Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 332 Yulin Appears

Chapter 332 Yulin Appears
Murphy got up early in the morning and washed up.

It's so boring to be bored at home. I practiced Qi all afternoon yesterday, and I have to go out for some activities slowly today.

After freshening up, Murphy changed into light clothes.After thinking about it, I haven't seen Zhu Zhu and the others for a long time, and I haven't been able to contact Zhu Zhu since I was taken away by those people.

After all, Zhu Zhu and the others don't have any communicators. Although Mo Fei heard that Man Chengbin had gone to them to find out about the situation, Murphy still decided to go and see Zhu Zhu and her.
our current situation.

"Steward Zhao, I'm going to meet my friends today. If I don't come back for dinner, don't wait for me. But if I haven't made an appointment with someone, I may come back soon."

Murphy went downstairs to go out and greeted Butler Zhao first.

"Well, I got it, Ms. Mo." Butler Zhao still liked Murphy very much. Although Mr. Xiao confessed that he would try his best to satisfy Ms. Mo's request, Murphy never asked too much.
What, and they are very polite when they go in and out.

"Then I'm going out." After Murphy finished speaking, she took her backpack and left the villa.

Mo Fei stopped after only a few steps: "Yu...Yu...Sister Yulin?" Murphy couldn't believe his eyes.

Not far away, Yulin dressed in black looked extraordinarily enchanting.

"Feifei? You, why did you come out of his house?" Yulin said as if she was startled.

"Sister Yulin, it's really Sister Yulin, are you alright? That's great." Mo Fei rushed over in a few steps and grabbed Yulin's arm.

Yulin gently broke free from Mo Fei's hand, but Mo Fei was aware of this movement, and couldn't help but be taken aback, looking up at Yulin.

"I'm fine. I was injured back then, but I was rescued by someone." Yulin said lightly, as if she was talking about something that wasn't her own.

"Sister Yulin, how are you doing? Do you live near here now?" Mo Fei finally realized that he now lives in the jurisdiction of Star Heart Circle. From this point of view, saving
Yulin's people should be the people here.

"Yes, but how did you get out of his house?" Yulin asked after answering.

"His family? Who?" Mo Fei didn't react for a while, and looked at Yulin suspiciously: Could it be Xiao Minyu and the others who saved Yulin?Impossible, when Yulin had an accident, Xiao Minyu

I have been looking for it for myself for a long time.

"Yu." Yulin uttered a word tremblingly.

"Yu? Ah! Can't it? Xiao Minyu? Could it be that he is..." Mo Fei suddenly thought of Yulin's golden knife. The person she loved the most at the beginning, Mo Fei only knew the name of that person
There is a word yu in the word, but there are too many people with yu in their names, and Murphy has not contacted this aspect at all.

Yulin looked at Murphy with hurt eyes: "Feifei, how could you treat me like this?"

"Sister Yulin, I really didn't know Xiao Minyu was the person you mentioned." Murphy quickly explained.

"Forget it, I have nothing to do with him, but Yu is a good person, you have to take care of it, and I hope you can achieve consummation." Yulin sighed softly, as if she had let go


"Sister Yulin." Although Mo Fei and Xiao Minyu had nothing to do, Mo Fei always felt sorry for Yu Lin when Yu Lin said that, and his tone could not help but drop.

"It's okay, it's okay, where is Feifei going?" Yulin asked after taking a deep breath and changing the subject.

"I want to go see my friend, Sister Yulin, since you are okay, why don't we go see Yixun another day!" Mo Fei suggested, after all, the three of them had a very good relationship at the beginning.
People thought that Yulin was crying because of an accident.

"That's fine." Yulin smiled at Mo Fei: "I live in front, you can come to see me when you are free." Yulin stretched out her slender fingers and pointed towards the villa of Bai Sirui's family in front.

"Well, Sister Yulin, I will definitely come." Murphy nodded vigorously.

"Okay, don't delay you to see your friends, go quickly, I'll go back first." Yulin stretched out her hand and patted Murphy gently as before.

Originally, Murphy still had a lot to say, but seeing Yulin's unwillingness to chat, she nodded, "Then I'll go to my friend's side first, and then we'll make an appointment with Yixun's side."
situation. "

"Okay." Yulin responded and walked towards the villa.

Looking at the back of Yulin leaving, Mo Fei complained to Xiao Minyu in his heart: I asked him to help me find Yulin's whereabouts, but he didn't mention anything about knowing Yulin.
Now she was misunderstood by Sister Yulin, and now Sister Yulin must be very sad.

Mo Fei walked out while thinking, and after a while, he left the jurisdiction of the Xingxin Circle and walked slowly towards the Xingmin Circle where Zhu Zhu and the others lived.

Yulin returned to the villa of Bai Sirui's family, the smile on her face looked a bit creepy.Fortunately, she locked herself in the house and no one saw it.

Murphy, don't think that you are innocent because you don't know. I will fight for my happiness with my own hands. If I can't fight for it, we will be unhappy together.

Originally, Yulin didn't want to reveal it so early, she wanted to get close to Xiao Minyu slowly, and then give Mo Fei a blow, but since Murphy came back, Xiao Minyu hadn't seen her again, Yu

Lin hates, she can't wait any longer, she wants to implement her plan.

Murphy, who didn't know it, walked towards Zhu Zhu's residence, and arrived at the building in the Xingmin circle in a short while.

After going upstairs, Murphy reached out and knocked on the door of the house where Zhu Zhu and the others lived, but she didn't call out. After all, she didn't know if Zhu Zhu and the others were at home.

"Who is it?" Zhen Shunli's voice came from inside the door.

"Lily, open the door, it's me." Murphy felt very friendly when he heard the familiar voice, and quickly replied.

"It's... Feifei?" Zhen Shunli asked incredulously.

"it's me."

"It's really Feifei, Zhuzhu, Nana, come quickly! Feifei is back. Wait a minute, Feifei, they haven't gotten up yet." Zhen Shunli's excited voice came through the door.

Then I heard Zhu Zhu's voice: "Feifei is not someone else, open the door and open the door, who hasn't seen anyone who lived in the same dormitory before!"

As soon as Zhu Zhu finished speaking, Zhen Shunli opened the door.

Mo Fei saw that Zhen Shunli was only wearing a nightgown, and was shivering when the door was blown by the wind.

"Close the door quickly, don't catch a cold." Murphy hurried in and said.

The door closed, and before Mo Fei could turn around, Zhu Zhu rushed forward enthusiastically: "Feifei, you're back, have you figured everything out?"

"It's okay, otherwise I wouldn't dare to look for you so blatantly!" Murphy replied with a smile.

"Feifei, we are all worried about you, but we can't get in touch." Li Suna stood aside, much calmer than Zhu Zhu, but with a smile in her eyes.

"It's really all right. The person who asked you before and the people with him are all my friends. They helped me find evidence that I didn't do it, so it's all right now.
. "

"That's good. You came today just in time. We didn't receive the task today. Zhu Zhu didn't sleep in for a long time because of the trouble, so he got up late." Li Suna explained to Mo Fei with a smile.

Murphy also knew that before the end of the world, everyone lived together, and Murphy also knew a few people better. Zhu Zhu really liked to sleep late.

But now Mo Fei looked at everyone and laughed: "It's just right for you, I brought you a gift, which will save you trouble."

As he spoke, Mo Fei took out a few sets of finely crafted and nice-to-hand clothes from his backpack and handed them to several people.

These clothes were also brought back from Zhanlan City, and Murphy picked them based on the dressing taste of several people.

"Wow, what a beautiful dress! Isn't this a pre-apocalyptic new style? Originally, only some samples were released, and the sale items will not be released until December. Where are you from, Feifei?"
found it. "

Zhen Shunli used to like clothing, shoes, hats, backpacks, etc., she liked to dress herself up, and she also liked various fashion magazines, so she immediately recognized the one Mophy brought out.

Mo Fei stuck out her tongue. She really didn't know. At the beginning, she saw that these clothes were beautiful and of good quality, so she took a batch of them. After returning, she thought they were suitable for Zhu Zhu and the others, so they picked them from among them.
Just three of different styles.

But it's not suitable to explain at the moment, I just asked with a smile: "It's good if you like it, the place I'm going this time is really far away."

Several people tried on the clothes, and because they hadn't washed the new clothes, they all put them aside, changed their own clothes and sat down.

Murphy took out canned food and a large bag of snacks: "I don't think the Star Base is short of other things, so I brought these."

"It's too rich, it's too rich. Every time Feifei comes, there are surprises." Zhu Zhu looked at the snacks in front of him and was greedy. Now that food is in short supply, not to mention snacks, even weeds can be eaten
Eat, who would be so extravagant.

The time for a few people to talk and chat passed in a blink of an eye, and Murphy left after dinner at Zhu Zhu's house.

Although Zhu Zhu and the others also wanted to keep Mo Fei here, they thought it would be safer for Mo Fei to live with Xiao Minyu, so no one mentioned it.

In fact, Murphy prefers to live here compared to Xiao Minyu's, especially after meeting Yulin, and knowing that Xiao Minyu is Yulin's crush for a long time, Murphy feels that he seems to have robbed him.
Yulin's is like something.

But Mo Fei couldn't stay on Zhu Zhu's side. One was that Zhu Zhu's side was not spacious. Another point was that Mo Fei was still afraid of Li Jiao's influence, so it didn't matter if he was alone, and Xiao
Min Yu is someone Li Jiao can't touch.

But Zhu Zhu's side is different, if Li Jiao plays a trick, it's not something Zhu Zhu and the others can bear.

After leaving the place where Zhu Zhu and the others lived, Mo Fei did not go directly back to Xiao Minyu's villa, but walked towards a hidden location behind the trading market.

Arriving at this location, Murphy found his Xiaobai in a piece of grass growing as tall as a person.

Being caught happened suddenly, so Murphy's white aerodynamic car was parked at the trading market.

However, in the trading market, cars parked for more than two months will be confiscated as unowned vehicles. Murphy didn't know how long it would take him to return to the star base, so the last time Murphy came back to find Lin

Yixun deliberately hid the white aerodynamic vehicle when he was in the car.

"Xiaobai, I'm back." Mo Fei smiled and pushed aside the surrounding grass, looking at his white aerodynamic car and said with a smile.

"Ah! Someone, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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