Chapter 350
It was raining heavily outside, but it didn't affect the command center's determination to clear up the zombies.

"Where there is gain, there is loss. Although the heavy rain this time prevented us from going out to kill the zombies, the temperature is just right for the practice of the supernatural beings. I heard that the promotion has been very fast recently. Since we can't stop the promotion of the zombies, then Just try to improve your strength."

Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, said.

"Commander Liao is right. In addition, our weapon research institute is also making improvements recently. There will be a batch of weapons with strong penetrating power for the members of the special operations team, and a heavy armor for the members of the mecha team. Allocation, I believe that after adequate preparation this time, the least effort will be spent and the big gains will be made."

Hao Jingqi, deputy commander of the star base, added.

"I heard that Dr. Lin of the research institute has developed a new formula for the enhancement potion this time, and the potion can be absorbed more stably this time, so we still have hope of winning."

Commander Liao looked at Lin Yixun's father, Vice President Lin.

Lin Leshan got up quickly: "Thank you Commander Liao for your praise, it should be, but this time the formula is really good, and the speed of improvement is double that of the previous potion."

Although it was modest, Lin Leshan couldn't hide the pride in his mouth.

"Vice President Lin is humble. I hope to confirm the efficacy of this batch of medicine quickly. I want to distribute it to the members of the special operations team before this mission."

Because it is related to the survival of the base, Commander Liao decided to equip the personnel who will go on missions first.

"Alright Commander Liao, I will follow up on this matter myself." Lin Leshan nodded and sat down again.

The Star Base made a rough arrangement, and after the meeting, Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen returned home.

"Yu, you're back." Yulin got up to welcome Xiao Minyu home.

Since Xiao Minyu came back from work outside last time, Yulin has been coming to Xiao Minyu's house to help every day, and she is also busy with some trivial matters.

"Thank you Yulin, you don't need to trouble you with these chores." Xiao Minyu glanced at the orderly home. Although there are servants to help, Yulin will still come to make some special preparations.

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of little effort. Besides, you have worked hard enough to protect the base, so you don't need to think about these small things." Yulin said with a soft smile, but naturally touched Xiao Minyu's shoulder with her hand.

Ever since the news of Murphy's death came, Yulin has been helping Xiao Minyu with her own actions. She even went on a mission under the heat a while ago, and gave Xiao Minyu all the ink crystals and potions she had obtained.

This time it was because Xiao Minyu was accidentally injured during a mission, and Yulin came to take care of her every day.

Xiao Minyu saw Yulin's actions, and it would be a lie to say that she was not moved. Besides, Mo Fei had a good relationship with Yulin before, so her attitude towards Yulin became more and more cordial.

Although Yulin knew that she was more or less in favor of Mo Fei, but Mo Fei was dead and would not interfere with her again. Sooner or later, she would win over Xiao Minyu.

Feeling Yulin's slightly cold hand, Xiao Minyu felt a little guilty in his heart.

When I came in just now, I saw Yulin carefully arranging the items on the table, and now I want to help myself get rid of fatigue.

Pulling Yulin's hand down, Xiao Minyu shook his head: "Yulin, I'm fine, you can rest for a while."

"It's okay." Yulin was delighted in her heart, but on the surface she was calm, she knew that Xiao Minyu didn't reject her now.

"It's time to eat." Meng Zhibo roared in this direction, breaking the slightly ambiguous conversation between the two.

Meng Zhibo didn't like Yulin very much. Although Yulin was beautiful, Meng Zhibo just couldn't get used to it. Compared with Murphy, he missed Murphy who snatched his ice cream and bickered with him.

Thinking that Mo Fei was gone, Meng Zhibo's eyes darkened. He had always regarded Mo Fei as his younger sister, but he didn't expect that he would disappear like this. Meng Zhibo couldn't accept it in his heart.

But looking at Yulin again, Mo Fei was so kind to her before, but now she started to seduce Lao Wu in turn. I really don't know what Lao Wu thinks, accepting her so easily.

Meng Zhibo shook his head, he couldn't take care of Xiao Minyu's personal affairs, so he could only put on a dirty face to Yulin, and said a lot about him because of Xiao Minyu.

The atmosphere was interrupted by someone, Yulin smiled at Xiao Minyu on the surface, but she hated Meng Zhibo in her heart: I really hate it, I didn't like this big-hearted man, a reckless man, and now I don't know how to wink Depending on the occasion, the atmosphere that I just provoked was ruined.

Yulin lowered her head and concealed it so well that Xiao Minyu didn't notice it at all, and pulled Yulin a little: "Go and eat, I'll take you back after dinner."

Although Yulin always came, Xiao Minyu also knew that Yulin lived nearby, but Xiao Minyu really never sent Yulin off.

Having said that, Yulin was very happy, but she forgot where she lived now.

After dinner, Xiao Minyu took Yulin to the direction of Bai Sirui's villa with an umbrella.

Just arrived at the entrance of Bai Sirui's villa, and met Bai Sirui who was returning from the outside.

Xiao Minyu was saying goodbye to Yulin in front of the villa, when Bai Sirui's car stopped in front of the two of them, with the lights flickering, Bai Sirui got out of the car with an umbrella and walked towards them.

"I think you need to explain to me, right?" Bai Sirui didn't say much, but his cold tone made Yulin understand that she might not be able to live anymore.

But at this time, Yulin not only didn't panic, but was a little happy.

Because, the result of Bai Sirui not keeping her is that she will be homeless, although she can still rent a house outside, but that is different.

Yulin was a little nervous but happy at the same time. She would definitely make good use of this opportunity.

"Mr. Bai, I'm really sorry for coming back so late." Although Yulin apologized, she clearly divided her relationship with Bai Sirui.

Everyone outside thought that Yulin and Bai Sirui were a couple, but now Yulin's statement is undoubtedly telling Xiao Minyu that she and Bai Sirui are just the relationship between the landlord and the tenant, and because she didn't abide by the tenant's rules, she only apologized now.

Bai Sirui is not a fool, he understands the meaning of Yulin's move very well.Originally thought that his meticulous care could impress Yulin, or Bai Sirui thought that he had already impressed Yulin, but now he was beaten back.

Taking a meaningful look at Xiao Minyu, Bai Sirui didn't say anything more.After all, it was his own decision to save Yulin in the first place, and seeing Yulin like this, it must have been planned for a long time.

Bai Sirui has always adhered to the principle of striving for it. Many things that do not seem to be his own can actually be obtained through hard work, but Bai Sirui will let go of things that cannot be obtained after fighting for them.

It's just that Yulin's previous performance was too good, and the time, energy and other things he spent on Yulin were only exchanged for this sentence, and Bai Sirui made a note of it for Yulin in his heart.

Passing by Yulin, Bai Sirui looked at Xiao Minyu: "I heard that Mr. Xiao has been unwell recently?"

What was said was a question, but it seemed to be affirmative.

Xiao Minyu knew that Bai Sirui was capable, but he didn't talk much, and lacked in communication with others, but he was also suitable for personnel management. We must know that managers need ability, but they don't need to be selfish.

People who like to make friends too much may be a good PR, but they must not manage personnel affairs. After all, they are too tactful to offend anyone. In the end, they made a lot of friends but they did not help the base.

"Thank you Minister Bai for your concern, but I don't blame Yulin for today's incident. It's because I was delayed by something, so she came back late." Xiao Minyu replied politely.

"It's nothing, Yulin is not my family in the first place, and she is only staying temporarily because she is homeless. Since Yulin has a place to go now, it is inconvenient for me to stay longer. After all, there are not so many people in my family, only my sister and I live."

Now that Bai Sirui has seen Yulin's intentions, he doesn't intend to keep Yulin any longer, and his tone is more casual, revealing that he doesn't know Yulin well, but he only took in Yulin when he saw that she had nowhere to go. Now she Now that I have a place, I can no longer rely on it.

These words are for Xiao Minyu, and I have to say that although Bai Sirui's words seem to be expounding, they actually send Yulin to a desperate situation.If it wasn't for Yulin's intention to leave, these words undoubtedly made Yulin lose her reason to continue living.

That is to say, even if Yulin can continue to live with the cheek, but Xiao Minyu has to take Yulin out, unless Xiao Minyu is willing to be said: kindness will be revenged.

Because Yulin went to and from the two families, although it was not publicized, people who lived around often saw it.

After Xiao Minyu came back from injury, Yulin stayed for a whole day. If Yulin moved out of Bai Sirui's house at this moment, then the next thing can be imagined.

Everyone would guess that because Xiao Minyu's relationship affected Yulin's continuing to live in Bai Sirui's house, it would confirm that Yulin was on two boats.

However, Xiao Minyu will definitely take Yulin into his home because of his little face. In this way, it can be said that Yulin used to live at Bai Sirui's house, and Yulin and Xiao Minyu used to act in the same team. More people will know about what happened, so it is basically impossible for Yulin to come out of Xiao Minyu's house.

Bai Sirui raised his eyebrows. He recently learned something by accident. Since Yulin treated him like this and Xiao Minyu offered it to him, how could he not give it to him?

Although Xiao Minyu didn't react for a while, he was still a sharp person after all, but he thought of these possibilities after a while.

But Xiao Minyu had no choice but to accept the move knowing what would happen next, who told him that he didn't think of such a deep meaning at first.

No wonder Man Chengbin stopped him left and right before he went out, and he didn't want him to come out to see him off. It seemed that Man Chengbin's worries were not superfluous.

The happiest thing now is Yulin. Although Xiao Minyu's absence caused the umbrella to deviate from the position, and she has not done much work from top to bottom at this moment, but in her heart, Yulin has secretly made a gesture of victory .

(End of this chapter)

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