Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 341 Emergency Dispatch

Chapter 341 Emergency Dispatch

Now that the meeting has been held, the atmosphere is getting more and more serious, because everyone present is facing the laboratory and data every day, and they can understand the seriousness of the matter with a little click.

And when it comes to the giant zombies that have been frequently discovered recently, all the members of the research institute here are aware of it.

In the past, giant zombies above C2 zombies were basically only encountered in deserted places, so many teams would rather go to the edge of the city than to go to the mountains for missions, so the mountains are always very clean.

"Dr. Wan, can this matter be confirmed?" After hearing the conclusion, the director of the research institute quickly looked at Wan Qiang. How harmful the giant zombies are, can be seen from some reports from the sea base.

Back then, the city walls of the sea base had withstood so many sieges by a large number of zombies, but after the appearance of giant zombies, they were breached twice.

Fortunately, there was the ultimate defense wall, and it was also heard that someone fell out and helped the sea base to lure the giant zombie away with agility, which resolved the crisis.Otherwise, it is hard to say whether the sea base is still built.

But now that you can easily see a giant zombie when you set up a mission around, how can this not make people nervous.

What's more, such changes are not gradual but suddenly multiplied.

"I have no way to control it now, so I held the meeting overnight. I hope everyone can copy the data of the sample data back, think about it, and see if they can think of some effective solutions. However, I also hope that the dean and the command center will report Be prepared, I'm afraid we need the help of the team temporarily to suppress the giant zombie's greater improvement."

Dr. Wan Qiang made it very clear that there is no way now, and even if there is, it will take some time.

But at the current rate of zombie promotion, I am afraid that a solution has not yet been developed. Will the zombies that have just been promoted to C2 giant zombies continue to be promoted to C3 zombies, C4 zombies, and even C5 zombies that can breed.

In fact, the C5 zombie is what everyone fears the most.

Once the C5 zombies reappear, and after the current changes, even the breeding speed is doubled, it will really be the time for human beings to perish.

The dean of the research institute also understood the seriousness of this matter. When Dr. Wan Qiang began to assign tasks to the researchers, he had already written a report and walked out of the conference room quickly.

This matter is urgent, the evolution speed of zombies has increased by five times and may even intensify later, so we cannot wait.

The dean of the research institute submitted the report overnight.

It was still dark when Leisen received the news, and the Star Base had sent him to complete the tasks consecutively because of his fault.

He just flew from Lecheng to Ya base yesterday for material replacement. Unexpectedly, before dawn, a message came from the star base, asking him to rush back to the star base as soon as possible to join other members of the mecha team.

Although he didn't know what happened, but the personnel at the Star Base informed him that it was so urgent, Lei Sen also guessed that something major had happened.

After checking the supplies, Lei Sen drove the Silver Wing and left the Ya base just as the sun was rising.

After flying from the cliff base to the star base, Lei Sen sent someone to carry the supplies in the mech carrying cabin, while he hurried to the command center.

At the gate of the command center, Lei Sen was meeting Xiao Minyu who also hurried over.

Seeing Lei Sen, Xiao Minyu's face darkened slightly.Lei Sen didn't want to have anything to do with Xiao Minyu and was about to leave, but was blocked by Xiao Minyu's hand.

"Xiao Minyu, I have something urgent, it's inconvenient to talk to you now." Lei Sen said.

"Lei Sen." Xiao Minyu startled Lei Sen when he opened his mouth.Then Lei Sen looked at Xiao Minyu carefully.

Xiao Minyu's appearance, even if Lei Sen is not used to Xiao Minyu, he has to say that Xiao Minyu is really good-looking, and his voice is also very magnetic, but today Xiao Minyu's face is full of haggardness, and his voice is so hoarse, as if a few days Did not drink water in general.

"Did something happen?" Lei Sen had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Feifei..." Xiao Minyu seemed a little bit speechless after uttering two words.

"Murphy? What's wrong with her?" Lei Sen reached out and grabbed Xiao Minyu's clothes and asked.

"Captain Lei, don't make things difficult for our boss, let me do the talking!" Man Chengbin followed from behind just in time to see this scene, and hurried over.

"What happened to Feifei? Where is she locked up?" Lei Sen let go of Xiao Minyu and looked at Man Chengbin.

"Murphy did have an accident. Murphy was on a mission and burned to death in a villa outside." Man Chengbin replied seriously.

"Man Chengbin, do you know the consequences of talking nonsense?" Lei Sen froze for a moment when he heard the word death, and then roared a little furiously.

"I'm not lying, otherwise, what do you think can make our boss like this?" Man Chengbin glanced at the back of Xiao Minyu who could no longer listen to him.

"I'll go to Xiao Minyu to confirm." Lei Sen said and chased after Xiao Minyu.

Man Chengbin ran a few steps and grabbed Lei Sen: "Captain Lei, I don't need to lie to you, please don't make things difficult for him, because of this he can't eat a few bites for many days."

"Man Chengbin, tell me what happened." Lei Sen glanced at the back of Xiao Minyu who was getting further and further away but getting more and more depressed, and finally resisted the impulse to ask Man Chengbin.

Man Chengbin told the whole story. Mo Fei was bored at home and wanted to go out for a mission. Xiao Minyu was worried that Murphy would go out, so he asked him to help find a suitable mission. Later, he took a job at the Institute of Botany to find plants. task.

The content and location of this task were explained, and then Murphy went to do this task. The next day, when a team came back from the task, it was said that a girl who drove a white car was burned to death in her sleep at night.

After Xiao Minyu knew about this, he called the people from that team, and then went to the scene and brought back a skeleton, which was indeed that of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl after research.

There are also photos of the team members, and so on.

"Team Lei, you're back, come to the meeting soon." Just after finishing speaking, two people from the mecha team happened to see Lei Sen in front of them, and hurriedly called Lei Sen to the meeting.

"Man Chengbin, there is something wrong with this matter. I think Murphy should be fine. But let's go to the meeting first and talk about it later." After hearing this, Lei Sen felt that something was wrong, but couldn't find the result for a while, so he had to reply.

"Okay, I hope Captain Lei can bring us good news, then let's go to the meeting first!" Man Chengbin nodded, and the two walked towards the meeting room together.

Entering the meeting room, Man Chengbin found Xiao Minyu who was lying in a corner and was a little depressed, and then he seemed to say something, something popped out of Xiao Minyu's eyes, and then he looked at Lei Sen.

Lei Sen didn't say anything, he just felt suspicious, but he hasn't figured out the specific things himself, so he needs to continue to sort out these clues later.

Before the meeting started, both Wan Qiang and Lin Yixun came to the meeting place. The two of them were explaining the analysis of today's situation, and the people present would not understand what the data meant.

After the narration of the two people, the people who came to the meeting understood why they were called.

Although there is no way to understand the principle, everyone understands the importance of this matter.

"I have already submitted this report to the Earth Alliance, and they also gave us a piece of information. This is the data sent back from the Austrian side. A similar situation has also occurred on their side, which means that it is not only It appeared in our Dragon Country area, and I am still receiving data transmissions from other countries one after another, if all of them are like this, it proves what is affected by the sudden increase in temperature this time.”

Dr. Wan Qiang said seriously to everyone present.

After Dr. Wan Qiang finished speaking, Lin Yixun added: "I hope everyone understands the seriousness of this time. In addition, if there is any abnormal situation, please submit it to the research institute as soon as possible, which will also help our in-depth research."

After a meeting, the mecha team led by Lei Sen and the special operations team led by Xiao Minyu became the main force, especially the mecha team. Because of the appearance of giant zombies, the mecha team had to follow the special operations team on missions .

"Captain Lei, I hope the cooperation in the future missions will be pleasant." Xiao Minyu stretched out his hand towards Lei Sen at this moment.

"Well, I also hope that we can cooperate better, so how about it! I will go to your place at night, and we can discuss the details." Lei Sen also extended his hand and replied.

"Okay, come early in the evening, I'll prepare dinner." Xiao Minyu nodded towards Lei Sen, then turned around and left with Man Chengbin and the others. He still had a lot of things to arrange.

"Team Lei, what should we say?" Seeing that everyone around him had left, the members of the Mech Team also looked at Lei Sen.

"We don't have any plans for the time being. After all, mechs have the highest level of flexibility and safety. We just need to cooperate with the members of the special operations team, and we can adapt to other situations." Lei Sen replied.

"Understood Team Lei, Team Lei, you haven't been here these days, we have no one to discuss any missions, but fortunately you command us to go out this time." Xiao Guo, the youngest, yelled.

"You go back to rest first, we will go out to do the task tomorrow, give me some energy." Lei Sen lined Xiao Guo's shoulders.

"Understood Thunder Team." Xiao Guo straightened his body, and then the members of the Mech Team left one after another.

Seeing that the crowd had left, Lei Sen had a gap in his mind to digest what Man Cheng Bin said just now.

Others didn't know about Murphy, but Lei Sen did.Murphy has a mecha that can fly, and how could he not know how light Murphy is sleeping outside.

Murphy is definitely not a person who can sleep soundly in the wild, nor will he let himself be in danger.

Therefore, when Man Chengbin said that Murphy was burned to death in the wild villa, Lei Sen couldn't figure it out.

"Feifei, what happened to you?" Lei Sen clenched his fists.He just came back, so he had to go home first. In the evening, he was going to Xiao Minyu's house to find out the details.

After thinking about this, Lei Sen walked out of the meeting room.

(End of this chapter)

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