Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 352 Unexpected arrival

Chapter 352 Unexpected arrival

I didn't expect to meet so many giant zombies, and the giant zombies broke through the defense line and entered the resting area in the middle in a short time.

Xiao Minyu had to arrange personnel before, so he stayed at the end and waited for the surrounding personnel to evacuate before ordering Geng Yunwei to drive away, but at this time he encountered a giant zombie rushing into the inner circle.

This giant zombie bypassed a mecha. Since the mecha was clamped just now, the body of the giant zombie hit the weakest operating room of the mecha. Lost half life.

Xiao Minyu, who had no way out, used the heavy assault weapon on the car to hit the giant zombie, but it was a pity that he missed the vital point because of the shaking of the giant zombie, but the anger of the giant zombie was transferred to Xiao Minyu's side.

The mecha that had just been bypassed hadn't had time to react, and the other mechas were far away, so the giant zombie rammed straight towards Xiao Minyu's car.

Xiao Minyu looked at the soles of the fallen giant zombie, feeling a premonition of death in his heart, and couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

"Xiao Minyu, go!" Lei Sen's roar sounded through the communicator. He was in a hurry, but Lei Sen, who was still far away at the moment, had no time to come to support.

Although Geng Yunwei's driving skills are superb, he couldn't escape in time in the face of this sudden change.

Just when everyone thought that the people in Xiao Minyu's car would surely die, a golden light flashed suddenly, and the giant zombie's head was hit by a sharp giant axe. "Fell to the ground with a sound.

When Xiao Minyu and the others in the car opened their eyes to look again, they saw a mecha that was entirely golden with white patterns on it, with extremely smooth lines, and it looked very gorgeous but not exaggerated.

The mecha itself is gorgeous and soft, with the right combination of strength and softness, which makes people feel pleasing to the eyes when looking at this mecha.

In the hand of the golden mech is holding a huge black ax all over the body. These two contrasts are obviously incompatible, but when they are put together, there is no incongruity.

"Where did this golden mecha come from? Never seen it before?" Xiao Minyu and Man Chengbin in the car looked at each other, and Xiao Minyu couldn't help asking.

Not only Xiao Minyu and the others, maybe the members of the special operations team don't have a clear understanding of the mecha, but the members of the mecha team know very well that this mecha is definitely not official.

Even Lei Sen, who was the only one who knew this mecha at this moment, couldn't help but shouted out: "She's here! Am I blind?"

At this moment, Lei Sen's heart is almost jumping out of excitement. The golden mecha in front of him is unknown to others. Will he still not recognize it?Isn't this Murphy's mecha?She is still alive.

If it wasn't for the fact that Murphy's possession of the mecha was still a secret, Lei Sen would probably want to rush over to ask Murphy about this period of time.

But Lei Sen was so excited that he forgot that his communicator was still connected to Xiao Minyu, so several people in Xiao Minyu's car heard Lei Sen's words.

"Lei Sen, do you know this mecha?" Xiao Minyu asked uncertainly. He is a mechanical ghost who knows well-known mechas all over the world. Especially since this mecha is still flying in the sky, it is a rare flying mecha. I've never heard of any mecha that is golden. Could it be an absolute secret, but if it is an absolute secret, will Lei Sen know?
"Uh..." Lei Sen was at a loss for words for a moment, and then he remembered that he lost his composure just now.

After calming down, Lei Sen replied, "I've seen this mecha before, but it's an unregistered mecha. I've searched for a long time and found nothing. I didn't expect to meet it here again."

Xiao Minyu knew about this, Lei Sen had indeed been looking for a mysterious mech before.

"So that's the case, then..."

"Not much to say, I'm going to help. Although the mecha is very strong, there are too many giant zombies. By the way, your personnel have been dispersed, and you should evacuate quickly and prepare attack weapons by the side."

Xiao Minyu wanted to ask more questions, but Lei Sen first took the right to speak, but Xiao Minyu also knew that this was not the time to ask questions, so he quickly asked Geng Yunwei to drive away from the center circle.

At this time, Murphy easily dealt with one C3 zombie and then rushed towards another C3 zombie. The mechs here can deal with C2 zombies by themselves, but C3 zombies are still a bit difficult for them.

And with the addition of Murphy's golden mecha, the members of the mecha team obviously felt a sense of relief, and couldn't help secretly wondering who the owner of this mecha was.

Lei Sen dodged and flew to Murphy. Since both of their mechas could fly, after Lei Sen helped Murphy solve one, the two tacitly moved away from the mecha team and the special operations team. A C3 zombie rushed over.

During the elimination process, Leisen turned the external speaker to the lowest level, and then lowered his voice and asked, "Feifei, are you okay?"

Murphy nodded, and the mech reacted the same way with Murphy's movements.

"That's good, but where have you been all this time? Why are you here?" When Lei Sen spoke, he saw that Murphy had controlled the C3 zombie, and the energy weapon in his hand was quickly aimed at the head of the C3 zombie. Call to go.

The C3 zombie fell to the ground, and then Murphy flew forward for a while, making sure that this distance would not be heard, and then Murphy replied: "Don't mention it, this time I need to return to the star base quietly, you have to help I will hide it, and I will tell you in detail about other things when I go back."

Lei Sen nodded: "Understood.",

After the two discussed it, they began to specifically pick the C3 zombies.With the help of Murphy's golden mecha, although there are many giant zombies, there are also members of Lei Sen and the mecha team to help, and of course, there are heavy weapons attacks from the special operations team.

In particular, there were no C4 zombies in this group of giant zombies, so it was considered easy for Murphy. With Murphy's help, the giant zombies were cleaned up without particularly large casualties.

Mo Fei roughly scanned the corpses of the zombies on the ground, and estimated that there were more than 20 giant zombies.

The destructive power of such a large number of giant zombies gathering together is unimaginable. If it weren't for the help of Murphy's perfect golden mech, this mission might fail.

Now that the giant zombies were cleaned up, members of the special operations team also gathered, and Xiao Minyu also got out of the car to look at the golden mecha.

He has a lot to ask the owner of this golden mech, because Xiao Minyu is sure that this mecha has a very high defensive performance and special attack. It does not use energy weapons or thermal weapons, but It is a cold weapon used by people in ancient times.

Xiao Minyu felt that this was simply impossible, so how did the huge cold weapon be stored.

But Mo Fei glanced at Xiao Minyu who got off the car in the golden mecha, and then at Lei Sen, the mecha leapt and flew away.

"Hey, don't go." Xiao Minyu followed closely, but how could he catch up with the flying mecha.He hurried back to the car and shouted at Lei Sen with the communicator: "Lei Sen, don't you want to stop that mecha?"

Lei Sen replied with a helpless tone: "You have also seen how fast that mech flies, and it's not that you don't know the control time and speed of Silver Wing. If I can catch up to me, it will take so much effort Are you looking for it?"

Although Lei Sen already knew that the mecha was Murphy at this time, he was not wrong at all.

Xiao Minyu sighed with some regret: "It's a pity, that mecha is really amazing, I don't know if I can see it again in the future."

"I don't know about it, but she has helped a lot, otherwise we would have had a really miserable day." Lei Sen said with affirmative tone.

"Yes." Xiao Minyu looked up at the darkened sky: "Lei Sen, let's find a place to live. It's getting late, and we have to prepare to rest."

Although Murphy's golden mech joined before, the battle lasted for a long time, so it was already evening.

"Okay, I'll take a look. By the way, Xiao Guo sent a message. For the time being, no giant zombies were found in the previous two rounds of suppression." After Lei Sen agreed, he told Xiao Minyu another good news.

Murphy flew to a distance to put away the mecha, and then found a place to stay.

It was really an accident that she met Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu today. After coming out of the mountains, Murphy rushed all the way to the star base.

Although he wanted to go back quickly, Murphy was still hesitating in his heart.She needed to go back, but she didn't want to expose the news that she was still alive too early.

While hesitating, Murphy drove the car onto the road.Unexpectedly, the scuffle between the mecha and the giant zombie group was discovered in the distance.

Originally, Murphy didn't want to worry about it, but he saw that there were a huge number of giant zombies, and the personnel of the mecha team couldn't cope with the C2 zombies, not to mention that there were so many C3 zombies.

From afar, Murphy saw Leisen's silver wings.After seeing the Silver Wing, Murphy suddenly had a thought, that is to let Leisen take him back to the star base quietly.

Although it was just a flash of thought, the more Murphy thought about it, the more feasible it became.

Leisen's mecha can fly directly into the base, and Mo Fei believed that Lei Sen would not betray him, so Mo Fei turned the car and drove there, put the car away when he got there, and called out the machine armor. A flew to the center of the battle.

Unexpectedly, just after flying there, he saw a giant zombie about to step on an attacking car. Murphy attacked immediately without even thinking about it. It wasn't until the giant zombie fell to the ground that Murphy realized that the person sitting in the car was actually It was Xiao Minyu and the others.

Murphy was glad that he took care of his own business, otherwise several of his friends would have been trampled to death by giant zombies.

Afterwards, things came to fruition. Lei Sen really recognized her and knew that her identity was inconvenient, so he followed Fei to a distance and said a few words.

"It seems that they are on a mission. I don't know when they will return to the base." Murphy muttered, spread the bedding and dug out the food, and lay down on the bed after eating and drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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