334 Confession
Xiao Minyu also noticed Murphy's absent-mindedness, and he was very curious about what Murphy would ask himself.

Of course, Xiao Minyu also imagined in his heart that maybe Murphy really wanted to confess to himself.

After finally finishing the meal, Xiao Minyu took Mo Fei back to the study, leaving behind Man Chengbin who hadn't finished digesting and looked at each other.

"Second, you are the judge. What will Feifei say to fifth?" Meng Zhibo knew that he was talking nonsense, but he couldn't restrain his gossiping tone, and asked Man Chengbin, who was the most powerful in analyzing the situation here.

"I can't tell. Just after you finished speaking, I noticed that Murphy's expression was rather embarrassing, but I didn't refute it. Don't say it, I really don't know if you guessed it right." Man Chengbin replied with a smile.

Even Man Chengbin said that, and Meng Zhibo felt that his guess was more reliable. A few of them sat on the sofa in the living room, looking up at the door of Xiao Minyu's study upstairs from time to time.

Mo Fei followed Xiao Minyu back to the study, and after the two sat down, Xiao Minyu asked, "Feifei, do you need my help?"

In fact, Mo Fei was still a little tangled in his heart. After thinking for a while, he asked, "Xiao Minyu, to be honest, do you know Sister Yulin?"

"Have you met Yulin?" Xiao Minyu then remembered that he had patronized Murphy recently and forgot about Yulin.

"So you really know Sister Yulin? Then why didn't you tell me?" Mo Fei was sure that Xiao Minyu really knew Yulin, and asked with a bit of displeasure on his face.

"I didn't think it was necessary. After all, Yulin and I were only in the same team before, so I didn't even mention it as friends. I didn't mean to hide it from you." Xiao Minyu noticed Murphy's strangeness, and quickly explained.

"But..." Mo Fei opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. Sister Yulin did say that she liked Xiao Minyu, but it seemed to be a crush. Did Xiao Minyu know that Yulin liked him?

It's fine to ask if you know, but if Xiao Minyu doesn't know, it means that sister Yulin didn't intend to let Xiao Minyu know, then it's not like I did something superfluous.

"But what?" Xiao Minyu waited for a long time but did not see Mo Fei asking, so he simply asked.

"It's nothing, I was thinking too much. I thought you were familiar with Sister Yulin." Murphy finally thought about it and was still not sure, so he had to change his words.

After hearing what Mo Fei said, Xiao Minyu heaved a sigh of relief: "I don't know her very well, I just stayed in a team for a while, and in fact taught her some fighting skills at most, and I haven't had much contact with anything else."

"So that's the case, but why didn't you tell me that Sister Yulin is still alive? I was shocked when I saw Sister Yulin this morning."

"I only found out later, weren't you at the sea base before, and then you were busy and forgot about it." Xiao Minyu's words were true. Before Murphy came back, he had been busy investigating things. Murphy came back Afterwards, some special missions were given to him at the base, and even Mo Fei could only meet him at dinner, not to mention the matter of Yulin.

"So that's the case, then I have no problem." Mo Fei looked at Xiao Minyu with a smile.

"You're fine, I have it." Seeing Mo Fei's smile after speaking, Xiao Minyu got up and moved closer to Mo Fei.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them directly. Why are you so close?" Murphy moved back subconsciously, but there was really not much room to move with the back of the chair behind him.

"Feifei, do you remember what the third child said just now?" Xiao Minyu reminded.

"Brother Meng's words?" Mo Fei suddenly thought of the sentence Meng Zhibo asked just now: Are you going to confess?Murphy lowered his head and then shook his head: "Brother Meng said so many things, I don't remember which words."

Seeing Mo Fei's expression and movements, Xiao Minyu knew that Mo Fei knew which sentence it was.

"Feifei." Xiao Minyu stretched out his hand to hold Mo Fei's hand: "I have always liked you, Feifei, can you be my girlfriend?"

After turning over once, Murphy sat up from the bed.

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhibo's words came true, but it was not she who confessed to Xiao Minyu, but Xiao Minyu confessed to himself.

Murphy was stunned for a long time after listening to it, but Xiao Minyu immediately said that he would not force himself, and asked Murphy to think about it when he went back.

After thinking about it, I couldn't fall asleep at all.

Mo Fei rubbed her face with her hands. She is a person who is very insensitive to feelings. Zhu Zhu had told her about this before.

When Gu Huaiyuan pursued her back then, everyone on campus knew about it, but Murphy knew from others that Gu Huaiyuan was pursuing him.Murphy himself has always regarded Gu Huaiyuan as a caring and humorous brother.

Later, I heard from Gu Huaiyuan that at first he thought he was going to fail, but it turned out that Mo Fei didn't understand his hints at all.

That's why Zhu Zhu always said that Murphy was emotionally insensitive. Now thinking about what Xiao Minyu did for him before, it was really not the category of ordinary friends.

No wonder sister Yulin was so sad when she spoke to herself in the morning, and at the end she wished herself and Xiao Minyu a happy ending, so it turned out to be like this...

Murphy was also speechless. Usually, he was very sensitive to everything, but Murphy was seldom concerned about emotional matters.

Xiao Minyu, Xiao Minyu!Murphy repeated in his mind twice, should he accept it?

Mo Fei felt that she probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. After tossing and turning on the bed for half the night, she finally adjusted her breath and calmed down silently.

Early the next morning, Mo Fei got up a little tired, but after looking at the time, Xiao Minyu and the others must have not left at this moment, and Mo Fei fell on the bed again.

"Huh? It's rare for Feifei to sleep late this morning!" Meng Zhibo, the third child, looked upstairs suspiciously and muttered.

Xiao Minyu looked up, but he understood why Mo Fei didn't come down.What I said yesterday probably affected Murphy, but it was a good thing for Xiao Minyu that Murphy didn't come down early in the morning.

It has affected Murphy, which means that Murphy still cares about it in his heart. If he doesn't care, he might pretend that he didn't hear it.

Regarding this, Xiao Minyu is not in a hurry, and he can't be in a hurry for this kind of thing. Since he has already shown it, he will simply do it in the future to understand it better.

After calculating that the time was almost up, Murphy slowly got up from the bed, and after washing up, he became more refreshed before going downstairs.

"Miss Murphy, wake up. Mr. Xiao has ordered that breakfast is ready. Miss Murphy can choose what she wants to eat."

Butler Zhao asked for several breakfasts to be served.

Murphy thanked Steward Zhao, and then chose one and served it to the dining table.

After eating, Murphy went back to the room.The only harvest last night was that I forced myself to practice qi and meditate because I couldn't sleep. I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest, and my breath during the heart training period actually improved greatly.

I don't know if it's because I was upset, and it became stable with the adjustment of breath, so I have mastered some basics of heart training to improve so quickly.

So Murphy doesn't think so much now, anyway, he can't think of a reason for this kind of thing, so let's let nature take its course.

Murphy thought so and did the same, and continued to try her new method of Qi training after returning to the room.

Sure enough, try to calm your heart, the breath is not so smooth, but it is easier to grow.

After trying more than a dozen times, Murphy felt a little tired before stopping.I don't know why recently, the more he improves, the more Murphy feels that he is not enough.

Originally, he thought that it would be enough to practice enough to make the mecha fly, but now Mo Fei always felt that he was short of something.

While Murphy was still sitting in the room thinking about what to learn next, Housekeeper Zhao knocked on the door: "Miss Murphy, someone is looking for you."

"Who is it?" Murphy got up to open the door, and asked Butler Zhao.

"It's Miss Yulin." Butler Zhao replied truthfully.

"Oh! It's Sister Yulin, I'm going down now." Mo Fei hurriedly changed his home clothes and shoes and went downstairs.

Downstairs, Yulin Tingtingyu stood in the living room, the soft light shone on Yulin's body through the window, the beauty made people breathless.

"Sister Yulin, you're here." Mo Fei ran down with a smile and shouted.

"Well, I want to visit Yixun today, do you think today is suitable?" Yulin replied with a soft smile.

"I'm not sure about the time, why don't we go and find out, if Yi Xun is not free, we can ask her another day."

"Alright, then let's go! It just so happens that there is nothing to do today." After finishing speaking, Yulin stretched out her hand to hold Murphy's arm with an affectionate look.

Because Yulin was like this before, Mo Fei didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but Mo Fei didn't know that since Yulin was picked up from the dead by Bai Sirui, Yulin hadn't treated anyone kindly.

Even Xiao Minyu, Yulin has never touched it.Of course, Xiao Minyu wouldn't let Yulin touch her either.

The two of them left the security area of ​​the star heart circle all the way, and went straight to the star soul circle.

After showing his pass, Murphy and Yulin entered the Star Soul Circle together.There is still a long distance from the gate of the Star Soul Circle to the research institute.

However, the two of them were not in a hurry, and walked slowly to the research institute.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yixun was fine at the moment, so he was very happy to see Mo Fei, but Yulin surprised Lin Yixun.

Later, Mo Fei explained Yulin's matter to Lin Yixun, and Lin Yixun wept with joy, holding Yulin and crying for a long time.

It was also a feeling of emotion for the three of them to get together again, but the most important thing was that everyone was still alive.

"Feifei, Sister Yulin, it's rare for us to get together today. I'm relatively free these two days. Why don't you go to my house. I haven't been back for a long time. Let's stay at my house tonight and have a good chat at my house tomorrow."

Lin Yixun couldn't help suggesting.

"I'm fine, but I don't know if it's convenient for sister Yulin." Mo Fei knew that Yulin was currently living in the house of the man surnamed Bai, so he didn't know if it was convenient for Yulin to come out and live.

"I'm fine." Yulin replied with a smile.

"Great, it's settled. Then I'll make arrangements. Sister Yulin and Feifei, both of you can talk or bring a change of clothes. Let's meet at the gate of the Star Soul Circle before twelve o'clock."

After the three of them made an appointment, Murphy and Yulin left Lin Yixun's office.

After Murphy and Yulin left, a person appeared in front of Lin Yixun's office, following Murphy and Yulin away for a long time before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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