Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 349 The Impossible Possibility

Chapter 349 The Impossible Possibility
Murphy did not forget what she saw with her own eyes before, but what she saw was indeed beyond her expectations.

However, Murphy did not act rashly. You must know that the entire valley is full of giant zombies. If she is not careful, she may fall into a situation where she will never recover.

Mo Fei carefully lay on the top of the valley and observed everything below, especially the "person" with a familiar face who was mingling among the zombies at the moment.

Murphy didn't know if he was still a "human" down there, and he didn't know how he lived among the zombies in his original form.

You know, this valley is full of giant zombies, and this is not the first time Murphy has come here. When Murphy came here before, he had already figured out the habits of these zombies.

Only high-level giant zombies can enter and exit this area, and the other side of the cave connected here is where ordinary zombies live.

When she followed Xiao Minyu to investigate here, she hid in the cave on the cliff because she was avoiding those ordinary zombies, and then she found this place.

Although the low-level zombies in the cave over there are not very intelligent, they know how to obey, so it is absolutely impossible for ordinary zombies to come here casually. Bombardment of zombies.

From this point alone, Murphy had to think of another result.

That's right, Murphy thought of the C5 zombie. When she saw the thin C5 zombie, it was also living with this group of giant zombies in this valley.

But Murphy did not forget the appearance of the C5 zombie. It was similar to an ordinary C1 zombie, unlike Gu Huaiyuan below, who still maintained the original appearance of a human.

These questions made Murphy dizzy. Is Gu Huaiyuan below a creature or a zombie? Is he a C5 zombie?
A series of questions made Mo Fei's curiosity grow more and more, no matter whether Gu Huaiyuan was a C5 zombie or a human, it would be of no benefit to him anyway.

If Gu Huaiyuan was still human, his current performance proved that he could control giant zombies, then he would be the first target of his revenge.

If Gu Huaiyuan is no longer human, then the only one who can live with giant zombies proves that he is probably a C5 zombie, and C5 zombies can also control giant zombies, so it is still a danger to her.

Frowning, Murphy was going to find a chance to take a risk, at least to get rid of Gu Huaiyuan.

Thinking so, Murphy did the same.

Along the edge of the cliff, Murphy tried his best to approach the group of zombies below as lightly and slowly as possible.

There is only one chance, once the giant zombies fail, they will be vigilant, at least in the near future they will not be able to touch Gu Huaiyuan again.

One step at a time, as the distance gradually shortened, Murphy's heartbeat also intensified.

In order to calm himself down, Murphy took a deep breath, and then activated the ice attack charm that he hadn't used for a long time.

It is inconvenient to use cold weapons on the cliff. Of course, the energy gun is not a good choice, because there is a section of energy core on the energy gun, and there will be light in this position. Murphy is worried about being discovered, so the best way is to use the ice attack talisman .

As her level increased, although she didn't use her ice-type attack talisman often, most of the time she got some water to wash when there was no water, but Murphy was quite sure about using the ice-type attack talisman to attack.

Getting closer and closer to Gu Huaiyuan, Murphy approached cautiously, letting Gu Huaiyuan's head come into range.

However, it was just such a coincidence that a gust of wind blew over at this moment, and a speck of dust caught Mo Fei's eyes. Mo Fei reached out to rub it, but his hand touched a piece of loose soil on the edge of the stone wall.

As Mo Fei raised his hand, the soil fell and hit Gu Huaiyuan's head.

Gu Huaiyuan slowly raised his head to look up, and saw Murphy who was about to sneak attack after rubbing his eyes.

"Ah! Ah!" The cry was so sharp like a crow, and Gu Huaiyuan's voice was so thin that it stimulated Murphy's eardrums.

After hearing the sound, the surrounding giant zombies started commotion, looked towards the direction Gu Huaiyuan was looking at, and immediately found Murphy lying on the stone wall like a spider.

"Hoho..." The roar of the giant zombies broke the silence around them, and they swayed towards Murphy on the stone wall here.

Murphy was initially startled by Gu Huaiyuan's cry, but now he came back to his senses and flew up quickly, while a voice in his head said: Gu Huaiyuan has really turned into a zombie.

Because Mo Fei saw Gu Huaiyuan at this moment, a distorted expression appeared on his normal face, and while he shouted hard, cracks appeared on his face.

Turning around, Mo Fei found that although Gu Huaiyuan's body looked intact from the front, the back had rotted, and the bones inside could be vaguely seen.

Although Murphy flew up, Gu Huaiyuan, who had turned into a zombie, still stared at Murphy and screamed. Those giant zombies, except for the C4 zombie protecting Gu Huaiyuan, all the other zombies roared in the direction of Murphy's movement.

It's just that none of the zombies can fly, so Murphy is still safe in the sky.

Murphy, who was thinking that he was still safe, didn't realize that the danger was approaching. Although after the end of the world, basically only mammals mutated into zombies and zombie beasts, there were still a few other species of animals that mutated into zombie beasts.

Following the roar of the giant zombie below and Gu Huaiyuan's scream, a sturdy zombie bird flew over from a distance.

Due to the severe deformation of the body, it is impossible to tell what kind of bird it is.I don't know if this huge zombie bird mutated because it ate something by mistake, just like those zombie birds that Cangji was fed with unqualified experimental medicine back then.

In short, the zombie bird attacked Murphy in the sky while the giant zombies were commotioning.

Originally, Murphy was very relieved that he was in the sky. After all, he had never heard of zombies flying, and he had traveled so many places that the sky was safe.

But before Mo Fei observed the zombified Gu Huaiyuan below, he felt something attacking him from behind.

It's also thanks to Murphy's ability to feel that he is not so strong now. After feeling it, his first reaction was to activate the speed talisman, and then dodged the attack.

Looking back, he found a ferocious zombie giant bird attacking him.

Mo Fei lowered his head and glanced at Gu Huaiyuan below. At this moment, the zombie Gu Huaiyuan was trying to scream at the giant zombie bird, and the giant zombie bird also attacked Murphy following the sound.

It turns out that Gu Huaiyuan can also control zombie birds, so Gu Huaiyuan must be a C5 zombie.

The C5 zombie was analyzed by Lin Yixun before, so Lin Yixun once mentioned the conclusion to Murphy: that is, the C5 zombie is already a top-level zombie, although there are also fourth-level zombies equivalent to C5 zombies, but This is different.

Because no matter how smart the fourth-level zombie beast is, it only has the wisdom of a wild beast, but the C5 zombie has the wisdom of a human being, so it is not difficult to control the zombie beast.

Although Murphy was not sure what level the zombie bird in front of him was, but it seemed that only zombies above C4 could control the zombie beast, and Gu Huaiyuan's current appearance was definitely not what a C4 zombie should be.

So there is only one possibility, and that is that Gu Huaiyuan is a C5 zombie.

Although Murphy had vaguely guessed it before, the real confirmation still made Murphy feel sad.

Gu Huaiyuan is actually a C5 zombie now, this matter can be big or small, I am afraid that the matter of returning to the star base cannot be carried out according to his wishes.

Taking advantage of Mo Fei's distraction, the C5 Gu Huaiyuan zombie below hurriedly yelled at the zombie bird in the sky, and the zombie bird followed Mo Fei's words and quickly found Murphy's weak spot to attack.

Murphy knew that it was not easy for him to move in the sky like this, so he simply summoned his golden mecha.

Quickly choosing a weapon, Murphy stabbed the zombie bird to death with his overwhelming size.

As the giant zombie bird fell, Murphy also put away the mecha.

It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Who knows if there is a second zombie bird, and she can't get down below. Even with mechs and flying charms, she can't handle so many giant zombies alone.

Taking another look at Gu Huaiyuan who had become C5, Murphy flew out again towards the distance.

Since Murphy flew far away, the group of zombies didn't know where Murphy would fly, so they gradually quieted down.

Gu Huaiyuan, who mutated into a C5 zombie, screamed at the C4 zombie, and the huge armored C4 zombie obediently dragged a bloody animal corpse to Gu Huaiyuan.

Gu Huaiyuan lay down on the corpse and gnawed it until he was full before throwing the rest to the C4 zombies.

Murphy returned to the cave, hesitantly deciding to return to the star base tomorrow.

Although he wasn't ready to go back this time, he couldn't do anything in the cave due to the problem of breath saturation, not to mention the changes in the situation here, so Murphy felt that he had to go back and report.

Glancing at the little panda Panda, Mo Fei got into the tent: "I'll go back tomorrow, don't think so much, and have a good rest first." Mo Fei comforted herself, today's incident touched her a bit, and many of them were overturned. previous cognition.

It's just that things didn't go as smoothly as Murphy thought. It rained heavily that night. Although it caused inconvenience for people to travel, the temperature dropped significantly when it rained.

After a heavy rain, the average global temperature dropped by several degrees. Many researchers even wondered, would the rate of increase of zombies be weakened after the temperature dropped?

With that in mind, experiments are also going on.

Although there is no problem of zombies slowing down the speed of improvement for the time being, it is gratifying that after the temperature drops this time, the body is comfortably relieved, and the practice of many superhumans and mutants has become easier.

Of course, this is also due to the auxiliary potion newly developed by Lin Yixun. This potion is improved on the original basis, and the improvement effect is unusual.

In the star base, the command center held a meeting again. Because the previous underestimation of the enemy caused the mecha team and the special operations team to be seriously injured, so this time they can no longer act rashly and must be more fully prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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