Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 346 Petrification

Chapter 346 Petrification
Xiao Minyu, Lei Sen and all the members who are still alive in this operation are resting in a relatively spacious villa at the moment.

From yesterday afternoon to today, they were all fighting giant zombies, and many members of the special operations team were injured.

Although the members of the mecha team are fine, there are a few mechas that cannot continue to move.

However, he already knew that this mission would be difficult, so the members of the medical team accompanying the team were some mech repairers, not to mention Xiao Minyu, a mechanical genius, so he was quite prepared.

The members of the mecha team help to carry the wounded, and they must always pay attention to the condition of the wounded, and deal with it in time if there is a change.

And Xiao Minyu followed the mecha repairers to repair the severely damaged mechas. Although it looked calm now, he didn't know what he would encounter tomorrow.

"The situation is not optimistic. One of the mechas is really unable to fight. Although the prepared equipment is sufficient, the main parts of the mecha are damaged, and manpower alone cannot repair it." Xiao Minyu got down from one of the mechas. Then he found Lei Sen and said.

"But we haven't even cleaned up the nearest circle of the star base." Lei Sen is also very embarrassed. Their task this time is to clear the distance between the two circles around the star base, but now let alone complete the inspection of the two circles, even half a circle They haven't finished cleaning, only two areas have been cleaned, and the loss of personnel and mechs has become like this.

"We still underestimated the enemy. We thought there were at most two zombies in this area, but we didn't expect there to be a C2 zombie in addition to the two C3 zombies. Later, a third-level zombie came, which is equivalent to a C4 zombie. It's not what we thought that the damage would be so severe." Xiao Minyu patted Lei Sen on the shoulder.

"I asked Xiao Guo to send the most severely damaged one back first, and then let him come back quickly." The Xiao Guo that Lei Sen said was the team member who owned the half-flying mecha. The half-flying Xiao Guo's mecha brought the seriously damaged mecha back to the base.

"Alright, your team members still need you to continue to command, it's better to let that half-flying mech go." Xiao Minyu nodded in agreement, and then handed Lei Sen a piece of diagnostic information in his hand.

"This is the preliminary diagnosis data of that mecha. Let them bring it to repair it faster. After repairing it, let them come over. The tentative target should be placed in the third area."

Lei Sen nodded and took the data card, and then ordered his team members to use Xiao Guo's semi-flying mech to return to the base for maintenance with the seriously injured one.

After dealing with these, several people went to rest, and at night, several seriously injured team members mutated into zombies, and were dealt with by the team members on duty with pain.

Mo Fei woke up and stretched. Unexpectedly, the mutated red panda didn't move at all last night, so she slept well.

After getting up, Murphy washed himself by the river first, then took the book and biscuits to the place with the hole at the top with the best light and sat down.

While eating biscuits, Murphy studied the stripping talisman on the talisman.

Compared with the previous flying and speed symbols, this stripping symbol is very simple, so it only took Mo Fei a morning to memorize the stripping symbol.

While swipe with his fingers out of thin air, the mutated little panda in the corner finally got up.

Mo Fei felt quite funny when he saw the mutated little panda walking over like this.

The mutated little panda probably found that Murphy was still there, but he didn't notice any hostility from Murphy, so he went to the river to drink water.

He still dipped his paws into the water and licked it up. Only then did Mo Fei know that it was drinking water like this. Yesterday he thought he was very clean and washed his hands after eating.

After licking the water, the mutated little panda looked up at Mo Fei again, and walked towards Mo Fei with a twist.

Mo Fei was already vigilantly watching the actions of the mutated red panda, but the mutated red panda didn't come to bite her or step on her, but went straight to the half-eaten biscuit next to Mo Fei's hand.

Mo Fei probably fed it once last night. This time, the mutated little panda was not polite to Mo Fei at all, and directly took the rest of the bag and ran to the river to eat.

Mo Fei smiled and shook his head. Animals that have been raised are indeed easier to get along with. This is even better, and it would be nice to have an animal to help keep them vigilant.

After thinking for a while, Murphy got up and walked out of the cave. At the entrance of the cave, he pulled out the mecha and strode out. After a while, Murphy came back with a large bundle of branches with leaves.

Putting these by the river, Murphy sat down again.

I don't know if these things can bribe this giant mutated red panda, but seeing it burying its head in the food should be enough to keep it quiet for a long time.

Mo Fei sat back on the stone again, and then recalled the pattern of the stripping talisman that he had just recorded in the talisman.

After luck, he drew the pattern to guide the breath in one go. When the breath was exhausted, a thin piece of paper appeared in Murphy's hand.

"It's done!" Mo Fei smiled slightly, pinching the stripping talisman with two fingers, Mo Fei's eyes sparkled.

Running to the open space again to recruit the mech, Murphy was going to stick the peeling talisman on the mech.

But just as Mo Fei stretched out his mecha arm to get the stripping talisman on the stone slab, the mutated little panda twisted its body and jumped towards the slate.

"That's not for you!" Mo Fei hurriedly shouted, but unfortunately the mutated little panda couldn't understand what Mo Fei said, its chubby body had already hit the stone slab, and its stubby claws grabbed the stripping talisman .

What Mo Fei didn't expect was that when the mutated red panda grabbed the peeling talisman on its paw, the peeling talisman disappeared, and the huge body of the mutated red panda froze in place.

Mo Fei stopped her hands in surprise, and stared at the mutated red panda in front of her without blinking.

I saw that the huge body of the mutated red panda was fixed like a sculpture, and then it never moved again.

"No way? Did I draw it wrong?" Mo Fei rubbed his eyes and took a look at the situation in front of him. Could it be possible that what he drew was not a stripping talisman, but a petrification talisman?
There is indeed a petrified talisman among the talismans, but that talisman is an attacking talisman, which is very complicated and can only be learned after the fourth stage of the mind training period.

Impossible!Even if I made a mistake by accident, I still wouldn't reach the petrified talisman state. I just reached the second stage of the mind training period, and I'm still far from the fourth stage.

Mo Fei stretched out the mechanical arm of the mecha and poked at the huge body of the stiff mutant red panda. It felt a little hard, like poking on a clay sculpture.

"It's strange, could it be possible that you really drew the petrified talisman?" Mo Fei was at a loss now, but he thought with relief in his heart: Fortunately, he didn't paste it by himself, otherwise he should be the one who turned into a stone statue now , I'm just a little sorry for this mutated red panda.

Mo Fei put the mecha away again, and then walked in front of the stone statue: "I'm sorry, little panda, I don't know how it became like this, but don't worry, I will bury it for you."

Mo Fei took a few steps forward with his head downcast, sat down on the stone slab, and then took out the talisman.

Flipping through the page on the talisman about the "stripping talisman", Mo Fei carefully recalled the situation when he just drew it: "It's strange! It stands to reason that I didn't make a mistake in drawing it! What went wrong?"

After rereading the introduction of the stripping talisman on this page of talismans several times, Mo Fei was sure that he must have drawn the right one just now, but why?

Putting the talisman into the storage talisman, Mo Fei got up and walked to the stone statue that the huge mutated red panda turned into.

With the sound of "Kara", Mo Fei suddenly heard a voice coming from under the clay sculpture.

Murphy took a few steps back and looked at the clay sculpture in front of him vigilantly, but he didn't find any problems for a long time, so Murphy simply took out his spear and poked along the edge of the clay sculpture.

It doesn't seem to be hard inside, but it feels like an empty shell.Murphy hastily exerted more strength.

"Karakala." The voice was louder this time, and cracks appeared on the original complete clay shell.

Murphy pulled the tip of the spear horizontally from the hollow, and as the cracks got bigger and bigger, the empty clay sculpture finally shattered to the ground.

A fluffy little panda with a round head and a round head came out of it. After seeing Mo Fei, it ran to Mo Fei's feet and rubbed it affectionately.

"Eh? Are you that mutated little panda? Have you recovered?" Mo Fei looked at the size of the little panda, which was about the same size as what he saw in the zoo.

Of course, the little panda would definitely not answer Murphy's question, but just obediently rubbed against Murphy's feet.

"The stripping talisman, is it possible that the stripping talisman can also strip mutations?" Murphy's eyes lit up. She still remembered the introduction about the stripping talisman, which can separate many different things.

Perhaps the reason why the mutated red panda mutated is because something rushed into its body, but now that this thing has been separated from the red panda itself, it has returned to its original size.

The more Mo Fei thought about it, the more he felt that his judgment should be correct, and grabbed the little panda from his feet: "Haha, great, great, the stripping talisman was successful."

Although the little panda who was picked up didn't understand Murphy's happiness, it didn't affect Murphy's good mood.

Now Murphy wants to separate the mecha from the body as soon as possible, so that he can let the mecha appear more freely, not to mention that the stripping talisman he posted can be controlled by himself, if he still needs to put the mecha into the body , as long as the stripping character is temporarily turned off.

However, I drew the stripping talisman once today, so Murphy could only let his breath recuperate first, and wait until tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow when his breath fully recovered before drawing again.

After tidying up his things, Mo Fei carried the transformed red panda into the tent.

After eating something at night, the little panda rested in Murphy's tent, and Murphy sat in the tent to practice Qi recovery. She had to adjust her state and draw a new stripping symbol for herself.

The night was long and quiet, but unusual changes were taking place in another area.

(End of this chapter)

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