Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 331 Start the investigation

Chapter 331 Start the investigation

Murphy, who was held down by Lin Yixun, froze for a moment, and then wanted to see Lin Yixun.

But Lin Yixun said in a low voice: "Feifei, don't look at me, just take out another one and follow me later."

Mo Fei didn't understand why Lin Yixun was so cautious, but he didn't ask any further questions, and took out another gift for Lin Yixun from his bag.

"Yixun, this is a gift for you." Mo Fei picked out some clothes from Zhanlan City, and picked out two cute outfits for Lin Yixun.

"Wow, Feifei, you are so kind, I like this dress so much! Come on, let's go into the room and try it on." Lin Yixun pulled Mo Fei out of the office with a smile on his face, and walked into the room.

After entering the room, Lin Yixun threw the clothes on the bed, and then asked, "Feifei, what did you bring me?"

"Yixun, why do you still have to go into the room and talk?" Murphy was a little puzzled.

"The outside door is inconvenient to lock. What if someone comes in or someone eavesdrops at the door. Well, no matter what, Feifei, please show me the sample." Lin Yixun urged after returning to Murphy.

Knowing that Lin Yixun is also a research madman, Murphy didn't keep it secret, and directly gave Lin Yixun a few samples from his bag.

Except for the lilac syringa, which is inconvenient to separate because there is only one plant, all the other Murphys have prepared a copy for Lin Yixun.

It's just that it was stored in the storage talisman at that time, but now it is stored in a fresh-keeping box for Lin Yixun.

After Lin Yixun took the box, she couldn't wait to open it. When she saw the plants inside, her face burst into joy: "Feifei, I love you so much. I like this gift very much."

Lin Yixun was so excited that he hugged Murphy all at once.

"It's good if you like it. You put these away. It's not easy to collect them. I don't have any new ones for you if they're broken."

Mo Fei said to Lin Yixun with a smile.

"Don't worry, Feifei, I will make the best use of everything." Lin Yixun carefully covered the box, then adjusted the temperature and put it away.

In the evening, Lin Yixun stayed with Mo Fei for one night, and Mo Fei called Xiao Minyu and told him that he would stay with Lin Yixun for one night.

It was not until the next morning that Mo Fei returned to Xiao Minyu's villa from Lin Yixun's side.

Last night, Murphy and Lin Yixun chatted late. Murphy asked Lin Yixun some research questions, pretending to mention Dr. Wan Qiang by accident.

After insinuating, Murphy learned a little about Dr. Wan Qiang.

However, it is not easy for Murphy to ask too many questions, so for the time being, Murphy only knows that Dr. Wan Qiang is the initiator of the Sunny Project, and only he and his lab know the specific formula of the Sunny Project. People don't interact with others.

And all the researchers of the research institute are in this area, only Dr. Wan Qiang and his lab are in the office area.

After Murphy returned to Xiao Minyu's villa, she was thinking about Dr. Wan Qiang's question. She had no reason to go to Lin Yixun's side all the time, but it seemed that only there could be contact with Dr. Wan Qiang.

Murphy was very embarrassed, she really wanted to know the truth of all this now.

Suddenly Mo Fei missed Lei Sen a little. Lei Sen must be busy with tasks during this time, because there is no time to make up for his mistakes, and Lei Sen seems not to be in the base anytime soon, and there is no one to discuss the solution at this time.

Mo Fei sighed and returned to the bed. Mo Fei felt upset and decided to practice Qi again.

It wasn't until the evening that Xiao Minyu's housekeeper came to ask Mo Fei to go downstairs for dinner, and Xiao Minyu and the others also came back from get off work.

"Feifei, are you feeling unwell? I heard that you didn't eat lunch today." Seeing Mo Fei come down, Xiao Minyu asked Mo Fei.

"It's nothing, maybe I was tired before, and I want to catch up on sleep when I come back." Mo Fei smiled at Xiao Minyu, she knew that Xiao Minyu cared about herself, and didn't want her friends to worry about her.

"It's fine, let's eat first!" Xiao Minyu could see that Mo Fei had something on his mind, but Mo Fei didn't want to say that he didn't force it, but Xiao Minyu paid attention. Murphy was fine when he went to the research institute. Why did he suddenly have a lot of worries when he came back? , I must ask Man Chengbin to check it out.

After sitting down and eating, Mo Fei didn't rush upstairs, but sat down and chatted with Xiao Minyu.

Seeing that it was rare for Mo Fei to find him, Xiao Minyu guessed that Mo Fei had something to do, so he asked directly: "Fei Fei, do you need to find me for something?"

"Well, Xiao Minyu, I want to go out and rent a house again. I'm a little embarrassed to always live with you."

"What? Feifei, is it uncomfortable for me to live here? You can bring it up if it's not good enough." At first, I thought that Murphy was asking him to help with something, but I didn't expect that Murphy wanted to move out.

"That's not true. It's very comfortable to live here, but I still prefer to live by myself. Besides, I've been bothering you all the time. I feel a little sorry."

"No trouble, no trouble, not to mention that Li Jiao already knows that you are back, I am worried that she will trouble you." Xiao Minyu said quickly.

It was only then that Mo Fei thought of Li Jiao. He had thought too much about Li Jiao before, and he forgot about Li Jiao.

However, Xiao Minyu said this on purpose. Li Jiao did know that Murphy was back, but Li Jiao had no time to pay attention to Murphy now.

There is no other reason: Li Jiao is now five or six months pregnant, and she was diagnosed with triplets, so although she is only five or six months old, her belly is too big to move around.

There was no news of Gu Huaiyuan for so long, Li Jiao had already given up, and she didn't find any connection between Murphy and Gu Huaiyuan, and after the Murphy incident, Lei Sen, the captain of the mecha team, and the special operations The attitude of the people on the team made Li Jiao retreat a little.

Now Li Jiao just wanted to give birth to the baby properly, so she couldn't care about Murphy.Of course, if given the chance, Li Jiao would never give up attacking Murphy.

However, with Xiao Minyu's special protection, even if Li Jiao wants to touch Murphy now, it is a bit difficult, so she just doesn't want to.

It's just that Mo Fei didn't know about this situation. Xiao Minyu mentioned Li Jiao, and Mo Fei knew that Li Jiao would definitely not let him go, so he gave up the idea of ​​living alone for the time being.

"Feifei, at least my personal safety can be guaranteed here, so you can rest assured." Xiao Minyu saw that Murphy seemed to be thinking about striking while the iron was hot.

"Then, okay, but I'll trouble you again." Murphy said a little embarrassedly.

"It's nothing, as long as you want, you can stay as long as you want." Seeing that Mo Fei finally let go, Xiao Minyu quickly responded.

"By the way, Feifei, did something happen to you when you went to the research institute this time?" Xiao Minyu asked seeing that Mo Fei was in a good mood at the moment.

"Actually, something happened to the research institute." Murphy pondered for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "Xiao Minyu, do you know anything about Dr. Wan Qiang?"

"Dr. Wan Qiang?" Xiao Minyu was taken aback for a moment, he never expected that Murphy would ask about this person.

"Well, I always feel that this matter has something to do with him this time." Murphy didn't tell Xiao Minyu about his father's affairs, but simply analyzed the person who handed over the data card and what Dr. Wan Qiang asked to use in a meeting afterwards, and I said my own analysis again.

Xiao Minyu nodded constantly listening to Mo Fei's words: "It's really suspicious to say that, because this person has nothing to do with you, and we didn't investigate him at all."

"So I was thinking, how can I find out some things about Dr. Wan Qiang, but you also know that Dr. Wan Qiang's information should be the information of the internal personnel of the base. I will never get it, but it would be a bit wrong not to check. Willing. Especially now that the enemy is in the dark, I really don’t want to make trouble if anything happens.”

At the end of Murphy's speech, she was actually feeling in her heart. She was really tired.

"Feifei, don't worry, I will help you investigate this matter, don't worry! Everything will be fine." Xiao Minyu comforted Mo Fei at this moment, and was already thinking about how to help Mo Fei.

"It's just that no one said to complain, but this thing is really strange, maybe I'm overthinking!"

Murphy changed the subject, and the two chatted for a while before Murphy returned to his room.

When Mo Fei returned to the room, Xiao Minyu called Man Chengbin: "Second brother, help me pay more attention to Dr. Wan Qiang's information recently."

"What? Is there a problem with Dr. Wan Qiang?" Man Chengbin was more sensitive, and asked directly after hearing what Xiao Minyu said.

"What's your opinion?" Xiao Minyu knew Man Chengbin well. If Man Chengbin didn't know something about it, I'm afraid he wouldn't ask this question, and would only reply: Got it.

"I actually checked Dr. Wan Qiang before." Man Chengbin replied directly.

"Oh? Investigate him for what?" While Xiao Minyu asked, he recalled it in his mind, as if he didn't find anything worthy of investigating Dr. Wan Qiang.

"It's about Murphy."

"This time I asked you to investigate because of Feifei's previous incident. Feifei felt that something was wrong and contacted the process of the incident. She had an intuition that she had something to do with that Dr. Wan Qiang, so she wanted to investigate."

Hearing that Man Chengbin also said that Dr. Wan Qiang had been suspected by him, Xiao Minyu said this.

"Yes, I also analyzed it before, and felt that Dr. Wan Qiang has a lot of doubts here, but I checked, and there is no evidence about him. In addition, it seems that Dr. Wan Qiang and Murphy have no intersection. So I I really don't know why this Dr. Wan Qiang has any reason to frame a little girl with no background."

Man Chengbin gave Xiao Minyu his investigation and analysis of the results.

"No intersection doesn't mean no frame, let's check it anyway!" Although Xiao Minyu couldn't figure out what the connection was, he still felt that he should be more careful when it comes to Murphy's safety.

"Okay, I see, I will take care of this matter." After Man Chengbin nodded, he turned and left Xiao Minyu's room.

Xiao Minyu looked out the window, the moonlight outside was bright, Xiao Minyu secretly swore in his heart: Feifei, I will definitely protect you.

In front of the same other window, Yulin in Bai Sirui's villa stood at the window and looked at Xiao Minyu's villa in the distance, showing a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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