Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 351 Gains and Losses

Chapter 351 Gains and Losses
I didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and this was beyond Yulin's expectation.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to stimulate Bai Sirui without any trace, so that he would not hurt face and would not retaliate in the future, but also allow her to move into Xiao Minyu's house smoothly.

But now it seems that there is no need for her to do anything, Bai Sirui seemed to see through her mind, and directly stuffed himself into Xiao Minyu's house, and there was still no future trouble.

However, although Yulin got her wish, she was still a little bit disappointed.

She also lived in Bai Sirui's house for a long time. These days, although Bai Sirui didn't talk much, Yulin was still very clear about her concern for her.Yulin thought that Bai Sirui liked her, but now it seems that Bai Sirui is more ruthless than she imagined.

However, when I thought that I could finally stay in Xiao Minyu's house openly and aboveboard in the future, that little regret also disappeared with the wind.

Even though Xiao Minyu was embarrassed, he continued: "So, Yulin should move back to live with our team, after all, she was also a team member who once formed a team."

"That's good too. With Mr. Xiao here, I believe Miss Yulin doesn't need to go back and forth." Bai Sirui replied with a smile.

"Mr. Bai, thank you so much during this time, I will never hesitate to define where I can be used in the future." Yulin pulled her wet hair behind her ears, and then said to Bai Sirui.

"It's okay, it's late today, not to mention it's raining so heavily, go back and rest first! I'll find someone to help you move things tomorrow morning." The matter was settled, and Bai Sirui didn't mind Yulin staying for another day.

Yulin nodded, and looked back at Xiao Minyu: "Yu, it's raining so hard, you go back first! I will arrange it myself tomorrow."

Bai Sirui had a panoramic view of Yulin's expression and Xiao Minyu's eyes, nodded politely at the two of them, then got in the car and drove directly into the courtyard of the Bai family villa.

"Well, you're drenched all over, go back!" Xiao Minyu finished speaking, sent Yulin into the courtyard, and then turned and left the Bai family villa.

"Sister Yulin, I heard you are moving to Xiao Minyu's house?" Yulin heard Bai Youyou's question just after entering the room.

Yulin didn't expect Bai Sirui to tell Bai Youyou about the matter as soon as she entered the door, but she ignored the details and only said that Yulin was moving out.

Bai Youyou originally thought that Yulin would be his sister-in-law, but she didn't expect that Yulin would move away.

"Well, we'll be moving there tomorrow." Yulin didn't deny or explain.

"That's it! Then I'll help you pack your things tomorrow, and go to bed early today." Bai Youyou also didn't ask more, because asking Yulin would be better than asking her brother, Bai Youyou knew that Yulin might not tell her the truth , she went to ask Bai Sirui, although he might not say anything, he would not lie to her either.

Instead of guessing whether it is true or not, it is better to ask directly, maybe her brother is willing to tell her.

Yulin dragged her wet clothes back to the room, took a shower in the bathroom, and then walked out.

Opening the closet, there were all kinds of clothes inside, all prepared by Bai Sirui for her.

After changing into clean and refreshing pajamas, Yulin lay down on the bed.Tomorrow, I will live in Xiao Minyu's house that I dream of. It was originally a great happy event, but Yulin felt a sense of emptiness in her heart at this moment.

"Yulin, what exactly are you after? Isn't it Xiao Minyu's side? Don't think so much, tomorrow you will get your wish." Yulin tried to hypnotize herself to make her feel less uncomfortable.

However, Yulin didn't fall asleep all night, and it wasn't until the next day that Yulin packed up her things and moved out of Bai Sirui's house.

Because of the rain, Murphy stayed in the cave for more than a week. These days, Murphy has not been idle, and he has repeatedly tempered his saturated breath every day.

Since there is no need for inhalation-style qi training methods, after recent repeated tamping, Murphy's breath can be practiced according to the previous progress.

But the next stage is still far away, Mo Fei sighed: She is really in a hurry!

After a few days of washing, the air outside is fresher and the temperature is not as hot as before.

On the night when the rain stopped, Murphy packed his things and prepared to leave the mountains early tomorrow morning.

When they got to the periphery, Murphy took out his car, and since he was going back, he had to tell them with the best posture that not only was he not dead, but he also brought back important news.

At the same time, the members of the mecha team and the special operations team repacked and left the star base. This time, their task is to continue to advance to the periphery and try to kill all the giant zombies that may threaten the star base within close range. wiped out.

In these rainy days, every member of the Special Operations Team is taking potions to enhance their abilities, so the members of the Special Operations Team at the time of departure this time have been upgraded to another level.

As for the mechas of the mecha team, many offensive objects were equipped with Xiao Minyu's overall transformation plan, and even several of the high-end mechas had their outer protective shells re-enforced, especially some relatively fragile parts. For the task, metal-type supernatural beings are invited to solidify it.

So this trip, both in terms of personnel and weapons, is many times stronger than the previous one.

"Members of the special operations team, let's go." Following Xiao Minyu's voice in the command communicator, the car driven by the members of the special operations team rolled forward little by little.

"Machine team members, remember your position and set off." Lei Sen's command communicator also transmitted the start command.

"Xiao Minyu, the two adjacent laps have been cleaned up, but just in case I ask Xiao Guo to inspect it, let's go directly to the next floor."

Xiao Minyu naturally had no objection, it would be great to be able to investigate with members of the mecha team, and they can go to the next position at a faster speed.

So Xiao Guo, who only had a half-flying mecha, went to investigate the two circles that had been cleared before, while the rest of the mechas followed the special operations team to a further range.

However, although the road went smoothly, the team was attacked just after reaching the range of the third outer circle.

But the only thing I can only be thankful for is that the attack this time is just two C2 zombies, even the previous team will not be afraid, let alone the mission marching team with well-equipped and upgraded personnel.

There was no need for the special operations team to take action. Lei Sen commanded the mecha team to easily wipe out the two C2 zombies.

"From this area onwards, we're going to make a circle, everyone cheer up." After speaking, Lei Sen flew directly into the air, which is more conducive to discovering the enemy's situation first.

The team pushed until noon, and the results of the morning were still remarkable, but it also made everyone experience the increase in the growth rate of zombies again.

In the past, you might not be able to see a giant zombie for a few days, but now you can basically see one or two giant zombies in an area. Although most of them are C2 zombies, if there is no mecha team or reloaded As far as the special operations team is concerned, ordinary teams have no chance of fighting.

"Everyone, take a break to replenish your energy. I've already asked people to prepare food. I'll eat what I brought with me when I'm free. When it's inconvenient, I'll eat what's assigned by me." Xiao Minyu directed the members of the special operations team to stop and then Said to Rayson.

All the personnel came down to eat, and after eating, they had to move on to the next area.

Just as everyone was chewing their meals, the person in charge of vigilance suddenly shouted at everyone: "Quick, there are giant zombies, and there are a lot of them, get in the car."

Hearing the alarmed voice of the security guards, everyone returned to their original positions involuntarily.

Lei Sen quickly entered the silver wing, and then controlled the silver wing to fly up to watch.It doesn't matter if you look at it, Lei Sen's face also changed slightly.

"Xiao Minyu, there are too many giant zombies this time, we need to find a place to hide." Lei Sen quickly contacted Xiao Minyu on the ground.

"Understood, you look at the situation, I'll direct immediately." Xiao Minyu said non-stop, then hung up Lei Sen's side and switched to the group channel of the Special Operations Team.

"Everyone prepare to hide, don't spread too much and don't gather all together." Xiao Minyu shouted through the communicator.

None of the people on the mission were newbies, everyone knew what to do, and all the people retreated to several paths very regularly.

But there were too many people in this operation, and the speed of this group of giant zombies was very fast. The target came straight to them, so before the personnel completely retreated, the giant zombies chased after them.

Xiao Minyu squinted his eyes, this matter is not easy to handle, Lei Sen can see clearly from the sky.

Anxious but there was no special solution, Lei Sen hurriedly told the members of the mecha team not to leave, and covered the members of the special operations team.

Fortunately, this large group of giant zombies rushed in front of a few C2 zombies, and the location here was not a plain, so those giant zombies did not march forward in a row, but walked along the road.

This can be regarded as buying time for everyone, Lei Sen has already flown down at this moment, and switched the Silver Wing into a battle mode.

The thermal weapon on the shoulder of the mecha has been activated, and Lei Sen is controlling the mechanical arm of Silver Wing, while his eyes are fixed on the giant zombie rushing forward.

Xiao Minyu hadn't left at this time because of dispatching. Seeing that the giant zombies had rushed into the open space, Xiao Minyu ordered the members of the action team who had been scattered around to prepare heavy attack weapons.

"Team Thunder, I can't stand it anymore." With the call of a member of the team, the house at the intersection was hit by a giant zombie and collapsed, and the two mechas that were originally blocking the intersection were also crushed by the giant zombie group behind. Push it away.

With this gap, giant zombies rushed over from the gap like a tide.

Xiao Minyu was already surrounded by giant zombies at this moment. A giant zombie walked around a mecha of the mecha team and came to Xiao Minyu's car. It raised its huge foot and fell towards Xiao Minyu's car.

Xiao Minyu closed his eyes in despair, but heard a "boom", but he was fine.

(End of this chapter)

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