Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 343 The Non-Existing Task

Chapter 343 The Non-Existing Task
Because there was no researcher Jiang around, Lei Sen took the opportunity to enter the security key from the side.

This security key is a special order from the insiders of the star base, and only the top-level upper echelons can obtain it.

As the top person in charge of the security of the star base, Lei Sen does not need to listen to orders from too many people except the base commander and deputy commander. However, many things cannot be handled by Lei Sen unilaterally. There will be some other personnel.

But from the base security command alone, Lei Sen is only under the star base commander and deputy commander.

It is not surprising that such Leisen has the security key of the star base.It's just that the only people who know about this matter are the commander-in-chief and the deputy commander-in-chief of the star base. Even the chief executive of the star base doesn't know that Lei Sen knows the key of the star base.

After entering the key, all the previously released tasks in this electronic book appeared in front of Lei Sen.

According to the order of the date, Lei Sen looked forward.

But Lei Sen had seen the situation released last month, but he still couldn't find the task that Murphy had accepted.

If the mission was canceled because of Murphy's affairs, there would be no trace of it. After all, the canceled mission record would still exist.

After the general task is released, the record will remain on it, and the completed task will be displayed in the notes after completion. If it fails, it will be marked as failed or the task is in progress, and the canceled task will not disappear, but the task will be marked in the note Cancel.

But Lei Sen searched here for a long time but found nothing.

"Could it be that this mission wasn't released at all? Then where did Man Chengbin find it?" Lei Sen was a little suspicious: "Could it be that Man Chengbin did something wrong?"

But this is not the time to doubt Man Chengbin, Lei Sen has been delayed for so long, quickly returned to the interface and used the key to clear the browsing history again, and then quickly released his task.

"Researcher Jiang, my mission has been announced, help me confirm it." Lei Sen shouted towards the inside.

"Alright Captain Lei, wait a minute." Researcher Jiang is a very responsible researcher, and he has something in his hand at the moment, so he quickly replied.

"It's okay, you go first, I'm not in a hurry."

After about 10 minutes, Researcher Jiang ran over: "Excuse me, Captain Lei, I will deal with your task right away."

"I was the one who disturbed Researcher Jiang. By the way, did Researcher Jiang know that people were burned to death after receiving a mission from you some time ago?" Lei Sen asked casually, his eyes fixed on Researcher Jiang's expression.

"There is such a thing? I haven't heard of it. What kind of mission is it?" Researcher Jiang looked confused.

"It's to find the task of purifying flowers and plants and a kind of red-tipped white lotus." Lei Sen replied with a smile. Of course, he remembered that it was clearly stated in the materials Xiao Minyu gave him.

"No! Dr. Wan purifies flowers and plants. The quantity is not small. As for the red-tipped white lotus, although we don't have it, we have never issued this task." Researcher Jiang immediately denied it.

"That's it! That may be a misinformation from outside. I heard about it before I came here to send out the task today, so I asked curiously." Lei Sen pretended to be careless, but a thought flashed in his mind: it was related to Dr. Wan Qiang again ?

"There must be some misunderstanding. We have never accepted this task. If someone comes to release the task of red-tipped white lotus, it's okay to say that we have the purification flowers and plants here, so we don't need to look for them at all."

Researcher Jiang finished the task while talking, and then added: "By the way, Captain Lei, just now I increased the number of this task and added Dr. Wan's name, so that the two of you will be in the same group of task lists. It's relatively small, and I hope the two can share it a little more evenly."

"Understood, I'm sorry to trouble you, Researcher Jiang. Then I'll go back first. I still have a task tomorrow. If I finish the task before I come back, I hope that Researcher Jiang can help me preserve the plants."

"Definitely." Researcher Jiang sent Lei Sen away and continued to work on his work. He didn't care about the matter that Lei Sen mentioned before, because Researcher Jiang really didn't know about it, and those who need to release the task must be sure. By Researcher Jiang.

After Leisen came out of the Institute of Botany, he drove home directly. Although there were many doubts and questions, it was too late now, and he had to sort out his thoughts, so Leisen simply went straight home.

After returning home, Lei Sen first took a shower, then took out his electronic notebook and wrote down the information received from Xiao Minyu's house, and also wrote down the situation that he did not find this task today and Researcher Jiang's reaction.

Putting all the circumstances together, Leisen realized that this incident was probably a trap from the very beginning.

Xiao Minyu asked Man Chengbin to find a job suitable for Murphy, and set out the conditions. After that, Man Chengbin searched along the departments and found the Institute of Botany.

And there happened to be a task here that was only recorded and had not been released to the task receiving place.In other words, what Murphy actually received was a mission that did not exist.

The problem probably appeared here. The missions that were not posted to the mission receiving office were only displayed in the electronic record book, which means that this mission may not have been confirmed by Researcher Jiang.

Such tasks are called preparatory tasks, which cannot be found in the task record book at all, and can only be found through the background.

In other words, if Man Chengbin's task for Murphy is really such a task, there are only two conditions for him to receive it.

One is that Man Chengbin colluded with the mission issuer to keep the mission in the background, which seems to be accepted, but it does not have the legal effect of Star Base.

There is another kind, Man Chengbin doesn't know about it at all, it is the task platform, that is, the personnel in the Institute of Botany and the task issuer, two people made a complicated virtual structure, but the person who can do this must be Use the task of Researcher Jiang to issue confirmation tokens.

It is not impossible to do this, but the procedures are very cumbersome, and you will be discovered if you are not careful.

"It seems that there is really a big problem this time, but I don't know whether it is someone from the Institute of Botany or Man Chengbin." Lei Sen closed the electronic notebook, and then lay down on the bed.

No matter what it is, he has to go on a mission tomorrow, and he also needs to rest, but he needs to monitor Man Chengbin carefully during the latest mission.

After waking up, Lei Sen tidied up and followed the inner passage to the place where the mecha was docked.

"Is everything here?" Lei Sen shouted at the team members' mechas through the mecha-specific channel connector after boarding the Silver Wing.

"Lei team, we are all here and ready to go."

"Very well, today our mission is to assist the Special Operations Team. I will do the detection work. The rest of you will follow the Special Operations Team and be ready to fight at any time when encountering any situation." Lei Sen replied.

"Understood Thunder Team." The members of the Mecha Team replied in unison. Although it was a bit aggrieved to let the Mecha Team follow behind, they were all people who obeyed orders, not to mention that this was a cooperative mission, and the Mechas wanted to rush. The front is easy, but it is not easy for people to get off the mecha.

Therefore, some of the previous details still need to be handled by the special operations team, and they only need to deal with major problems.

It's not the first time they've cooperated on a mission, so everyone in Mecha Team understands it very well.What's more, this task itself is not ordinary. Everyone knows what they are about to face.

"When you're ready, warm up first, and keep vigilant after you set off." Lei Sen continued after hearing the team members' answers.

"Yes." Still in a neat and firm tone.

When the time came, all the members of Xiao Minyu's special operations team had assembled, and all the equipped artillery vehicles stopped and waited for the final departure command.

Because the matter was so important, Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, came to issue the departure password in person.

All obeyed the command and set off from the star base in a mighty manner. Their primary goal was the giant zombies near the star base.

Here, the star base began to exterminate giant zombies, and Murphy was still studying the books left by his father in the purified flower and plant cultivation room in this small town on the outskirts of Nanshi.

I have read a lot of books, and Murphy has become more and more aware of some characteristics of plants.

She found that many things are difficult to cultivate alone, but they are easier to survive when cultivated together, even after grafting.

Murphy could easily think of the purifying flowers and plants researched by his father, which seemed to be the case.

The book became more and more difficult to read, but Murphy was able to understand the contents of the book more and more thoroughly.

If he looked at his father's notebook now, Mo Fei felt that he could probably understand it, not to mention that there were some talismans on it that no one else could understand, probably only the descendants of the Mo family could understand. Word.

Although Murphy said that he was here only to read books and study plants every day, he would definitely set aside some time to practice Qi at night.

Through practicing Qi and reading books, Murphy seemed to understand why he could practice Qi faster here.

This is probably due to the purification of flowers and plants. Because of the presence of purification flowers and plants, the air quality in this cultivation room is obviously purer than other places. In this way, the air absorbed by Murphy is more pure and has fewer impurities, so the improvement is obvious. This is the same as Her effect in some clean areas in the mountains is actually interoperable.

Murphy stopped to eat something, and there were only the last three books left, an e-book, a paper book and a notebook. After reading these three books, Murphy took the ones left by his father. All books and materials have been read.

Of course, except for the portable notebook in the hands of Dr. Wan Qiang now.

In this way, Mo Fei might be able to understand why when he gets the notebook in the future.

Mo Fei stretched out his hand towards the next book and put the book in front of him. It was a paper book, and Mo Fei carefully opened the first page.

However, after opening the paper book and only reading the first paragraph, Murphy was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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