Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 340 Doubling Speed ​​Up

Chapter 340 Doubling Speed ​​Up
While Murphy stayed studying the books, the outside temperature continued to rise.

The Earth Alliance has launched investigations on a global scale, but they still have nothing to gain.

Moreover, because the number of people who eliminated zombies has decreased significantly, the number of zombies in each region has remained the same as before, and even because a small number of people have gone out to perform tasks and become new zombies, the number is still faintly increasing.

The Earth Alliance issued an order that the living expenses in the large bases of all countries will be doubled, forcing personnel to go out to perform tasks.

So while Murphy stayed in the small town's training room to study the data comfortably and quietly, in the hot weather outside, people were performing various cleaning and collecting tasks.

Glancing at the time, it was already late, and Murphy stretched his body.I can read fast by myself, but I can only slow down a little in order to understand, but even so, because of Murphy's eyesight and physique, the reading speed is still very fast.

However, in two days, Murphy only read two paper books and one electronic note.Not even a corner of that pile of information.

After reading the book for two days, except for eating, sleeping and going to the bathroom, Murphy never moved his position.

Forget it, let's go out and hang out!Although it was relatively late, I don't know if it was because of the hot weather. It was getting dark recently, so Murphy simply went out for a walk.

After leaving the door of the training room, Murphy felt a breeze.It's just that in such a hot weather, the wind is also warm.

But it was better than being bored in the room all the time, so Murphy took it as exercise and walked forward slowly with his hands behind his back.

Unexpectedly, after several days of not exercising, Mo Fei got excited and slowly walked to the edge of the town.

The town is not big in the first place, it is just a small town on the outskirts of Nanshi City, and the training room where Murphy is located is also located in the middle of the town, which means that it is only half a town away from Murphy for a stroll. .

He vaguely saw something swaying in front of him, but it was blocked by something and the sky was a little darker, which prevented Mo Fei from seeing too far.

Is there something ahead?Is it human?Murphy's first reaction was people, because how could the zombies stay in one place so obediently without spreading.

Murphy continued to walk forward, but with Murphy's eyes, he could already see what was in the distance.

Zombies!Murphy couldn't help being a little surprised. She thought a lot about it, but she didn't think it was a zombie. As she said, how could a zombie stay in one place.

But Mo Fei's eyes would not lie to herself, Mo Fei activated the flying talisman, and she was going to fly up to check the situation.

Because he had confirmed that there was no one around, Murphy now became more courageous.

It wasn't until Murphy flew up and circled the town that he was surprised to find that the town was surrounded by zombies.

"How could this be?" Murphy exclaimed unconsciously.These zombies surrounded the outer circle obediently. Even if it was because there was no one in the town, the zombies would not be so obedient, and would not even step in.

When Murphy first came here, he thought it was very strange. There were no people or zombies here, and it was very clean. At that time, he thought that the people would run out, so the zombies would follow. There were many places where people went to the empty city.

But it was a place where the zombies would not disperse for a long time but would not come in. Murphy felt something unusual in his heart.

Because of this incident, Murphy was not in the mood to continue walking, and directly used the flying talisman to fly back to the training room from the outside.

Murphy, who returned to the room, thought about it but couldn't get a clue, and his eyes fell on the pile of research materials again.

"Well, ignorance is really scary, and you can't figure out anything." Mo Fei sighed. Sure enough, these are the breakthroughs. If you can understand the reason, maybe the world will be saved.

"Doctor, there is an abnormality in the experimental specimen No. [-]. Go over and have a look." In the laboratory in the star base, a researcher quickly shouted to Wan Qiang who was looking at the file.

"What's the matter?" Dr. Wan Qiang got up quickly and walked out with the officer.

While walking, the staff member reported the matter to Wan Qiang: "Doctor, the condition of experimental specimen No. [-] seems to have suddenly intensified."

"Didn't the No. [-] specimen not undergo any chemical treatment? Why did it suddenly intensify?" Wan Qiang couldn't help speeding up his steps towards the sample room in the laboratory.

"Indeed, no. Experimental sample No. [-] has been connected to the outside world, and nothing else has been processed." The staff member wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied, this damn weather makes people sweat after running a few steps .

"The outside world is connected...Go and see first." Dr. Wan Qiang frowned, stopped talking and just ran towards the sample room.

When he arrived at the sample room, he looked up at No. [-] sample who was irritable and began to change in shape in the sample room. Wan Qiang quickly gave orders to the people beside him: "Quickly, prepare the medicine to calm down, and then observe the changes in the cells."

With the order, the people who were in a hurry returned to their positions, and then dealt with the situation in front of them.

After working for about two hours, the analysis results of the No. [-] experimental sample finally came out.

Holding the sample information, Dr. Wan Qiang couldn't help shaking his head: "How could this be?"

"Doctor, do you need to report this result?" The staff on the side asked Wan Qiang's face getting darker and darker.

"Notification, meeting overnight, go quickly." This is a big event, and it cannot be delayed. If this matter affects this, then it will be really bad.

It was very late at first, and most of the people in the base were asleep, but because of the urgency of this matter, Lin Yixun, who had just entered the rest room from the laboratory, was also dug up.

"Dr. Lin, hurry up, an emergency meeting." An anxious voice knocked on the door of Lin Yixun's office and shouted.

When Lin Yixun came out of the lounge, she was still wearing pajamas. She had just finished her work and changed into her pajamas and lay down, only to be dragged up within half an hour.

"Did something important happen?" Lin Yixun rubbed his eyes and asked.

"It is said that a serious result has occurred. Dr. Wan requested a meeting overnight. You should change your clothes and go to the meeting room!"

I heard that it was Wan Qiang who asked for a meeting overnight, and Lin Yixun also realized the seriousness. Dr. Wan Qiang, who is usually cautious, would not be so eager to call a meeting.

Lin Yixun nodded quickly to the person who notified him: "I'll come right away, you should notify others first!" Then he turned and went back to the room to change clothes, and hurried towards the meeting room.

The conference room was full of members of the research institute. Dr. Wan Qiang came to the conference room with a very bad expression and brought a bunch of data cards.

"Is everything here?" Although Wan Qiang is not the dean of the research institute, he has made great achievements, so even the dean and vice-president gave him some courtesy.

"It's almost here, what's the rush?" The dean of the research institute was older than Dr. Wan Qiang, so seeing Dr. Wan Qiang who was usually stable, he asked for everyone.

"Dean, this is probably the worst situation after the end of the world." Wan Qiang said directly after seeing the dean of the research institute speak without delay.

"What? What's going on? How can you call it the worst situation?" The dean didn't care too much, and hurriedly asked.

Dr. Wan Qiang made a gesture to the dean to wait, and then asked the people who followed behind to put the data cards into the reader in order.

The reader was placed under the projection screen, and then a four-sided image was projected in the middle of the conference table, allowing everyone present to see it clearly.

"This is the data of the No. [-] zombie sample today. I don't think I need to introduce it. Everyone here can understand it!" Wan Qiang stopped talking after finishing speaking, and he had to wait for the people below to read the data first.

Lin Yixun has been working hard to study the data recently, so now he understands the content of the data faster than others.

After reading the data, Lin Yixun was also surprised: How could this happen?This data shows that the evolution rate of that sample has increased by five times. Did that No. [-] sample use any medicine?

After reading it, Lin Yixun looked at Dr. Wan Qiang: "Doctor, did you use any medicine for this No. [-] sample?"

Dr. Wan Qiang shook his head towards Lin Yixun: "Many people must have noticed that the evolution speed of this zombie sample has been greatly improved, but this No. [-] sample is a natural experimental subject connected to the outside world, and this Only sample No. [-] has been used for a long time and has been stable, and this suddenly became like this."

"I didn't use medicine, and it was still connected to the outside world. Could it be..." Lin Yixun really deserved to be a genius female doctor, and she caught a point very keenly.

Although he didn't say it completely, Dr. Wan Qiang nodded towards Lin Yixun approvingly.

Lin Yixun covered her mouth in disbelief. If it was really because of this, it would really be a catastrophe.

Compared with Lin Yixun's solid knowledge and keen associative ability, many researchers have not thought of so much at all, so some people directly asked Dr. Wan Qiang what was going on.

"Dr. Lin Yixun should have already guessed the result of the tentative deduction, let her tell you about it, and I have to think about the next question." Dr. Wan Qiang sat down at this moment, staring at the information in his hand in a daze, Push the question to Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun didn't hesitate, and stood up directly: "Then let me explain it to you!"

Lin Yixun analyzed the data provided by the information first, and then suggested that this incident might have something to do with the No. [-] sample's connection to the outside world.

"Did someone from the outside use the channel to put some medicine into the No. [-] specimen?" A person guessed after hearing Lin Yixun's words.

Lin Yixun resisted the urge to roll her eyes: "Wait until I finish talking before asking questions?"

Although Lin Yixun was young, his research was not inferior to other doctors, so after Lin Yixun finished speaking, that person stopped talking and waited quietly for Lin Yixun to continue.

But also because of this question, many people suddenly understood what Lin Yixun was going to say next, and their expressions became more and more serious.

Lin Yixun took a serious look at the people present, and then said: "In fact, many of you should have already thought of it. The problem of the sudden increase in the experimental specimens this time may be related to this global temperature rise."

As soon as these words came out, people who hadn't thought of this at first began to whisper.

Lin Yixun also introduced some of the situation after the recent temperature rise. These are also the data collected when collecting the weather recently. Lin Yixun is just sorting out these recently, and he just reports now.

Later, someone suggested that the team that went out to do missions recently did have rumors that they encountered giant zombies from time to time, which seemed to confirm the reality of this incident.

(End of this chapter)

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