Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 347 The first meeting

Chapter 347 The First Meeting

In the next few days, Murphy worked hard to recover, but the little panda did not grow into a giant anymore. It was like a pet hanging around with Murphy every day.

This kind of animal raised in a zoo has been used to being fed for a long time. If you really throw it out, it turns out that it can do well with its huge mutated body, but now it may not be able to survive.

Mo Fei remembered that his ancestor mentioned in the passage that not everyone can use the talisman in the talisman. This is also the relationship that no one has inherited the mecha he is using now.

Thinking that it was fate that the little panda could use that stripping talisman, Murphy simply kept the little panda. Fortunately, it ate much less after it got smaller, so Murphy didn't have to be too careful. its food.

After adjusting his breath for three days, Murphy ushered in the next day of drawing the stripping talisman with his full energy.

But compared to the stripping talisman, what Murphy actually wants to learn now is another kind of talisman.

This kind of talisman was discovered by Mo Fei in a small place by accident when he was looking through the talismans. There was very little introduction to this talisman, but it was very troublesome to draw.

After seeing this talisman, Mo Fei felt that there was really hope, but the condition for drawing this talisman was the third stage of the mind training period.

But Mo Fei was not discouraged. As long as she could learn this talisman, what she wanted to do would be easy.

"Come over here, fat, wait here and don't come over, you know?" Mo Fei named the little panda Pang Pang, and because he was about to draw a new stripping symbol, Mo Fei went out to get some fresh leaves and Put the fruit by the river for the little panda, so that the little panda won't come and make trouble.

Fatty twisted his round body and walked to the pile of food, rubbed against Mo Fei, then stopped talking to Mo Fei, and started to gnaw.

Mo Fei glanced at An Fen's little panda, walked along the river to the smooth big stone slab, and then Mo Fei sat down and calmed down.

In his mind, he recalled the talisman he studied in Fulu before. Although the drawing was perfect last time, Mo Fei didn't want to cause any defects due to negligence. It would be used on himself, and he would be irresponsible to himself.

If the talisman that appeared in the wrong drawing was used on himself, no one would help him solve it.

After thinking about it carefully, Mo Fei confidently mobilized the atmosphere around him, and then finished drawing the entire talisman in one go.

The thin talisman paper fell into Mo Fei's hands, and Mo Fei took a closer look at the pattern on the talisman. After confirming that there was no problem at all, Mo Fei recruited the mecha.

This time Mo Fei learned the tricks and put the stripping talisman in the corner. After Murphy summoned the mecha, he blocked the talisman.

Putting the talisman into the hand of the mech's arm, Mo Fei squeezed the stripping talisman excitedly, and he could get out of the mech after sticking it down.

After sticking the peeling talisman on the body of the mecha, although Murphy was inside the mecha, he suddenly felt that something had escaped from his body.

Some buttons gradually appeared around the inside of the mecha, which should be the original design of the mecha.

Murphy thought about pressing a certain button, and that button moved with Murphy's thoughts, and then Murphy fell from the void.

Turning around and walking back, Murphy pressed a red button that was turned on.Although it was the first time for Mo Fei to see it here, Mo Fei knew how to operate it correctly. This should be because the mecha once became one with him.

Open the door behind you, and the outside is like the control room inside Leisen's mecha, the difference is that the equipment inside is not so advanced.

After looking around, Murphy fixed his eyes on a push-pull rod.

Pushing the push-pull rod, the door on the edge of the mecha slowly opened, and a platform protruded from the inside.

Press the button again, and a long telescopic ladder is put down on the platform.

Mo Fei looked at the long ladder happily. As long as she went down the long ladder, she could see what her mecha looked like.

After calming down, Murphy walked towards the door and followed the ladder to the ground.

Walking around the foot of the mech, Murphy looked up.This is quite different from the mecha in my impression.

When Murphy received the car, he had seen the general appearance of the mecha, which was a black body and red patterns, but now the mecha is not only more gorgeous in color, but also very detailed.

If Lei Sen's Silver Wing is the king of mechas, then Mo Fei's current mecha looks like a god.

The golden background color of the whole body is not exaggerated at all. It doesn't look tacky, but has a kind of sacredness.The crime is noble.

The base color of the entire fuselage is golden, but the lines on it are light white, which slightly suppresses the arrogance of gold.

Unlike ordinary mechas with sharp edges and corners, this mecha looks extremely smooth, as if it was tailor-made for a girl.

However, Mo Fei knew that this was because he was the one who inherited the mecha. If it were a man who inherited it, the streamline of this mecha would be mainly rigid.

Murphy reached out and touched his mecha, or it would be more appropriate to call it the golden armor, the golden armor or the golden armor.

"Hi! Jin Jia, it's the first time we've met, we should cooperate well in the future!"

The more he looked at his mecha, the more he felt that his mecha was beautiful. Mo Fei couldn't put it down and couldn't help saying hello to the mecha. He didn't even know that Pangpang came over.

The little panda Pangpang, who had returned to normal, circled around Mo Fei a few times. Seeing that Mo Fei ignored him, his eyes fell on the long ladder that had been put down.

Twisting Yuanyuan's body, he walked towards the side of the long ladder, but when he put his short paws on the first step of the long ladder, Pangpang uttered a shrill cry, then quickly turned around and ran away, He hid behind Murphy and sobbed.

When Murphy heard the cry, his attention was also attracted.Seeing Pangpang's appearance, Murphy squatted down.

I saw that the red panda's chubby paw seemed to have been burned. The fur on that paw was slightly curly, and the flesh under the fur was red.

Pulling out the scald medicine and cloth strips from the storage amulet, Mo Fei applied the medicine to the little panda Pangpang, and placed it on the pile of leaves, so that even if it was inconvenient to move, it could eat food just by bowing its head.

After being bandaged, Pangpang was obedient, and obediently rolled his body into a ball, except for the injured paw sticking out, which probably hurts when touched.

Murphy glanced at the long ladder he had just come down, and then walked forward carefully.

When he reached the long ladder, Murphy tentatively reached out to touch the long ladder.But there is no problem after touching it.

"Strange, it's okay, how did Pang Pang get burnt like that?" Mo Fei looked suspiciously at the little panda Pang Pang nestled in the leaves.

Murphy walked up the long ladder again, still without any problems, and walked back to the operating room. Murphy put away the long ladder and returned to the previous suspended room controlled by body and mind.

After closing the stripping talisman again, Murphy put the mecha back into his body with a thought.

In the future, his mecha can be retracted freely. Murphy thought about walking towards the little panda Pangpang, and seeing that it was not energetic, Murphy let it rest.

Today's harvest is great. I saw the whole picture of my mecha, and most importantly, I can finally let my mecha see the light. And if this is the case, Murphy can have more initiative.

Mo Fei poked the fire, the next thing she has to do is to continue to improve, don't blame Mo Fei for being so anxious, because she wants to return to the star base as soon as possible, but she must learn that talisman, otherwise the subsequent plan will be a little bit It's difficult.

After eating something casually, Mo Fei closed his eyes and practiced Qi on the stone slab next to the tent.

Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen led the members of the Special Operations Team and Mecha Team to endure for a few days, and finally searched the two circles closest to the star base.

But for a week, both teams were exhausted.

These days, not to mention eating and sleeping well, there is almost no time to take a nap, but even so, the loss is heavy.

This is also due to the fact that the two teams are elites, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.

After these two rounds of investigation, Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu also came to the conclusion that the changes after the environment warmed up are really great.

However, in a few days, many C2 zombies appeared one after another, and some C2 zombies had even evolved into C3 zombies.

Although it is extremely difficult for C3 zombies to evolve into C4 zombies, even C3 zombies are a huge threat to people.

This time, it was because the members of the Special Operations Team and the members of the Mecha Team acted together. If a separate personnel team attacked, it would be difficult to say whether they could come back this time, even if that team was a strong team like the Special Operations Team.

After receiving the report from Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu at the same time, the atmosphere in the command center of the star base was abnormal, because everyone knew what this situation meant.

In this week, not only around the star base, but also around the sea base and the cliff base. However, because of the geographical location of the sea base, there was also the last cleanup, so there are no special incidents in the vicinity. question.

And the cliff base, with the same name, is located on the top of the cliff. Let alone zombies, it is difficult for people to go up, and it is surrounded by barren mountains, so the impact is not too great.

Only the surrounding area of ​​the star base has been cleaned up. Dozens of C2 zombies and more than a dozen C3 zombies have been found, which has seriously damaged the vitality of the mecha team and special operations team that cleaned up the zombies this time.

At the same time, not only the Dragon Kingdom, but all the countries in the Earth Alliance received the news through the Earth Alliance's special signal transmission. After this temperature rise, the number of zombies in the world has greatly increased.

Human beings are no longer able to win the final victory simply by using weapons to eliminate zombies. What needs to be done now is how to control the rapid improvement of zombies.

Since Murphy had caught the C5 zombie before, the research institute had not submitted this information, so only the members of the research institute at the star base understood the severity of the situation better.

Because once a large number of C5 zombies appear, then the human race is really over.

(End of this chapter)

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