Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 348 Meeting the Zombie Group Again

Chapter 348 Meeting the Zombie Group Again
As a result of Murphy's crazy Qi training, the breath in his body was saturated again, and it would not dissipate without Qi training for a few days.

In fact, since this promotion, Murphy felt that his qi training had reached a new level, no matter how much he practiced, he didn't feel any improvement.

After taking out the book he got from stepping down the mountain and studying it, Mo Fei finally understood.If it is not a step-by-step practice of Qi, there will be a blank period after the promotion, that is to say, the digestion period.

During this period, the breath used in the previous promotion must be fully digested, and then there will be growth.

Although Murphy understood, he was anxious.After all, she doesn't know when the next promotion will be, but she is eager to improve. She has to go back to the star base and find the portable notebook. This promotion is essential.

But the body does not live up to expectations, because it is also mentioned in the book that these also vary from person to person, and some people with a suitable physique will not have such troubles.This made Mo Fei anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He could only give up continuing to absorb Qi training, and only refine the original Qi in his body repeatedly every day, just like it did at the beginning.

The only advantage of practicing Qi like this is that it can make the breath more solid and pure. This is also the reason why Murphy's foundation was relatively solid before, and he repeated a lot when he was at the basic level.

"Fatty, your hands look better, let's go out for a walk! I've been bored in this hole, at least I went out to help you pick leaves and wild fruits, you see you are getting fatter and fatter, you must be The result of always not moving."

Murphy scolded the little panda Pangpang, although he probably didn't understand.Because at this time, Pangpang was scratching and scratching at Mo Fei's pointing finger with his paws, and he probably thought that Mo Fei was playing with it.

"You'll be fine. You'll sleep when you're full. There's nothing to worry about." Mo Fei rolled his eyes, saying it was useless, and simply picked up Panda, the little panda, and walked out of the cave.

Halfway through, Pangpang broke free from Murphy's hand, and then stared blankly at Murphy.

"Let's go, go out for a walk." Anyway, my breath is saturated, and I have nothing to do now, so I might as well go out and look around, maybe I can find something delicious.

Due to the hot weather, the fruits on some fruit trees outside have gradually ripened recently.

Although the little panda Pangpang didn't seem to understand what Mo Fei said, but Mo Fei walked out, and it followed.

One person and one animal walked out like this, and because Fatty came down to run, Mo Fei turned off the speed talisman. After all, there was nothing urgent, and he strolled to the entrance of the cave.

It is still very hot outside the cave entrance, which is in contrast to the warm winter and cool summer inside the cave.

As soon as he came out, the little panda, Pangpang, was reluctant to go outside. After all, compared with the hot outside, it was still more comfortable inside the cave.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Mo Fei glanced at Panda Panda, "You're so lazy, you want to go back after you've come out."

As he spoke, Mo Fei lifted the little panda Pangpang up again. No matter how hard it struggled, Mo Fei took it and jumped into the woods below.

The temperature in the woods is relatively better, and the little panda Pangpang feels more comfortable than before, so he doesn't struggle so much.

Mophy put it down again, and Pangpang specifically searched for some tree roots, looking for some insects.

Murphy didn't care about it walking straight forward, and he didn't walk fast, and Pangpang would follow after a while.

After walking for a while, Murphy gained a lot.

First, we picked fresh wild mountain peaches, and also picked a lot of edible mushrooms.Of course, Pangpang who followed Murphy also ate a lot.

Looking at the time, Mo Fei didn't want to go back to cook. Anyway, she had everything in her storage amulet, so Mo Fei didn't have to worry about finding it.

After picking up some branches, Murphy set up a fire and washed the things directly by the stream in the woods, and then started cooking.

But before he finished eating, Pangpang sneaked up to Murphy vigilantly.

Murphy's sensitivity is definitely not lower than that of animals. She has already noticed that something is approaching, but Murphy is confident that he has time to leave, and the food in his hand has not been eaten yet, so Murphy ate it with big mouthfuls. The roasted mushrooms in it are just put the picked mountain peaches into the storage talisman.

After eating the roasted mushrooms, Mo Fei wiped his mouth: "Fat, fat, let's fly!"

After Mo Fei hugged the little panda Pang Pangpang, he stroked Pang Pang Pang's hair with his hands, ahem, it wasn't that the little Panda Panda was so scared, in fact, Mo Fei mainly did it to wipe his hands.Just finished eating and there is no proper hand drying utensils around.

Hugging Pang Pang, Mo Fei extinguished the fire and turned on the flying talisman. With his toes touching the ground, he flew up with Pang Pang, the little panda.

Since he held Pangpang in his arms, Pangpang comfortably rolled into a fur ball with his head stuck in it, so he didn't realize that Murphy had already flown up, so he stayed there very peacefully.

After flying up, Murphy glanced back, only to realize that it was a group of zombies.

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, and I met this group of zombies again." Because this mountainous area is very familiar to Murphy, and the group of zombies here is also very familiar to Murphy, the group of zombies that she snatched the C5 zombies from. .

At this time, these giant groups of zombies swayed towards this side, and it was obvious that a new C4 zombie appeared inside.

"Oh my god, no way, there's another C4 zombie." Murphy had personally experienced how difficult it was to deal with that C4 zombie back then, but this C4 zombie is not a Chinese cabbage in the market, so how could it reappear so quickly? one.

This C4 zombie seems to be younger and stronger, with a solid armor on his body, like a warrior.

Although his mecha has evolved into a complete state, Murphy feels that he has the ability to fight against C4 zombies, but this is not one, but a group of giant zombies, and Murphy is not stupid enough to deal with so many zombies by himself Only giant zombies.

Just as he was about to leave, Murphy glanced down inadvertently.It was just such a glance that made Murphy's chills rise from the soles of his feet, and even the little panda Pangpang in Murphy's arms felt it, and twisted his body uneasily.

Murphy quickly put away his surprise and quickly flew into the distance.

Back at the entrance of the cave, Murphy turned off the flying talisman and turned on the speed talisman. Because he had something on his mind, he ran straight into the cave without any delay.

After entering the cave, Murphy threw Pangpang on the pile of leaves, and ran to the side of the tent by himself, panting heavily even though he wasn't tired, as if he had seen a ghost.

Yes, she did.The person walking under the C4 zombie just now was a familiar face. If Mo Fei hadn't seen him die with his own eyes, Mo Fei might not have believed his own eyes.

That person is none other than Gu Huaiyuan.

Murphy was sure that Gu Huaiyuan was eaten by a giant zombie, and the giant zombie found Gu Huaiyuan after eating Gu Huaiyuan. At that time, she didn't have a flying talisman and could only jump into the biting mud in the cold weather to save her life.

Gu Huaiyuan is dead, Mo Fei has never doubted this, but what is going on now?Gu Huaiyuan was walking, and he was still among a group of giant zombies.

Murphy's mind was a little confused, and she couldn't connect these things together.

Could it be that he was hallucinating?It was really shocking just now, especially the scene that made Murphy feel out of the world. At this moment, Murphy calmed down a little and began to express doubts about what he just saw.

"Murphy, are you sure you read it right? Maybe it's a mistake." Murphy said to himself, then stood up and ran out of the cave.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the little panda Pangpang raised Yuanyuan's head from the pile of leaves, watched Mo Fei rushing out, and then buried his head back to sleep.

Mo Fei quickly came to the entrance of the cave, took a deep breath, flew up, and flew towards the place just now, she wanted to make sure that what she just saw was a hallucination.

After flying to that area, Murphy looked around and found no trace of zombies. Because he flew high and could see far away, he was sure that the group of zombies were no longer nearby.

But after all, those groups were a group of giant zombies, how could there be no trace left behind.Murphy followed the traces to find the past, but it was cut off halfway, so it is not clear how those giant zombies did it.

Murphy looked at the general direction, and it seemed that he was still going to the valley, but it was not surprising, after all, there were not many places that could accommodate giant zombies.

After arriving in the previous valley, Mo Fei quickly noticed the difference. There were giant zombies at the entrance and exit of the valley, as if they were standing guard.

Murphy quietly approached the outskirts of the valley. Now her flying talisman is not limited by time, so Murphy has become more courageous. What she has to do now is to see the situation of the giant zombies in this valley.

Flying to the edge of the valley, Murphy moved his body up after sticking to the mountain, only half of his head was exposed, and Murphy looked down.

Ordinary people would not be able to see clearly the specific situation below without using a telescope in such a place, they could only see a general idea, but the promoted Murphy could see clearly.

The group of giant zombies obviously hasn't come back yet. There are only a few scattered giant zombies below, and they should be guarding here.

Murphy glanced at the giant zombie below and raised his eyebrows. It seemed that he would have to wait a while.

However, Mo Fei didn't make him wait too long. With the slight vibration of the ground, Mo Fei knew that the group of giant zombies had returned collectively.

The leader is the new C4 zombie, and the C4 zombie is holding a person in its hand.

Murphy looked closely, and now she finally couldn't calm down.

At first, they only looked alike roughly, and Mo Fei thought it was his eyes that were dazzled, but looking at it now, Mo Fei was sure that this person was Gu Huaiyuan.

The only difference is that the face of the person sitting in the hands of the C4 zombie is slightly blue, as if it were the face of a dead person.

If it wasn't because he was still moving, Murphy really thought it was a corpse.

"Wait, corpse?" A thought made Murphy's heart beat faster. Could it be the result?Not sure, but if this guess is true...

Although Murphy himself vaguely guessed an answer, Murphy felt that it was simply impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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