Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 338 Murphy is Dead

Chapter 338 Murphy is Dead
The fire burned overnight and day after day.

And the people in the three cars also kept watch overnight and day after day.

Mo Fei should eat and drink in this tree, and sleep when he should sleep. Now that the weather is so hot, it saves the need to carry a quilt.

Finally, when there was nothing left of the fire, the group collected the ashes of the surrounding combustibles, and then asked someone to go in to check.

It is estimated that after seeing the ashes left by Murphy and the bones of the C1 zombie, he was sure that Murphy had been burned to death, and then left.

Murphy waited for all those people to leave before flying down from the tree and flying back to the top of the house that had been burned into a black kiln.

Those people didn't move the things inside, they just came in to make sure that they were dead or not.

With a cold snort, Murphy flew from the window to the front yard again.My car is still there. Fortunately, I parked it far away from this yard, so my car was not affected.

Due to Murphy's improvement, her storage talisman can now store super-large objects, and Murphy didn't want to directly put Xiao Bai into the storage talisman.

Judging from this situation, Murphy felt that his previous judgment was not wrong at all. This Dr. Wan Qiang and that mysterious man must be related to the cause of death of his parents. I am afraid that the last time he was framed was also caused by these two people. .

So he knew his identity, and Murphy thought about what he should do in order to continue the investigation before he found out that he was still alive.

"It doesn't matter, let's find the three plants first." It's not that Murphy still wants to do this task, but that Murphy vaguely feels that this matter has something to do with his father's notes, and his father's notes seem to mention two kinds of plants. Purifies plants.

Mo Fei felt that he should have these two kinds of purification plants in his hands, maybe he had a new discovery.

Thinking of this, Murphy put the white air kinetic energy car into the storage talisman, summoned the golden mecha and flew towards the suburbs of Nanshi.

A day later, Xiao Minyu received the news that Murphy was burned to death, and he didn't sleep, so he took Man Chengbin and others straight to the accident site.

But when they arrived, they found that Murphy's car was missing, but the bones in the house showed that someone had indeed been burned to death.

"Who found it? Tell me the details." Xiao Minyu felt a little relieved when he didn't see Mo Fei's car, maybe Fei Fei was still alive.

"We found it." A man in the group stood up.

"Hurry up and tell me what's going on?" Xiao Minyu urged.

"It's like this. Before we left the star base to do a mission, we saw a white car driving here with us on the road. After that, the girl got out of the car and chose this house. We went there when there were too many people. In the inner part, I didn’t expect to find that the house was on fire when I left in the morning. At that time, the white car was still parked at the door. Later we waited for the fire to go out and went inside to see that someone had been burned to the bone. .” The man replied to Xiao Minyu.

"What does that girl look like, her height, and her clothes." Xiao Minyu continued to ask.

The person recalled: "The girl is very fair, pretty and very temperamental. She was wearing a white T-shirt, denim shorts, a pair of pink sneakers, and her hair was tied up very high. Clean looking."

"By the way, there was a guy in our team who said that the girl was beautiful, and secretly took a photo." The man seemed to suddenly remember something, and quickly turned around and shouted at a slightly younger man behind him: " Xiao Dou, where are the photos you took, take them out and have a look."

The man named Xiao Dou quickly took out a paper camera from his pocket and muttered, "This is usually my hobby."

Xiao Minyu snatched the paper camera, turned on the camera and pressed the view button.

Murphy's appearance appeared on the screen, just when Murphy was taking things down, both front and side.

In the back is the picture when it was on fire. In this picture, Murphy's white car was indeed parked at the door.

Xiao Minyu felt his heart was bleeding: "What about the car?"

"We didn't move. We saw the car before we left. Maybe someone passed by and drove away!" The man shrank his neck and replied.

"Old five." Seeing Xiao Minyu's hand clenched tighter and tighter, Man Cheng Bin came over and patted Xiao Minyu's shoulder.He knew Xiao Minyu's attitude towards Murphy best, and he was a little worried seeing Xiao Minyu's appearance at this moment.

"I'm fine, take the skeleton back. I don't believe it's Feifei." After Xiao Minyu finished speaking, he turned and got into the car. Man Chengbin gave him a wink and asked the people who followed him to carry the skeleton out of the house.

Murphy had already arrived in Nanshi at this time, and it was much faster to fly over with the mecha.

After finding a place to stay, Murphy figured out how to get to that area.

Although the last factory of Mo's Enterprise to purify flowers and plants is small and located in the outskirts of the city, it is a very prosperous location.

Although Murphy hadn't been there since the end of the world, but thinking about it, there shouldn't be a lot of zombies there.

"Forget it, rest for one night and use the mecha to go there tomorrow!"

Murphy was resting peacefully here, but there was an uproar at the star base.I have to say that Murphy was lucky. He randomly picked the corpse of a zombie, and this zombie was about the same age as Murphy when he was a human.

Therefore, Xiao Minyu ordered people to take the skeleton back, and the people in the analysis room came to the conclusion that it was indeed the skeleton of a girl around seventeen or eight years old.In fact, if it was really Murphy's skeleton, perhaps the people in the analysis room would be surprised to find that the bone age of Murphy's skeleton after Qi training could not be found.

However, with the age, gender, and the testimony of the team member, this further verifies the authenticity of the corpse.Xiao Minyu believed it, Yulin believed it, Lin Yixun believed it, and of course, Dr. Wan Qiang, the behind-the-scenes commander this time, believed it even more.

Because the mysterious subordinate left after watching the fire burn out, Dr. Wan Qiang felt that the explanation of the missing white aerodynamic vehicle was consistent with that of the team.

In such a world, it is not surprising that a good car is driven away by others, so I didn't care more about it.

For a period of time after that, Xiao Minyu always had an expression of not getting close to strangers, and he was still working every day besides work.

After Yulin learned about Murphy, she felt tangled in her originally relaxed mood: Feifei, how could you die like this?Our victory and defeat should not be divided like this.

After Lin Yixun heard about it, she cried bitterly for two days before getting up and continuing her research.

Murphy didn't know all this, because her satellite communicator was also lost on the fire, and she didn't want others to know that she was still alive for the time being.

After cutting off all contact, Mo Fei set off early the next morning to go to the last flower purification factory of Mo's enterprise.

It is said that the factory is actually a relatively large training room.

It's just that without Murphy's father's technology here, most of the purification flowers and plants don't grow long, and the purification effect is far worse than before. This is why the purification of flowers and plants that was once popular all over the world has ended up with only one factory left.

Murphy's mecha flew near the factory and landed. The place was actually very clean, and no zombies were found.

Thinking of Lantian City, Murphy found a corner and put away the mecha. Is there anyone still living here?
Thinking of this, Murphy took out his spear and walked forward a little bit.

The streets here are very clean, as if they are cleaned every day.

Walking on such a street, you are not willing to throw a little debris up.

"Is anyone there? Is there someone living there?" Murphy tentatively called around a few times, but no one answered.

Mo Fei had no choice but to continue walking, walking along the stone road to the Mo's Purification Flower and Plant Cultivation Room in his memory.

After crossing two streets, Murphy still didn't see anyone, and of course, he didn't find even a single zombie.

This doesn't match up with the place in her impression at all. In her impression, this place has always been very prosperous. Even though Mo's purifying flowers and plants are not as prosperous as before, this suburban town still has many merchants. Why? It will be like this.

So Murphy still felt that there might still be people living here.Thinking that someone might be there, Murphy didn't dare to summon the mech out or reveal her flight and speed symbols, so she could only move forward little by little.

"It's just ahead. It's strange. Why is no one showing up?" Murphy looked suspicious. If someone saw her walking so carefully for so long, someone would come out and talk to her.

But there is nothing here, only the occasional wind blowing.

After walking for so long, Mo Fei didn't find any living creatures, so he boldly shouted: "Hey, is there anyone? Is there anyone please answer? I'm from a large base. Is there anyone to come out and say something?" .”

Murphy had no choice but to move out the name of the base, and there was nothing he could do about it being considered official. Anyone who called here dared not show up.

But even if he yelled like that, no one responded.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's go to purify flowers and plants first." Mo Fei was a little discouraged, how timid the people here are, and he was only one person, and he refused to show up for so long.

Sighing, Murphy continued to walk down the road in memory.

Seeing that Mo's Enterprise's purification flower and plant cultivation room was in front of him, Murphy quickened his pace.

The name of Mo's Enterprise Purification Flower and Plant Factory is right in front of you, and the door of the factory is open. It seems to be the same as other places. It looks very clean but still no one comes out to speak.

Murphy pushed open the door with ease and walked in.

Because all the training rooms were built according to certain specifications and proportions, that is to say, all the training rooms are the same except for the structure of the main training room where Murphy's father is.

So Murphy was very familiar with the training room, and knew how to get inside without looking.

Murphy stepped into the cultivation room he was very familiar with when he was a child, forgetting the embarrassment of being ignored along the way, and walked straight to the place where he wanted to take samples.

(End of this chapter)

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