Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 353 Take You Chapter

Chapter 353 Take You Back
In the next few days, Murphy almost became a member of the Mecha Team, and he was still a free laborer who only worked and didn't get food, drink or money.

Because there were so many giant zombies on the periphery of the third circle, it took almost a week to clean up the third circle, and Murphy could only follow because Lei Sen needed to take her back to the star base quietly.

But Mo Fei was not the kind of person who could just ignore them when he saw that everyone was in danger, not to mention that Lei Sen would not be able to go back until the matter was resolved, so Mo Fei could only mix in the mecha team every day to help them do tasks.

The task was done, and all the zombies' belongings were not part of Murphy's share, and at night, the rest of the army rested together, and Murphy had to find a place to hide by himself.

Fortunately, Murphy knew how to weigh the pros and cons. She assumed the situation after she appeared now and the situation of returning quietly. After comparing, Murphy felt that going back quietly would be more conducive to her future investigation, so she endured it.

"Lei Sen, do you really not know who the owner of that special mecha is?" After Murphy's golden mecha followed them for almost a week, Xiao Minyu asked Lei Sen for the umpteenth time.

"I don't know, why don't you ask?" Lei Sen replied helplessly.

"It's strange, then why did you say that the owner of that mecha helped us? It won't do him any good." It's not that Xiao Minyu is too powerful, I really can't figure it out!

"What can't be figured out, what if some passionate patriots know that we are sent by the base, and help us complete the task, but then again, your people's Mo Jing cleaned up too quickly, anyway you Save some for them too!" Lei Sen couldn't help but want to fight for Murphy.

"I've said it all, as long as that person is willing to show up and talk to me, I'll give him all the ink crystals from this mission." Xiao Minyu still refused to give in.

"Then you can keep it, but it also seems that you are too stingy. People come to help without trying to do anything, but you don't want to be known who it is, but you don't even want to keep your mouth, and you have to force them to show up." " Rayson continued.

"Lei Sen, if you didn't find out the reason before, I really doubt that you know the owner of that mysterious mech." Xiao Minyu looked at Lei Sen with raised eyes.

"Okay, okay, I said it because I don't like it, do you want to hear it or not." Lei Sen sweated secretly in his heart, but Xiao Minyu must not let Xiao Minyu see the clue.

Although Leisen and Murphy still hadn't said anything these days, from Murphy's short sentences, Leisen deduced that Murphy seemed to have something important to do.

I don't know what Murphy is going to do, so I can't reveal anything at this juncture.

After leaving the room, Lei Sen walked directly towards his residence.

Murphy returned to the place he was looking for before. Although he had been helping for the past few days, Murphy did not neglect Qi training, so his body was still improving steadily, although not as fast as before.

After breathing for three laps, he looked at the time. Murphy knew that it was time to rest. It was said that there would be one last area tomorrow, and he could return to the city after checking this area.

Early the next morning, Murphy went downstairs to Leisen's residence, but instead of using the mecha, he turned on the flight and speed symbols and quickly moved there.

Recently, the energy consumption was too fast, and the members of the special operations team cleaned up very quickly, so she didn't even have a chance to replenish Smoky Crystal, so Mo Fei tried not to use the mecha on the road, so as to save wasting energy.

"Mo Jing, energy!" Murphy muttered while approaching the place where Lei Sen and the others lived yesterday.

First, he found a corner on the roof, and Mo Fei watched Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu set off in their respective teams.

Mo Fei followed them along the way. Anyway, when there were not a large number of giant zombies, Mo Fei would try to take as little action as possible. Anyway, Mo Jing was not given or rewarded, as long as he helped out when there was danger.

Today's road was unusually deserted, which made everyone feel relaxed and tense.

After searching this area all the time, no giant zombie was found, and everyone finally relaxed.

"Great, our mission this time has been successfully completed, and we can return to the star base today." Xiao Minyu said with a relaxed tone through the dedicated communicator.

The members who went on this mission couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This mission is getting more and more difficult every time, and what they want most now is to go back to the base and take a good rest for a few days.

Murphy was also very happy that no zombie was found, so she could go back, and she could quietly return to the star base.

"Take a break, we will go back to the star base directly after we have something to eat." Xiao Minyu said through the communicator, and then told Lei Sen the news.

"Xiao Minyu, I'll let the staff go back with you. I'll check again in the air. If there's no problem, I'll fly back to the base." Lei Sen said after listening to Xiao Minyu's words.

"Well, it's better to be cautious, then let us know in time if there is any situation."

"it is good."

After Lei Sen agreed, he thought about where to find Murphy. He did not forget Murphy's entrustment, otherwise Murphy would not have followed them for so long and continued to help eliminate giant zombies.

But there was no need for Lei Sen to look for Murphy. After they finished eating and Xiao Minyu led the troops towards the star base, Murphy appeared in front of Lei Sen.

"Hi! Leisen." Murphy smiled and waved to Leisen.

"Feifei, I am worried that I have nowhere to find you. Go to the carrying compartment quickly, but you will need to cover it with something later. After all, the observation window of the carrying compartment is transparent." Lei Sen stood on the platform of the mecha and looked towards cried Murphy.

"Understood, I don't need you to remind me to understand, hurry up and open the hatch!" Murphy and Lei Sen said directly without any politeness.

"Okay." Lei Sen didn't say much, after all, he can talk slowly through the internal communicator later, and it's better to leave here now.

After Murphy entered the carrying compartment, Lei Sen flew up: "I have to check the surrounding situation first, but after the inspection, we can fly back to the star base directly, and the speed should be earlier than Xiao Minyu and the others."

"Don't worry, I've been waiting for a week, and I'm worried about waiting for a few more hours!" Murphy said to Lei Sen without any sense of blame in his tone.

"That's good, I just need to go around a few times to make sure there are no giant zombies." Lei Sen replied, he was still relatively confident that no giant zombies would be found, after all, this cleanup was a carpet search.

The mecha flew in circles in the sky, the closer it flew to the star base, and there were no traces of giant zombies along the way.

And Murphy told Lei Sen about the things along the way through the communicator inside the mech.

"Someone is going to burn you to death? Do you know who it is?" Hearing that Murphy said that she was followed after she left the star base, and that someone set fire to it at night, Lei Sen couldn't help asking.

"I have a good idea, so I don't want to scare the snake when I go back to the star base this time. I'm going to go back and investigate slowly." Because Lei Sen was there when he found out that his parents had a car accident last time, so Murphy didn't plan to hide it from him, and said directly .

"So that's the case, okay, don't worry, even if you are accidentally exposed, I will do my best to protect you."

Lei Sen's serious answer made Mo Fei feel warm in his heart.

Afterwards, Murphy told Leisen about hiding in the mountains again. As for seeing Gu Huaiyuan who had mutated into a C5 zombie, before Murphy could mention it, Leisen's communicator made a harsh noise. siren.

It wasn't that the two of them encountered some giant zombie, but the distress signal from the star base.

"There seems to be an accident at the star base. We haven't found any giant zombies here. We're returning to the city, but you'll have to play by ear." Lei Sen became alert because of the alarm, and then said to Murphy.

"I understand, as long as I'm brought into the base, I'll find a way." Murphy didn't plan to rely on others all the time.

But Lei Sen immediately refuted Murphy's words: "How long can you hide by yourself? Let's just say that accommodation is a big problem. Don't run away immediately after you open the carrying compartment. Wait until I know?"

Lei Sen's tone was tough, and Murphy had no choice but to agree.

As Leisen's flying mecha Silver Wing approached the star base, Murphy finally discovered the reason why the star base called for help.

"Oh my god, it's actually zombies attacking the city." Murphy's tone was slightly surprised. This was the first time that a star base encountered such a thing. You must know that the sea base was the first to encounter such a thing. After that, the sea base took advantage of the terrain City walls were built one after another, but the star base had never encountered such a thing.

"Too bad, the city walls of the star base are not as strong as expected." Lei Sen was a little anxious.

"Lei Sen, don't worry, you see that the star base is attacking very fast now, those zombies can't get close for the time being, and your strength alone is limited after all, so fly back quickly and tell your mecha team members to speed up."

Murphy is calmer than Leisen at the moment. She doesn't have much sense of belonging to Star Base, and she has suffered too much here, which makes Murphy a little numb.But Lei Sen is different. He was here in the early days of Star Base.

"Well, you're right, but I have to put you back first, otherwise you really won't be able to leave when the battle starts." Although Lei Sen was concerned about the situation at the base, he hadn't forgotten about Murphy.

"Just put me in a certain corner of the city, and I will arrange the rest by myself." Murphy didn't want to cause Leisen too much trouble at this time.

"It's said that you can't leave by yourself. Leave it alone, sit down, and I'll go down." After speaking, Lei Sen controlled Silver Wing to dive down. First, a laser hit the head of a C2 zombie closest to the city wall of the star base. head, and then attacked the same position continuously, and the giant C2 zombie finally fell down.

After the C2 zombie fell, Lei Sen flew into the star base.

I don't know because of the absence of a giant zombie approaching, or because of the hope brought by the appearance of the Leisen mech, the attacking personnel in front worked harder to attack the approaching zombies, and the corpses of the zombies fell in front of the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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