Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 342 Investigation

Chapter 342 Investigation
Looking at the pile of books in front of him, Murphy felt a little headache. After taking a deep breath, Murphy simply sat down on the bed in the lounge.

I haven't practiced Qi for a long time, so practice three rounds of Qi to relieve it.

After sitting firmly, Murphy slowly adjusted his breathing, and his whole body entered the state of Qi training.

Because Mo Fei wanted to get rid of distracting thoughts, she closed her eyes when she began to practice Qi, so she didn't see the surrounding mature purified flowers and plants swaying with Murphy's inhalation as if beckoning.

After not practicing for three laps, Murphy felt a little saturated after only one lap.

Slowly opening his eyes, Murphy was a little suspicious. His breathing capacity had improved a lot compared to before. Why did he become saturated after only one lap of practice?
I stretched my body, it was indeed saturated, and there was no abnormality, the body was very comfortable.

In fact, Mo Fei recently discovered that when he rested in this purified flower and plant cultivation room, he would feel particularly refreshed the next morning.

At first, Mo Fei thought it might be because he played in the training room when he was a child, and got used to the smell here, so he felt particularly at ease when he slept.

But now Murphy began to notice something different.

The purified flowers and plants in the training room, the zombies who have been around for a long time outside the town but dare not cross half a step, the clean and comfortable town.Everything here seems to be revealing to you: there is very unusual information here.

Although facing the piles of books made Mo Fei feel a little bored, but when he thought of these doubts and the real reason of his parents' death, Mo Fei gritted his teeth and continued to dig deeper.

After a few days of understanding, now Murphy has almost mastered many situations, so it seems to be faster.

Notes are still being made, and there are already 10,000+ notes in Murphy's electronic notebook.

However, he finally made a rough outline of these things, and Murphy gained a lot this time.

"There is still half of it, come on!" Mo Fei encouraged himself. Many of these books were written by his father, and some of them were notes. If there are so many available resources that cannot be utilized, then what qualifications are there to talk about the future.

Thinking of this, Murphy took out the next book and opened it.

In the evening, Lei Sen went directly to Xiao Minyu's house on foot. In the jurisdiction area of ​​the star base, there is really no need to drive here.

Xiao Minyu really prepared dinner, and it was very rich. Today, I heard Lei Sen's affirmation from Man Chengbin that Murphy was still alive, which made Xiao Minyu excited for a long time. Maybe Lei Sen knew Murphy's whereabouts. Maybe, although this will make Xiao Minyu feel a little uncomfortable.

Finally, Lei Sen was expected, Xiao Minyu asked everyone to sit down, and was about to ask, but was stopped by Man Chengbin: "Old Wu, let's eat first, it's not too late to talk about anything after eating."

"Alright, it will be quieter if you go to the study later." Xiao Minyu knew that there was nothing to be anxious about, so he quickly ordered all the food to be served.

The meal was very silent, after all, everyone had something on their minds.Since there were no polite dinner tables, several people speeded up their meal.

After a meal, Lei Sen followed Xiao Minyu directly to the study.

"Lei Sen, quickly tell me the basis of your judgment. How do you know that Feifei is still alive? Has she contacted you?" Xiao Minyu couldn't wait to blurt out a series of questions.

Lei Sen shook his head: "No, but I know Feifei's skills, and she never sleeps too soundly when she stays outside. It is impossible for her not to move when the fire is lit."

Xiao Minyu's eyes dimmed instantly after hearing Lei Sen's words. At first he thought Lei Sen knew something, but now it seems that it was just a judgment: "I have thought about this too, but all the evidences point out that the bone is Feifei."

Lei Sen didn't explain, and he couldn't say what he knew, but he still had to ask clearly: "Xiao Minyu, tell me in detail what you know, don't miss anything, and show me the photo .”

Xiao Minyu was a little depressed because of Lei Sen's words, but he still reached out and handed Lei Sen the information he had collected before from the drawer at hand.

"Look at it slowly first." Putting down the materials, Xiao Minyu rubbed his temples and walked out the door.

Lei Sen opened up the materials one by one and laid out a table, and then selected useful materials from it.

After reading all the information, even Lei Sen was a little shaken.

Whether it was the photos or the subsequent analysis report, these all pointed to the fact that the deceased was Murphy, but the more Leisen looked at the evidence, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Leaving aside the fact that he knew about Murphy's flying mecha, let's just look at the photos.How could it be such a coincidence that the convoy and Murphy went out at the same time and went in the same direction.

Even if this was a coincidence, it happened that a photographer took pictures of Mo Fei when he went in and out, and took pictures of the car when the fire was raging.

Also, when I come back by coincidence, I will mention it to others.It stands to reason that in the last days, most people would not make it public when they go out and encounter such a thing, because they might be involved if they are not careful.

Maybe it can be explained as: anyway, they happened to take pictures and leave evidence, so they didn't worry about being suspected by others.

But if you don't know the most obvious features of Murphy and who Murphy is, how can these words reach Xiao Minyu's ears.

"These are all doubtful points. Xiao Minyu really cares about it." Lei Sen said in a low voice while looking at the information.

However, he repeatedly emphasized not to tell others about Murphy's flying mech, so Leisen has no way to prove that Murphy is still alive.

"It seems that we can only confirm that Murphy is dead first, and then I will search for Murphy's traces, but where can she go?" Lei Sen first thought of the sea base, and made up his mind to find time after this mission. A trip to the sea base.

After a while, Xiao Minyu came back: "Have you finished watching?"

"After reading it, we can only confirm Feifei's result for the time being." Lei Sen replied.

Xiao Minyu was originally holding out hope, but now he sat down on his seat dejectedly: "For tomorrow's mission, find a person to explore the way first, our special operations team will follow in the middle, and members of the other mecha teams will be at the end. The specific arrangement of personnel, Lei Sen, you decide."

"Xiao Minyu, take a good rest. Tomorrow's task is not easy. Although I have confirmed the result for the time being, I still feel that it is not that simple. You should cheer up." Lei Sen paused and said, he really couldn't see Seeing Xiao Minyu so decadent.

Although he couldn't tell Xiao Minyu about Murphy's flying mecha, Lei Sen still tried to calm Xiao Minyu down.

Xiao Minyu waved his hand: "Lei Sen, thanks, I know what to do."

After Lei Sen left Xiao Minyu's villa and walked towards his place of residence, Lei Sen was thinking about this strange place while walking.

The strangest thing about this incident itself is that Xiao Minyu ordered Man Chengbin to find a mission, and then someone released such a suitable mission.

Lei Sen's eyes narrowed. Calculating things is not his forte, but it doesn't mean that he is stupid.

Quickly walking home, Lei Sen drove his own car straight to the command center.

When he arrived at the Institute of Botany, Lei Sen found the person in charge: "Excuse me, Researcher Jiang, I'm looking for some plant-related things, can you post a task for me?"

Rayson said very politely.

"It turned out to be Captain Lei, of course, of course, what are you looking for? Maybe we have it ourselves." Researcher Jiang asked.

Lei Sen had already thought about it along the way. He and Murphy were very clear about looking for plants for the sea base before. Those rare plants don’t need to think about it, but there are still some common plants that are a little farther away. This task can’t be too simple. , and cannot be too complicated.

Because the plants are too simple, there may be one in this botanical research institute.

"Researcher Jiang, I'm looking for a black flower called Meimo." This is Lei Sen's choice after hesitation for a long time.

This flower called Meimo was found by Mo Fei at the place where there was a huge man-eating plant. This kind of flower was quite common before the end of the world, but it usually grew in the south.

"It turns out it's a mexican flower!" Researcher Jiang was overjoyed, because Dr. Wan seemed to have proposed to find this kind of plant recently.

"Yes, does Researcher Jiang have it here? That's just right." Lei Sen replied with a smile, but he was praying that there would never be such flowers here.

Researcher Jiang shook his head: "Captain Lei misunderstood, it's not that I have this kind of flower here, but Dr. Wan Qiang from the research institute also mentioned to find this kind of plant recently, that's it, I just issued a task for you two , just increase the number." Researcher Jiang quickly explained.

"Oh? Dr. Wan Qiang is also looking for this kind of flower?" Lei Sen would not have noticed the name Wan Qiang before, but since the last time he and Mo Fei found those surveillance videos in Te'an City, Lei Sen is very interested in the name Wan Qiang. Names are particularly sensitive.

"Yes. Captain Lei, please don't worry, I'm going to get the task registration electronic book now." Researcher Jiang went in to get the electronic book after speaking.

Lei Sen waited outside for a while, and Researcher Jiang took the things in and handed them to Lei Sen: "Captain Lei, you must be clear about the procedure for issuing missions. You write it yourself and I will confirm it at the end."

Lei Sen, who took over the task of publishing the electronic book, nodded. The task release requires the publisher to bring his own release authorization order to fill in the task name, conditions, required time, etc. that he wants to release.

After the task issuer has issued his own release authority order, the manager or person in charge of the place where the task is received must confirm with the authority order in their hands.

Only confirmed tasks can be posted on the release platform at the task receiving place, otherwise the task release status cannot be found.

Lei Sen nodded and put his permission order into the reading port of the task release electronic book, and then the password reminder and physical sign identification and other verification keys appeared on the task release electronic book.

Researcher Jiang saw that Lei Sen started to publish, so he went to the side to do other things. Anyway, Lei Sen would only look for him after he finished typing.

After calling up the mission release electronic book, Lei Sen entered a series of base security keys in the corner.

 I wish everyone a happy New Year's Day, happiness, good health, eat more and sleep more, and not gain weight.Who did everyone spend time with at 1314 last night?
(End of this chapter)

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