be difficult to investigate everything behind it, but he finally gave himself a chance.

"It's not my fault this time, and..." Xiao Minyu was about to speak when the communicator rang, and Xiao Minyu quickly picked it up.

After talking a few words, Xiao Minyu put down the communicator, and looked at Mo Fei with a little apology: "Fei Fei, it's about the headquarters. I have to go out first. Let's talk when we come back."

"Well, go get busy! By the way, bring your breakfast." Mo Fei turned around and took a breakfast from the table and handed it to Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu took the breakfast, feeling warm in his heart: "Feifei, take a good rest at home for a few days."

"Okay, I see." Mo Fei smiled at Xiao Minyu, and then sat down to have breakfast with Meng Zhibo and the others, but he planned to find Lin Yixun tomorrow.

Xiao Minyu happily took the breakfast that Mo Fei brought him and went out, then got in the car and went straight to the command center.

Murphy returned to the bedroom after breakfast, and spent the rest of the day in the bedroom except for eating and going downstairs.

It was said to be resting, but Mo Fei was actually training Qi, and some of her talismans were about to expire, so she wanted to make new ones.

In this way, Murphy spent a whole day drawing two talismans, and then prepared some gifts brought back from the sea base.

After greeting Xiao Minyu early the next morning, he went straight to the Star Soul Circle of the Star Base.

When he arrived at the Star Soul Circle, Mo Fei found the way to the research institute and went straight to Lin Yixun's office.

"Feifei, you're back, you're so worried about me." Lin Yixun rushed over as soon as he saw Murphy's face.

"Okay, I've only been out for more than two months, don't be so exaggerated, okay?" Murphy pushed Lin Yixun away with a smile and said.

Lin Yixun pouted her small mouth, and blinked her slightly raised eyelashes: "Feifei, what did you say, last time you said you were outside, and I sent someone to find you to give you something, but you weren't there at all , I’m so worried to death.”

How aggrieved and aggrieved that look is, Lin Yixun originally looked like a doll, but now he looks even more pitiful.

"Okay, Yixun, I was wrong. I found out that it was not safe there and left, but you also know that you didn't bring anything with you when you went out, so you didn't contact you."

"Okay, I'm sorry you didn't tell me, but you'll be fine when you come back." Lin Yixun immediately showed a smile: "Feifei, don't leave today, stay with me today, let's chat tonight."

"Okay, but I have to talk to Xiao Minyu first."

"Feifei, what's the relationship between you and Xiao Minyu? This time your accident is the result of his running back and forth, otherwise you might not be able to come back in two years, not to mention two months." Lin Yixun blinked and smirked. Asked, it looked a bit gossip like that.

"It's just friends, Yixun, since when did you love to gossip like this?" Murphy reached out and poked Lin Yixun on the forehead.

"Hey." Lin Yixun rubbed his forehead with his hands and laughed twice.

"By the way, I heard that you have developed a potion to enhance the abilities of supernatural beings? Now Dr. Lin Yixun is well-known far and wide." Murphy was really happy for Lin Yixun, and casually mentioned.

"Well, I found it by chance, it's nothing." But for some reason, Lin Yixun seemed unwilling to mention it, and responded lightly.

Seeing that Lin Yixun didn't want to say more, Murphy didn't continue to ask, but asked about what happened in the star base after he left. Could it be that he also told some of his experiences outside.

"Really, Feifei? Are there really such strange and precious flowers and plants?" Hearing what Murphy found, Lin Yixun's nature of a research madman was revealed again, and he stared at Murphy with sparkling eyes.

"Of course, and I brought you back a sample, how about it? Interesting enough!" Murphy smiled and reached into the small bag he was carrying.

Just as she was about to take out the plant samples she brought to Lin Yixun, Lin Yixun suddenly held down Murphy's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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