Chapter 333 Another Plan
Murphy was about to clean up the surrounding grass before driving Xiaobai away.

But as soon as a small sound came out, the grass around the car began to shake.

Murphy followed the sound and saw a figure swaying in the grass.

When Mo Fei chased after the car, he found a hole in the window of his car, which was covered with a lot of weeds and cotton wool.

Seeing Xiaobai being ruined like this, Murphy felt a little distressed.

This is not an ordinary car. If it was an ordinary car, Murphy would have thrown it away long ago. This is a car that has been modified by himself.

Murphy took a look at the items inside. Fortunately, the car itself was not damaged except for one window.

Looks like someone has taken over here.

Murphy packed up the things in the car, threw the useless things out of the car, and then took out the key to start the car and drove away.

Murphy drove the car away, and those who ran away behind him returned.

This is a group of children who somehow got into the star people's circle. They found this deserted place to hide before, but they found Murphy's car.

Several children took this place as their home.

"Brother Xingxing, it's too bad, Xiao Zi is gone." The children heaved a sigh of relief after watching Murphy's car drive away. They thought that this car was unowned, and it turned out that someone parked here on purpose, but It was only now that one of them was missing.

"It's broken, Xiao Zi may still be sleeping in the trunk." The big boy in the lead slapped his head, just now he was only focused on running, and forgot that there was a young Xiao Zi sleeping in the trunk.

At this moment, the little girl in the trunk was awakened by the bump in the car. The trunk had been closed just now, and Xiao Zi, who couldn't open it from inside, cried in a muffled voice.

"Wuuuuu, brother Xingxing, brother Dazhuang, sister Ya..." Xiao Zi cried louder and louder. Mo Fei, who was driving, faintly heard something, frowned and stopped the car.

After getting out of the cab, Murphy listened around the car, and with her good hearing, heard the sound coming from her trunk.

After arriving at the back of the car, Murphy put his ear on it and listened, and sure enough there was the sound of a little girl crying inside.

Murphy quickly opened the trunk, and a tearful little girl inside seemed to be frightened, and kept moving inside.

"Little friend, who are you? Why are you here?" Murphy had no choice but to coax the little girl first.

"I want Brother Xingxing, I want Sister Ya...Wow!" It's okay not to ask, but the little girl cried even harder when she asked.

Murphy had a headache. He was really not good at dealing with such a little girl, but he couldn't ignore it.

Thinking that the car came from that place just now, Mo Fei stretched out his hand: "Little friend, don't cry, I'll take you to find Brother Xingxing, okay?"

Hearing that Mo Fei said that he would take her to find Brother Xing Xing, the little girl stopped crying slightly, and looked at Mo Fei suspiciously.

"You have to be obedient, first sit in the back seat of the car, I'll take you back to find your brother Xing Xing and sister Ya, are you okay?"

The little girl wiped away her tears with her not-so-clean hands. Seeing that Mo Fei seemed very friendly, she slowly moved out of it.

Murphy took the little girl down and closed the trunk again, then put the little girl in the back seat.The car restarted and drove directly towards the previous position.

When he arrived at the place, Mo Fei looked around and opened the rear door: "My little friend, are your brothers and sisters here?"

The little girl looked around and nodded, jumped out of the car and shouted into the grass: "Brother Xingxing, Brother Dazhuang, Sister Ya, I am Xiaozi."

But after shouting for a long time, no one responded, the little girl was a little anxious, and the voice of shouting brought up crying again.

But no matter how much she shouted, no one responded, and the little girl began to cry loudly: "Xiao Zi is very good, Xiao Zi didn't run around, Brother Xing Xing, don't want Xiao Zi."

If this was an adult, it would be great if Murphy could help bring it here, and he would have left long ago, but Murphy couldn't ignore such a small child, just like saving Xiao Wenwen back then.

"Okay Xiao Zi, don't cry, just sit in the car for a while, maybe your brothers and sisters will be back soon." Mo Fei wiped the little girl's tears and said, from the pocket, actually from the storage talisman Take out a piece of sugar.

"Xiao Zi eats sweets, don't cry, okay?"

I don't know if it's because Murphy's voice is softer or the candy has played a role. Xiaozi also lowered her crying while holding the candy.

"Xiao Zi will get in the car and sit for a while, maybe her brother and sister have gone out and will come back to pick up Xiao Zi in a while, right?" Murphy said patiently.

The little girl nodded and stretched out her hands towards Murphy.

Such a tall car, the little girl alone would definitely not be able to climb it, so Mo Fei ignored the dirty clothes on the little girl and picked her up to put her on the back seat of the car.

"Hey." A ball of fire slammed towards Murphy. Fortunately, Mo Fei reacted quickly and dodged the fire ball, but the fire ball hit Murphy's car instead.

Although there was no damage to the body, a piece of white paint was baked, forming ugly stains.

Murphy was furious. Xiaobai was miserable enough, but now his spray paint was burnt out again.

He took out the long gun from the car, turned around and wanted to stab it, but after turning around, he saw a group of angry children facing him.

"Release Xiao Zi quickly." The little boy in the lead is very good-looking, and if it was before the end of the world, someone would have asked him to be a child actor.

"Brother Xingxing." Xiao Zi in the car saw the person coming outside through the gap next to Murphy's body, shouted in surprise, and at the same time crawled under the car.

So this is the star, Murphy thought to himself.It should be this boy who attacked him just now. He turned out to be a supernatural person, but Mo Fei admired being able to bring so many children to live together.

Forget it, a child, not to mention that his original intention was to worry about that girl named Xiao Zi, so let Mo Fei think about it. What's the use of worrying about it, is it possible that such a young child can be compensated?

After thinking for a while, Murphy didn't say anything. He turned around and put away the gun, closed the door and sat in the cab.

After Xiao Zi ran towards Mei Zhengtai named Xing Xing, she heard the sound of the car starting, shook her little hand at Mo Fei, and called out sweetly: "Big sister, goodbye."

Murphy smiled, and the car drove out quickly.

"Xiao Zi, are you okay? That woman didn't do anything to you, did she? Why are you still waving at her?" The little boy named Xing Xing knelt down and looked at the youngest sister in front of him and asked.

"Brother Xingxing, that big sister is a good person. She saw Xiaozi behind the car and said to send Xiaozi back. We didn't see brother Xingxing when we came back just now. Big sister told me to wait in the car for brother Xingxing to come back. Big sister gave me a piece sugar."

Saying that, Xiao Zi spread out her hands, and in her hand was a piece of melted milk sugar that had been squeezed.

"Brother Xingxing, eat it, Xiaozi doesn't like candy." The little girl handed the milk candy to the little boy named Xingxing, saying that she didn't like it, but her eyes didn't leave the candy.

Xing Xing put the candy back into Xiao Zi's hand again: "Xiao Zi keep it, this is given to Xiao Zi by that big sister." At this time, Xing Xing felt a little regretful in his heart. Fortunately, the big sister hid quickly, otherwise she would hurt a kind person who helped her.

This was just a small episode. After leaving this area, Murphy drove the car to the parking lot of Xing'an Circle.

The cars here will not be dealt with as long as they pay the fee. Murphy paid the fee for half a year at once. Before that, he didn't have so many merit points, and it would be much more convenient to drive to the door of the house.

But now Murphy felt that it would be more appropriate to arrange Xiaobai here.

Everything was ready, and Murphy was about to return to Xiao Minyu's villa, but at this moment in the office area, there was only one man standing alone at the end of the corridor in a quiet corridor.

Not long after, another man came up from downstairs and came to the man who had been at the end of the corridor for a long time.

"Didn't you say that things were in order? Why did she come back?" The man who came up later asked sternly.

"I'm sorry doctor, it was my mistake, but it's better if she comes back, if she's been outside, it won't be easy for us to attack." The man who was waiting at the end of the corridor before replied.

"I know this too, but it's not so easy to find a reason." The man who came up later pondered for a while: "By the way, check for me what she did to Dr. Lin after she came back last time, and then think about it." Otherwise, go!"

"Yes, doctor." The man who was waiting at the end of the corridor before left here first after speaking.

After the man left, Dr. Wan Qiang lit a cigarette.In the last days, the rare and expensive tobacco is even more precious. After smoking a cigarette, Dr. Wan Qiang turned and left.

Murphy returned to Xiao Minyu's villa, and after returning to the room, Murphy thought of Yulin again.

Xiao Minyu turned out to be the Yu Yulin was talking about, the person Yulin had been secretly in love with for a long time, and he didn't know it at all, but Xiao Minyu clearly knew why he kept it a secret?

Until Xiao Minyu and the others came back, Steward Zhao called Mo Fei to go downstairs for dinner, but Mo Fei didn't think of a reason.

When he went downstairs and saw Xiao Minyu, Mo Fei's hesitant look caught Xiao Minyu's attention.

"What's the matter, Feifei? Do you need me for something?" Xiao Minyu knew that Murphy was out today, so he asked if Zhu Zhu and the others needed help.

"It's something, but I'll talk to you after dinner!" Mo Fei pointed to the food that had already been served on the table and replied.

On the other hand, Meng Zhibo, the burly young man, deliberately teased Murphy: "Feifei, you don't want to confess to our fifth brother, do you?"

One sentence made Murphy's words even more embarrassing. Although Xiao Minyu also felt that these words were embarrassing, he sincerely hoped that Meng Zhibo's words would come true.

But seeing Mo Fei bowed his head and said nothing, Xiao Minyu frowned quickly: "Okay, third child, stop guessing and eat quickly."

The meal was very peaceful, and Mo Fei kept thinking about the questions that followed, and he didn't even know what he ate.

(End of this chapter)

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