Chapter 337

Murphy held the task list and sent it out for a long time.

This task list was handed over to Xiao Minyu after she came back at night, saying it was a new task issued by the Institute of Botany, but it was intercepted by Man Chengbin before it could be submitted.

This task is to find three kinds of plants, and there is no time limit, and the approximate locations provided are relatively safe places.

And the reward for this task is very high, so Xiao Minyu is also very satisfied after reading it.

But Murphy, who got the task list, felt that it was a bit strange. Was this task really issued by the Botanical Research Institute?

But because Xiao Minyu brought it back, Mo Fei felt that it was better not to ask, because Xiao Minyu was kind.

After taking the task list upstairs, Murphy began to stare blankly at the names of the three plants on the task list.

Two of these three plants were extremely familiar, and the other, Murphy, knew it too.

It's just that the range for looking for plants is too close to the star base, and Murphy is sure that there must be none around here, not to mention that two of the plants are not wild at all.

It's just that Xiao Minyu didn't know much about plants. He saw that it was a task to find plants, and the distance was very close, and the rewards were high. He took them back without finding anything wrong.

"Strange, don't these two botanical research institutes exist?" Murphy tilted his head.

These three plants are the red-tipped white lotus and the purifying flowers and plants cultivated by Mo Fei's company, which Mo Fei is very familiar with: Silent Whispering Flower and Silent Grass.

Murphy remembered seeing it in Lin Yixun's office before, and Lin Yixun said that Dr. Wan brought it here.

But the task has already been accepted, and Murphy didn't think too much about it. Although the locations of the three plants were wrong, Murphy knew the exact location, so the task was really not difficult for Murphy.

Let's go tomorrow morning!I happened to be looking for two kinds of purifying flowers and plants cultivated by Mo's enterprises, Silent Whispering Flower and Silent Grass, so I had to go back to the last existing purifying flower and plant factory of Mo's to see what I got.

I also just took this opportunity to go out to think about the relationship with Xiao Minyu, and after making up my mind, Murphy began to pack his things.

In fact, there are very few things outside, and most of the things are in Murphy's storage talisman.

After tidying up, Murphy knocked on Xiao Minyu's study door.

"Is it Feifei? Come in!" Xiao Minyu's voice sounded, and he estimated that Mo Fei would come to tell him when to leave at night.

"Xiao Minyu." After Mo Fei came in, he closed the door casually.

"Sit down first, I'll finish writing what I have in hand." Xiao Minyu was working on an electronic document when Mo Fei came in and pointed to the large cool chair.

After Mo Fei sat down and looked at the busy Xiao Minyu, Xiao Minyu had to say that he was really good-looking, even ordinary beauties would feel inferior standing next to him, so watching Xiao Minyu's work was like appreciating a painting.

Sensing Murphy's gaze, Xiao Minyu lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

After quickly processing the documents in his hand, Xiao Minyu looked up at Mo Fei: "Feifei."

"Well, I'm here to tell you that I'm going to leave early tomorrow morning." Murphy replied.

"Alright, go early and come back early. If there is anything else you need to bring, I'll let them prepare it for you later."

"No, I've finished packing." Murphy waved his hand.

Xiao Minyu thought for a while. Murphy's task this time is relatively simple, and he probably will be back soon, so he didn't continue to ask.

The two chatted for a while, Xiao Minyu thought about it and asked someone to prepare some cool things for Mo Fei to bring.

"That's it. I'll punish you tomorrow morning, so I'll go back to bed first." Murphy glanced at the time.

"Well, good night." Xiao Minyu sent Murphy to the door of the study.

It was still hot when he woke up. Murphy wore a neat short-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of denim shorts, and tied his hair up high, looking neat and lively.

"Morning." Murphy greeted the people downstairs after going downstairs.

"Feifei, I heard from the fifth son that you are leaving today?" Meng Zhibo asked.

"Well, I'll be leaving in a while, Brother Meng, you always suspect that I stole your food." Murphy replied with a smile.

"How can I be so stingy, you bring this car refrigerator, I have a lot of ice in it." Meng Zhibo put a pure white mini refrigerator on the table.

"Haha, this is good." Mo Fei smiled and opened the refrigerator door with his eyes bent, and it was full of ice products.

After breakfast, Xiao Minyu told Mo Fei a few more words before going to the command center, and Murphy also went out, but because Xiaobai was parked outside, Geng Yunwei drove another car to send Murphy out before returning to the command center.

"Brother Geng, go back too, I'll be back in a few days." Murphy waved at Geng Yunwei.

"Then be careful on the road." Geng Yunwei drove away after seeing Murphy get into the car.

Murphy started her white aerodynamic car, and the car drove towards the gate of the star base.

Just after Murphy left the star base, the other three cars also followed out of the gate of the star base.

Mo Fei drove the car all the way to Nanshi, where the Cang base was located, and the last flower purification factory of Mo's enterprise was on the outskirts of Nanshi.

But Murphy didn't plan to drive Xiaobai all the way, she also wanted to go back early, so she planned to drive out of the range of the star base first, and then use the mecha to fly there.

After the car drove for a long time, Murphy was sitting in the car eating, but found that three cars were following far behind his car.

However, there used to be a lot of cars on this road. Although the weather was hot and many people were lazy to go out, the teams with merit points or insufficient food still needed to go out to do tasks, so Murphy didn't pay much attention.

Just because of these three cars, Murphy couldn't use the mech, so he had to drive on.

At night, Murphy drove the car into a small village.A long time ago, he stayed here when he was on a mission, so Mo Fei knew that no one lived here, and the zombies were almost cleaned up.

Murphy turned the car into the village, and the three cars followed suit.

Glancing at the car suspiciously, Murphy didn't pay much attention to it, and stopped in front of a house where he had lived before.

The three cars did not stop this time, but continued to drive in, and stopped at the door of a house far away from Murphy.

Mo Fei rubbed the ends of his hair. He was probably overwhelmed. Maybe he was on the same mission as him.

After removing some things from the car, Murphy got into the house.

After eating something, Murphy took another cone from the refrigerator and put it in his mouth.The sweet and cool feeling makes the body temperature drop.

Murphy released the one-button inflatable tent. This time she used military ones. When she and Leisen returned to the star base, they were all in her backpack, so she took them with her. The military ones are very convenient. Also much stronger.

"Rest early, leave early tomorrow, and save time with those people." Mo Fei yawned, and fell asleep in a daze.

After sleeping until midnight, Murphy heard a sound outside.

When sleeping outside, Mo Fei never dared to sleep soundly, so he woke up with the slightest noise.

Frowning, Mo Fei got out of the tent, and by the moonlight outside, Mo Fei saw more than a dozen people laying things in piles under the house where she lived.

"What are these people trying to do?" Murphy was puzzled, but he didn't make any sound, watching quietly from the window.

From the actions of those people, it seems that they are putting things around the house, and the piles of things are quite high.

After a while, those people started pouring liquid on those things.Murphy went to the window and sniffed it, and a pungent smell rushed up.

Like fuel.Murphy thought in his heart, combined with the actions of the people below, Mo Fei finally understood the intentions of the people below: These people seemed to want to burn themselves to death.

Murphy was not worried. With her current ability, running out would not be a problem.Put the things in the house into the storage talisman, and then deflate the tent.

After clearing up, the people below started to light the fire. The fuel was originally used to fuel the fire, and there were a lot of combustion products and regenerative heating blocks instead of coal, so the fire started immediately.

Looking at it like this, even if a firetruck comes now, it may be too late, let alone where a firetruck will come in this apocalyptic world.

The faces of those people were very clear in the firelight, and suddenly, Murphy noticed a person's face.

It's him?Murphy paused in his heart. I'm afraid he will never forget this man in his life.

The mysterious man who was the co-pilot of Dr. Wan Qiang's car on the night his parents died.

Is it really related?Murphy really wanted to rush down and catch that man and ask him clearly, but this would be a shock. If he didn't find anything out of the question, it would be bad if Dr. Wan Qiang found out.

But they want to burn themselves to death, if there is nothing in it, it can't be justified.

Murphy took a look, and changed from the room he slept in to the opposite room. The fire was also raging here, but no one was watching.

Pushing open the window, Murphy activated the flying talisman and flew out of the window.

After turning around, I saw a C1 zombie not far ahead.

"Okay, it's yours." Murphy took out a halberd from the storage talisman, stabbed the zombie to death, then used the halberd to pick up the zombie's body and flew back to the burning house.

Throw the C1 zombie's body in, and pick some combustibles from below and put it on the C1 zombie's body to burn.

Seeing the corpse of the C1 zombie quickly charred, Murphy took out his old ordinary camping tent from the storage amulet and threw them on the fire together.

It was almost ready, and the smoke below also rushed up.Murphy pulled out the breathing membrane used before the end of the world and stuck it on his face, then suppressed his voice and shouted outside: "Help! It's on fire, is there anyone here!"

As Murphy's voice became smaller and smaller, smiles appeared on the faces of the people outside.

At this time, the fire had already surrounded the second floor, and Mo Fei couldn't use the breathing film even if he stuck to it. Then he flew out from the position just now, and flew to a tree far away, using the leaves to cover it. Look at the situation here with cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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