Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 336 Global Warming

Chapter 336 Global Warming
"Where are you going?" Lin Yixun's voice came from upstairs.

"Yixun, are you done?" Murphy stopped thinking, and looked up at Lin Yixun.

"Well, it's just a small file, it will be fine once it's processed." Lin Yixun said as he walked down the stairs.

"Seeing that you are still working when you come back, your title as a workaholic is not in vain." Mo Fei smiled and moved his body to make room for Lin Yixun.

"Where did you say you were going? I didn't hear clearly." After Lin Yixun sat down, he did not forget what he just heard.

"No, I'm just thinking about my future plans." Yulin rushed back.

"Oh, don't think about those for now. Now the ability users have greatly improved, and the speed of zombie elimination has increased a lot. I think we will soon be able to escape the crisis of the end of the world." Lin Yixun is very optimistic, but it is also because She has more information in the institute.

"I hope, I really hope to return to a peaceful and safe life soon." Murphy said with a little emotion.

"Yixun, stop chatting, the dishes will be ready soon, and we're ready to eat." Lin Jiawan's voice came from the kitchen at the right time.

"Understood, Sister Wan." Lin Yixun responded, pulling Mo Fei and Yulin to the dining table.

After a meal, Murphy and Yulin also got acquainted with Lin Jiawan.

Lin Jiawan was not as quiet as she looked, she was a very lively girl, which suited the appetite of Mo Fei and the others, so within one night, the four girls got to know each other well.

"How do I sleep at night? Is it a room for one person, or a room for two people, or the four of us can sleep together." Lin Yixun first asked a few people for their opinions, but he decided to open it by himself.

"Alright, it's rare that we can all chat. As long as you are not sleepy, I will accompany you." Because Murphy was the youngest, he was less reserved when speaking.

"That's it, we'll sleep in one room at night."

Lin Jiawan asked the servants to clean up the largest room, and then several girls took turns washing before entering the largest room.

Afterwards, we chatted until midnight, and several people couldn't open their eyes until they fell asleep.

Several people fell asleep quietly, but at this time the temperature outside was constantly heating up.

The few people who slept until morning were covered in sweat, Lin Yixun was even more exaggerated, kicking the quilt to the ground.

Murphy felt a ray of light, and it was too hot, so he opened his eyes.

After getting up, Murphy went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then walked out wearing a thin nightgown.

"Good morning, Feifei." Lin Yixun yawned and waved to Murphy.

"Morning, but it's so hot this morning, why is it so hot all of a sudden." Mo Fei shook his wet hair back.

"That's to say, I'm also wondering, this is the midsummer that has suddenly entered!" Yulin also woke up at this moment, also covered in sweat.

"I just took a shower to feel better, so you all should take a shower before you come out!" After finishing speaking, Mo Fei brushed his hair aside, and then looked at Lin Yixun: "Yixun, do you have any summer clothes? I brought them Clothes are worn in spring and autumn."

"Yes, I'll ask the servant to bring it over later." It was Lin Jiawan who answered Murphy.

"Thank you, sister Jiawan." Mo Fei smiled gratefully at Lin Jiawan.

"It's nothing, but it's really strange, it's really hot today." After Lin Jiawan finished speaking, she curled up her long hair and fixed it with a clip: "I'm going down first."

After a while, some summer clothes were brought up, and several people tidied them up. Lin Yixun received a contact number from the research institute, telling her to go back quickly.

"I'm sorry, Feifei, Sister Yulin, it's a rare gathering." Lin Yixun said with some reluctance.

"It's nothing, you can go back quickly, it probably has something to do with the abnormal weather today, we are also curious, if there is anything to contact me." Murphy patted Lin Yixun and said.

"Well, play a little longer, sister Wan will accompany you, I'll go first." Lin Yixun said and walked out the door.

After Lin Yixun left, Murphy and Yulin thought that they couldn't stay here forever, and the weather was really weird, so they also bid farewell to Lin Jiawan and walked towards the jurisdiction of the star circle.

"Sister Yulin, I'm here first, do you want to come in and sit for a while?" Mo Fei looked at Yulin and asked in front of Xiao Minyu's villa.

"No need, but Feifei, you should think about what I said yesterday when you go back. I think it's better to make up your mind earlier than dragging it on for no reason."

"Well, I see. Let's contact Sister Yulin another day." Mo Fei nodded before turning around and entering.

Seeing Mo Fei enter Xiao Minyu's villa, Yu Lin's originally smiling face changed instantly: "Mur Fei, don't blame me for giving you this idea, you are really an eyesore."

After speaking, Yulin turned around and walked towards Bai Sirui's villa.

Since the sudden change in temperature that morning, it has remained the same for the next two days, as if midsummer had arrived overnight.

And it's global.

It is said that the whole world suddenly became very hot overnight, but this kind of heat is still within the acceptable range of people when the local summer is relatively hot.

It's just that the sudden appearance caught people by surprise, but fortunately, the earth index is being monitored all the time around the world, and the monitoring results show that the earth index is normal, but it is affected by the sun, so the world is in midsummer.

Since it is not a special abnormality, the Earth Alliance has no other way but to continue monitoring, but to prepare cooling equipment in the major bases.

Part of these news was learned from Lin Yixun, and part of it was brought back by Xiao Minyu.

"So, after the end of the world, it has been in a winter state. It has warmed up a little bit a while ago, and it makes sense that it has entered summer now, but the time of each season is relatively long."

Murphy nodded while eating ice cream at home while the fan was blowing.

"Yes, but the continuous temperature outside is unbearable. You don't go out, so you don't get heatstroke." Xiao Minyu said dotingly, looking at Murphy who was eating ice cream.

"Yes, I understand, but Xiao Minyu, is it because everyone is reluctant to go out in such a hot day?" Murphy continued to ask.

"Well, yes, recently many urgent tasks have increased their rewards, and even small tasks have increased compared to before. After all, the weather is too hot, and everyone is too lazy to move." Xiao Minyu is also having a headache recently.

Because everyone was unwilling to go out and do missions, these missions fell directly on the heads of the various teams and their action teams.

Now the daily workload of the official personnel is much heavier. No one wants to go out in such a hot day, including the team and action members, but others can be lazy, but they can't help it.

"Xiao Minyu, do you have any special tasks? I can help!" Since Yulin gave her an idea that day, Mo Fei has been looking for opportunities to go out, but the recent weather is really not a good choice for travel, and Xiao Minyu also let She tried to rest at home as much as possible.

"No, it's too hot outside, you just stay at home, I don't even have time to stay."

"Isn't it that there is no one to share? I don't need to be in a hurry to help." Murphy muttered, but his voice was just loud enough for the people around him to hear.

Xiao Minyu was a little bit dumbfounded, whose girl didn't rely on men to survive in this last world, and this Murphy was always thinking about charging into battle.However, doesn't he also like her because of this?
"Okay, I know you can't be idle, I'll go find out what tasks are there, and I'll ask for one if the reward is high but not too dangerous."

"Well, I haven't gone out for a long time, and if I don't go out again, I will get rusty." Murphy stuck out his tongue.

"You haven't been out for a long time. You stayed at Dr. Lin's house the day before yesterday, and you went to your former roommate's place the day before yesterday. You can't stay here after two days of free time." Meng Zhibo, a burly man with a good relationship with Murphy, was beside him. Said quickly.

"Brother Meng, you said that you are so big, why are you so small-minded, isn't it because I ate your share of strawberry ice, and just corrected my fault." Mo Fei turned to look at Meng Zhibo.

"Okay, pack up quickly, we're going to the headquarters." Seeing that Meng Zhibo was about to speak again, Xiao Minyu stopped the quarrel between the two at the right time.

"Don't forget about me!" Seeing Xiao Minyu and the others standing up, Mo Fei waved his hand quickly and said.

"Got it, let's go." Xiao Minyu and several others got up and left the villa, and drove towards the headquarters.

When they arrived at the command center, Xiao Minyu got off the car and said to Man Chengbin: "Second brother, I will report on yesterday's mission first, and you can find out if there is any suitable mission for Feifei."

"Well, I see." Man Chengbin nodded and walked in another direction.

"Doctor, I heard Man Chengbin from the Special Operations Team inquired about special missions, and said that it would be better to have higher rewards and simpler tasks. I guess the Special Operations Team must not be doing it."

It was still the same corridor, Dr. Wan Qiang and another man stood at the end of the corridor and whispered.

"Really? You go and arrange such a mission, don't send it from us, understand?" Dr. Wan Qiang glanced at that person.

"I understand." The man nodded sharply and turned to leave.

Dr. Wan Qiang spoke again: "Don't mess it up this time."

The man's footsteps paused, and then he continued to walk forward without speaking.

"This task, she must be very happy!" Dr. Wan Qiang showed a strange smile on his face, until he could not hear the footsteps, Dr. Wan Qiang also turned and left the place.

Man Chengbin inquired around, and finally received a task from the Plant Breeding Institute. After looking at the general situation, Man Chengbin nodded in satisfaction. Such conditions were just in line with what Xiao Minyu said, and it should be very suitable for Murphy. Not a dangerous task.

Because the conditions were all matched, Man Chengbin didn't hesitate, took the task directly, and then rushed towards Xiao Minyu's location.

After Man Chengbin left with the task, the man stood at the electronic task receiving position and smiled, and then erased the task with the fingerprint stamp in his hand, as if it had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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