Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 345 Forced to transfer

Chapter 345 Forced to transfer
Murphy is still working hard to improve herself, and her improvement these days makes her feel like she is on a rocket.

Because he only took time to practice Qi before but now he focused on Qi training all day long, so Murphy finally broke through to the second stage of the heart training period a few days later: the period of sincerity and sincerity.

After being promoted to the mind training stage before, he has been in the calm stage. Now that he has reached the second stage, Mo Fei feels that the fundamentals of his body have not changed much, but his mood has become more stable.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Fei put away her breath. After she broke through tonight, she didn't need to practice any more. She had a good rest and waited for an opportunity tomorrow to consolidate her breathing, and then she could learn how to draw new talismans.

Murphy planned well, got up and went to take a shower with a smile, but heard a noise outside.

"Who is it?" Murphy asked subconsciously.

She has been here for so many days, and occasionally goes out for a walk. She is sure that there is no one in this town, and there are so many zombies surrounding the town outside. Although she doesn't know why she doesn't come in, but It is definitely not something that manpower can break through.

So Murphy stayed here with peace of mind these days, but now the sudden noise made Murphy's relaxed state suddenly tense up again.

The voice outside did not stop because of Murphy's words, but became louder and louder.

Murphy narrowed his eyes and took out the energy gun from the storage talisman.

Walking out with the energy gun, Murphy realized that the source of the sound came from outside the door.

Because she didn't know if it was a human being who made the noise outside, Mo Fei didn't turn on the flying talisman, otherwise, if there were human paintings outside, she would be regarded as a monster.

Carefully placing the energy gun across his chest, Murphy moved a stool to the wall, and then climbed up the wall. When Murphy stood on the table and looked out, he was a little stunned.

The originally empty town she was in was full of zombies, and those zombies were now surrounding the periphery of the purification plant where she was located.

Some zombies noticed the appearance of "food", roared frantically, and stretched out their claws towards Murphy.

Mo Fei frowned, and glanced at the locked gate and wall. It was safe for the time being, but he didn't know how long it would last.

With flying talismans and mechas, Mo Fei was not afraid, but she didn't understand why the zombies who had been obediently standing on the outskirts of the town and refused to move would come in.

After Mo Fei got off the table, he suddenly thought of something, and Mo Fei ran back to the training room in a few steps.

When he came to the purified flower and plant cultivation room, Mo Fei saw that all the purified flowers and plants inside had withered.

Mo Fei seemed to understand something: it was the function of purifying flowers and plants. Because there were a lot of purifying flowers and plants here, the zombies refused to come in, but those purifying flowers and plants were all withered now, so those zombies had nothing to fear before they broke in.

No wonder there wasn't a single zombie here. It turned out that the purifying flowers and plants had protected the place, but how could the purifying flowers and plants wither suddenly.

Since the weather was already hot, Murphy just ran back and forth, a drop of sweat dripped down his forehead.

Mo Fei raised his hand to wipe his sweat, but the moment he raised his hand, Mo Fei suddenly thought of his rapid improvement: Could it be because of himself...

I carefully recalled my recent qi training results, it was really fast, and what qi training needs is the energy in the surrounding breath, and it is these purifying flowers and plants that provide breath energy here.

Mo Fei was stunned for a moment. It turned out that he had absorbed the energy of these flowers and plants unconsciously, which caused the purifying flowers and plants to wither due to excessive energy supply.

Although these purifying flowers and plants didn't survive for a long time because they lost some of his father's secret skills, he made them wither ahead of time.

No wonder the slow practice of Qi after studying books every day never affected these purifying flowers and plants, but after I practiced Qi all day long, the recovery speed of those purifying flowers and plants could not catch up with my own absorption, and this will become like this.

Mo Fei didn't pay attention to the withered flowers and plants at first, but now he regrets it.

"I'm really sorry, I will definitely get back my father's notes in the future, and I will raise you again." Murphy bowed towards the withered and purified flowers and plants in the breeding room.

"Boom." Before Mo Fei could straighten up, he heard a loud noise outside.

No need to look at Murphy to know that the outer wall must have collapsed.

Then with the roar, the zombies swarmed in.Fortunately, there are some solid barriers outside the cultivation room, so Mo Fei took the opportunity to pick some purified flowers and plants that hadn't completely withered and put them into the storage amulet, and put some instruments and experimental equipment into the storage amulet.

When the giant C2 zombie that broke through the wall appeared, he activated the flying talisman and flew into the sky.

Only the angry figures of a group of zombies were left looking at the flying high Murphy and roaring.

After leaving this small town in Nanshi, Murphy decided to fly back to the mountainous area near the star base first.

In fact, Murphy felt that she really had a relationship with that mountain area. The mountain area was really not safe, but she always had a reason to go there.

After finding a place to stop, Murphy first summoned the mecha and continued to fly.

Now flying is not afraid of the cold, but it is really tiring to fly such a long distance with people alone, not to mention seeing the mecha flying and seeing people flying, the degree of shock is definitely different.

Murphy quickly left Nanshi and flew to the mountainous area in front of the star base, and arrived in just a few hours.

However, Mo Fei only came out at night, and it was already midnight when he reached the mountainous area.

Fortunately, Murphy's sense of direction is not bad and he has navigation equipment, so he went directly to the cave where he and Lei Sen were trapped last time.

Because the semi-flying mecha destroyed the opening last time, now the opening can be directly controlled by the mecha to enter. Murphy didn't put away the mecha and walked in directly, so as to save the need to re-use the lighting equipment.

Controlling the mecha, he strode in, but the further he walked, the more something felt wrong.

Because the ground will vibrate slightly with her steps, but the frequency of the vibrating seems not right now.

Murphy stopped quickly, but he could still feel the slight shaking of the ground.Murphy was sure that the shaking came from the inside out. It seemed that there was something inside. If it wasn't a mecha, it must be a giant zombie.

And Murphy felt that the person who was in the cave in the middle of the night might not be a mecha.

However, Murphy had already walked more than halfway, and if he retreated at this time and gave the giant zombie an opportunity to take advantage of his back, he would be passive.

"In that case, it will be!" Murphy muttered, and then a weapon appeared in the hand of the huge mecha arm.

The weapon appeared, and Murphy clenched it tightly and continued walking inside.

The two sides walked towards each other, and they collided in a short while.

However, to Murphy's surprise, the visitor was not some giant zombie, but a mutant beast.

But the size of this mutated beast, Mo Fei clicked his tongue: It's really not that big.

The reason why Mo Fei saw that it was a mutant beast instead of a zombie beast was that a zombie beast couldn't have such a complete body.

At least so far, Murphy has never seen a zombie with a particularly complete body and lively eyes.

Although the mutant beast is huge, its appearance is quite cute.It has a round head, short and thick limbs, and the hair on the body is chestnut, but there are some black hairs on the limbs and abdomen.Its eyes are black, but there are some white patterns on the face.

If it wasn't for Mo Fei's feeling that the mutant beast was too big, he might have wanted to hug it for teasing.

The mutated beast didn't seem to expect the "enemy" to be so huge. It was originally hunched over in a hostile manner, but it ran away after realizing how powerful the enemy was.

Uh... do you want to be so timid?Mo Fei shrank his shoulders, and the mecha stepped in to chase it in.

This animal, Mo Fei recognized, was an endangered and protected animal. He had seen it in a certain zoo before. After the end of the world, no one would care about the zoo, so this mutated red panda ran out.

However, the original red panda should only be as big as a puppy, but this red panda is almost as tall as an elephant. It is no wonder that it will cause vibrations in the cave, but it still maintains its original timid nature.

Murphy walked a little further in and came to the place where she had let Lei Sen heal before.

This mutated little panda knows how to find a place. There is a place to sleep here without being blown by the rain or wind, and there is running water.

Mo Fei smiled and went to the open space to put away the mecha, and then set up the tent.

Because the red panda eats fruits, tree roots, and occasionally insects, so as long as it doesn't feel dangerous, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Murphy only found a corner, and then set up a fire next to the tent.When eating something and preparing to enter the tent, the timid giant red panda came closer.

In this way, Murphy was even more sure that this mutated red panda had escaped from the zoo. Wild animals are not afraid of fire.

But Mo Fei saw that the timid big guy had no malice and didn't say anything. He picked up some leftover fruit cores and a little bit of rice from the side and threw them over.

Murphy's throw startled the mutated little panda, and it backed up again and again.Seeing that what Mo Fei threw was food, he looked up at Mo Fei, then twisted his huge body and leaned over to smell it, and then he grabbed it and ate it.

After eating, the mutated little panda walked to the water's edge, dipped its paws in the water, and then licked it. It was probably about to go to bed after eating, so it turned to look at Mo Fei, and nestled in another corner.

Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief. If the mutated red panda really wanted to do something, she had no choice but to leave or fight.

After the mutated little panda's nest was far away, Mo Fei also got into the tent, turned on the light tube in the tent, and looked at the talisman.

From today onwards, she will start to learn the stripping talisman.

(End of this chapter)

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